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@rlemon We just read the bill
and I get to use a laser
who is really winning here
not anymore
that wicked queen
they made her look angry
Canada finally gets first shipment of wall projector clocks and puts it in their notes
she does not look pleased.
I too would be unpleased if the last time I had sex were before the last great war
lol, and everyone is like "yea, thanks for the good run, we're on our own now. you have no power here"
one trillion frames jesus
her life has been spent watching the monarchy gain less and less power
but she gets a bunch of houses and dogs for free
@rlemon She never does
It's gonna be different having a ... king.
obviously not her, then
@KendallFrey makes no difference to us
Still, it's the QEW, not the KEW
It seems like she's been queen for literally forever
@KendallFrey meh, just extend the gardiner
yay, flying ant season
Nvm. Termites
@rlemon bae
3 more hours
that seems like a dupe
it has to be
it's tagged jquery
it's about this, too
it's a little unclear
if it were asking what this was, that's an obvious dupe, if it were asking where to store instance specific data, that's an obvious dupe, etc
we have 7 days to find a dupe tho
it's asking a little bit of all of them
i just don't see how someone can have hundreds of questions
Q: Copy the raw file to windows(local) from bitbucket through script

Harish P CI want to login to Bit-bucket and to copy the raw file to my local with the help of scripting(any scripting is fine). Kindly provide an idea/suggestion to achieve this scenario.

i don't even know what to choose for that magento question. it's an administration question
not really a programming question
yeah, it's off topic and unclear
You've put git in your tags. What about using it? — pacholik 8 hours ago
@KendallFrey @Trasiva
@BenFortune reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/74pb9f/… pls confirm
@rlemon confirmed
much better name if we're being honest
> POLICE! DROP THE rooty tooty point-n-shooties. I said DROP THE ROOTY TOOTY POINT-N-SHOOTIE!
I got @SterlingArcher'ed and walked in for a flat repair and spent $500 :(
(joking bro)
Good thing I brought my work laptop
I still haven't gotten my ac fixed
in your car or house?
my truck
it mostly works
that's what windows are for
but i have to have a stick sticking out of the front vent to keep air coming out of the front instead of defrost
really, the only thing need is my defrosters
gotta have both here
everything else can be overcome with a lack of, or abundance of clothing
are you guys using alpine linux for anything?
@NathanJones yoo betcha
this time of year windows open is fine,
got a bunch of docker images in the 10-20MB range
but a month ago that wouldn't have helped much
don't go outside a month ago
outside is overrated
@KevinB Winter is coming good luck lol
sitting at a stop light in 90+ weather, windows down does nothing
No defrost
@ssube cool. i'm trying to get my images that small, i'm still at around ~1gb. but my big problem right now is getting node-oracledbto work
oh, i have defrost
It won't be dry
the problem is too much defrost
Your ac gets run to defrost lol
hmmm yeah tha tmight be a problem
Hangouts Saturday 5PM UTC. Come to this room to get the link on that day at that time.
It'll prob be fine tho if you have good heat
well, right now only a tiny bit of the ac still goes through the defrost while i have the dowel rod in
@ssube do you have any images that need glib?
!!afk home
I had to buy 2 fresh tires lol
if i remove the dowel rod, it all goes through defrost
Performance 20s :(
so in the winter i'll ust put it away and keep it on defrost
I was hoping to ditch the car before this happened
@KevinB lolwhat
yeah, there's this door in my dash that is controlled by suction. When in defrost mode, the door opens, when out of defrost, it closes
but the latch that holds it closed is broken
the dowel rod closes it
$2 solution vs paying 2k to get it replaced
Lol nice
Build a swamp cooler ac
Yea those default to defrost and are vacuum driven by regulation
So that no matter what if it fails you have defrost
unfortunately i only need defrost like 2 months out of the year
unless we get a year like last year
I need it on rainy days since my car lets so much heat into the cab
The heater core is always part of the system has no cutoff. And the pipe for it goes right above my leg with no insulation.. It's truly awful
I need defrost from mid November till March
Hi, can we use the promise object (node "q") within the another normal function, such that it will wait till the promise returns the response?
var Q = require('q');

