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well contains (if the regular String api) was renamed to includes
arr.filter(item => !item.includes('-MT')).map()
interesting, didnt know about 'includes', thanks
arr.reduce(( arr, item) => {
  if( item.includes('-MT') ) arr.push(item);
  return arr;
}, []);
there's two ways
I'm assuming you want to do more than just filter, you wanna do something with the items.
otherwise just filter it
okay, thanks
@Loktar man, I hate learning new software :D
@rlemon hah same
yeah the big diff between that and cura was you have to hit prepare for print
where cura does the slicing automatically
I hate that
it lags my machine
I added a few manual supports, went into advanced process settings, can't alter the density ?
oh, let me tweak these twenty settings NOPE JUST HTE FIRST
well I'm sure I can. just gotta read some docs
dammit the wall light sprites are misplaced
@ssube you could always just turn it off
didn't know that was a setting
you know what I can't turn off tho? :D
oh a cubulowatt, those are power sources in the xenon galaxy
that filament really glows. The reviews were mixed-to-good, but damn. Walking upstairs with my little 2xAA flashlight and it glowed well.
@ssube what filament?
link link link
o shit, on sale.
and ships to Canada!
like 1/100 items I want from .com do
oh fuck me i was placing them wrong
I got it so I could get free same-day shipping on an order tbh
but it's actually really good, if the test cube is anything to go by
I'm going to do a fox and a boaty
not on sale in Canada. $24
fuck that's cheaper than .com on sale
my assumption is that .com shows me USD and not CAD
what's really cool is that black polaroid I had in before left a visible tint and you can see the layer where it stopped
that part barely glows at all
the top, where it was clean, super glowy
@Loktar what are you printing those alien fetuses in?
my prime doesn't carry from .ca to .com
@ssube pla
you should make some glow
yeah I need a better nozzle
a steel one
nice, ordered. thanks @ssube
that looks sweet.
apparently glow in the dark filament is really abrasive I guess
luckily I have extras, but I need a steel one anyway
this stuff is definitely rougher and more brittle, more like the bronze fill or wood fill to the touch
what comes with it? .4mm installed and .3mm extra?
because mine were not marked and I've always just assumed the .4mm is what is installed
yes? I have a .5mm right now
the reviews said print hot and slow, so I figured a larger nozzle couldn't hurt
so print that at? 205 and 40mm/s
I did 210 and 50mm for the cube, which is what I've been using for pretty much everything
I've only ever printed at 200
the tianse silver I've been using doesn't extrude or stick well at 200
Good morning everyone. I need a second opinion here... should stackoverflow.com/questions/47515232 be closed as a dupe of stackoverflow.com/questions/47119426 ?
@SamuelLiew what about stackoverflow.com/questions/1017224/… ? The OP links to a similar but unanswered Q that was itself closed as a dupe of that.
That's an old question, and the answers are already outdated
so I know that at some point they had to be really trying to come up with more bits to put on that, because there are only so many types of scissors and files. But what is a saw with measuring marks on it good for?
they're not along a straight edge from what I can see and it's only a few inches long
dammit the lights are making grass grow in the hall
thats funny
build a floor
put down some floors man
people move faster on good floors
they stay cleaner
remove all the nitrogen?
and they don't have a negative mood effect like dirt
er, beauty
which will impact mood
they take forever to build, but it's worth it
I always start with basic wood everything, then upgrade when needed
no point in making people live in shambles until you get enough stone piled up
your freezer and hospital should be sterile tile as soon as you can afford it
meh, I don't bother with the freezer
helps with success rates and such
just the hospital and butchers room
ah, that might be better
the freezer can probably use concrete
keep your butcher table in a separate room from your stove as well
the butcher table comes with an instant negative beauty buff
even when completely clean
so it always gets its own room
I should start putting those in a room on the barn
my warehouse is usually near the barn for space reasons, so the hides would go next door
I don't bother with a barn
put well built animal beds in my bedrooms
everyone gets a pet dog
how simmy
for dogs, yeah. I keep chickens in the barn, otherwise foxes get them
ohh yea I stopped trying to maintain a 'farm' of animals.
