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again, wrong.
seriously. when I said do a little research on it I wasn't being a douche, there is a lot of information out there that explains it
idk. i'm just saying that some people use firefox because it is the 'privacy browser' but there is a chance now that it is using google'e dev tools built into it. so if you a security concerned person you may want to look into this further as i will. instead of a non firefox user nit picker like @rlemon
alright. have fun
you're running on misinformation tho
chrome dev tools say chrome://, firefox implemented dev tools that look EXACTLY the same, and they say chrome:// in some places too. chrome:// is google chrome's internal protocol. sure mozilla used the term chrome before google named their browser chrome, but whatever man.
I feel like I'm bullshitting the university application so much :/
@asdfqwerzxcv you are not seeing it. FF used chrome:// before google did
the name of their browser is just a coincidence
I talk about ruby and garbage collections, but those are not really things I know much about
firefox has been trying to keep up with google chrome, implementing almost every feature they do so i'm really not sure if it's the same dev tools or just a clone. maybe they are using chrome:// protocol now too. idk. wish they wouldn't though
and there's definitely some other impressive stuff I know about that I either forgot I know or don't consider impressive
alright i see this link is much more helpful on the topic
trying to make a list of truths about my life, but it's going to be a real mess
i used ff before chrome and never noticed anything about it back then
Mozilla was the browser for a while. then FF, then Chrome came on the scene and cleaned up
in the same way IE6 innovated a lot, FF did as well.
google just took over in the last ten years
maybe me saying that I love haskell while also saying that I don't really know haskell is a bad thing and actually shows I don't go deeper into my passions, so I should feel like a really bad person because I'm acting like a dufus
the mozilla foundation is still responsible for a lot tho
does anyone here use lokijs for thei database?
chrome:// is not a reference to google chrome developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Chrome
@NathanJones yes, the confusion (I think) stemmed from where chrome came from. and the answer is not from google.
having not used FF seriously in like 8 years I can't say when it became visible in the dev tools.
I am now using session buddy
confusion because chrome://settings and chrome://plugins etc. are google chrome specific things and chrome:// never came up in my past years using chrome
Wish that functionality was inbuilt in Chrome
dunno, I used chrome://history a lot to get rid of evidence
yeah that's google stuff
mozilla = mosaic killa
On that topic
how does this look
a toolbar?
that's so 2017
My custom chrome theme
everything is white except for the top bar (which is the Google blue)
doesn't it take up focus, if it's not black, to you?
also, -1 for not using the dark theme on chat
@ShrekOverflow hate it
(I use all dark themes :D)
I had #373037
for the top bar
experimenting with the colors
for context, I use Light colors on text editors :P
you heathen
also, get a real browser. Use opera
@ShrekOverflow waaaaaaaaa
@towc did you know Opera used to embed ads into the browser? not like on pages. into the top bar
Personal preference, unless I am coding in a dark room
@rlemon past is the past
also no, I didn't 0.o
Opera is junk
i prefer light colors in terminal and code-editor
I know Opera from then isn't Opera from now, but it never sat right with me since.
that's somewhat messed up
here we go
@KendallFrey our kind has been insulted again
avc said all my mods are old
@ShrekOverflow whaaaaaaa
@towc It's not "our kind", it's Opera
@ShrekOverflow what's your favorite light theme?
We don't need identity politics in here.
@NathanJones Atom One Light
I feed on drama, stop logic-blocking me
I'm not going to lie, I haven't used Opera in years. I still hate on them for embedding ads from so long ago
@towc if you want to try a real browser, try lynx!
welp no ksp
@rlemon I don't think anyone has used it in years tbh
game crashed
@rlemon tbf I can't blame you for that :/
except hipsters
I have FF basically always running, but I don't use it. (cap runs on it)
I'm still waiting for Chrome to add one-click mute.
like.. super browser hipsters.
and I use Chrome day to day
@Loktar Am I a hipster?
I just went back to IE 5.5
@KendallFrey idk only you can answer that, tbh I don't think you are
on one side, I like opera's top bar design much more than chrome's now
@KendallFrey you're a Canadian Hipster, so the plaid and overall lumberjack look don't seem out of place.
but I think @towc just wants to be different
which is not a good reason to like a browser, but it's somehting
@ShrekOverflow i just set my editor theme to atom one light. i'm in for a surprise monday since i'll probably forget about it over the weekend.
