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use the linux one via wsl
I think your windows side npm
broke the linux one
@BenFortune why?
you can use the linux/wsl npm in windows directories
I have /mnt/c/Users/seans/code linked into ~/code and such
@ssube maybe you should do a simple hackernoon post
on how to setup functional WSL
a what?
it's like sailor moon, but worse
Basically how to not break WSL
I don't like sailor moon much
@Luggage lol
not a fan of the animes
That did it, thanks self
> hackernoon.com
@Luggage luggage please, I've been dressing like that every weekend
I have a gohugo blog set up, just not deployed
@Luggage Hmm that sounds like Ribrianne
couple articles for various things mostly written :(
@ssube Will it affect native modules in any way?
!!giphy ribrianne transformation
@BenFortune that I don't know, on account of I only run node from WSL too :P
not the giphy i wanted :|
what the fuck
@ssube I use nwjs and some native usb modules a lot
hm. Unless you can override the platform npm is using, it will install ubuntu modules for those.
Like sailormoon but worse
Yeah, that's why I need to keep the Windows one
why does bacon smell so good immediately. it should wait to smell good until its done so I'm not sitting here wishing I had bacon
@ssube today, i discovered your name
but aside from that, did you really syslink to that path ?
bacon filament?
@Luggage could be a thing
@KarelG 5/8 of it is in my nick already. 😛 and yes, why?
heat the nozzle to 30c and extrude the fat
I keep the code on C: so vscode can edit it
@KarelG if your code is on C:/ then WSL translates it for the linux system
yeah to mnt/c/ ect
well yes
but that is a symlink already
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs          190G  169G   21G  90% /
data            190G  169G   21G  90% /data
cache           190G  169G   21G  90% /cache
mnt             190G  169G   21G  90% /mnt
none            190G  169G   21G  90% /dev
none            190G  169G   21G  90% /run
none            190G  169G   21G  90% /run/lock
none            190G  169G   21G  90% /run/shm
none            190G  169G   21G  90% /run/user
C:              190G  169G   21G  90% /mnt/c
E:              1.6T  238G  1.4T  15% /mnt/e
@KarelG more of a vfs mount
@KarelG I don't want to do cd /mnt/c/Users/sean/foo
it's something FUSEish
everytime I open my terminal (idk about sean)
unfortunately fuse doesn't work, or sshfs would, then life would be awesome
What I am trying atm is to redefine that syslink so ~ is coupled to /mnt/c/Users/<user> automatically
@BenFortune thats a lot of storage
so that you have only one syslink and not two syslink at a given point.
@KarelG I don't know if you can move the home directory for WSL
But I am doing something awkward or silly or dumb I thin.
That will most likely break things
it might work the same as moving your linux home dir
@ShrekOverflow haha
Hey, I only have a 256 GB Macbook atm
We have about 30tb on our internal network
Graphics: Radeon Pro 560 4096 MB
Intel HD Graphics 630 1536 MB
I didn't mount those though in WSL
No idea if that's good
@SterlingArcher Looks good
You can probably even do the thing I am doing (lease the Radeon to windows for gaming)
I didn't really listen, what's the best way to get my NPM working again without breaking the Windows version?
@BenFortune just use the windows npm :D
Benchmarks point to it being on par with a NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M SLI 7%
So not the best, but meh
Is this a laptop? Archer
Yeah it's my work laptop. The touchbar macbook.. 16gb ram 500gb ssd
What do you want to use it for?
Gaming (meh), anything else it'll be fine.
Nah, I don't game on my work stuff. Maybe rimworld
Gaming on a mac, lol
Was just curious to the graphics card
vscode needs a 1080's in SLI
@BenFortune Hey, I play games on my 2015 MBP
they work meh (League of Legends) to pychopath masochism level (CS:GO)
@BenFortune lmfao
The next computer I am buying is definitely not going to be a Mac
The new dell inspirons are nice
I have decided to switch to Solus completely
@BenFortune yes, I am converting one with the virt thing
i mentioned, oboecat has one, its SSD died
does it say "hok"?
I am probably gonna go with a mediocre light weight laptop like
and use a modified version of solus-project.com
Boss has the new surface book, they're beautiful
solus on a desktop or any other machine?
oh wait, is that not related to solusvm?
