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@KendallFrey earth apples, though
Don't forget the germans and their glow pears
Which is what?
@Shmiddty technically speaking, we call it "a bread stick"
a bread sabre
@Luggage light bulb
so really english isn't much better
ah. right
glow onion?
I think a pear is more accurate
A Glowvacado.
Careful or we're gonna go all Letterclammy here
cc @rlemon appreciate my reference
@Luggage what you've never heard of the 2002 hit featuring Cuba Gooding Jr. "Glowdogs" ?
No. Should I have?
damn that's nice
(unreal engine assets from the UE marketplace)
Has anyone created a game before?
No-one ever has, @redfelix.
That's why we go outside to play :P
@Mosho that's real
@littlepootis doesn't seem so
there is gameyness
in some parts
it is all very realistic till you look into the hallway to the left
and the hooks in the ceiling
if it is real, those are fucked up
@rlemon whats wrogn with the hooks?
I think I know what the final Turing test for AI will be
getting a snowmobile unstuck
or any other vehicle i guess
fuck that takes some creative thinking
@ShrekOverflow they wouldn't look like that irl, and the chain wouldn't be so uniformly bent
1 hour later…
1 hour later...
1 hour later…
1 hour later...
@MadaraUchiha Sir, I want to chat with you regarding some thing, could that be possible?
sup all
how was your christmas?
2 hours later…
@MadaraUchiha got the IOMMU stuff working well enough for gaming. Still working on bluetooth and easy USB switching (couldn't get looking glass to work). I skipped all the hugepages stuff and gave the VM 3 cores/6 threads and 24GB (75%, no ballooning). EDID and the regular windows drivers work, although I have trouble rebooting (Vega bug) and had to clean install once.
this post was the main guide with this one for VM setup (haven't done CPU pinning yet). I found the Arch docs on PCI passthrough to be much better than the blog posts' description.
Couldn't get USB to work until I disabled AppArmor, which just had to break something :(
cc @Luggage @FlorianMargaine
for anyone else who happens upon that and is confused, left is Win10 running in a KVM VM, right is the Ubuntu host
3 hours later…
today I realized I can brush my teeth in the shower
never occurred to me before
I got it, thanks
how does this chat work? is a request constantly being made every few seconds to check if there's a new message?
@FartyMcFartface: Websockets.
can i ask a js Q here?
@xploreraj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Why am I getting "cant read property 'constructor' of undefined" for below code:
1 message moved to Trash can
@xploreraj Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
if (typeof result === undefined) {
    return "No result to show...";
else if(result.constructor === Object && Object.keys(result).length > 0) {
    //result is initialized, do something
So what is the result?
Its an object with some key value pairs
Like: data: "message", status: 200...
It said "cant read property 'constructor' of undefined", so I added a check on top, is that not correct?
It's right.
Are you sure the error happens at the line `result.constructor === Object`?
In chrome console, it shows error after closing curly bracket of 'if'
can you try this?
if (typeof result === undefined) {
    return "No result to show...";
if(result.constructor === Object && Object.keys(result).length > 0) {
    //result is initialized, do something
Now its same error but in your console statement
I dont get it, it says undefined but that check I made,
JS is confusing :D
typeof returns a string.
typeof result === undefined should be: typeof result === "undefined"
undefined is a "value".
"undefined" is what typeof would return.
oh ok, i removed typeof, and error is gone
Actually, the typeof check is usually better
Q: variable === undefined vs. typeof variable === "undefined"

Patrick McElhaneyThe jQuery Core Style Guidelines suggest two different ways to check whether a variable is defined. Global Variables: typeof variable === "undefined" Local Variables: variable === undefined Properties: object.prop === undefined Why does jQuery use one approach for global variables and another...

you mean the reference error is solved
since it returns a string
Cerbrus is right,

if (typeof result ==='undefined') {
It means that it won't crash when the variable isn't declared.
Thanks a lot Cerbrus and Sbk201
No problem :-)
2 hours later…
how can I do this:
async const log = () => await result.data()
is it not possible to do in one line?
const log = async () => await ...
@rlemon so it has to be on 1 lines to log?
const log = async () => await result.data()
you'd need to await the log as well
hello guys
@Bassem Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
 <select class="form-control" id="country" name="country" placeholder="Choose country"
                                ng-model="supplier.country" ng-options="country.countryId as country.countryName for country in countries" required>
                            <option value="">{{ 'Choose country' | translate }}</option>
why country.countryId not loaded ? , it always load it's index
not the actual id from database
@SuperUberDuper const log = await result.data()
I don't get the use of void. "Here the expression alert ('Warning!!!') is evaluated but it is not loaded back into the current document" -> <a href="javascript:void(alert('Warning!!!'))">Click me!</a>