Who are you to decide what is or isn't a good reason to like something?
an individual.
that's kinda the point
@KendallFrey Who are you to decide I can't?
@rlemon I think you misread
who am i
i like Vivaldi's layout
can we all decide to decide that deciding is not our decision?
Who is drugs?
what is drugs*
where is drugs? 0.o
!!giphy what is drugs?
why is drugs?
if you haven't seen that before, look it up on google
dude is high as a fucking kite, and asks "what is drugs"
when asked if he's on them
Opera still looks to have it's higher share in Africa eh?
@Loktar mostly all developing countries
@Loktar FWIW iirc Opera has the highest es6 adoption
smart cookies, those Africans
or something like that
@towc just Africa
still hate it
@rlemon yeah and the lowest user adoption
so I won't use it lol
any one else think the nerds should stop working on advanced AI algorithms and fix bluetooth?
@Loktar such a hawins remark
@AlexBollbach what is wrong with bt? (seriously, I dunno)
@towc nah, this would be one
@Loktar I didn't know there was such a thing as an anti-hipster
i don't know what is wrong with it.. but it is never working right
Fuck you guys opera is so dumb I'm leaving
!!afk lol, opera hipsters I'm out
fyi: opera acts in almost every way like chrome (same engine, same devtools), except for some additional fun stuff
<3ro J
@KendallFrey I think they are just super hipsters maybe?
like a much better overall design
that's why I call him a hothead, he's still a great guy tho
and natively blocking ads
@towc yeah nothings changed
same story as 2008
and still the same user share
Have you seen the hipster hierarchy comic?
it's always had a nice interface, and smooth interactions
Opera is like Haskell. sure it might be nice, and even better in regards. you're not going to win over the general population
@Loktar sure. I don't mind that
@KendallFrey lol, idk though how can the suit guy be a hipster?
No one is calling him one either
you could even argue that we privileged people are bad because we're taking minification processing power away from those in worse situations
so I think suit guy wins being the most hipster for not conforming to the hipsters
@Loktar So what makes you think he is one?
so the usage should be even lower in europe and stuff
I wish I was a hipster. then at least I could grow a neat beard.
@towc or it's just not as good 😒
and has terrible advertising
No one outside of the dev world and Africa know wtf Opera is
my grandmother loves the opera
don't talk like that
@Loktar again, their point isn't to advertize to already wealthy people, afaik
the mission is to minimize internet costs in places where that's a problem
I can't believe it still exists though, it's kid of crazy. I figured they lost all their die hard users when they basically became chrome
My fingers are gonna be sore tomorrow, I forgot how physical LEGO assembly is.
serious question: how's the memory management in Opera?
and protect privacy
@KendallFrey you get the saturn kit?
hipsters were hipster before it was hipster
nice congrats man!
because FF is shit, Chrome is shit
@rlemon I don't know, which I guess is a good sign?
@Loktar Also, good luck, it's sold out again
@KendallFrey or you use Opera like I use chrome. which is to say, you'd never notice.
FF I only notice because cap is long running
I have 32 gigs of ram because I use Chrome 😒
I've gotten into the habit of not leaving chrome open for more than a day
:/ is 😒 which is weird
@Loktar I KNOW!
:god damn:
I keep Opera open for weeks at a time
this opera instance has been running maybe since the day the laptop arrived
I'm still not sure if Caps problems are Cap, FF, or SO
I do with chrome as well honestly
I close chrome on the daily, mostly because I come into work and have max tabs open from the day before
to the point where the tabs don't even show the fav icon
I have tabs open for a reason, because I plan to come back to them
I have tabs open because I once opened them
I've been running chrome on here since the 27th of Sep
I'd be devastated without the "resume last session" feature
once I get like 20 tabs in it's easier to just open a new one then find the previous tab I was looking for
it's a problem, I'm aware
The download was cause i wrecked it, so had to reset some colors before screenshot :P
with Zsh spaceship
all the chrome memories.
and Wikipedia in Chrome with Avenir Next as default font
@Loktar close some tabs
@Shmiddty why?
could also be extensions
Only 25% of my memory is being used total
@ShrekOverflow That explains why it felt foreign
because I said so
with everything (including Chrome)
some extensions spawn new processes
yeah I have 12 tabs open actually
and there are def more processes
so that's it @rlemon for sure
@Loktar I started using Session Buddy (my friends use Toby)
22 processes, plus the main process for 12 tabs
also Chrome://flags has special settings
to reduce stress with tons of flags opened
oh I'm not even complaining though
@ShrekOverflow @Loktar take note of my pin on the side
Hangouts boi
It doesn't effect performance at all
@rlemon I will for sure if I'm home
@Loktar :D
what are you rocking :P
I have a decent computer fortunately
Lucky you :P
but my wifes chromebook runs well too, so idk it confuses me, chrome that is
it does eat a shitload of ram for what it is
@Loktar I guess it depends on the type of tabs you have opened :?
