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@KevinB yeah, I'm not sure, but I maybe that's why we have so many websites out there that look pretty but are full of bugs.. Market is kind of inducing people to be designers more than they are developers, using frameworks without having much clue of what they are doing behind curtains, just adding plugins after plugins instead of developing what you can
it isn't cost effective to have to pay for a solution, and then have to modify it significantly for it to work for you
The tools that work that way and are successful are free/opensource and either community built or have with paid support tiers
@PedroMiguelPimientaMorales stackoverflow.com/a/49582872/129032
for example, react.js/angularjs/jquery vs strongloop
@KevinB I haven't heard of strongloop.. From what I read it's like a modification of node.js supported by IBM?
strongloop is the company, they have a few open source projects that they build and sell support for
loopback is the one i've used in the past, it's basically a framework for express
it makes building API's very easy, as long as you stay within the confines of what the framework can handle out of the box
I used it with an angular application, and it had a CLI tool that generated angular services automatically which made the integration with angular very easy
just inject the service, and use it
@ssube i go to check, sorry my internet suck
but... very far along in the project i came across an instance where i needed to do something that the built-in tools didn't support... and i had to jump through sooo many hoops to get it to work properly that i won't be going with it again. Just not worth the effort imo
and of course i got no support from them because i wasn't paying for support
it may be different now, that was like 3 years ago
@ssube good information, i'm reading
I think I just don't have that excitement to learn a framework that is so big it feels like a black box (like Magento or Wordpress for example), the same way I've to learn some framework like reactjs, or jQuery, where you have a better clue what is going on
looks like they did away with the support plans, that's nice
I know it's a bad comparison
i don't like the magento's and wordpresses because it would mean throwing away all the work we've done on what we have.
without necessarily getting something better out of it
@KevinB you built all the e-commerce mechanisms on your websites, like shopping cart, store display, inventory?
store display/inventory already existed
so i just took shopify's example cart, modified it to fit our needs, and rolled it out
required no backend changes, just a little javascript
and a service that keeps shopify's inventory numbers in sync with ours
I see, not sure but Shopify does sound a bit simpler than Magento (that would be a good thing IMHO)
The next step in our case is to start pushing orders from shopify into SAP so that our sales people don't have to
@KevinB I only heard of SAP, does it have some easy to work with API? To automatize the syncing of Shopify and SAP?
dunno, i'm not usually allowed to work with it directly
i'm instead given api endpoints and database tables in a separate hub to work with
kinda prefer it that way, limits the damage a vulnerability can do
makes sense
SAP is kinda the backbone of everything b2b and b2c that we do
@KevinB from what I read from it it's probably a huge system
well, I'll set up Magento on a VM later, see in person what I'll have to deal with if I stick to it, have to give the guy an answer in some time whether I'll take the job or not, and talk about values as well..
Ugh, SAP is aids
:41889231 sorry, but, now show other issue,
app.post(apiUrl, function (req, res) {
[0]       ^
[0] TypeError: Cannot read property 'post' of undefined
@ssube can you check ^^^^
@BenFortune and that's why i've not opted for learning more about it or doing more development with it
i'm more than happy with them just providing me an endpoint or set of data
Applied for an internship and I heard back from them. They said I'd have to work with Puppeteer.
Checked what it was about and it was amazing.
Now I want to waste my day writing a headless SO bot.
Wanted to apply for one at AMD, but their work culture seemed too corporate.
@rlemon portuguese title, are you BR or just ran into this video? :p
I'm Japanese
I have an HTML file with CSS and javascript in it. It used to open fine in a browser. Now, both Firefox and chrome give me a "file not found" and change the file name to "0" in the URL. Any ideas?
Hang on, where does vscode display the "code" field of a problem?
