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oo pretty bubbles
that looks like string theory
I'd say that looks more like string theory
that's rope theory
@SterlingArcher Those water rings are always cool to see. Dolphins make them and play with them.
Holy shit
Anthony Scaramucci was already fired, lol.
@rlemon I'm being all knowledgeable about science n shit, and you just shit all over it with a bad pun :(
Communications director for the white house. Wasn't even in for like...two weeks.
@Trasiva I guess you could say that the job was too...
for the pepper
He's fucking great in GoT, creepy bastard
these are amazing
@rlemon Spicers job was different 😋
where are my burritos
don't you try to ruin my pun
he left in protest however over Scaramucci
I'm having none of that
well there goes that movie
for all the GoT love this room has, I figure this is pin worthy
95% chance that goes to friday
@rlemon well Spicer was the acting one, I guess the pun is fine
Madara: fucking no spoilers
Lemon: lmao here's the rest of the season summed up
I didn't realize he was also "acting" communications director 😋
man I had a dream I watched the last EP of GoT last night online, no joke
Somebody has to do it.
@SterlingArcher you're supposed to chew your memes first
do you even meme
i swear to god
@SterlingArcher Imma tell nugget that you are trying to replace him
I quit when people started calling them dank, but they were just schwag
get your dry old ditch memes out of here
@KamilSolecki Sterling has always been le top memer
More like IE top memer
I was memeing before you were a broken acorn sonny
aka a busted nut
lmao nailed it again
2/2 im crushing it today
there it is
I will come back one day. You won the battle, but the war has Just begun.
I watched Eurotrip as a kid, I know what Europe gets up to.
@KamilSolecki Can you give me a heads up of when that'll happen? I'd like to rent out chairs and popcorn for the massacre that will become your life.
10/10 boobs in that film
@BenFortune my gf has never seen it and refuses to watch it now because she's "not in high school anymore." I don't know how you get by without knowing the songs from that movie.
It's like the equivalent of a musical for hungover, stoned kids.
The boob rubbing scene will forever be imprinted in my memory
I don't know how to tell her about all the things that Scotty doesn't know.
@ssube the two Best movies for doing drugs are Big Lebowski and Cheech and Chong series. Also, adventure time as animations go.
@BenFortune those were the first boobs I ever saw
I was like 6 and watched Eurotrip
2004, i'll have been 12
@KamilSolecki I dunno, man. Fear & Loathing and A Scanner Darkly are two of my favorites.
F&L was too heavy for me when high
If you want animation, though:
It's adventure time on drugs.
You guys want to see a real life super hero landing?
@KamilSolecki waaat. F&L is a comedy played straight.
Hey guys. Any reason why atob would be throwing a Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded. on a string that has passed every regex test for base64 that I've been able to find?
A Scanner Darkly or Requiem for a Dream I can see being too intense.
Although the new Dredd is probably the best film.
> Requiem for a Dream
oh man.. there is a a fav scene of mine in that movie
It always messed me up when high. Another thing is, the weed might have been laced or some shit
s/weed/thin mints/
If you want a more upbeat, inspirational film, Blow is good.
Worst decision was probably watching trainspotting when high. 10/10 do not recommend.
@ssube i dont smoke anymore :/
@McLemore What's the string?
Blow is so depressing
5/7 movie
my burritos were delivered by a 10 year old girl
@KendallFrey I.. uhm.. am about to buy factorio.
I was delivered by... nvm
@KamilSolecki :D
^ ... Kendalls Mom.
I also convinced Steve to play the demo
I'll continue to work on getting him to buy it
I played Crossout yesterday for like 5 hours, so much fun
@BenFortune an MMO version of that Mad Max game?
@McLemore there are == everywhere in it, that's not valid
@ssube It's like mad max meets twisted metal
I wish somebody would do a Destiny-style car game
looks like a bunch of base64 strings concatenated, maybe
Stop ban
I dun like PvP open world stuff
r u emotionally stable
@McLemore If regexes don't catch that you need better regexes
Choose your next words wisely
IKR ben
Hmm, the API might just be doing that. I've been using the ones from on here that I could find. I guess none of them accounted for it @KendallFrey.
