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Was ~34..36 at the peak today methinks
we had weather like that two days ago or so :/ It did suck
@Trasiva Why?
Oh, right, not at 8 PM!
@boo Probably because it's fun and addicting?
that sounds more like it...like our pretty hot summer weather
Even at 0800, 31C would be pretty warm.
have you played witcher 3
too warm is 21c
Not yet, it's on my list of shit after I get through murdering and pillaging Skyrim.
@HatterisMad Fuck outta here clown. That's perfectly normal weather.
Get back in your igloo
21 is nice
@Trasiva sure is normal weather, but i would much prefer it to be 15
@HatterisMad Get back in your igloo.
!!convert 31c to f
@Jhawins Unit c not recognized. Did you mean:
* length: pc, mi, in, ft, yd, ls, ly, rd, AU
* mass: ct, lb, kg, Da, dr, st, tn, oz
* volume: cu, pt, tb, cup, qt, bu
* luminosity: cd
* time: yr, sec, hr, wk
* counting: nt, bp
* luminous_power: lm
* resolution: px
* charge: Ah
* speed: kt, kn
* prefix_only: dz, gr
* logarithmic: dB
* solid_angle: sr
* energy: th, cal, Wh
* rate: cpm
* power: hp
* pressure: Pa
* viscosity: St
* radiation: Sv, Ci, Bq, Gy
* frequency: Hz
* magnetism: Oe, Wb, Mx
huh, no temperature
can she google? "31 celsius in fahrenheit" should do it
i don't even have air conditioning in the house i am living in right now.... like the fuck
she used to be able to google but not anymore
@HatterisMad aren't you where it gets hot af
did she have an accident?
@Jhawins nahh supposedly it stays like 75 year round
@AndrasDeak google mucked up their api
What city again?
aww :(
Why doesn't JS throw an error when assigning a key/value pair to a string?
let str = 'string';
str.wtf = 'hello?';

console.log(str.wtf); // undefined
@Jhawins imperial beach
because it's full of wtfs like that
@KendallFrey That thing you did there, I see it.
@jhawins i am literally a couple miles from the border and a couple blocks from the sea
@Trasiva what thing?
i see it too
@KendallFrey haha right. but isn't that something they can easily fix?
no, that would almost definitely break existing code
that and every other poor decision from early in the language's life
@JBallin It does in strict mode
!!> (() => { 'use strict'; let str = 'string'; str.wtf = 'hello'; })();
@MadaraUchiha "hello"
@MadaraUchiha "TypeError: can't assign to property \"wtf\" on \"string\": not an object"
@ton.yeung We have a discord, though that's a relatively new development.
@JBallin ^^
@ton.yeung yessir!
Thanks @MadaraUchiha @CapricaSix @KendallFrey!
@JBallin caprica is a bot
> Annual low temperature: 55.2°F
That's badass. That's bike weather still
yeah man i was riding in that temp here already lol
JBallin is not me. Jus in case the name sounds like something I'd do.
sounds exactly like something an impostor would say
!!tell 42387201 giphy fry squint
I'm not JBallin I swear!
Oh my
!!giphy slow clap
def JBallin(food):
   if food == 'sushi':
      print 'JBallin is Happy'
      print 'JBallin will eat it anyway'
He eats sushi. I am a redneck. Not me.
Speaking of sushi
I might go get that tonight.
ew, python 2
where's my invite @Trasiva
haha i wrote that a long time ago @AndrasDeak
wait, are you the same user after all?
@forresthopkinsa Same place I hide all the other bod...I mean, you're totally welcome to come.
that sounds remarkably...
> you're totally welcome to come
Did gmail/inbox just shit the bed for anyone else?
nope, working for me
Mine's good
Looks like it's our network
> same place I hide all the other [bodegas]
I can't ping either of them. Time to burn down the DNS tables.
I got an email from Top Coder about beta testing some new program and they want to do official background checks on all participants.
Could someone take a look at this (Gist)[https://gist.github.com/Kramb/29af1a32d44dd3ac0287407c99bb6235]
I'm trying to figure out how to reference the parent object from an object created within it.
is phenomnominal bucky roberts!!??
hey so listen to this idea:

an authentication database where you have to provide official government identification to register, and then it has a public api so that any website can verify that you're a real-life person who's not making a million alts

