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that you have to show that you have deleted data if someone requests it being deleted
INSERT INTO deleted_users ('social security number of the deleted user'); :D
@KarelG yeah, cool, and how do I do that?
@RahulJain what a terrible API
a "pinky swear" won't suffice I guess
fwiw, something similar (without the obvious PII there) may actually be required to avoid having to mess with existing backups when someone requests deletion
well that is the problem: it is bs
getUser returns a string?
@rlemon What about it?
And when are you going? :D
so you record that user ID 123 has been deleted, and when you restore an older backup you use the most recent deletion table to delete that user again
politicians that set up that guideline did not cared about the implementation problem
@OliverSalzburg what about it? ohh nothing. just going at lunch to buy all my plants early so they have time to die before I buy them for real.
@KarelG well, don't they define "proof" in this case? or is this another one of the "implement on your own behalf" shit?
the latter
we have to figure out it for our CRM here yet.
yeah, lots of fun
@rlemon Do they have good stuff?
saw it on the way into work
I'm putting all those freaking consent records into anything I come across right now
on one hand, I think this is a good step, but some of the measures are... well, not thougt through it seems
Garden centers are risky business
They usually have too much shit that I desperately need
really, if a parliament votes for a new rule / law / guidelines, then it should be reviewed first by a panel of experts in impacted fields
then it is very obvious "would (not) work"
that's how everything in politics should work, yes
ah, im finally released from my 8GB limit
@OliverSalzburg I never walk out empty handed
@rlemon works good for me though
Can I run Ubuntu with 2 GB of RAM?
@hellzone I think it could run with as little as 600Mb honestly
sure, just add a 4GB swap
@KarelG Though experts usually have a tendency to be too focused on their expertise, ignoring the impact a decision might have on other areas
@Neil 2gb is minimum recommended
@OliverSalzburg a panel = group
That's why you have these startup nerds calling for iPad use for small children
unity is heavy
they can formulate an answer
@KarelG Even worse. Now you have a bunch of them
UE4 > Unity
unless we are talking about Unity Container
if there is an obvious "does not work" then they could signal it
@BenFortune Damn the torpedos! Full speed ahead!
@BenFortune out of curiosity, whatcha have been setting up as a cluster recently?
a clusterfuck
@Neil you can get down to 256 if you really tune it
Big props to fans for the effort, but I’m retired as Ash. #timetofrysomeotherfish https://twitter.com/bdisgusting/status/988492040009846786
@KamilSolecki Just been playing about with kubernetes, I'm gonna move my personal site over to it and a project of mine
the end of an era
@ssube Maybe if you do away with most of the GUI and go barebones
@rlemon who is that guy?
Ugh, fuck rook
@rlemon Nooooooo!
@Neoares you know, when there is a cultural or language barrier, google would more than likely help you.
Ash vs Evil Dead? Now who's gonna finish it?! Huh?!
@rlemon but that chin will live on
@rlemon I can understand english
most of it
@Neil yeah, I assume if you're tuning it, you're on a Pi or something anyway
!!giphy ash ketchum
found it
ssube, I am liking RHEL. For some reason it feels like a more complete OS even though I am using mostly the same bits of software I would in ubuntu.
the documentation helps that.
I'm starting to think making some of my own projects through docker is a bad idea, if the purpose is to learn how to use it in a team
learning docker is good. You'll probably mis-use it at first like we all do with all new tools.
correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the way I'll deal with it will be similar to how I deal with webpack
in most projects, someone already figured it out, and all I need to do is run some commands
well, I'm glad I familiarized myself with it anyway
but if someone asks me to "just set up a docker project", I'll absolutely need to look things up
just like the webpack config
(I heard rumors webpack 4 doesn't need a config. If so, webpack <4)
@rlemon I am curious what happens with the show
webpack 4 doesn't need a config to start .. if you put your files where it expects them, but it'll need one for any non-trivial project
aaah towc is back from the woods
@KarelG FireFly
@KarelG only spiritually
Don't let your memes be dreams.
webpack 4 is still confusing me, totally broke my coverage
@rlemon hu *scratches hair* what?
just googled it. sorta 2 seasons long series?
It actually kind of frustrates me that he didn't have the sense to wait until the people were off the stairs.
He almost plowed into that woman and could've seriously hurt her.
@Luggage really? what about it is more complete? I do occasionally feel like linux is missing things
@KarelG he did it well for the first half
I can't put my finger on it and it might be in my head. I think it's the experience of going through all the functions one-by-one and learning from redhat docs or cert guides the supposed correct up-to-date way instead of my normal experience of finding out the command I use it deprecated and always feeling like I am just bumbling through.
and redhat docs feel complete.
