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Is there any reason that when I click a null link page that is supposed to trigger an event, that it takes me to localhost/#
@AntonioNogueras Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mosho yeah man it's pretty sweet
full screen up to 20k particle
browsers have come such a long way
the fact it doesn't freeze up is crazy
I can't even begin to imagine how it works
lol same
the math is too nuts for me
I just remember copying it to a fiddle way back because it was so badass
wanted to mess with it
probably based on a research paper
lol and now it's the first result when you search for it
good job :p
Hello? I have a simple question. Will anyone care to help?
@Colourfit What version of jQuery are you using?
I think I solved it. It problems typing in console and the $ had already been overridden
Works fine now. sorry for bothering you.
Not a problem :)
Is it a good idea to build a simple blog using only javascript and deploy it on Google Cloud Platform? Which "XXXX-stack" is preferred to complete this?
2 hours later…
how do i add a click event handler on an element?
in JS?
i love you
@rlemon Pretty nasty tornado in Hawkesville today 😨
what do you mean?
Eclipses don't come along every day...
hope he is planning to either have flowers or the antichrist
> I'm afraid that although there's a ton of references to this factoid I wasn't able to find more information on it.
omg. is folklore actually a contraction of the words folk and lore? as in... knowledge of the folks?!
@Shrek hi <3
Hi guys. Am I able to post a link to a question here for people to look at?
If that's what you want to do :P
I've been working on this problem for a long time and haven't been able to find a solution. Any help is appreciated. stackoverflow.com/questions/45632005/…
@Jhoverit i am looking at moving, but not to nebraska unless a really good job offer comes through
why would anyone move to Nebraska
2 hours later…
Are there any pros/cons with a form to using the onsubmit="function()" attribute vs object.onsubmit = function() {...} in javascript?
mcgreggor vs mayweather anyone?
anyone interested in that?
Nah I'm more interested in attribute vs eventlistener
well, pros/cons is testing speed
what's faster? what takes less time to accomplish?
Anyone with a Synology NAS?
what's easier to read/maintain?
If one requires an import with webpack 2 + tree shaking (es2015 + modules: false), but does not use it, does webpack remvoe it still?
@Loktar thats side view with gravity, different
also not 20k particles
pretty cool, though
@ParagGhadge Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Is my WebRTC offer not containing my remote IP (only internal) a sign of my STUN/NAT failing?
@CatBoss Yes, I'm pretty sure
Although it would be trivial to check
Oh my sweet Madara,
always here to talk JS with me
Hello everyone
Oh hi mark
Hi I'm having an issue on my search table
here's my code. and everytime the keyup fires, the headers are gone
can you help me out a little @littlepootis? :)
Didn't really look at the code, but I guess you're replacing everything.
I'd suggest separating your headers into a <thead> and the rest into <tbody> and only replacing contents of <tbody>.
I got that on my other codes. but still, it doesn't work @littlepootis
Dear All,
I have some alignment issue on color search while after using angularJS
Before ui looks good like this screenshot
but when i use angular 1.6.4 its working good in search
but alignment breakdown into one after another
like this
search working fine
but alignments
here is the code
file name pmsColor.html
Thanks in advance
Here is the code.............
1 message moved to Trash can
@Momin Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
Thanks for the advice........
him what does this mean:
export const apiMiddleware = store => next => action => {}
@OluO Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OluO An exported function in a module consisting of chained lambda functions
ah so the result is passed from one to another?
How come my store is undef in here?

search (searchQuery){
        console.log("i am the text", searchQuery)
        //this.props.getSearch({value, prop });
       //store.dispatch({type: GET_SEARCH_DATA, searchQuery});