but the api does NOT tell websites what your identity is; it only tells it if you've made more than, like, three accounts on their site already
Pretty sure they do that in korea
@Kramb If ytou want App.partialView to see the instance of App.viewManager you'll need to pass it.
or set a property on partialView , etc
I don't think it's a terrible idea, but I do think the backlash would be huge if it was at all associated with a government entity
but if you just had some small startup doing it, and they agreed to a million security audits, I think it'd be pretty agreeable
@forresthopkinsa That sounds like it's begging for someone to steal/obtain all that information and sell it for identity theft cases.
well you wouldn't have to store any of the info at all once you've finished verifying someone
@Luggage Oh. Duh. Must have overlooked that route. Thanks!
at least, not unencrypted
like, you could just irreversibly encrypt the data and use that for comparison only
so you know if someone's registered before but you don't know what their info is
Any one know about how block chain stuff is implemented?
irreversibly encrypt
yeah you encrypt it and throw away the key
So how's the receiver supposed to read the data if it can't decrypt it, hmmm?
don't need to decrypt it
like I said, you'd just use it for comparison
isn't that called hashing?
you'd hash it
Yea, hashing.
Hashing's different, and that could work.
I thought I said hash, I guess I misspoke
in the first message I mean
anyways yeah I think it could totally work
well, hash is an "irreversable encryption" that you can use to compare without reading the original contents
So, perfect.
Yeah, I get that, but how does network traffic work?
@Luggage Stop that.
How do node's send data to each other? Sockets?
!!giphy hit with newspaper
Stop what?
Getting technical
Chrome extension question
Look at gravatar. it's a hash of your email. You can get the avatar if you know the email, but you can't turn the hash back into the original email (that I know of)
hey good example
I started making extensions recently to block intrusive adblock filters, etc. Pay walls that put overflow: hidden on the body and overlays..
>getting technical