@corvid It's probably more important to not let your dreams be memes.
if I had to use a string of buzzwords, that would be a cohesive command line user experience :P
are the commands consistent? I feel like RH are the types to have a standard CLI convention
@ssube what about it?
as does POSIX, for the most part
consistent-ish, but it's still most of the same commands you'd use on ubuntu. i think. does ubunut use network-manager?
@corvid well, it's not excluding node_modules anymore. I tried breaking down my single previous rule into a few nested ones, but it didn't seem to help.
once you get coverage, it's not picking up source maps anymore
so it's all in the first half of the file
corn fighting back
@Neoares I love how he puts his glasses away first
"Boy, these glasses are worth more than you"
do you have a rule like { test: /\.jsx?$/, use: 'babel-loader', include: src }?
@MadaraUchiha yeah that is the moment
@Luggage it does now, yeah
@corvid a few, hang on
or like "boy you don't know who are you talking to"
so yea.. things I like about it aren't even redhat-unique
@Neoares When you try to take control of a situation by using fear and panic, if someone isn't afraid of you, either shoot them immediately, or bail. I recommend bail, and fast.
hm.. this centos 6.7 appliance at work doesn't.. seems it was new in 7.
shit is always changing
@MadaraUchiha I believe that's on the list of supervillain rules
if they start monologging, kill them immediately
@ssube It isn't even about the monologuing
that is the next level of stupidity really
Robbing a store at gunpoint is generally a threat thing, you don't actually intend to fire
oh, that's not a compound word, is it
If someone calls your bluff, you either call or fold
yeah, I was joking
you're familiar with the list I mean?
@KarelG "hey guys, calm down, I told you nothing happens here... see? lights a match"
@rlemon Powder explosions are scary
yea, we make sensors and parts that go into mills.
that yellow powder is 🔥
speaking of explosions
@Neoares those kids are on their shit: get the bike out and then start braking with their shoes
I still have that empty fire extinguisher
I should go buy some sulfur
I have one that is not empty
to make gunpowder
not sure what to do with it
@KamilSolecki Don't forget the brimstone
@ssube yeah instead of putting the wheel in the opposite direction
then accelerate
@MadaraUchiha aye
@Neoares and probably kill that kid
nah, they did it right
@MadaraUchiha I should also get some S
I think it was worth to try
Or, and this is revolutionary, don't apply motorized power to things that are not designed to be used with motorized power or speed.
find somebody to hold your beer
Quora digest: "Why is ReactJS so bad?"

Do people actually think react is bad?
@MadaraUchiha If we followed this rule there would have been no industrial revolution.
people like to take a low vue of it
@Cereal I do
like all popular technology
I understand not liking it, but objectively bad is a bit of a leap
It's about time someone had the backbone to say that.
@Luggage No, the industrial revolution was specifically about designing things to work with motorized power and replacing things that don't.
you can literally find "Why is X bad" where X is anything, really
1. stick a motor on it
2. Fix it so it works better with a motor
that's how motor cars came to be
@Luggage Your opinion is skewed enough that it has become angular.
wagon + motor = cool, + tires = cooler, etc
> under 2 minutes
I expected better
@Cereal Because fancy and provocative titles bring more clicks and ad revenue.
the movement is slow
@Wietlol Are you memeing or actually serious
@KamilSolecki except X. X is great
@KamilSolecki hopefully it doesn't cause a riot, that would be a knockout
@Cereal im serious about that I dislike everything that has to do with JS
that's what I call a bitchslap
@Wietlol Oh
hah, I can't immediately find an article on why X is bad
@Wietlol I have still not heard compelling arguments from you about that though.
Php is where it's at
Php is worse
@MadaraUchiha cause it's not like that other language, man
@ssube Yeah, throwing an ember into an already ongoing fire never helps
there are 3 things I hate about programming,
3, JS
2, Php
1, My teacher
@Cereal your pun sucks
My run is just fine thank you very much
@KamilSolecki stoke it long enough and you can even forge mythril
@Wietlol Pfft
!!s/n is just/m is gone/
@ssube My rum is gone fine thank you very much (source)
I don't think a list of things I hate about programming can fit in any one hard drive
oh I missed one
@MadaraUchiha ok, maybe the top 3
2 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
@Wietlol I have still not heard compelling arguments from you about that though.
That ^
@Wietlol tsss
There are many things to dislike about JS, but I have not heard you hit many of the pain points in your arguments.
are you sure that it is not a result of the logic fallacy at your end?
my biggest issue is no type system whatsoever
(not talking about typescript ofcourse here)
@Wietlol what about java
use Typescript ?
@Wietlol That's not a weakness of JS that's a design decision
@MadaraUchiha man you get the key points of every video I share
@Neoares java is somewhere at #7
I also realized about the guy xD
on topic: anyone played around with purescript?
I see that its a design choice, but I dislike it
it's like js (not html-js) with haskell syntax
@ssube Right, its clearly an improvement over the medieval use of Yarn
@badboy24 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@towc no but pure woman however ...

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