In flags I have enabled a flag to disable video decoding when the video is playing in a background tab
@ShrekOverflow yeah most of my stuff is static besides this and irc
@Loktar "for what it is" is going to change with the next generation. it isn't just a 'browser' any longer when you can (almost literally) run anything in it
@rlemon heh yea
it is kind of crazy
once it can run x86 process/games give me a chrome machine! 😋
I lived through <marquee> and now I'm able to write all of the code AND flash my arduino directly from the browser
it's fucking insane man
Thats with one of those tabs running Matlab
@Loktar ask Copy
rather, once it can run them fast lol
well now
yeah exactly he did win98 in it haha
Hello everyone
hey @Shea
long time no see
Hey Shea
Yeah it's been awhile :)
Btw Lemon I do like your tweaks for the room
@towc @KendallFrey I was just arguing because I was bored btw
but can't use dark theme, gives me a headache almost instantly
I have nothing against Opera
@rlemon Btw Lemon I do like your twerks for the room (source)
because the entire OS is white
thanks cap, I try
@Loktar I didn't even notice you were arguing
oh, well I think I was being argumentative idk
@ShrekOverflow open the options page, you can disable the css
@Loktar feel like arguing? Argue that vue is a good framework :P
was being negative regardless lol
but it applies then removes. there is a blip
@towc it is in certain circumstances I'm sure lol
I still need to mess with it 😒 among a few other things
that's the most positive response I've heard from a regular
I already said, 100% of my hate is from a previous version of Opera. I know I'm biased.
but dude react is even smaller now... they removed proptypes!
but they made their bed, they can sleep in it
lmao that cracks me up actually.
prop-types as a seperate module.. that will never be used outside of react
@rlemon yeah for sure
@Loktar that pissed me off actually.
had to import a new module for each place I'm using context?
fuck that noise
same dude, I've had to update so much shit because of it.
Back to my CLI
Adios people :)
you're right all, screw react
see ya!
@ShrekOverflow see you tomorrow
I still like react, but I hate the separation they're doing lately
you mean the direction they're going in?
I never went to 15.6 stayed on 15.4 so having all the growing pains now going to 0.16
yeah, it seems pointless in some ways
On that @rlemon I'll definitely make it :)
I'm tempted to learn how to write webpack plugins to make a propTypes easy transition plugin
the lies that have been uncovered? The amount of child labour and plot to take over earth?
but then I remember someone else will probably write it
so I get lazy
I mean I understand the proptypes removal since now you could use flow I suppose
please... anybody has experience with linux runit respectively sv
Also, has anybody here ever written Daemons? If not I am writing a lib to write x-plat daemons that follow the platform's recommendations on how to do so. Please ping me if you have written or wanted to write a Daemon with Node, I'd like to understand the requirements etc.
@rlemon there is a codemod for it as well
I've been running that, but it's not perfect
thank goodness though we've been using es6 classes almost the entire time we've adopted react
I just re-wrote most of my front end.
it sucked
they removed createClass in 0.16, that would have sucked lol
Can someone pin that?
basically I had a project like 40% done then it was scrapped. now I'm able to use 10% of that for the next project which isn't scrapped.
Thanks, bye now!
@ShrekOverflow you can pin, you are a RO
see ya np, I pinned but yeah good point @rlemon lol
Didn't think self pin would work.
seriously tho, I can't express how happy and also sad I am that the project was scrapped.
I worked for almost a year on it
wait which project was this @rlemon?
meh, if only there was a framework that's been consistently getting better and had no license controversies :/
@Loktar touch screen
ooh, that sucks
yea, we're moving more into pure OEM
so our physical interface isn't important anymore
online only
but like... so much work done
so much code written
well, you can be glad that if you could have done better, you didn't :)
remind me never to try to support someone
I'm glad because I'm overloaded. I'm sad because that time could have been better used
Nothing will change that. It is what it is.
Just gotta use as much that I did over, and work on the rest new
I don't think you've ever been sadder in chat

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