-What do they mean by "it will not be loaded back into the document again"?
Do they mean that it can't be run(triggered) twice ? (it can trigger the button twice by the way)
void(...) returns undefined, I think, but so does alert normally
just run from the console, that seems to be identical with or without the void
isn't that refered to as hoisting?
I correctly get "1 undefined"
make sure your y is not 2 already, at the start of the script
i get 1 2
load a new page
with no javascript preloaded (about:blank will do)
open up the console
sorry !!
and insert this:
var x = 1, y; console.log(x + ' ' + y); y = 2
1 file changed, 98 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
and it compiles on first shot!
That must feel really good; even better than having Robin
Programming is the only thing that matters
@FlorianMargaine how much do you know about libvirt and USB? I'm trying to pass my VR headset through to the VM, which seems possible but depends on forwarding some unnamed devices. I wish I had a PCI USB card, but no space. :(
that video looked smooth, but I couldn't tell the resolution.
they should make cards that add more slots, like a usb hub, but for yout motherboard
that was my monitor's PBP mode, so 3440/2
i think you can do that with pci
@ndugger they do, but channels are finite
mobo has a single x16 slot and the video card needs all of it
wait, so is my nvme drive slowing down communication to my gpu?
Just run two motherboards, duh
A fatherboard
your CPU and mobo set the number of available channels, it's usually 32 for recent stuff
usually that gets split into 16/4/4/4 or 8/8/4/4/4
my mobo is a few years old. will have to look it up
that's why one slot is better for video cards
just curious. things run fine as far as I can tell
What were you working on? Anything interesting?
problem with mini-ITX, besides the heat mgmt, is a single x16 slot
if I could add a USB card, I could pass that through entirely, and VR should work
github.com/olavmrk/usb-libvirt-hotplug isn't working, not sure how to match the right devices :\
my printer isn't working. crashes with MINTEMP BED
started reading 0c after the bed heat up twice. It would feel like a thermister issue, except I flashed the firmware, so it must be that instead
or a loose connection in the control box, that but shouldn't be sensitive to bed temp.
accidentally set some divisor to 0?
I am just on stock marlin with their reference cr-10 config
I am still debugging.
getting the bed hot.. make sure it really is temp triggered.
then.. maybe verify the flash again, to avoid opening the shitty control box again
@Luggage so why did you reflash it?
just for fun?
to needed to flahs it to change settings for new hotend
fancier hotend? or just different hotend?
the e3d v6
yea, but what would be different? aside from the fans? is it better? does it print hotter?
don't make me google dammit
it's all metal so I can print anything
well. 'anything'
stuff like nylon, which i want to
I got some off cuts of cherry and wanna make a pipe
need to do some research into the stem, wanna 3d print that.
the mouthpiece?
well, not all of the stem, just the mouth piece and extender
(not that shape, but around that length)
seems like an easy shape to define and print, even with a curve
yea I just wanna make sure the plastic I use is not going to suck
I doubt I wanna do that in PLA
if you put a filter or screen before that, the smoke won't even be very hot
petg, and a distance away that it never gets too hot
ohh, a screen to cool the smoke?
well, to stop the hot ash
but I'm not really a fan of metal screens
anything that slows it will help it cool
and it will keep debris out
I think I've seen pipes with a cotton filter in the stem
I'll probably put in some notches for a glass screen
is this for personal use? if so, jsut check it for heat damage after some use
it does output a lot more smoke than before I flashed it, but I think that's normal
normal smoke?
fictional smoke, fortunately
it's printing a cube right now. maybe the diddling with cables helped
assuming this problem is gone or turns out to be minor, like I assume it is, the whole process of flashing wasn't that bad. Lots of the info online was wrong or just annoying to sort through, though
@ndugger you can only use await in an async function
so, I own OSin.space now
let's see if I can make something decent out of it
ideal is to get people to help their cities by finding open source projects about them
for example, local hackerspace websites and management systems, websites of local culture events, or more hacky stuff like shared bike services
ssube if you happen to be near your printer can you do me a favor and see if it says what marlin version it is?
@SuperUberDuper obviously
yesterday, by Kendall Frey
Or, what is the minimum number of queens that can fit on a square to superimpose all 12 solutions at once?
The answer is 3
!!giphy NERD
@rlemon I can't think of a better way to spend the last saturday of the year
I’ve spent my day so far drinking gatorade, eating soup, and peeing out of my butt
Hey guys I have a simple question. Pls help me understand.
Where is the DOM object actually stored?
Which object?
@CaptainHere in memory
When a web page is loaded, the browser creates a Document Object Model of the page.