        console.log("PROPS SEARCH",this.props, "STATE", this.state)
        return (
            <View style={searchStyles.SearchContainer}>
                <View style={searchStyles.SearchSection}>
in the search method
I can't be the only person who messed about with googles DJ booth for an hour.
!!help quote
@Zirak quote: Manage and administer quotes.
Add a quote: `/quote add msgid ...quoteName`
Get a quote: `/quote get ...quoteName
List quotes: `/quote list [username]`
Get a random quote: `/quote random`
@Zirak help, afk, backup, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, quote, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :p, </pissing>, ?, ???, ^, ^5, abesnacking, abhi, abhishekpornfreak, acronym, afsari, ah, ahah, algosmarts
aliens, alot, am, angry, angryticks, annoy, apocalypse, appreciated, archerneat, artisticpoop, art
let's get digging...
wwwaiiiittt a minute
@Zirak Donna Noble has left The Library. Donna Noble has been saved.
@Zirak Watcha messing with?
For a few weeks I was confused about why the nuclear plant I copied from imgur wasn't working at full power. Today I noticed I'd placed a heat exchanger backwards. -_-
Or real life?
Ohh, ok
peerCon.setRemoteDescription(description, function() {
    console.log("SET ANSWER", description);
}, error);
my data channel closes when I run that, is that normal
how come not many knows about jquery each?
@GarethCompton Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@GarethCompton Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
I see.. .? If i may kindly ask. Can you rephrase that?
Ignore him, he's a bot.
I simply have problems with grammar, due to a mental handicap.
It's okay.
Sorry if i look suspicious, kinda new to this chat room thing.
Are you a cop?
ha, funny
On a serious note, no im not a cop
oo young to be a cop, sir
Maybe you're undercover
Sigh. Let me rephrase my question. Why hasn't anyone heard of jQuery each() method? Even if I am, wh ask I am a cop? >.<
What does he mean mental handicap
I have highly functional autism
I think that's irrelevant
good with the systematic approach, but very, VERY handicap with the social interactions
@GarethCompton That's what "Emily" told me too, and look where it got me.
who is emily...?
We try to avoid talking about Emily
I don't get the reference, either.
i think i sort of get it
that, to which i can say im lost. But doesnt matter anyway! :D
Emily was the undercover cop kendall picked up thinking it was a hooker
tsk-tsk, online dating sucks man
its on a joking term. Sorry if i was out-of-lone
i too had an awful experience with online dating, turns out the girl i was with
sorry, i got too carrried away
I suddenly want a smart watch
Where can I purchase one?
any android watch
oh it's not its own thing?
Samsung Gear S3
Is it possible to send cookie along to video URL when playing using a player??
you can program or download custom 'faces' for the android watches
android watch from samsung both looks and is sick
had the opportunity to use one
the fact that it handles and looks like a regular watch but actually is more
is a definite +
I just never got used to charging my watch
heh, true
I fucking died at level 60 in the new PoE league
someone hold me
hey can we see data communication between a remote debugger and a ide for example xdebug and netbeans using wireshack
@FastSnail Wireshark I'm guessing, and have you tried?
@Mosho It's okay, let it out
it's not fair
@Zirak yes but i cannot see anything on wireshack it's just empty .i try with all interfaces
Don't you think it's suspicious that wire SHARK shows nothing when you're using the internet?
@Zirak it shows when i choose wifi as the interface but then there is no any information relative to xdebug or netbeans.but of cause netbeans exchange data throw port 9000
@FastSnail I'm guessing you're connecting locally?
@Zirak that mean ?
You're connecting to yourself
The debugging client connects to
@Zirak so then can't we capture it?this is gif from xdebug documentation.
Great gif. If you're connecting to localhost you need to listen on loopback as well
What's your OS?
I'm not a big windows user, so I'd suggest you Google "windows wireshark listen on loopback"
I know the stuff you need to do on linux
@Zirak thanks very much.i'm reading .i thinks that was the propblem .thanks
have fun
When the word 'if' is in the middle of a sentence, it's pronounced so softly and usually blended into adjacent words.
You native English speakers sometimes speak so quickly. Let's see this movie:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zxNoNgtDzA
Around 35:50s, the girl pronounced "know if" like the "nough" part of "enough".
Q: Not allowed to navigate top frame to data URL: JsPDF

KuldeeP ChoudharYtry { var a; var b = new jsPDF("p", "pt", "a3"); var c = document.getElementById("leftPieCanvas").toDataURL("image/png"); b.addImage(c, "PNG", 265, 60); a = document.getElementById("rightPieCanvas").toDataURL("image/png"); b.addImage(a, "PNG", 205, 440); if ($("#sales_...

anyone can help for this question, will mark as correct answer and give you upvote please help me
If you want to /learn a memorable quote for eternity, there's a new kid in town: /quote. See #289
anyone can help for this question, will mark as correct answer and give you up-vote please help me ?
@Zirak, do you know whats missing: codepen.io/tobq/pen/Gvvqjd?editors=1010
@Tobiq. should I be interested by that problem description?
Trying to create a simple dataChannel. It closes when I set remoteDescription, in "answerGet"
offerCreate -> AnswerCreate -> AnswerGet
/quote foo bar
!!tell BenjaminGruenbaum help quote
@BenjaminGruenbaum quote: Manage and administer quotes.
Add a quote: `/quote add msgid ...quoteName`
Get a quote: `/quote get ...quoteName
List quotes: `/quote list [username]`
Get a random quote: `/quote random`
!!quote stuff
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
That's just filthy.
thats just lemon-ey*
@Tobiq sure there must be some things youve done as a kid you arent proud of.
@Zirak is it working and complete?
at 13 you wouldnt even catch me on a slide
let alone shitting all over it
people are so easy
You know those wavy slides?
that go up n down up n down
few years ago I had this terrific idea to skateboard down one
ended up with a twisted ankle and sore as hell ass.
i completely uninstalled nms, so i have to reinstall it
on this slow interweb
@KamilSolecki twss
@littlepootis hey, that sentence could double up as a gay club story :P
!!quote list loktar
!!quote list
Mar 18 '13 at 20:08, by Loktar
I've been to gay clubs more than regular clubs lol
@Tobiq I agree
Steve Carell is awesome
3 hours later…
The crowd that likes to yell YOU LOST, GET OVER IT has a rather fetishistic attachment to flags of defeat.… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/896409564668583941
@KendallFrey What the hell
Nazi America is going bananas today
@MadaraUchiha UK is taking a dump
@Zirak link?
Just finished
Saw it
British mandate won
Kafeee was pretty nice, but other than that...meh. Nobody did much.
The UK team is great though, they were amazing yesterday as well
Given these opponents I'm not surprised
Also lack of communication in the Israeli team
Overlapping support ults everywhere
On top of that I think it's general chill and discipline
Understandable, but they're under a lot of pressure playing at this stage so it makes sense to be nervous and make mistakes
Germany vs. Belgium though
anyone know how to use google cloud compute engine
I've been filling up the Sandbox chat testing something and I feel bad lmao
I'm now getting the Data Channel onopen event, but when I send data, the opposing onmessage event isn't firing.
2 hours later…
Forgot all about that
May 20 '13 at 23:39, by Josiah South
@BenjaminGruenbaum Most girls are easy... Maybe it's just because I live in the US? Maybe it's just me ;) I'd like to believe it's both.
@Jhoverit lol ^
@GNi33 omg jagermeister is my favorite alcohol

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