@ssube I have used it (the OS) on an Old Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro
I used to use solus, it's was buggy as fuck
Gone back to a custom build of manjaro
Yeah that was my first impression a while back
ubuntu with target=multi-user
Its gone much more stable
@ssube nope
When you wake up to a 50 degree house bc no furnace
The only thing I am worried is the High DPI Screen
Their package manager is trash too
50F.. lol
Linux + High DPI support is garbage
@BenFortune true (which is why I said modified)
I'll test before switching though
I also liked using Arch :D
The one thing I did like about solus was budgie
But it's still buggy af
arch is funny
trying to be linux but all suave and cool
Arch is fucking great, if you like installing package updates every 5 minutes
*/5 * * * * apt update && apt upgrade
your system will be as stable as windows ME
I install package updates every week on Arch
Sometimes I go for several weeks without updating.
It works just fine.
* * * * * yaourt -Syu
it comes with a tool for homosexual yogurt cartoons?
so there's a whole room of trolls that's not in english
@BenFortune from past experiences I find Ubuntu scary
I wonder how that goes with the english-only chat policy
Elementary is too elementary even now to be useful.
@ShrekOverflow Where's Mandriva
@ShrekOverflow Why
lol I just saw a picture of a hot chick who posted a question, and the info in their profile says they're actually a dude lol
why do people do that
to make you look
To get people like jordan to notice
I just think it's weird using a person you probably don't know's picture
I'd feel so violated if somebody used my picture as their profile
that's why we kicked that one creeper who was doing it
Guys I got a job related question
@Ozan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Is it okay for an employer to ask for a scan of a diploma straightforward?
@MadaraUchiha hey, there are a ton of flags coming in from some Android - xInx room that a) are about serial voting, b) are flying fast, and c) none of the room is in english at all.
Without even having an interview?
also it's absolutely full of the *cat trolls
It's legal, but whether or not it's a nice thing to do? No
something untoward is almost certainly occuring
With would be rude of me to say I would love to bring in person to the interview rather than sending it as a scanned document?
@ssube Cat is in there, not surprised
@BenFortune yep :(
@Ozan just like that really. You're not applying for a bank loan
@Ozan that seems reasonable to me.
I thought so too.
I had a job try to get me to send them a bank statement when I graduated college and I told them I was no longer interested in the job
although diplomas don't have anything personal, other than your name, do they?
Like bitch I just graduated I got pennies
I mean it is not even CS related and I have stated in my CV.
so you're not revealing anything they don't know, just confirming it
It just has my name where I studied and what I have studied
I just find it a little bit humiliating though
Maybe it is just me
if they push back and want it before the interview, I would send it
@Ozan why don't they contact the school instead for direct confirmation of your degree
because they're trying to confirm a claim you made on your CV
Is it an entry level job or does your resume show experience?
It is an entry level job
I don't have any corporate level experience
Ah, that is ok then
a scan can still be faked, they should be contacting the school instead
They just want to confirm your education
@Luggage I might be misunderstanding your webpack.config.js but you don't minify CSS in production?
checking your credentials before they call you in seems normal
@erotavlas I doubt that it would work this way in Europe
So in that case, yeah go ahead and send a scanned copy if they want
Wait wth lol
If you had job experience, then it's a bit offensive
Basically they're doing a phone screen and asking for your diploma?
I mean I basically put there 40 certificates I have obtained from coursera, edx, udemy and code schools. I might be faking that too.
@Jhoverit Yeah.
if you put it on your resume, you've invited them to verify it, imo
Unless there was some reason I really wanted that job I'd jus forget it lol
Honestly for entry level you have to suck it up for a few things (but my financials was too much)
the online ones are probably easier to check
But once you kick down that door you have much more respect
Sounds like your first jobs out of school tho? Maybe play along it doesn't hurt
clearly they aren't getting too involved, since they just want a scan
@Jhoverit yeah entry level
@Jhoverit I am actually a linguist by the book. So I am forcing into a dev job.
Never had such experience before so I wanted to checkout with you guys
I came up differently lol so I don't have any experience with that. But seems stupid to me, he doesn't even know if he wants to consider that job yet they haven't done an interview
you aren't giving away anything that you didn't volunteer on your resume
so idk what the harm is, even if it's a bit odd
Just says one-sided interview process to me ;P
There is absolutely no harm at all
It is just annoying
It does not reveal anything related to my knowledge of JS.
If I ask the next candidate we phone screen for this he won't reply I don't think?
it doesn't tell them anything about JS, it just helps establish you aren't a total fraud
in theory
yeah and that you had the self discipline to endure school, exams, boring lectures etc
Well tbh, if HR was asking for this prior to sending it on to the tech team that would make total sense IMHO
like a prescreening?
you are able to stick around for 7 years (or the normal number, whatever) without getting bored
School wasn't hard.. I made it through college with a sobriety timeframe of like 8%
I mean I studied Shakespeare and stuff.
same as your BAC \o
Yeah, it may be a pre screening type thing. Idgaf if you went to school or if you lied about that, hiring web developers doesn't have anything to do with diplomas lol
@ssube heyoooooo
!!tell ssube ^5
@ssube ⁵
Why everything has to be so hard. I want AI HR already.
