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yup, google them to see examples and more depth on how they work
nvm that site was actually wrong :p
thanks, i was reading w3schools list and could only find the \d
w3schools? Rachel.
@david the site u put works great it tells me what it all means
haha w3 schools isnt THAT bad
guys, what is bash.org? I first thought it had something to do with Bourne Again SHell, but I think it's completely unrelated, I've been having fun reading the IRC logs for a while already haha
hey w3 schools has some useful stuff.
@RachelDockter imagine you win a contest and you get to pick the choice of 2 cars. They offer you an '81 Reliant Robin with no warranty, and a 2018 Honda Civic with a full warranty because you know... they still make it.
@RachelDockter that site was wrong though, it didn't understand the {1,2} syntax
something like debuggex.com/r/rLYW6HOBLznyQbIb is probably better
w3schools is the reliant robin here. It works, but you don't get the maintenance and support of a newer, reliable car.
um i have no idea about any of them cars haha
i would google whatever one will sell for the most :P
ah shit
You picked the car that literally flips over on ever turn
@david oh yeh this one works exactly right
oh its a 3 wheeler ahaha
@RachelDockter it's quite funny actually you might enjoy this
i love top gear
thats how i feel about this angularjs chart library. this line chart only plots half of my coordinates. >_<
this is amazing lol reminds me of the only fools and horses car
if anyones bored, this is the best thing ive seen in ages
@rlemon best thing I've seen in a long time. So many plot twists. @KendallFrey
@SterlingArcher well that was a fucking ride
your moves are weak
is that 'the big bang theory' (without gervais) how the show actually goes? like awkward back and forth with attempted one liners?
it was painful to watch :(
they had an audience that would laugh now and then
which makes the cast now and then wait until the laughter is over
but newer seasons have probably not even got an actual audience
Anyone good at angular-nvd3 charts? Here's my question: stackoverflow.com/questions/49970183/…
@SterlingArcher wtf did I just watch? lol
1 hour later…
Alien Isolation is giving me so much anxiety
such a good game!
@Loktar @rlemon
1 hour later…
Is there a specific reason as to why Object.keys(null) throws "TypeError: can't convert null to object" when (typeof null)=="object" ?
because the whole typeof null being "object" is a screwy historical artefact that people are too scared to fix incase it breaks something
hey guys!
@Mulliganaceous Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
from MDN docs:
null: The value null represents the intentional absence of any object value. It is one of JavaScript's primitive values.
typeof null // "object" (not "null" for legacy reasons)
Hi @Mulliganaceous
Does anyone know how to use csrf correctly?
Q: Express: csrf token is invalid, How can I fix it?

PytanI cannot use csrf correctly. I am said 'csrf token is invalid' when I request get and post methods. I have looked up a lot of sites, but I couldn't find the solution. routes/index.js const express = require('express'); const router = express.Router(); const Post = require('../models/db'); rou...