>stack overflow chat
@Luggage you could, but then they started salting
lol "formatting"
I feel like if I made a submissions page I could actually get a decent number of the top sites covered.
Will I be in some kind of trouble if I publish said extension?
well, by mostly guessing I think
@forresthopkinsa In which case your government now has a database with personally identifying information on everyone + what their username (or otherwise identifier) is on every site ever
I know there's a bunch out there.... They don't work.
Doesn't sound like an amazing plan.
@MadaraUchiha China is doing that
well you don't need to store that data. and I mean, it obviously wouldn't be a government thing, but yeah I get that the government could steal it or whatever
but you just wouldn't store that data
I'm just stuck at how decentralized networking would ever work well.
@Jhawins Sounds like a great example to follow
They're talking about having global reputations (anywhere on the net) that act almost like a credit score for idealogies
This is basically a facebook account. You have to be a real person (in theory!) and it can be a single sing-on.
Was listening to a show on it on XM
there is a competetion with binance, and I wanted to use JavaScript with node to make a coin
yeah but there's zero verification for that
@Luggage So basically...oAuth
@Luggage FB will actually force you to provide legal documentation now if you use a fake name and get caught
@Jhawins Yeah, that's some frightening shit.
The only alternative is make a new account.
@MadaraUchiha Right?!
yea, global reputation falls both into "great idea, we need that" and "holy crap that's a bad idea"
Any program that has forced me to provide copies of physical documents I just quit using... I don't even use Paypal now
The thing about positive reinforcements is that it works :/
do you mean "sounds good, doesn't work"?
and yeah it's like oauth but alt-preventing
@forresthopkinsa See, I don't really see alt account creation as a negative thing
In ramda, is there a good way to get a ascending/descending sort based on some flag? I tried: R.ifElse(R.equals(sortOrder, 'ASC'), R.ascend, R.descend)
Just as I can have many bank accounts under my name, why can't I have multiple online accounts under my name (or even under aliases?)
> ...security researcher Dominique Bongard said he identified 45 percent of the e-mail addresses used to post comments he found in France's most well-known political forum... His job was made easier by Gravatar's use of the MD5 hash function, which is designed to generate hashes quickly and with a minimum of computing resources.
> Had Gravatar used bcrypt or another "slow" algorithm, his task would have taken considerably longer. In a country such as France... extracting the e-mail addresses isn't without its consequences.
yeah but that's why it would allow you to have a certain number of alts without telling the website you're using
@MadaraUchiha That shoudl be up the the site / business.
like, a reasonable amount
@forresthopkinsa Right, but gravatar's MD5 isn't meant for speed nor is it meant to be secure.
It's meant to turn an email to a number consistently and quickly.
yeah it was in response to the comment a while ago about gravatar trying to do that and failing
@Luggage Right, and is anchored by terms of use.
I feel like it's reasonable to give people like 3-5 alts and limit it there
My question is really super broad... Does a user have the right to do anything they want to a webpage in their own client?
Like. Bypassing client side paywalls, whitelist popups, etc
@Jhawins It's... complicated.
I ask because I want to publish an extension that does such
ad blockers exist.
And IMO the user is the one doing it by running the extension
@Luggage And there was talk about suing adblocking users, however ridiculous that sounds.
Google is always held responsible for distribution
@forresthopkinsa Nope, they waive respondibility.
Well Im sick of the web lol
well courts in Europe don't seem to agree with that lol
Too many whitelist this, pay for this, ads in your face lmao
God I hate bitbay. You can get ether like 20 or 30 bellow the value everywhere else, but there is no way to get money into it and it takes up to 2 hours to transfer ether out lol. I'll die an early grave because of that stress.
I want to make a little org where we take submissions and go and block the content and write tests to recheck those sites once a month or something
Big manual element... But that's the only real way
Of course I don't know the real legal answer, but I'll make up one I think is plausible / rational: You can do whatever you want to the content in your local browser. If you use that to pull extra data from the server then that might be illegal (like signal theft), even if it's their fault for not validating input.
@Jhawins I use uBlock Origin + a hosts file from GitHub
@MadaraUchiha I'm talking more about popups and client side paywalls
If websites give me crap about it, I generally disable JS and it works as an anti-anti-adblocker
right @Luggage people will threaten legal action if you scrape data
Like if there is an entire article in my DOM I am entitled to read it. F your CSS
@Jhawins if they send the entire article to the dom and put up a CSS paywall then I don't think they care enough lol
@forresthopkinsa My distinction is, if you just hide a <div> adnm see data they sent you, that's on them. If you fake requests to get data you never should have, then you crossed a line (but they need better security)
@forresthopkinsa Even quora does that
@Luggage Don't think it's that nuanced, actually.
This was my made-up view, for when I am ruler.
yeah I know lol, I think they just are like "well if you care that much about it, then sure you can have it"
Not current legal advice :)
If you violate their terms of use, and that caused them monetary harm (i.e. your extension was downloaded by 50 people who did not pay), you are probably liable.
@MadaraUchiha The users did it not me heh
If you leave the door to your house wide open, I'm still not allowed to enter without your consent.
solution: publish the extension from a burner account
Nor am I allowed to make skeleton keys of your crappy lock and give it to anyone who wants.
@forresthopkinsa YEah as if thats a thing
that looks sweet
Im gonna do it and if they sue me, great, publicity through the roof and I'll build on it
@Jhawins That's the spirit!
@Kramb that should do it, but I can't really judge more without more context.
Mostly serious
why is that not a thing
do you need to verify your identity to publish extensions?
Because Google accounts
@Luggage Yea, the un-scraped version is cumbersome. Thanks for the tips
Pretty sure you do yeah.
@forresthopkinsa You do
Also how would you hide anything from Google anyway
It must pass validation in the Google Play Store
They own the servers my VPN would go through I'm sure lmao
I say make all IDs CAC cards and make people use them whenever they post/publish something. It could allow for multiple aliases and accounts, but still connects them to a single owner
I mean yeah that's the general idea, except that your 'card' wouldn't actually store any info about you
and sites that connect to the service wouldn't learn anything besides whether you already have more than five accounts on their site
@Kramb You have a Common Access Card card? @Loktar Haaaaaaalp.
Right, you could set it up with the ISP and the only info is your account number
digg.com/2018/purecss-francine 10 dollars to anyone who can do Mona Lisa
2 hours ago, by Jhawins
@Trasiva I found one in my hallway somewhat recently lmao
@Jhawins The point was he used card twice.
oh haha, my eyes skipped over it completely
@Jhawins that's terrifying
Not really.
I just didn't want to call the base and get him in trouble so I found him through our leasing office lol
I live like 1 mile from Offut AFB in apartments so it's not surprising..
Shit happens man, I had mine fall out of my wallet before.
I'll be right next to the Air National Guard in my new house, get to see MQ-9 Reapers alllll the time :D
And A10s. That's all I've ever seen leave there tho
Sounds loud.
We have a bunch of A-10's, too. Martin State airport. I think they are national guard
@DavidKamer Oh you're there rn lmao
I keep forgetting you're already in Fort Wayne
I can't lie and make it sound cool now
@DavidKamer you know Whatzup?
Lol, I'm actually north of fort Wayne, but that's the nearest city that any one has heard of
Oh I grew up there so I know everything around ;P
I actually was in Columbia City.. Much small
I do now lol. I'm in Angola right now and moving to Auburn
Auburn is badass. Hit the car museums
Didn't the guy who ran the auction get arrested a few years back for fraud?
Hell yea lmao... One of his biz partners owned the llama farm I worked on as a teen, many stories..
They still run it all tho.
I used to do civil air patrol in one of the museums in Auburn
When I was 12
lmao yea I went to all the museums my first time with Boy Scouts
Auburn has always been the city on the way to Fort Wayne for me. We had Justin beber in Angola a year or two ago lol
I heard they put in a mini drag strip

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