@Vap0r true. but you can
I would fail that too.
we all would
I'm sorry but your application was denied because our AI HR system can't pass the Turing test
the nice thing about HR people is that you can get coffee and chat them up, and they're just glad to meet a developer who can maintain eye contact
That seems about right
Hahaha right
I always make them look away first.
@ssube I mean I am a social butterfly.
HR robots will sit you down, take one look, display a frown, and ask for the next person
HR is like "He's so great he can communicate etc"
@ssube See, that wouldn't work for me
@SterlingArcher One of the plotpoints of watch_dogs 2 was that one of the dedsec members got denied everything by AI due to his autism
You go to interview him and he's like "I just put CSS on my resume bc I have tweaked styles in devtools"
> I'm not good with JavaScript but if I could do it with jQuery lul
@Jhoverit Wait ? You are telling me that I do not know CSS then ?
Make small talk. Ask about their family. Never break eye contact.
nobody really knows CSS
@Ozan I'm joking about the completely bogus condidates we get that think they're developers
> He doesn't blink, MOM
Devs that can communicate well, and demonstrate well are hot commodities
@I know :D
@Jhoverit I know :D *
@SterlingArcher You're hot.
Lol I'm so glad I got to interview so many people in this position
only when he plucks
Most engineers I've interviewed cannot talk about software at a high level to a non-tech person
Opened my eyes...
@Luggage ohstoppityou.jpeg
@SterlingArcher I would argue that in most cases thats just a symptom of not understanding at a high level and just being a "tweaker"
Hi everyone, I didn't know this chat thing existed, that's awesome!
@Saloaty Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Some people have legit social issues sure but most of them just really don't know what they're talking about
@Jhoverit that's also a factor, but a good speaker can bullshit around that part
It's a good mix of both
you can usually tell the people who know it so well but can't dumb it down from the ones who are trying to sound smart
Yeah for sure. When youj find both they usually want lots of money
Whenever I try to explain computational linguistics to anyone who is not related to tech they just fireback and question me whether I am breaching their privacy on social networks. Hmm.
It's very rare to fully understand something and not be able to dumb it down IMO
that's most doctorates, especially math
How do you explain react's life cycle to a non tech?
In tech.
@Ozan oink. Weird fireback
Make a metaphor about the component mounting equivalent to starting a car or something
@KarelG Most people are not aware that their twitter data is public though. They get shocked when they learn that it can be harvested.
haha kendall's input is right on the spot
did Einstein really say that
maybe, maybe not
you can check
> I really said that - Albert Einstein 1776
rather than asking strangers to authenticate a quote
George Washington was Einstein confirmed
There were only 2 people in my standup this morning. Usually like 9
Everyone is out for the holidays
does markdown work here?
Quote confirmed
But I'm going to need to confirm my confirmation
** trying **
@Ozan and what about what twitter does with their data? Or Facebook? :)
was Washington the same person as Einstein, or were they both aliens from another planet? There's no evidence they weren't
Absence of evidence is evidence of absence
... from their home planet, right
It is amazing how much you can discover by some data profiling on public data
@KarelG Yeah, like @SterlingArcher's mom's name
@KarelG No one knows. Actually it does not even matter to most people. What I love doing is getting the feed while something that I am interested in is trending on twitter and chart it based on location/sentiments of tweets.
@KarelG I don't know why I do that.
because you're weird?
@KendallFrey we don't even need that for yours, everybody knows its 'Kendall's mom'
It reveals so much information about a country though. @rlemon
I don't actually know it, but I have an informed guess
@rlemon If you know the country by heart. i.e social norms, class differences you get to see how perception of certain matters differ.
your mum was my informed guest last night
did you pay with some loads?
Things happen when the buffer overloads.
If I will ever write a movie, I will put so many incorrect / malformed technical terms in there just to fuck with people.
inb4 kendall
@SterlingArcher lol
Be nice.
lol 1 in stock
It took me a year to post something on SO.
Lol I can get 3 of them Monday ;P
@Jhoverit okay?
Not much is more evil than taunting a Canadian about shipping
how am I taunted?
Isn't this the set that is like 100% of the time sold out?

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