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I gave up with react native already
so painful
only quitters quit
PWAs are exactly the same as normal apps, but they're Progressive
@towc girl, econ
<joke>Your variable names probably aren't long enough.</joke> — Sterling Archer 7 secs ago
@SuperUberDuper can you lend me some of your time to talk about our lord and saviour vue?
@littlepootis do you plan to bang her?
what do you want to know?
@SuperUberDuper vuejs.org
@towc and this is why you're living alone.
30 seconds into vue and chill and she dumps you for react
@rlemon but but but what bad thing did I do
he's the sexist one :P
@SterlingArcher lol I always downvote "Y U downvote" posts. I am such a bad SOer
im offline for 2 hours
> I have a friend and I don't know what to talk to her about
"are you going to bang her?"
The part that concerns you
not sure how a beta of something is going to be better than react native :p
@towc I don't really have to explain this one do I?
@rlemon depends on his goals
In his defense, I told @Trasiva to bang his neighbors gf this morning
@littlepootis is this the person who passed out?
!!afk i give bad advice
econ = economics, right? So you're in the same city?
@SterlingArcher You don't give bad advice, you give awful advice
@littlepootis I know a very good subject which should keep you both entertained for hours. tell them about all of @towc's crazy conspiracy theories.
and then get your bang on.
I'm such a good friend, giving conversation topics
@towc yes
@rlemon lol
I don't mind if you do :P
watch the new rick and morty toghether
if she's not into rick and morty, you can't be friends
the cheese in the mac and cheese is boiling
it's somewhat concerning
I think I've gotten prettier, I got 7 matches on tinder yesterday and 6/7 responded to me
go me
@littlepootis if you're bad at coming up with conversation topics, that's okay, you can be the 'silent listener' type. just make sure to laugh when she expects it, and don't be completely silent. a "yea" or a "ohh perfect" goes a long way in a one sided conversation
@towc Is it in a pot on the stove? Or in the oven.
Because if it's the former...wtf are you doing?
it's in the oven
just got it out
actually looks ok
Oh yea, it'll bubble in the oven.
you want it to bubble
once you see bubbles in the center its done
Don't serve it right away, let it set for a couple minutes first.
nahh, open your mouth and heave a bunch back
you don't need to taste things anyways
it's plenty burnt (doesn't look like it in the photo)
that looks so dry
like, @KendallFrey's mom dry
I forgot I put half a bag of pasta in, but had onions and ham for 2. Then I found out the cheese sauce was yoghurt
That needs a lot more cheese.
yeah, didn't put the yoghurt in XD
just the grated cheese
Womp womp
@towc yogurt? ._.
it's probably not poisonous
that sounds awful
@KendallFrey like that kind of greek yoghurt
And yogurt, wtf?
I literally told you how to make a cheese sauce.
That's cream cheese, you fucking spoon.
That's a spread for bagels.
cream cheese is fantastic when used right
I'm sure there's a way to use it with pasta
@KendallFrey Not for mac and cheese, which needs a thick sauce.
@towc How did you burn that to the pan?
take a potato, bake it.
take a spoon, hollow that potato out
take the innards and mash them with butter and milk
take the shell of the potato and put it back in the oven for ten minutes
fill that shit with the other shit
add some chives and some pepper
put it back in the oven for another 5 minutes
twice baked potato
@Trasiva I didn't say the way is to use just cream cheese
absolutely to die for
How is it even possible to burn pasta...? At worst it's too soggy
Twice baked potatoes are amazing.
@Jhoverit bake it
I found a gif of @towc cooking
That pasta is so dry, it's being sued for likeness to Ben Stein.
@SterlingArcher I'd definitely trust towc to dump water on a grease fire.
at @towc's age I was living on a hotdog/mac n cheese diet.
so I think he's doing okay for himself.
not knowing how to do laundry otoh...
I'll make sure to tell you when my kitchen goes on fire
@rlemon no you need both hands to do laundry
hey, I got it covered 😛 I'm so proud: I did a laundry today and didn't even worry a bit
@SterlingArcher Now time the fuck out. How the hell do you set WATER on fire?
Was he boiling it in alcohol for a sauce, and fucked up?
it's clearly not pure water
@Trasiva oh it's like a vine
C++ or Node??? For performance
A joke saying "everything I cook catches on fire"
my guess is a gas stove and maybe some oil added to the water
@SterlingArcher Oh, it's a retarded skit, got it.
@rlemon it was bar burrito, right?
ohh nvm
@Tobiq Probably
why would you cook french fries in water?
those are french fries.
he's cooking that in oil.
Probably what???
Oh, they're FRIES, for fuck's sakes.
yall need jesus, boiling your fries
took me a second watch to notice they were fries.
I thought it was penne pasta.
But yea, fries makes more sense.
Hey look everyone, Tobiq forgot how to google again!
how can node be 4 seconds and C++ 17?
