I am new to javascript, but I know java moderately well. In java, the new keyword is reserved by the jvm to instantiate an object from a blueprint such as the function or method that is written for Person. In java, the object is not considered a primitive variable, so instead of being stored in a memory location, the address of the memory location is instead returned by the construtor, which is then passed to the variable name John
So john references the memory address which is in turn holding the objects information
I too, however, would like to know if this is different for javascript
I think, roughly speaking, it creates a new object, assigns the object __proto__ from the function prototype, and then calls the function with the object as the this context.
"Nearly all objects in JavaScript are instances of Object; a typical object inherits properties (including methods) from Object.prototype, although these properties may be shadowed (a.k.a. overridden). However, an Object may be deliberately created for which this is not true"
@KendallFrey So if a javascript object, such as Person was created with the new keword, that object inherits properties from Object.prototype... Does that mean that prototype is a class?
So, what do people normally do for widgets/buttons, settings menus when using PIXI.js? Or is there some better toolkit? I'm basically, writing my own primitive layout engine, which feels wrong.
Yeah, EZGUI is outdated and flat out doesn't work, whats the best way to make commercial grade web games or scientific visualization stuff in JS? Is there some good alternative to PIXI?
@HelloWorldPeace Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
On this code, how can i modify to not collapse accordion that are already opened unless user clicks to collapse it. stackoverflow.com/a/37745753/1939163
At '$(".img").attr()' why can't I edit the arguments in the attr to be-> .attr("transform", "rotate(90deg)") or .attr("transform", "translateY(200px);)
@BenFortune it's fun, but content is scarce. I'd wait until you can get an open box one for cheap or the next gen come with (with wireless and/or gun props and/or whatever else they're talking about now).
@BenFortune I got a SteamLink for $15 on sale (they've been as low as $5 since) and it works well for anything except twitch games (shooters and racing).
@BenFortune I use moonlight stream to stream steam games via pi3, works great but had to run ethernet. Wifi not fast enough, not all games work properly though
I haven't messed with Fire Tv, is the fire tv the host (a la the pi 3) or is it using too much bandwidth on the network? I was skeptical when I first tried it. Seems to be almost identically to steamplay though
I initially ran it on wifi, when I upped the resolution things started to get choppy. Wifi inherently not as stable either so I just ran cat6 to the room. I set it up mainly for couch co-op with those sweet pc deals. Helldivers never worked though, kids love sonic racing, run or die is fun, ultimate chicken horse, etc... good times
i have rocket league on xbox one, with moonlight I can play pc games in living room and with windows 10 I can play xbox in my office, NFS = need for speed?
I feel like 92% back to health. Thank god, because I’m having people over and i need to clean the food poisoning out of the bathroom and go buy champagne
@towc mental health diagnoses can screw you over. I new a guy who got a mental health diagnosis and got disqualified from all jobs he had experience with.
the question was meant to help me know what people might still think I've done so wrong, and hopefully also to make some of them realize that actually I haven't really fucked up