Like it has severity, message, file, line, column
There's also a code but it doesn't seem to display anywhere even though it's in my custom problem matcher
has no private github.. so I open sourced everything... :|
@cswl Use Gitlab
The problem is choosing a LICENSE..
i use bitbucket
unlimited private repos
limited users
@cswl choosing a license is easy. MIT
But other providers arent Github... well at least the UI :|
hmmm, quick way to fix 'contains' in this?
var creditPurchases = PDL.purchaseDataList.map(x => x.cost).
            filter(x => x.fi.contains(creditNames));
Q: Where is the "code" field in the Problems pane?

Kendall FreyVS Code supports capturing error codes in custom problem matchers. What use are they? They don't seem to be displayed anywhere. As described by the documentation: code the match group index for the problem's code. Can be omitted if no code value is provided by the compiler. For examp...

just in case anyone has something to share
i want to 'map cost where 'fi' contains (creditNames)'
@Traitor You mean filter before map?
whatever works
getting error on 'contains'
I don't fully understand what "works" is in this context
Well, do you think it might be helpful to post the error?
'cannot read property 'contains' of undefined'
Well, that should be pretty clear
x.fi is undefined
Are you sure "fi" is a property of "cost"?
nope, 'fi' is a property of PDL.purchaseDataList
so i should instead do: x.contains("")?
then you indeed need to filter on purchaseDataList and not on a list of costs
okay, so filter --> map :D
'fi.contains' is not a function :/
you didn't mean creditNames.contains did you?
oh i see, thx!
for god's sake think about what the code actually says
it's hard when im coming from months breaks
havent coded in months
2 hours later…
I've haven't been up to snuff on my JS. Last time I was working hardcore on front end was Angular 1. How do you guys develop now? I use SOLID DDD and CQRS on the backend, what are you guys doing?
I've heard of React and messed around a bit in React and Redux. Seems the potential for classes is being wasted on a bunch of singletons to me?
1 hour later…
Hey I am trying to implement an algorithm I found online. Not sure how to interpret the lowercase sigma on line 2: imgur.com/a/Pbqhx
Anyone have an ideas?
i just cant figure this out
how do i filter an object array to grab 'cost' where it's name matches another name?
Anyone around has experience with localStorage?
I'm struggling with a SPA where I need to update some values in localStorage and update information on the page based on that, but event listeners on localStorage only fire on page reloads, and I was wondering if someone has/knows a workaround
Meh, doesn't look so promising for vanilla JS
A: addEventListener on custom object

Evan YouaddEventListener is intended for DOM Elements that implements certain event-related interfaces. If you want an event system on pure JavaScript objects, you are looking for a custom event system. An example would be Backbone.Events in Backbone.js. The basic idea is using an object as a hash to kee...

Looks like switching to cookies may do the trick... developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/cookies/…
does any one have idea about this
@user3649361 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok sure
1 hour later…
how do i filter an object array to give me the cost of each item that is in another array?
tried to read Traitor's mind to find the structure of the objects
how to use startswith in the angular template.
i am trying to use something like url.startswith('http') but it is throwing error
What error? Always post the error, it's hard to help otherwise.
There seems to be a typo in your code. It's probably startsWith and not startswith
its startsWIth only I have written in my code, cant read property URL of undefined
``` [src]="item?.sortPost?.thumbnailUrl.startsWith('https') ? item.thumbnailUrl : item.thumbnailUrl | s3Url" ```
In angularjs I cann't click this ui-sref link <a ui-sref="welcome" ui-sref-active="active" style="color:black;">welcome</a>
I mis-clicked 'I hate this duck', how to make it appear again?
continue thinking
Please help me
I don't want it disappear on my math.SE...
wee happy easter
I need the yellow duck
It reminded I had a yellow duck on my childhood ha ha ha
R.I.P little duck... I'm sorry I mis-clicked the option but I didn't hate you.
1 hour later…
why is div:not(:hidden):first-of-type selector is invalid??
I wanna select first div which is not hidden
:hidden isn’t a valid css filter; it’s a jquery addition, iirc
prove it
its not working on jquery also
i just woke up
Well jquery is shit, but also how do you expect us to debug code that you didn’t give us?
basement flooded again
could have been worse
could have been a house I own
working out in my gym, which, thanks to the stall mats, is now an Island
but enough about me
how is everybody doing
@RahulJain qhttps://jsfiddle.net/Lrtq9wL8/
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can you please explain like why first-of-type selector didn't work but eq(0) did?? And can it be done by CSS only?