Because reasons
somebody started a clock, ran them, then stopped the clock
the node clock read 4 and the C++ clock read 17
Ohh thanks ssub
was confused
no, you were just vamping
let's not put sparkly masks on it
@SterlingArcher let's not put sparkly cupcakes on it (source)
cap is too fast for you
wtf is this "choose one" bullshit
> Extra Meat on a Dish
he got it naked, so of course his meat is extra
Christ, $1 for guac, $2 for a side of guac, lol.
What is vamping
you never defined when i asked
I'm more worried about the capitalization and the dish
A question about css3: If <img> is a flex-item, how to change its size? flex-basis: 12.5%; didn't work.
@Tobiq asking a question that is incredibly easy to google, shows 0 effort, etc etc
repeated behavior
!!welcome Tobiq
@Tobiq Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
oh its just another general label
like xy problem
the rules spell it out, if you choose to read them
No it's pretty specific
not general, both labels are very specific
Rules r for lamos
@Tobiq no, it's a specific thing you are doing, that you've been told to stop doing.
You just choose to ignore it
Yeah, we're not starting this again
Rules are for reading.
I'm in a shitty mood today. I wanted to kick him :(
sorry :(
way to steal my little bit of enjoyment ssube
you can kick me instead
why u ban wtf
I love how he thinks XY Problem is a generic tack on label too lmao
Let's play Kick the Tick.
@ssube my legs don't reach
$50 worth of burritos
now we wait
asking easy question or repeated behaviour or showing no effort? which is it. very specific
Jesus dude. How many did you buy
4 large ones
that's like when we order shitty wok after a long night of rocket league and thin mints
All for yourself?
@Tobiq meta.stackexchange.com/questions/66377/what-is-the-xy-problem Some reading for you. Srsly. It's a very basic -and useful- concept.
unless you want to come over
Is it in the dictionary
Can't :(
or just a SO term
@Tobiq all the above
@Tobiq there is little to no point arguing it. Learn what it is, don't do it.
Can't fix stupid.
@Mosho Lunches for the week?
Thats not very specific then
as i said
@Trasiva lunch and dinner for the day
Is it in the dictionary or a SO term
Well, I'm not going to argue about it. Either abide by the rooms, or don't come in here please.
That's not our problem. The resources are there.
@Tobiq Neither
you're demonstrating it right now
what then
@Mosho That's two burritos a meal....
maybe 1 will live to see tomorrow
im trying to learn about vamping
it's an easily googleable term, is well described on meta, etc
You're not going to get any help here. Just early warning
its not on google
and yet you ask what it is
i searched
@Tobiq enough.
@Trasiva yeah, I didn't do very well on the challenge for similar reasons
Last warning.
why is this page talking about vampires
!!urban help vampire
how am i supposed to take this seriously
Not our problem
my turn
@Mosho 🐷 🐷 🐷 🐷
> why is this page talking about vampires
we love twilight here
both the cinematic masterpiece and the time of day
!!urban testing 123
A Help Vampire is a developer who lacks the brain cells to research their own problem therefore due to lack of the cells, these developers feed on other developers brain cells by not working, and instead outsourcing their work to non-suspecting, innocent developers.
The mastery of facial expressions displayed by Kristen Stewart really made that movie leap off the screen.
> Blocked loading mixed active content “api.urbandictionary.com/v0/define?&term=testing
well, that's the issue
stupid https
sweet, realtor.ca (for looking at houses) changed from bing to google maps overnight
good for them
I voted earlier and couldn't remove the votes (testing something). I know nothing of and did not read any candidates info. #HateMe #EveryVoteMatters
@SterlingArcher every seen American Ultra? It's a landmark film, not a single expression between the two of them.
Like Keanu Reeves on depressants.
american ultra was good tho
Yeah, but Keanu is the One
jesse makes all movies good
her, not so much
I saw it and was trying to figure out what was going on, then it ended.
I just like that he's the most unassuming badass
stop banni g me
abuse of mod rights
it felt like if Shoot Em Up was somebody's high school project
@Tobiq Stop being a help vampire
wtf is a help vampire
can u speak english
@Tobiq seriously. this is the last warning. no more bitching about us enforcing the rules you're breaking
I already sent you a link that explains it
you've been linked now on articles that explain everything you're doing
read them.
@Tobiq do you want a 3rd? because continuing the same behavior that got you the first two bans isn't the way.
All i asked is what is a vampire
6 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
@Tobiq http://www.skidmore.edu/~pdwyer/e/eoc/help_vampire.htm
@rlemon Did you fix it
and u kick me
There. Read that.
You don't read, you don't stay.
@Jhoverit no
@Tobiq You have no idea what abuse is.
I will, just not yet
@rlemon prepare the honors
just need to switch to https if urban api allows it
Imma start posting his questions/answers to reddit so the hive mind downvotes him out of chat privledge (it's a joke don't mod ban me)
I'll claim them as my own
lol he thought he was clever editing out that
A Help Vampire is a developer who lacks the brain cells to research their own problem therefore due to lack of the cells, these developers feed on other developers brain cells by not working, and instead outsourcing their work to non-suspecting, innocent developers.