function promiseFunc(req) {
    var d = Q.defer();

    requestObject = somthing.anotherpromise({....}, some_parame);

    request(requestObject, function(error, response, body) {
        // Something
        if (success){
        } else {

    return d.promise;
Open the sunroof on a hot day and it drafts 200 degree air into your legs
I need to call this function in some other function and use the response. Can we do that?
This guy has tried to upsell me like 4 times
He told me he was giving me a deal at 560 lmao I was like I have my receipts and gave you 560 last time when it wasn't prorated??
Then wants to sell me a cabin air filter for 30, $20 installation.
The overpriced Mopar one is $15 and you just drop it in lmao
Now he is telling me to get drag tires.
when i first started going to sears they always wanted to do an alignment, every time, eventually they stopped asking and just do what i ask for
I buy the lifetime and they hope to god you won't ask for a alignment
Or act like it'll take forever
I used to know of/go to a guy who was really good at alignments, but he hates german cars
Only problem with sears is they're slow as hell sometimes
I'm so much happier with a lease. The dealership only tries to upsell me one time. All maintenance is no questions asked
I trust lasers... None of the old school alignment shops lol
And a alignment tech is basically the lowest role lol
and stay tf out of his way
@Jhoverit hyundai's machine fucked up and they charged me to align it then realign their fuckup.
Never go to Hyundai
@rlemon lol well yea if the machine isn't calibrated
But that's managed (here anyway) like a gas pump. Yearly state/county inspections
@Jhoverit the same dealership charged me for an oil change and never changed the oil.
Went to another Hyundai and they wanted $600 for an engine flush which I got the year prior
I paid Jiffy Lube to change my oil on the Challenger once this summer. They left the coolant pressure cap off and lost my oil cap
I found the oil cap tho lmao under the airbox like 3 months later
I have zero trust in Hyundai now.
@rlemon Whats a engine flush
Two dealerships were crooks
@Jhoverit replacing some fluids.
Can't remember exactly which ones.
!!> 4 + + "5"
Oh like seafoam etc
@Tobiq You iz in mindjail
Or Restore
@Jhoverit no clue. But crappy tire did it for like $45
!!> 4 + + "5" = ?
Weh, gotta wake up in 5 hours :/
I do that to mine every 3rd or 4th change just add the additive and run it for 10-20 min and change the oil
I should learn more about engines.. but I've already got so much to learn about woodworking.
@Jhoverit why does it say "you iz in mindjail"
!!help ban
Because you were banned from cap
@Jhoverit ban: Bans a user from using me. Lacking arguments, prints the ban list. /ban [usr_id|usr_name]
i never even used caprica??
@Jhoverit The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
@rlemon it said it would list the bans lmao
@rlemon any fun projects you were working on?
there's no way to describe a command that I know of
@MadaraUchiha i never used capirca in months
I wonder what happens if we ban ''. Somebody else do it
just the usage help
@Tobiq Caprica bans are permanent. And please stop pinging people randomly.
@ssube !!help <command>
ban for what??
No idea. Someone banned you in the past. That's that.
search your chat history
@Jhoverit uhhh
!!ban list
@rlemon I couldn't find list.
then ban was relatively recent
How do
!!tell Tobiq echo "my name is tobi the q is for stack username"

Caprica Six
Caprica Six
@Tobiq "my name is tobi the q is for stack username"

I'm so sorry

I forgive you

!!ban tobiq

7:59 PM
lets hug

Caprica Six
Caprica Six
@Jhoverit The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations

!!ban tobiq

Caprica Six
Caprica Six
@ssube tobiq added to mindjail.