There is no :hidden selector in regular CSS so no
You can do jsfiddle.net/Let8s9rn/1 though @RahulJain
Which makes more sense anyway
No. Actually the real problem I am stuck with is, that I have multiple div's, and every div would have a margin-top except the first visible div. And the divs are hiding and showing on runtime dynamically I mean
Hi, I need some help. Can anyone offer to help me?
@RahulJain instead of making the divs visible or invisible only display the relevant divs (React/Angular/Vue does this for you). You can also give the container negative padding-top but that's quite a hack.
just ask, whoever wants to, they would help
I have this URL: api.rss2json.com/v1/… that leads to a JSON. I need to access the object stored in this JSON in my .js script.
How do I do that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am not using any of those frameworks. F** my workplace
This JSON changes every 24 hours, so I can't just copy paste
@Mosho no floods so far
@RahulJain make a function, call it render, put the drawing code (or jQuery manipulations) required to draw your entire DOM from the data. Anyway, here is the hack: jsfiddle.net/k0pL9mj1
!!welcome PrittBalagopal
@PrittBalagopal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
You mean like const thejsoniwant = http.get('URL-HERE');?
@PrittBalagopal you make an AJAX request to it
@PrittBalagopal `fetch('https://api.rss2json.com/v1/api.json?rss_url=http%3A%2F%2Ffetchrss.com%2‌​Frss%2F5abaf67b8a93f8cf348b4567597082471.xml').then(x => x.json()).then(results => { /* do anything you want with the results */ })
Read about AJAX and fetch and stackoverflow.com/questions/14220321/…
I appreciate the star, but please don't star these sort of messages :)
Wow, thanks @BenjaminGruenbaum
Sure, happy coding :)
I am a very newbie coder tbh, just learnt JS a few months back
everybody has to start some day ;)
I got into coding while trying to make a discord bot
Yeah, but of course, as a newbie, I know just enough to code my bot tbh.
I still have no idea what the new does, despite using it my codes regularily
Then read about it :)
Here is a free book you can read eloquentjavascript.net
Yeah I definitely have to.
Do you recomment Head First Javascript?
@PrittBalagopal no
Their promise tutorial is so confusing
Ahh okay then
Do coders consider Javascript and Node.js as two separate languages? I thought node was just an alternate environment as compared to the browser.
I've seen places such as Heroku give two separate tutorials for Node.js apps and JS apps
No, Node and the browser are just two different environments JS runs in
okay lol now that is weird af
I still need to check out with the source code
const endAxis = this.camera.worldToLocal(axis);
doest just give me the vector in local frame
it actually iterferes with camera behavior
which is weird af.
@KamilSolecki good, good
@ndugger run, hentai?
THREE.js is pretty inconsistent in how they offer mutable and immutable functions
some things get both mutable and immutable ones
some only get mutable
and I wouldnt really complain, only if the mutable functions didn't return as if they were immutable
which gets confusing if you dont read the docs constantly
Node Version Manager

Note: <version> refers to any version-like string nvm understands. This includes:
  - full or partial version numbers, starting with an optional "v" (0.10, v0.1.2, v1)
  - default (built-in) aliases: node, stable, unstable, iojs, system
  - custom aliases you define with `nvm alias foo`

 Any options that produce colorized output should respect the `--no-colors` option.
lol stack overflow now comes with a rubber duck
i guess it's april 1st somewhere
hi, any one?
no one
LOL, u know node, i have a question?
@BrianJ hi, u know node js?
@PedroMiguelPimientaMorales don't ping people. Just ask your question.
@KamilSolecki sorry wait
Q: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'post' of undefined

Pedro Miguel Pimienta MoralesI am trying to separate my code in different javascirpt files, so I have a better order and the responsibilities of these separated, but if I import the app usingimport / export or 'module.exports / require', I get the error, it does not allow me to use post, get, etc. apiGoogleMaps.js const ap...

