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Yay another stack of armor plates
@paul23 use incognito tabs
@KamilSolecki maybe your friend is secretly planning a mass murder, by lighting y'all on fire
(The theme is actually Japanese, I doubt anyone else will wear cardboard)
well that would also remove cookies and formdata; I just wish the website (since I'm developing) to never cache the static files :/. Guess incognito is the least evil choice.
but now you know and you can counterattack
@KamilSolecki oh :/
how long do you have?
I has a train tommorrow around 3pm
Id like to sleep, as Well.
Probably will do 2 more hours today, 3 hours tomorrow
@paul23 append ?now=${Date.now()} to the script href
Should be enough
nothing is ever enough
nothing nis never nenough
can't decide if I want to go out tonight :/
or what should I do if I don't
@towc not If you have the holemaker 9000
you see? not enough. It needs to be at least 9001
@towc Obligatory over 9000, eh?
@JacqueGoupil is there another kind of smokeleaf?
@KendallFrey I don't know. I had to google it. I never played Rimworld. I played Trials in Tainted Space though, if it's similar in any way...
@KendallFrey sure is :)
@KendallFrey don't you dare get lung cancer
I veto it
@JacqueGoupil your face is obligatory
You would be very confused at rimworld
and real life
@JacqueGoupil the most similar game is Dwarf Fortress
@KendallFrey picture of colony pls
and get tested
(Ok, my joke is less funny than I thought because the only thing these games have in common is the idea of exploring space, nevermind. I was mostly making an overly cryptic sexual joke. Let's just drop it.)
we need the medical report
Inb4 s/colony/colon
@KamilSolecki I was thiis close to doing it, but I don't want Cap to say something flaggable
rlemon will yell at me and laugh at my 3D printer and that is something my pride cannot handle.
Im doing sooo many holes right now
@KendallFrey how clean!
@KamilSolecki That sentence is very dangerous out of context.
bleh, just got over a raid, blood everywhere
@KendallFrey yaaaaaaay
no, no yay
does blood fertilize plants in-game?
blood detracts from cleanliness
I'm excited. Christmas party for work in 1h30. Drinks and food on the company.
(and taxi)
@KendallFrey i hated not having cleaned up so much that I had one person do cleaning and only that at all times
Aliens invading the base? You better clean
I don't overwork my pawns
I dont either
Cleaning is super fast
Especially if it's regular
And my terminators couldn't clean
yeah but they don't do it if they have other work to do
So I needed an actual person to do so
Interface of rimworld is kind of rubbish though ;P. Try managing areas when you have many animals with you.
@KamilSolecki my rate is 10€/hr
@towc are you an actual person tho
where do I click?
@paul23 rimworld interface is sex compared to DF
dwarf fortress?
Time to buy some smokeleaf (No, not thinmints)
Imma probably have to go to gas station tho
TIL qubes OS for security
wraps your current OS and compartmentalizes things that shouldn't affect each other without specific user input, from the first few seconds of reading
@ShrekOverflow Bees should replace our football stars so we don't miss another world championship.
@KendallFrey you do a fair amount of C#, right?
Tfw JS comes for C# and not the other way around
Its like we've all migrated to JS
they're holding me at gun point, it's not my fault
(Or Just the room)
@GNi33 do tsll
Haha, at work it's a running gag to make fun of C# devs. I don't hate the language at all, it's just to create some friendly rivalry between teams. We mostly do web and python.
Kinda like in college we'd make fun of guys studying networking. "So what did you learn today, that the red cable goes in the red port?"
did anyone ever use C# (I got a project with several .NET framework applications here) with docker?
I'm past the "making fun of" phase. All I do now is basically just stay away from C++ lovers
they.... intimidate me
or rather, I can't understand them
@JacqueGoupil When I was growing up my brothers would laugh at me because I was the middle child and my mom made me live with my grandmother. They'd say "what did you learn today, why mom hates you" Brotherly rivalry is so great
That... doesn't sound very great. Never had a brother and my sister was pretty chill, so I wouldn't know ^^
@GNi33 does a full-time job count as "a fair amount"?
@GNi33 no docker here
I'd say it does, yeah ;)
god, these assignments
So, I'm kind of tired of getting so many raids that I spend half the time recovering. Should I lower the difficulty or switch to Phoebe?
Ugh. I'm refactoring the code of a previous intern. I'd say he was a pretty good programmer, but new to web. His CSS is terrible to deal with. Seriously, who uses margin-top for everything instead of margin-bottom?

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