too much making food for them, not enough return.
chickens are op tho
hunt everything on the map :P
they take little food and produce eggs and meat
the only thing I sometimes think of keeping is lamas or muffalos
they're hard af to kill in winter or by starvation
muffalos are great, milk, wool, and meat.
muffalo are great
er, not lamas, alpacas
and muffalos will eat grass
and raw haygrass
I let them roam, as muffalo ought, but keep them away from the grass
most of my colonies have had a huge grass field
I make two zones and flip flop them into each as grass grows / runs out
and keep haygrass growing there
oh, I keep two grass zones for plague reasons, plus dedicated corn and rice, then rotating potatoes and strawberries
sometimes hops for fun
Aaah, rim ~ sim
I almost never grow anything but rice and strawberries (for food) then a buttload of psychoid
yayo makes good money in that game
lol I came across this university I never heard about before
Western Governors University
and it has more students then all of Israel's universities combined
seems legit
vary prestigious
oh it's an online thing
accredited from samoa
mood boost time
those dead bodies are like -150 beauty
you should move them or bury them
misc -> grave
i knew someone would bitch about that
your colonists, mostly
you can put the graves near your gate to spook people and apparently keep them from loitering
and colonists use grave sites as a joy spot
oddly enough
i love that game hehe
@Cecell Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix will do thanks!
dammit another raid already
fuck me, grizzly bears are a serious weapon
yeah, that's why we put them in the Constitution
this has got to be a joke? hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/…
cc @SterlingArcher ^
Pokemon isnt good
anyone here own a trench coat?
No, because we’re not basement dwelling weirdos
@ndugger talk for yourself
We already know that you’re a creep
the world is my basement
@Shmiddty the world is my toilet joke (source)
so true
I shit on it much less often than I'm shat on
the tag is in case someone gets offended because nothing majorly bad happened to me yet, and I definitely don't get to complain
I need to lower my medication dosage. It’s like a freight train of seratonin every time i take it
I'm not complaining. It's a joke
Stop making up weird shit
So now is the time to ask you to borrow money?
kys fam
I bought a homeless dude a bottle of jag the other night
His brain was so fried, there’s no way he’ll ever return to normal
Do i figured he could at least have a good night
I once made eye contact with a homeless person as opposed to awkwardly avoiding them. I am the real saint here, my friend.
I'm homeless
I usually ignore them
Get a home, you bum
Hello guys.
How are you?
I ate something wrong for dinner and I can audibly hear my stomach rumbling
definitely human
no doubt about that
Nice to meet you.
I need your help guys.
Anyone with some highcharts experience?
omfg frag grenades why
save scum time
tsk tsk
@Luggage But how will it handle the torquestruct-o-matic?
Not well, I suspect.
Is that the AvE thing?
@Luggage yeah
So, um, one of our customer service guys at work died today
do you remember today?
um.. that sucks.
do you mean he died at work?
how big is the company/do you know people?
@Luggage no, had some emergency while driving (not a crash)
@ssube 50-ish/kinda
well, that sucks
I never really interacted with him, but it's so weird to think he's done working there
Did he pee himself while driving and crash into a moose?
wrong order
@ndugger It was America, so probably not a moose
yellowstone has mooses
We have like 7 meese
our moose are more assertive and brash
and fat
I’m not a moose, bro
an idea for a project has finally been creeping up on me :D
Particularly nasty was he was driving with his son...
poor guy
wait, who died? :/
someone in the company
6 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
So, um, one of our customer service guys at work died today
Ever since I hit an all time low with my depression and got help/meds, I don’t really care about others. It’s the first time in my life that I’ve been sble to focus on my own happiness. It’s selfish, but that’s what I need right now. So someone dying is just another chance for a meme to me
It sounds terrible, and it is, but memes
I don't expect you to care, because I probably wouldn't either
I need a dab emoji
so, I'm thinking about releasing a series of apps/websites to help people do forest-y things. One of the first would be a community-curated map of wildlife across the globe. I've been trying to casually think of a nice way to visualize it and verify it and all that, but very little success so far
Those apps already exist
there's always a basic set of stuff I can fall back to, and then get something better from there, as long as I modularize it well enough, but something tells me something's going to go wrong about that
@ndugger well, couldn't find one
Why do you think you’re qualified to be a figure in the outdoors world?