I have a question in between this chit chat. Sorry but may I ask it?
i was testing capirca and u baned? is that what happened
Ugh. 5% battery
!! afk dead
!!afk brb not here at the moment im coming back @CapricaSix
stop pinging people
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
well I'm double dumb
@Jhoverit The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
@Jhoverit Already registered; still need 1 more
@rlemon, @Jhoverit /ban without arguments does list bans, but since it's access controlled that's checked first. As in, the cap is on the command, not on specific usage
It's stupid
Somebody non-owner do it and see if she bans everyone
@Zirak rlemon is afk: dead
I suspect she'll ban nobody
@Tobiq You don't seem to have reached zen in your time off
Yea same
or anybody who she can't later look up
So I was like that's MY filter right? So why is it $20 to put a diff one in when you already have to put mine back
Dude just stared. Fake news
i learned SET THRORY at UNIVEsity
what about capitalization?
the caps is for effect / emphasis
I dont suspect it had much Effect.
i'm fairly certain it had an effect
set theory is big stuff so i wanted it to be noted
de morgan also good guy
@Tobiq mind If I ask you; Does it really not bore you (after all that time) to still post those on-the-line trollish messages? Just to assure you, everyone realizes that, They simply Just do not give a thing.
@ssube i'm not sure i can get alpine working for my project...node-oracledb needs libnsl, but it's not in the 3.6 repo
@NathanJones it might not. They are missing packages sometimes.
Alpine is cool, but there are trade offs for the space.
@KamilSolecki noo i joined univsersity recently and i learned set theory and de morgan and also i learned absorption, from boolean algebra
@ssube edge is a definite no-go, right?
the browser?
oh. I think I've used it for stuff. It can be unstable.
I doubt it will help much
the package i need is only in edge
oh really? then it might work
you can also sometimes install edge packages on a prev version
@ssube hmm, i'll try adding the edge repo on 3.6 first
I am battling an interesting phenomenon
Third time this week, while I switch on the lights in my room, the bottle on the shelf wiggles
Ive been trying to reproduce it, but im failing
I must be kicking it somehow, but Damn its pretty far
is it metallic?
Shelf is wooden
also, I'd like to note that the only thing I hate more than networks is DNS
that rules out magnetic stuff
loose floor board?
Not that either
@KamilSolecki is the shelf attached to the wall?
Lemme snap a pic
Probably shaking the wall
Now, do notÄ™ that the chair isnt touching the shelf
And that i tried kicking the chair too
OMG i Just solved it
Its not the sound of the bottle
There is something wrong with one of the halogens, and while its turning on it Sounds exactly like a bottle wiggling on a shelf
One less thing off my mind, then
@ssube that worked! ...but now i get a new error about libresolv.so.2 not loading :(
install resolvtools or libresolv?
installing the edge package, that is
@KamilSolecki I don't like how you letter
not sure the name
@towc bah, i always forget to switch the keyboard
removing the glass bottle and repeating the action that caused the occurrence would have probably lead pointed you in that direction, but i guess you didn't realize it was actually due to flipping the switch
@KamilSolecki are we not important enough for you?
I thought I had a friend
@towc i always realize it after I start typing, and a Bug in chat causes the keyboard to overlap the input box. Hence, I cannot see properly what im typing, and to fix thst Bug, id have to Click "done" and Click on the input box again to continue typing, which, trust me, is annoying to me.
you don't need excuses with me. Or at least, I thought you didn't
The Bug occures when switching keyboards*
@towc I do like when things are clear and understood, since things that annoy me are not always usual
@KamilSolecki bad ballast
you don't need to invent a new branch of philosophy to salvage this friendship :/
@towc as long as you read these, its far from ceased.
say what?
srsly though, everything ok?
seem less jokeful than usual :/
i can't find it
@towc ive made nuff jokes today Which went under them flags in C# so i burned out :P
Boy was I naughty
@NathanJones not sure what to do
a quick search doesn't come up with any packages
@ssube i think it's part of glibc...i wonder if i can add a symbolic somewhere
Kamil is my brotha from a polish motha.
that's right, I said it
man, I've been addicted to reddit.com/r/proceduralgeneration lately as well
some of the maps these guys generate really make me wanna get into that kinda crap
@rlemon wohoo dank related
i'd like ksp to have more launch locations, with a separate team of kerbals at each spot, and an increased focus on kerbin exploration
anybody willing to help me understand a es6 / es2015 scoping thing? Its just a syntax question .
one of the realism mods adds more locations
more reason to explore flight
extraplanetary launchpads does most of that
and less hour long flights to go take measurements
@ssube that's the one
I have a small launch pad on my space station

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