@PedroMiguelPimientaMorales You're trying to require your server in your front-end react code?
@BenFortune client side servering!
> I'm not just a client, I'm also a server.
:41893961 i'm use require server-side, and import, client-side, but my question real is, **
Is there a way in which I can use express globally in my project without the need to create files and calling the main file?**
@KamilSolecki lol
who still gets the paper?
@BenFortune clearly, she realized that her ex wasn't gay, but just cross dressing.
@BenFortune Roses are red, I crashed my car...
Clearly my favorite
@KamilSolecki NSFW!!!111oneone
@Ikari not really :P
do you want flags? because that's how you get flags
@ssube Is there a way in which I can use express globally in my project without the need to create files and calling the main file?
@PedroMiguelPimientaMorales Don't ping everyone with your questions
I had been talking to him about a related question yesterday, tbf
Well I wasn't sure and it looked low-effort spammy
oh wait im a RO i can move messages
it can be both
1 message moved to Trash can
Also he was doing it earlier
@KamilSolecki great, now someone trolling the trash for flagbait can find it
@KendallFrey d..do I have to set up a script to move it around different trash cans now?
oh crap its 18:15
weird, when I click the chat tab it toggles between scrolling to the top and the bottom
If I don't start showering in like 10 minutes, imma be late
btw @restoftheworld, do yall also have a tradition (regardless wether you are atheist or not) to bring a basket with different produce and stuff to church today and get it blessed?
not here
huh. Whats the main religion in canada?
there are all sorts of types
well not in poland, its apparently 107% christian
Q: duplex stream getting changed in callback:node js

user3649361I have a code where I am getting a duplex stream and in that function I call a callback which return me the values from redis. function (index, arr, null, callback) { const streamObject = stream; const Id = arr[index].split(':')[0]; const Version = arr[index].split(':')[1...

Its a genuine problem during elections, because churches (not openly, but they will talk about which one is the best, I've heard that a few times when I used to go to church when I was a kid) favor political parties
You'd love america
Now as I think of it, also openly.
@KendallFrey you literally cannot compare the magnitude between here and US
yeah. It has become somewhat ridiculous. They have an unofficial contract, where any single law they pass will favor churches.
Recently, they introduced a ban on trade on Sunday. Guess who can still trade?
Yea, church shops, because they sell holy things <-- literal transcription of what they said
sounds a lot like america tbh
Drug dealers
The entire republican party is basically directly and indirectly run by protestantism
Ok gotta run
biggest. funeral. ever.
too soon :)
why is his funeral in a church
is it an ironic funeral
@KamilSolecki :D
@MPA2000 @HaskanKaya It's not for him, he's dead. It's for everyone else.
@SterlingArcher nieeee! Man, I wish I could go golfing already but it's gonna snow tomorrow again :/
Factorio price is going up 50%, if you've been thinking about getting it, buy it before April 16
or after April 16 if you aren't a communist.
lol that escalated quickly
This #FanArt is so good we didn’t know it was a drawing! Amazing! #KSP By Cyprisen https://goo.gl/sf1JPu
איך ידעת? @BenjaminGruenbaum
@AsafFisher ידעתי מה?
100k users have special mod tools with information about users
We know where you live and all the answers you started typing but never submitted
Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone had a way for node.js and express to ignore a folder and let me use php in that folder. it's totally unrelated to the whole website as its an admin panel. I've looked at static pages, but i don't know if thats what i want/i dont know how they work
שאני ישראלי? כאילו חיפשת פה את כל הישראלים?חחח @BenjaminGruenbaum
@AsafFisher What do you mean? כולנו פה ישראלים
We still only speak English though, those be the rules.
heyo @Madara up for some lootbox grind in arcade?
@Ikari Sure
Are there nice modes today?
nah, not really... the same
Finishing a call and then I'll go ingame
I don't have my mic today... so won't be able to speak :P
I'll do my best to call out stuff nontheless
@ssube oi some techno for you
@EricHe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@kolton Put a light web server up (like nginx) and have that forward some urls tro node.js and some to php.
or haproxy, i think, does this
i wouldn't know where to start, only still in college.