I'm not
> community-curated
He's just a programming putting his time into a topic of his choice.
@Luggage can't tell if you're mocking me or replying to nick
I am defending you.
@Luggage yeah, but he was saying earlier about how he wants to dprnd two nights dicking around in a forest before a hackathon
But I agree, those apps exist.
This kid confuses me
well, then I'd very much like to use one. Can you name one?
he confuses us all.
@ndugger didn't mention a hackathon. The idea of the apps came from the preparing for the dicking around
google maps has some collaborative editing. I THINK there are others that allow geographic data, but I don't know them.
Why can’t you just be a notmal teenager?
It feels like a solved problem.
Why do you require s chatroom full of parents to guide you?
@Luggage so, polygons of different colors for each wildlife thing? I think a lot better can be done
Then you need that idea fleshed out. A mockup of a UI.
You should see a shrink. I do.
Maybe smoke a little pot
Do you have specific ideas about how you can edit the map or what people need from this map?
well, this is a thing that I did not expect to be a thing and I find somewhat funny:
The following is a list of notable trees from around the world. Trees listed here are regarded as important or specific by their historical, national, locational, natural or mythological context. The list includes actual trees located throughout the world, as well as trees from myths and trees from fiction. == Real forests and individual trees == === Africa === ==== Living ==== ==== Historical ==== === Asia === ==== Living ==== ==== Historical ==== === Europe === ==== Living ==== ==== Historical ==== ==== Petrified ==== === North America === ==== Living ==== ====...
@Luggage very few. I plan to expand on the idea while I'm out in the forest
that one is just points of interest. Google maps can do that use case.
(or an app with google maps API)
Just make a my little pony game or something
also there are other map sites/apis, I am just using google because it's ubiquitous.
already doing that original content do not steal
Ok pewdiepie
the idea for another app was to track every single tree for purposes like orientation, scientific research, just general healthiness of forests, or even just fun
like all trees everywhere?
Tracking trees for fun
I wish someone would develop an app that tracks the migration paths of trees during the seasons
the fact that they don't move very fast helps this. much easier than cats.
@ndugger you get a point for every validated tree you track. 1 point for every tree you plant, 2 after each year it's still alive. You explore and validate other people's trees. I find that fun
Nobody else will
then you blame tree cutting on companies
for clarification, is this a database where people can put SOME trees, or a project to map all trees that exist?
are those different?
oh, a tree planting -babysitting thing
Have you ever even been in a forest? That’s a lot of trees
@Luggage well, that as well, if you want to incentivize something through gamifying
@ndugger hence the fun
look, some people get a kick out of it
Have better ideas
I think trying to map all trees sounds interesting.
drones with radar/lidar or something
Have fun
I would totes spend hours every day going around and classifying trees and stuff
@Luggage extra points
Just smoke some pot and go for a hike
you would spend hours/day today. Tomorrow you'll have a new hobby
the thing about precise geolocation and then verification of the input from users are still issues that I don't really know how to fix
gps+an app?
but I think it's really possible with the current technology, even just using phones and maybe a bit of additional equipment, and neural networks on a backend with added human verification from other users, so I'll enjoy learning about those
You’d have to physically tag trees with like a qr code or some dumb shit
the gps coords can be the 'natural key' of the tree.
Go Green, stick an apple watch on a branch
@Luggage aren't gpss on phones still struggling to be precise to within a couple meters radius?
And different carriers might be slightly off
gps + photo identification.
Different hardware different precision
make a program to identify a tree froma pic like we do facial recognition.