They won't account for it, because it's not valid
I think that's a foolproof base64 regex
I'm probably wrong, I haven't tested
For what I know, kendall writes regexes in his sleep
@Tobiq dude. Stop, or we will simply ban you on sight even if you have a good question.
Just chill out, and be a part of the room like a normal person.
@KendallFrey wtf 20 euro
Did you play the demo?
Might as well
@BenFortune, it's a regex to validate that it's a base64 string, so it needs to catch invalid sequences or it's not doing its job.
For me it's easily worth full price
too late
I'd just try parsing it, if it fails it's obviously not valid
oh god for some reason steam told me: this game cannot be installed and my heart stopped
Also consider that I didn't play it for a long time because I got bored of it
I thought it had no replay value
you played it.... yesterday?
I first played it months (years?) ago
ah k
played through, started over, gave up
dun worry, there is always modz
what game?
came back, played through, started over, kept playing
factorio is worth full price.
@KamilSolecki I have a bunch of mods right now
it's easily 200 hours of fun
see you in 200 hours I guess
Not the least of which is Factorissimo
Are vampires mythical or in real life?
I thought they were fake
this is walking the line, if not over already ^
@KamilSolecki we got it, don't worry
also, you can clearly see, vampires are very real.
Don't egg him on
@BenFortune im done :D
Vampires and Help Vampires are different things. you've been informed (and linked) on what a Help Vampire is. Please go read it, and if you feel the need for clarification post on meta (that'll go over well). that's your inch, if you try to take a mile you'll be kicked again.
I want to try designing a 1RPM factory that can fit inside one factory building
According to my calculations, it is possible
If I were to trust anything, I'd trust your calculations
(no sarcasm)
what is "one factory building?"
@ssube Factorissimo
@ssube Factorissimo
makes little buildings you can build in
oh, so modular factories?
The constraint isn't space, because recusion makes that infinite
There are only 32 I/O slots
if that tiny little building with all your shit in it is destroyed, all your shit is destroyed too right?
@ssube pretty much
@KendallFrey that was one of my bigger problems with the game. As you got further in, you had to refactor more, and it was tedious.
@KevinB Nah, the mod keeps track of buildings separately from the building item itself
yeah that's also why i stopped playing
@ssube It's only tedious if your factory isn't scalable
My first factory was spaghetti
oh hey, now i need 6 times more of x item... but... there's water over there that i can't build on!
I learned what not to do
@KevinB landfill, durr
that or you get to the point where you need more than a conveyor can move at a time
all of a sudden you've gotta run a second line
two conveyors!
two conveyors means moving a row of factories
my current factory is a main bus with 4-wide iron and copper
once you embrace trains and spreading your factory over a large distance, management and scaling up isn't at all an issue
It was designed that way from the start though
but.. trains offer their own difficulties.
luring bugs into a snowpiercer-style defense is always fun
Interestingly, production isn't as scalable as you'd expect. Once you start building on a large scale, building itself becomes the bottleneck, not research.
@SterlingArcher dude survived with minimal damage iirc.
by minimal I mean, didn't need his face put back on
@rlemon FWIW, I started using trains for the first time the other day
@rlemon that's lucky af
i was expecting at the minimum some jaw shattering
@SterlingArcher First bj, huh
@KendallFrey which campaign would you recommend? first steps?
@SterlingArcher idk, I'd be more worried about neck injuries.
@KamilSolecki I don't know shit about the campaigns
he wasn't really planted or trying to brace for it, I'd imagine it would have tossed him around good
play one as a tutorial, then go try sandbox or w/e
@rlemon I wouldn't really call that minimum dmg though lol
That's like maximum xD
no, that's minimum damage when decapitation is on the table.
anything that keeps the head on the body is good.
why ban
@MadaraUchiha ^
@Tobiq no
best possible outcome for a timestamp overlay
omg is say anal!!!
no it says analysed
no please, carry on
Hey, what do you guys use to like test your code? Specifically things with node.js? I'm just wondering because I'm going through a course rn, and it's basically telling me a bunch of testing methods that honestly I don't see myself using in the near future because they seem pretty complicated and pretty specific.
tests are supposed to be specific
I use Mocha, other people use Jest, nobody uses Jasmine anymore.
i use the dev server
users are the best QA

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