i am running mamp with localhost for it.
@KendallFrey that makes no sense whatsoever
Sure it does. Funerals do nothing for the dead. Only the living care about them.
so people usually ignore dying people's wishes?
they fulfill the easy ones so they feel good and justify away the others.
I assume.
@Mosho No, but honouring the dead is solely for the living, because while we're alive we like to look forward to our dying wishes being fulfilled.
I still think it's kind of odd to have it in a church
but I guess he didn't seem to care enough to put it in his will
that's my only wish, don't associate things i don't believe in with my death.
how is giving a sworn atheist a religious funeral honoring him
Because he wasn't just an atheist
do we know it had religious ceremonies, or just happened in a church?
they may be insulting his atheism, but clearly his science is well respected
anyway, that statement (it's not for him) is nonsense
how so?
how can it really be for him? he is no more.
It's not like he going to wake up in a church and be really really pissed
if he did, though.. good one.
I didn't say it is for him
just that the statement is nonsense as an explanation
Are you saying it's not for anyone?
@Mosho Well, it can explain why a church wasn't excluded from the possibilities
> "Our father's life and work meant many things to many people, both religious and non-religious."
"So, the service will be both inclusive and traditional, reflecting the breadth and diversity of his life."
I'm too tired/dumb to articulate why I think it's bs
hey @KamilSolecki wanna join us for some OW?
@Ikari I’m drinking bro
apologies :P
is there a native way to listen to SSE in node?
like EventSource, but from within node
and without relying on npm packages
Angularjs ajax problem, the server page displayed with it tags while I am expecting to see a variable value only
no idea. I assumed you looked in 'net' and 'http' modules?
last time I tried to do something networking-related, I ended up installing node-fetch while http.request was a thing already :/
... I'm sorry to hear that?
just preemptying the "just install an npm package" replies
still looking at the docs for http/net
youtu.be/oIscL-Bjsq4 when you are walking to your final exam and you know that you gonna fail
bleh, bob changed the transport belt recipes back :/
also red science is now yellow and green is now red
@Luggage lanro nice
rimworld's next build will have less rage-inducing missed shots \o/ reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/88icnw/…
(see top comments)
@MadaraUchiha exactly
Hello. I'm in the process of writing a userscript, and I'm looking for a way to add an event handler to a button in such a way that it's guaranteed to be executed before those event handlers that are already in place. What would be the best way to do this? A google search told me that it's not possible to get a list of already connected event handlers, so the only solution I can think of is to replace the whole button with a clone and then manually call click() on the real button.
Is there a better way to do it?
@Aran-Fey Yes, register a capturing event on a parent.
Alright, thanks. I'll google it and report back if I can't figure it out :D
Hmm. If I add a capturing event listener, that only guarantees that my event handler will be called first, but it won't necessarily finish executing before the other event handlers are called?
[ts] Type 'Headers' is not assignable to type 'Headers'. Two different types with this name exist, but they are unrelated.
Type 'Headers' is not assignable to type 'Headers'. Two different types with this name exist, but they are unrelated.
  Types of property 'forEach' are incompatible.
//when I try this in my angular app
Config.sails_header = response.headers;
//in my Config class:

  static sails_header: Headers;
Ok, I'm at my wit's end. I connect an event handler on the parent element, and google told me that event handlers are executed one after another, so why doesn't this code always update the text in the textarea and doesn't show the alert?
var textbox = document.getElementById('input');
var send_button = document.getElementById('sayit-button');

function send_message(event){
    if (event.target != send_button)

    var text = textbox.value;
    text = text.replace('[mcve]', '[Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example](stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)');
    textbox.value = text;

send_button.parentElement.addEventListener('click', send_message, true);
Oh, I'm a potato. It's because I pressed Enter to activate the button instead of clicking it...
Finally got it to work. Thanks for the help!

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