You would need physical tagging to be accurate
Cell phones, on average, operate within a 10-20 foot tolerance when it comes to accuracy? Something to that effect.
and I don't want the person to need to actually be in the exact spot the tree is, they should be given some sort of photographic algorithm that takes in their position, uses something for scale, and determines the location of trees in the frame
This sounds increasingly awful to make
@ShrekOverflow Haha, that's fascinating!
heyy guys whats up
@Luggage yeah exactly. But what's preventing them from just uploading a picture of a tree they found online, or from a different area, or even a real picture, but of a picture they held in their pockets
What would motivate them to do this?
this is my fourth day working at university
@ndugger it would be something that would greatly differentiate it from using google maps in collab mode
feeling boring a bit
@Luggage points? Fucking with others?
This is a problem with all sites/app on the internet. You remove the bad post, then kick out the perpetrator (ndugger).
@Luggage oh, sure. I can get something else basic going and default to that, then get closer to trust later on
You’ll never finish this
@ndugger probably not, but I want to try
pick a smaller part of it
Just go back to making rainbows and white knighting internet girls
internet girls are the best because they can't see my horrendous case of ugly
your avatar is really you?
Mine is
Yes. Absolutely. I am actually Majora. took the selfie, thought I looked cute, dunno might delete later tho
why university using drupal omg
@Fiido93 leave the university and go live in the woods
like many sane people
that harsh nigga
I’m not a nigga, fam
what other options do you have?
i really can't believe this , why i'm the only web developer in this department
You don’t need to live in the woods to be sane, you fucking autist
i'm in department marketing lmao
You polarize the world to fit your victim mentality. You probably just need meds and a shrink
I'm not a victim
Then stop being such a weirdo
what is drupal
drupal is god to all cms
@ndugger what about it makes me a weirdo?
stop being weirdo both of u
You’re like a crazy person who doesn’t realize that he’s crazy. Those spiders crawling around under your skin must be real.
ok, what's crazy about me?
@KendallFrey roadtovr.com/…
unusual? sure. Not completely thought through? probably. Crazy? meh
> One aspect of Home that Oculus touted during its announcement was that it will eventually be a persistent and social environment where you could hang out and have fun with friends.
oh god way to ruin it
nobody asked for friends
not that again
SecondLife 2.0
I mean I did ask
It didn't work
I still struggle to grasp how VR can be a 'social' thing in anything other than extremely limited circumstances. Like the only thing I could conceive is something that's more akin to an ARG as opposed to full on VR around a table top game or something, you know? But outside of that, I don't know.
Only basement dwelling secondlifers will think it’s social
can you be happy without just shitting all over everyone constantly?
prank-call politicians
@hilli_micha its' REALLY fun playing mp games imo
in VR
@hilli_micha Have you ever played frisbee in VR? I have
my son and I played a lot of Onward
was super fun man
Also Smashbox Arena
@KendallFrey you see the video though?
Well, let me clarify my position, I've had VERY limited experience with VR and my opinion is mostly an uneducated one at that in the broad strokes. I first have to deal with the fact I get sick really easily from that and 3D movies/games
or have you tried it yet?
Multiplayer VR porn
no and no
I need to, but man that's what I wanted Virtual Desktop to be
you can put windows anywhere on the screen
dock them and stuff, like individual windows doesn't matter how many real physical monitors you have like in Virtual Desktop
are you talking about a vr thing?
yea that link above, Oculus Dash
Could you really use that long enough to do work in?
I’d try it
idk about doing "work" but definitely watching videos or web browsing
programming imo would be a little rough/eye straining
I think the best usecase for VR so far is this:
@KendallFrey ^
I'd totes hang out with kendall in there
Programming is already eye straining
lol true
Q: How to validate dropdown using angularjs?

its meI have one text box and dropdown bar .if user enter anything in textbox we need ask user to select anyone from dropdown list (which means user is required).if user removed entered value from text box then user no need to select dropdown (which means text box might be empty and so no need to slect...

Hello, can someone explain this while loop condition to me in : jsfiddle.net/r9n2404f ? What is the condition? I know while loops run until they are false.
woot just made another sale (on Facebook)
that realtor business card holder is doing well lol

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