2 hours later…
Random fact of the day: "Almost" is the longest english word in which all its letters follow in alphabetical order.
@SterlingArcher Try Amnesia / Soma
@ShrekOverflow Those games were terrifying, especially Amnesia
@Neil I binged amensia
because I was too afraid to goto bed after it
you couldn't even look at them too long or your sanity would suffer
@Neil is there a VR mod for amensia, yet.. it'd be the most terrifying game to play?
hey hey heyo
@ShrekOverflow I might have to pass on that XD
Amnesia and Soma are the types of games you play exactly once
I'm glad I bought them, but I don't think I would ever play them again
@Neil anymore and your sanity will disappear
I didn't think there was a horror game that I couldn't play all the way through until I got Five Nights at Freddy's
they're jump scares, so cheap scares, but still.. hard to endure that
Writing job queue's is more horrible
than soma + amnesia
you guys need to check Alien: Isolation
it is the first and the only horror game so far that let me shriek loudly when playing it. Damn those facehuggers.
@KarelG did you try Amnesia?
"the dark descent" was a dark descent
I've played everything from Age of Empires to Zelda. (And everything in between.) I do NOT play horror games. :D
had to shriek sometimes (but not with sounds, just a physical reaction). But oddly enough satisfying so that I had courage to launch the game next time instead of playing other games
to ease down a bit
I played some Clive Barker games when I was younger. That stuff scared the stuffing out of me.
I played ET, that was terrifying
@ShrekOverflow Brave man.
Brave Ogre*
I remember this one scene in Vampire the Masqurade. You go exploring a old haunted hotel. This one part you going through the kitchens and the pots and stuff start flying. Was all Nope NOpe NOOOPE!!!
I only have played the bloodlines. There is another vampire masqurade game: revelations or something
VTMB was literally one of my favourite games of all times. I think of done 3 or 4 playthroughs.
ah it is "redemption"
Yeap, the first Vampire Masquerade had you playing as a crusader i think. Then you got bitten. Was almost isometric if I remember correctly.
Yeap quick bit of Gameplay vid of VMR - Wow, that takes me back. All the way back to Direct 3D. :D
IIRC the game VTMB is on sale on gog.com
checked their spring sales last weekend
That is a game that really aged well. Used one of the very early valve engines. (Same one used to later create Half Life 2. (Praise Lord Gaben, holy be thy name.))
As Angular 2 is written using TypeScript. Does Angular 2 framework follow structural typing syntax or nominal typing syntax?
I mean, Angular 2 framework code
My ultrawide just arrived, but the DisplayPort to HDMI doesn't arrive until Friday sobs
@littlepootis Figure that I upgraded my graphics card only to find out afterwards that it had an HDMI port ;_;
@littlepootis your gpu doesn't have a dp output?
tears were shed
The cable is DP out, HDMI in
The monitor doesn't have DP in
I think he meant the graphics card not having HDMI output
It's a laptop and it doesn't
would be a pain to replace I'd imagine
@littlepootis you probably forgot to check the specs of your monitor? :P
I did, I wouldn't have ordered a DP out, HDMI in cable otherwise.
or were those with DP in just more expensive?
never purchased an ultra wide monitor, so idk the prices
@KarelG yes
50% more expensive here.
Ultra-wide is what ratio? 16:9?
Hey guys, i'm running into a IE-specific styling issue on a `<select>:
@Neil 16:9 and 16:10 ratios are peasant ratio's now.
Does anyone know if I even can change the selected / focus state on that dropdown?
I'm just a poor boy, from a poor family
@Cerbrus I am probably interpreting that as a scripting issue than a styling issue
There is no script attached.
lol Neil, I still have a 16:9 gaming monitor
Just a empty select
I saw that. But do you want to style it or change the selected thing ?
I want that "selected" state not to happen. It's reather ugly.
Or if anything, I want to re-style it
@KarelG Peasant!
#!/usr/bin/env npx ts-node
This works :|
never heard of that npx package
@KarelG New feature with npm 5+, allows running an executable within the same environment as npm scripts
That is, with ./node_modules/.bin in the $PATH
Hey all
@NeilNorris Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
If i have a table [id, name, token, setuped[bool]], is it fine or its better to move [setuped] to the config table that stores all the config.
anyone free to help with a lil question?
i'll try
1 min ago, by Caprica Six
@NeilNorris Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have a lil script i wrote, i just need to tweak it a little
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@NeilNorris Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
    $( document ).ready(function() {
	var path = window.location.pathname;
	var page = path.split("/").pop();
               if ($(this).attr("href") == page){
pathname doesn't need to be in a loop
I dont want the href to == the page but see if the var page is contained in the href
I know, i haven't tidied it up yet.
so it will function for any links which contain querystrings etc
why both Neils have a cat in the avatar image?
I just love that cats grumpy face
actually I am allergic to cats
that's why the grumpy face?
yup pretty much!
@NeilNorris there is a :visited selector ya know
o wait. it is only for that page specific.
please ignore me
yup but for some reason its not working with ASP nicely
@KarelG we do
ive tried active, visited etc
I wrote a job queue w/ postgres, cause I wanted to :D
I didn't expect PG to be this efficient for queues :/
Is there anything that pg does bad?
aint that your job to do that?
@KarelG To be bad? nah
@ShrekOverflow it is too big for small running services. We use sqlLite or a local mysql for that
@KarelG vOv I have used it in production in a 3 people startup in past
it was rock solid and worked magically on a $10 D/O VM
if pg comes with a modular build, then it will become a perfect db.
That is true
pg works fine for everything out of the box
How small are we talking that you would consider using mysql instead?
Smaller than SQlite ofcourse!
software with only 2 or 3 tables
Although I have some code like the following
// Gets first job from the table
    private async transaction(fn: (client: pg.PoolClient) => Promise<any>) {
        const client = await this.pool.connect();

        if (!client) {
            throw new Error('Failed to accquire client');

        try {
            await client.query("BEGIN");
            await fn(client);
            await client.query("COMMIT");
        } catch (e) {
            await client.query("ROLLBACK");
        } finally {
            await client.release();
I wonder if instead of taking a function I should return a deferred
You should probably use one of the existing client libraries like pg-promise instead
@OliverSalzburg pg has promise out of the box
That is correct
@ShrekOverflow lgtm
pg-promise implements more than a simple promise interface though. For example github.com/vitaly-t/pg-promise#transactions
Yeah looked at it, deceptive name
@MadaraUchiha feels weird
Transactions and async code are a pretty nasty subject and vitaly-t solved a lot of very interesting problems in his library
If anything, it's worth looking at
@OliverSalzburg Yeah the more I thought about it, the more I felt that way
@ShrekOverflow Leaking deferred is more odd imho
I purposely am not using typeorm or any other high level interface
@MadaraUchiha true.
Sementics wise shouldn't the job queue be represented as a generator ?
What is best way to implement chat bot messenger using react redux and action cable rails 5?
One of the biggest issues we had was that we were awaiting a set of promises with queries in a transaction. When one query failed, the transaction fails and is rolled back. But what about the other promises/queries that are still in-transit?
@SourabhBanka Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
But again Jobs are like transactions
so its 2x that code, I hate nested callbacks but I guess there isn't much that could be done
@SourabhBanka Learning how to program.
@caprica okay
@MadaraUchiha Can you explain the bounty thing you say you do on your profile? I might have a good candidate
Q: Limit content to a certain logged user

EMAT Digital Marketingwe want to achieve to limit a specific content on a custom theme in wordpress, just reading his user-role in the body content of the page. I tried to do so with JS (I know it is unsecure), but didn't manage to obtain what we want. What we want to achieve is that a popup form should be showing u...

@ShrekOverflow --^ oh boy
@ShrekOverflow what was your regex issue you had a little while back?
ow, nvm, found it again
@Wietlol I was doing something stupid
I realized its better just to zip the entire thing
and unzip on the server instead of fancy shtuff to sniff dependencies and ninja them just in time
I just had someone who wasnt so lucky and couldnt parse his code with regex
wondered what the actual difference was that made it so
in theory, your situation would also be annoying, because I can write a string or a comment with the import statement and it will match the regex
how many times do you have an import statement and comment it out just for whatever reasons?
ok... not that often

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