The HTML DOM model is constructed as a tree of Objects
Yes, you want to know where the browser is storing your DOM tree?
Like kendall said; in memory
@Luggage was afk. Reconnecting octopi gives Recv: FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin V1; Sprinter/grbl mashup for gen6 FIRMWARE_URL:http://www.mendel-parts.com PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:Creality 3D EXTRUDER_COUNT:1 UUID:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
The HTML DOM is a standard object model and programming interface for HTML. It defines:

The HTML elements as objects
The properties of all HTML elements
The methods to access all HTML elements
The events for all HTML elements
I dont get it.. What do they mean by objects?
in "The HTML elements as objects"
How is that unclear?
HTML is only HTML until it’s parsed into DOM objects
@CaptainHere Do you know what an object is in JS?
Yeah I know an object in JS. But I know the DOM object is not related to JS Object right?
How is it not?
I have read that Manipulation the DOM is timeconsuming. so some libraries create the DOM as a javascript object?
Virtual dom. Man this is so confusing
For some reason "createVector" is undefined, as if the library wasn't imported correctly. What is happening? stackoverflow.com/questions/48037308/…
At the end of the day, virtual DOM still has to create actualDOM
At the end of the day, virtual DOM still has to create actual DOM
Chat had a curfuffle
But is the actual Dom a javascript object?
no right?
it is an object, it's just a native object
you generally can't create them on your own and they are more locked down
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(nativeObject)) doesn't create a copy, f.ex
If that’s how you’re copying objects, you have other problems
So u are saying it actually is a javascript object. But with restricted access
@ssube ty. I was curious if it was 1.0.x or 1.1.x. I'm not sure that answered that. :)
where can you tell?
I have no idea. Don't worry about it.
I didn't recall i fit it told you on the screen at boot or in a menu
ok, that's the banch name, "v1"
Maybe not. It is in 'real' marlin, but that doesn't match any branch name on github
@ssube wait but how
@Luggage neither, as far as I can tell
ohh well.
@KendallFrey how does it fail? Constructors for most native objects are hidden away
what does stringify return?
I had to check lunch, ran downstairs and rebooted it quick, nothing more specific that I can see
How does JSON.parse("any string") get a reference to existing object?
I'm getting an object with one key, "jQuery123456<abunchofnumbers>"
where the fuck is jquery coming from
its magic
document.jQuery<numbers> is for ajax iirc
Updated with animation: jsfiddle.net/kendfrey/xw22x67z/2
eyeball users beware
jsfiddle dark theme is like half working
@rlemon right, the netflix and chill scene is the best bit so far
@KendallFrey :D
there's only 6 eps on crave so far
can't wait for the rest
There are more?
I figured it would just be 6
I guess it might be
last two seasons there were 7 eps I thought
I always miss the seventh because it shows up later :/
@KendallFrey your animation is weird
Why do I see many people using ZONE like httpApi.get().subscribe((a)=>this.zone.run(...)) , whereas http is already patched monkey to run in angular zone ?
huh, one of my godcousins (?) and her husband are in vegas
@Shmiddty works there, right?
it works!
printed, i assume?
what is up my dudes?!
@BenFortune so, are they drinkable?
Also heayo yall
my mom is good at art, it turns out
@KendallFrey nice painting
Quick question, if I have an HTML with 2 iframes, events like keypresses are sent to both iframes, just one, none? Is this something that's customizable?
@ssube can't help much, sorry
@rlemon jsonp
@ssube I need your help
I'm in need of some party/hard bass
But not of that superfast rave kind
Something... Slightly melodic
I can't even find a respectable keyboard on Amz.trollLand
should have bought one while in Murica
What exactly happens when I call a function with new keyword?
@karthikaruna Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Does the constructor function assigns itself as obj.__proto__.constructor?
If so, can someone please elaborate me the flow?
Hey @karthikau
Hey @jam
Do you mind elaborating more on what your question is?

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