I just posted that to you!
he's on a half hour break
and Kendal did too
Everybody play nice, mods are probably watching us now.
Can't we just make it forever?
Like, this is a constant problem every time he shows up.
Mods are too dumb to see with their eyes if their eyes are not real
Hello Jon 😀 I know you're already here probably :P
@Trasiva if it persists he'll just land himself longer and longer bans.
mods don't like being annoyed with the 3rd kick notification
they're like elephants, they member.
@Trasiva at a certain point, we can remove on sight, even if they have a valid question. They have to earn the right to chat again, without causing issues.
well, not really.
they still need to send a message since their last kick to kick again
Honestly I just think he's doing it on purpose
@rlemon And Madara's made it clear he already doesn't approve of his attitude.
So we have that going for us.
> The hype is real. And if Desktop Metal delivers on its promises – that it can make reliable metal printing up to 100 times faster, with 10 times cheaper initial costs and 20 times cheaper materials costs than existing laser technologies, using a much wider range of alloys
ofc, that's the big "if they can pull it off"
Pretty cool.
but from what I'm reading they look to be almost all the way there
As far as I can tell it has NO consumer applications, same with most 3D printing
It will be cool when the in-home kick dies and they just streamline manufacturing
they're releasing two models, one for consumers, one for manufacturing
Are you saying 3D printing is supposed to streamline manufacturing?
One for PR, one to make money
Because no
I have to assume the consumer model is more of a cash grab, but still cool af
@KendallFrey they already have 3D printing 'factories'
@KendallFrey Ask me in 5 years.
basically a handful of people running dozens or hundreds of 3d printers.
Until then there's no point having this discussion :P
@rlemon That's not streamlining anything though, that's just how mass production works
Oh he's picking at words.
I don't even care then.
he always does.
there's no such thing as a self-printing printer yet, right?
There are a handful of things that 3D printing can do that can't be done efficiently otherwise. But it's a niche.
@KendallFrey if it's simplifying things, aka, less workers.. it is streamlining the process
Brb need to hyperloop to the toilet so I can reuse a second stage
Or something. Something something buzzwords
@SterlingArcher Brb need to hyperpoop to the toilet so I can reuse a second stage (source)
nailed it
yea, that's a second stage I wouldn't reuse
Vry good
but.. you do you man.
@rlemon That's already done by mass production things like injection molding, stamping, fuck idk all the techniques they use
@KendallFrey and 3d printing is another approach to streamline the production
It only streamlines production if production is currently done by hand carving or some shit
and probably a lot less steps than injection molding or stamping. albeit I don't know exactly how complicated either of those are, I just imagine they're a few step process.
And waaaay slower
time is relative to cost and revenue.
if the process is slow, you pay very little and you make a big revenue it's not bad
3d printing is typically the most expensive way to manufacture something
on a large scale
the fact that 3d printing 'factories' in china are making money over traditional manufacturing where the cost of people is so little.. is telling.
@rlemon Which costs more, a machine to injection mold a part, or 1000 3d printers to print it?
Only thing I care to say is I said lets wait. I was predicting 2027, not August
Aside from that. Yall just wasting words
does anyone know if Amazon Lambda functions are good for transactions handling?
@KendallFrey 1000 3d printers can print a lot more things than getting a new production line up and running
for small production lines, it's cheaper
yeah but it's not scalable
doesn't have to be
Hence why they're known as prototyping machines
there are a lot of shops that only need to make 10,000 items or less.
they're filling a huge portion of the market that was otherwise a lot more expensive.
@KendallFrey So you didn't even read the article
There was an article?
would anyone know how to shorthand this if statement?

	if (stones[position.x][position.y] == 'black')
		chain = blackChains;
	else if (stones[position.x][position.y] == 'white')
		chain = whiteChains
9 mins ago, by rlemon
@Jhoverit http://newatlas.com/desktop-metal-3d-printing/50654/
i tried this but it seems to be just else and not else if
chain = (stones[position.x][position.y] == 'black') ? blackChains : whiteChains;
@RachelDockter you can nest a ternary in a ternary
it is just an else
@KevinB no
but it just gets worse and worse
const maper = {
  'white' : whiteChains,
  'black': blackChains

chain = maper[tones[position.x][position.y]]
@rlemon oh thanks that looks alright
A love of ternary statement ends up with me having to debug this shit:
return (slUr? ( slUr.services && slUr.services.password?  (slUr.services.password.reset ? "":"selected" ): "") :"");
but it must be good js cuz it's all on one line!
@KevinB Just die in a fire, lol.
the best part is the lack of comments
Your variable names are too long
@SterlingArcher Oh man, I should totally see if I can share our code for Bing maps.
@KevinB If you minify things by hand, then you dont need minifiers!
Exactly! so much more efficient.
shit that's cool @KendallFrey

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