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@rlemon Can't everyone play on 1 account
Like if one person on the system has + everyone can access multiplayer
Do you think SO would let us rewrite chat?
lol there's a guy here ranting about mediocre developers with some anecdotal bs story about a random email regex not allowing him to use his weird email in a form
or, do you think if we rewrote it, that they'd use it
apart from sounding like a massive douche, what's wrong about mediocre developers
I love mediocre developers
Just use IRC
@Shmiddty no
@Shmiddty As long as we only let non-white gender fluid unicorns do the coding
@SterlingArcher you're like the least grumpy, greybeardy person I know. How do you know what IRC is? :P
@Jhoverit I'm white, but I identify as a non-white gender fluid unicorn
Me too
And I identify as pale
Not white
Im dried out
The privilege to walk
I'm more hair than white really
> gender: hairy
@Mosho do you identify as simian?
gender: Sasquatch
if there's so much hair that you can't tell, the answer is no
!!urban simian
@Mosho [Simian](http://simian.urbanup.com/2647631) A word used to describe a person with unusually apish characteristics/attributes (long forearms, calloused knuckles, awkward loitering around other people's conversations).

Also, used to describe a person who excels at hunter/gatherer endeavors (direct procurement of edible plants and animals form the wild, foraging and hunting).
!urban sibian
@Jhoverit some games are account bound. Like ESO
@Mosho science word for monkey
I definitely do not excel at hunter/gatherer endeavors
I'm good at ordering food
good thing that isn't part of the real definition
@rlemon This was back in the prime of MW2
yeah, that definition is bad
There were no restrictions
I even got DLC
@Cereal bad people
doin bad stuff
@Cereal DIdn't that die over a year ago
btw @Mosho, @rlemon, what're your ps-identity-name-entities-beings?
> node is the primary runtime - no bash here
bash is a "primary runtime"?
I guess
@Zirak Mosho_2
for bash scripts
doesn't onebox vimeo. boo
vimeo is mostly nsfw
so that makes sense
vimeo sure seems to be the hot thing right now
they did sponsor High Maintenance before HBO picked it up
that's a good show
@ssube that's the one with the guy on the bike, right?
bike, headphones, beard
I liked it
didn't watch all the extra episode things
is daredevil season 2 worth watching
@Mosho only for the chance of seeing Rosario Dawson
daredevil season 2: derrier and devilier
I've seen enough of her
speaking of seeing movies because of the people in them, this bad movie looks good
@Zirak can't remember. Try rlemon or thegreatrupert
@Mosho yes, the punisher is dope
@SterlingArcher I only thought about it because there's a picture of him with a minigun on my tv as a netflix screensaver
netflix is my screensaver
@ssube "people"
@rlemon there's an rlemon but all his things are not public, I'll just add him and hope for the best
@Zirak lemmy check my email for ps+ receipts
> Online ID: thegreatrupert
UPDATE: A spokesman for the Baltimore City Fire Dept has confirmed the source of the odor was a pumpkin spice air freshener https://twitter.com/ABC2NEWS/status/916021325579407360
well whoever that is just got a very confusing message
@rlemon Super Motherload?
@Zirak most of those games are free ps+ games
lmgdao these are amazing
whats github
@KamilSolecki nice
@Jhoverit I hope that's in reverse
@KendallFrey you don't know how to fish for groundhogs? Everyone uses a lamb.
that is not a smart animal
@Jhoverit mama roos will fcuk u up m8
that's impressive
injecting it is for losers. we freebase our syrup
I vape my maple syrup
maple flavoured vape is disgusting btw
don't try it
Speaking of drugs, edibles gunan be legal a year after cannabis in canada
Why arent they legalized at the same time
Not sure. There's a lot of fighting the bill afaik
Penalties are really harsh for selling to minors as a result. Something like 10 years in prison, or something equally dumb
That's dumb
Ye theres people who will give edibles to minors
Which is fucked up
Thats a total waste of edibles
youtube.com/watch?v=gmeRJUMgpfE well that's heartwarming
let them starve
yeah, don't give minors anything
Yeah there are better ways to get your kids to shut up
I don't particularly care, because I'm not giving drugs to minors
Put vodka in their juice or something
babies enjoy scotch and absinth
pretty sure my parents used to feed me whiskey to put my to sleep
Yeah like when youre sick and you get to drink cough syrup + soda + rum
My father told me stories how i always tried to snatch his beer
@Meredith normal people don't do that
my parents used to use some drug on us that's now illegal too
Can't remember what it was called. APparently it put us right ot sleep
It's great though
my parents just let us cry.
The best part of being sick
Cough syrup + soda Sounds like codeine + sprite
Generic robitussin + diet coke
gin and juice
@Cereal its called chloroform
but the kind with cough syrup
Drank is underrated though
i was addicted to cough syrup
it's banned now
which color?
Too expensive for what it is but it's good
i.imgur.com/XLKazsA.jpg fuck that's a nice table.
like $200 in epoxy tho
maybe more..
I don't get it
please matte finish
they're called river tables.
usually they just have glass on top
this guy did it by filling the gap with epoxy
@rlemon Noice, but imagine If you dont angle the two wood parts properly
epoxy ain't cheap
they should use green and blue epoxyu
river colors
add little rocks and trees
That's super cool
Where do I buy one
And a river, possibly
@Cereal from me, once I finish my shop.
put glass over the top
I needt o be broke so I can complain about being a millenial
river diorama tables would be the shit
Keep posting useless things I shouldn't buy
I wanna get into glass blowing
@Cereal /r/woodworking
Well call me glass and get to it
then you'll hate everything in your house
Jokes on you, I can't afford a house
The mortgage payment on houses around here would actually be like half my rent
I just need a down payment
yea, that was my situation
so I saved for a few years to get the 20%
then he posted gifs of the money
true story
although that wasn't nearly all of it, just a couple grand I had to move from one acct to another
Yeah, it'll pay itself back pretty quickly
already has
house has appreciated by double my down payment
I got in at the very beginning of the 'bubble' which wasn't really a bubble
houses are relatively cheap here but then you gotta drive like an hour to work
also you need to buy a car
A lot of the houses around here are old though, but I mean you can remodel
I hate absolutely all of the kitchens around here. I need an island
Nothing old has an island!
we have a nice mix, some really old homes, and some new development
I got into an area put in around 2000
The new developments are all at the edges of town
It's like there was just nothing built here between 1950 and 2015
you're in NB yes?
Nice new houses in dieppe, but then I'd have to live in dieppe
where are you? like st john?
Riverview, across the river from moncton
ahh that's not bad then
at least it's beautiful
Trees everywhere, accented by construction and a mud river
I think moncton looks pretty
They're actually removing the causeway that caused the silt build up and building a bridge
but I live 45 minutes from Toronto
st johns is really nice (looks again, never lived there)
I'd love to spend a week there
and now I'm looking at houses again
Anyone else use keybase.io? keybase.io/jakeniemiec

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