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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

anyone doing java in vscode
Lemon! My printer is printing with the new hotend! I didn't trash it!
gotta install pic?
Also, it's MY printer, now
scroll up
making me do finger work
hehe, yea
just one screen wortyh
@Luggage lol love the cable management
ty. yea, i know it's a mess, but i solderd connectors onto everything so i can swap bits laters easier
A few strategicly placed zipties will clean it up
you used heat shrink
so already A+ from me
no random electrical tape or exposed solders
no, all soldered (competently, i think) and heat shrinked. I got a heat gun recentlyish and it makes it nice and easy
I need a box of shrink for home, all I have is 18650 battery wraps
if you can't find a heat gun, a lighter works
i'm not an expert at soldering, but i know to get a little solder inbetween wires, not a glab on the outside
yea, i always used a lighter or soldering iron int he past, but the gun makes it easier in all placements
ohh yea, the guns are excellent. I bought one (not for soldering, for wood working) and use it all the time
easily worth the $25
that's how FF is going to look when I get back to work
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: backups
wait wut?
at least this extension makes it not rape my CPU
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: backups
did the extension not load?
fuck. ohh well
@Luggage ugh, I haven't used my printer in like a week
noticed the 50mm fan in the control box (which I've been putting off replacing, but I do have the replacement fan) stopped completely.
neither have I, but because it's been apart
opening the control box is so much of a pita its discouraging me from fixing it
the one in the power supply?
Did you see the new hot ones?
no, the one between the lcd and the control board
ohh, i thought you replaced that one. I thought that was the original loud one
it was, but then I ordered the wrong fan and just nixed replacing it
it was on mine. anyway, yea, the power supply is annoying. That's why I hate opening up the box, but it's not that bad in the end
replaced the 40mm's instead. ordered a 50mm and waiting to get the motivation
I honestly don't even think it needs that fan
i have to open it and then completely disconnect the control board from all the terminals and cables to flash it.
it might. it blows on the servo controller heatsinks
I suspect that is why my printer pauses sometimes later into long prints
(but have no evidence)
mine has been dead for at least 3-4 20 hour prints.
I suspect.
I noticed it wasn't working on the last 18 hour print
printed a few small things after that, no issues
(needed shit for christmas, couldn't just not print them)
yea, meh.
order one for next time you have it open
like, no rush if it's working, but heat can hurt over time, so.. just make it a target of opportunity
I need to update my jew
I have a subscription
with that meal service not working during the holidays
I find that I am too lazy to even pick what to order
sounds like you need soylent
@Luggage ohh I have it
like I said, just too lazy to open my control box right now
you'll need to open it eventually. do it then
Could you issue an M503 and past me what it says, @rlemon ? If it's convenient.
cool, ty
Any bears fans in here? If so, your team sucks
There are so many penalties this game
@ndugger Not gonna lie, I thought you meant Hershey at first glance.
That too
2 hours later…
Say I have two arrays. One is an array of objects, each object containing a variety of properties.

The other is an array of strings, those strings correspond to keys in the Object. What's the best way for me to remove all Object properties that are not in my array of Strings.
@TristanWiley I don't know about "best" :P
const keys = ['a','b'];
const arr = [
	{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3},
	{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3},
	{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
console.log( arr.reduce((newArr, item) => {
	newArr.push(Object.assign.call(Object, {}, ...keys.map(key => ({[key]:item[key]}))));
	return newArr;
}, []));
the future is now
Actually I realized I was going about it the wrong way, but I'm still curious so thanks :)
Also holy fish
@rlemon man, I'd some doubts on the code, you mind helping me? First, why did you need to use call on the assign method? And second, what exactly is ({[key]:item[key]}) doing? I know key will hold each of the key values, and item will hold each of the objects, but I never seem an expression like ['a']:object['a'], not sure what it does
Those more ellaborated codes makes me feel such a noob on JS lol
I guess I could have used apply and not spread the array
but that's just splitting hairs
basically, I wanna push Object.assign({}, {a: 1}, {b:2} [, more])
@IanC it's not very readable. if I were not trying to just cram it into a 1 liner it would have been a lot more understandable.
@rlemon that makes much more sense now! But still, I don't get what would be wrong about calling assign without call, wouldn't the this context inside the method be the new Object anyways? and to get {a: 1} are you allowed to use an array as the key ( [key]:item[key] )? My first reaction would be to write key:item[key] I guess
yea I guess you're right
by the way, that's such a fluid approach! Before you sent it I was thinking something in the line of getting a new array with all the object properties not in the keys array, and then run a forEach and delete object[keynames];
tbh didn't give it much thought, just hammered out a solution
it could be improved quite a bit
but I think your way is faster, because I'd be issuing deletes on objects that might not have the property at all
well yea when you have a filter list always loop over it, unless you know the objects will be stupid small.
oh, I think I found the answer (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11508463/javascript-set-object-key-by-variable) to the second question (about having `key` inside square brackets):
"The solution in ES6 is to put the variable in square brackets in order to evaluate it. var key = "happyCount"; myArray.push({ [key]: someValueArray });"
can't think of a way to do it using anonymous objects for browsers that don't support ES6 though
I even tried object = ({}[key] = "value"); but didn't work, I think the parser only considers the second assignment operator, because object ends up being a string with "value" :p
You could go the reverse direction and use the delete keyword, though some people like to frown upon that
any native vscode way to launch a debug config on save?
Happy new year!!!!
@KamilSolecki HAPPY NEW YEAR
It’s only 5:24pm though
@ndugger i FUCKING hate you bit if so love yoyt
@rlemon @KendallFrey @ssube @Luggage @towc @SomeGuy @ShrekOverflow @everybodyelse HAPPY NEW YEARSSSSS
it's not for 5.5 hours yet
Oh, is that today?
i think it's technically tomorrow
@Luggage oh you just like to do that don't you
Despite, I wish you all the very best!
Yes u crazy person
@KendallFrey well duck time zones
@KamilSolecki what quack came up with those?
@rlemon you got a problem with ducks, you got a problem with me and I suggest you let that marinate
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