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Italy sure has an incredible food, but with my experience only when you eat in small local places
@KamilSolecki presentation? buddy, I've got it in spades.
I have not had good food in italy in a big city, ever.
can't beat that presentation
after checking the guides, clojurescript appears like trash
@rlemon "I didn't know Bob Ross could play guitar" youtube.com/watch?v=Smh41zrRswY
@SterlingArcher did you check that slayer vid I pinged you with?
I did, that was dope qualitah
14 hours ago, by rlemon
@SterlingArcher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2OjbS_GnS4
for everyone else.
dudes can still fucking rock it
@KamilSolecki I was mostly confused by the metal plate and the salt, pepper, and dried chili pepper shakers. Pappardelle alfredo with shrimp, wide leaf parsley, and something light green...cucumber or kohlrabi?
kohlrabi is best eaten on its own, raw.
I think I have one in my fridge actually.
@KamilSolecki I'd correct your spelling, but I'm afraid of the consequences
@KamilSolecki Ah, threw me off being cut as thick as it was. Surprised it doesn't have more char for the thickness.
@rlemon I like to slice mine on a mandolin and then soak in balsamic vinegar, sprinkle some fresh parmesan, salt, and pepper on it when I go to eat it.
They're really into zucchini here
!!afk heading into work
@Trasiva I enjoy tasting its natural blandness
My wife's latest thing is zucchini pasta. Like literally the pasta is made from zucchini
I miss my lasagna ;_;
@rlemon I can see that. The balsamic really just gives it a nice dimension that I like. I'm not a fan of bland vegetables when I serve it with a meal.
@Neil So make one. It's not that difficult. You can even make a small one in a bread pan.
Guys TypeScript question
I have the following export type ReduxAction = { type: string, payload: any };
I'll see if I can get away with it
I want to generify this type
My wife thinks I can burn water
I want that type would be one of possible string values, and each type has its own payload type
Essentially, I want something like this:
exprt type ReduxAction =
  {type: 'a', payload: TypeA} |
  {type: 'b', payload: TypeB} |
  // snip
@Neil can't you? Weak.
Only I want it to be generic in some way
@Trasiva I once took time to make lasagna the way a nonna would do it
took 8 hours
but was delicious af
I want the types of actions to be passed for each type
@KendallFrey Is there a proof for this or is it just by definition?
only food I'm willing to spend 8 hours on is the food I toss in the oven and pull out every 2 hours to baste
I think it's just how the math of QFT works
man.. Ribs sounds delicious right about now
I'm all about that corner lasagna piece
I'm not well-versed in quantum math
@MadaraUchiha chances are you either use a middle function that correctly matches the type instead of normally generating an object, or you need a type for every action type
@Neil Just remember if you cut corners and use pre-made marinara sauce, you need to simmer it to remove the excess water. Also, before you add the sauce I'd recommend throwing a small amount of oil in the pan with some onions until they're translucent, then add minced garlic until it starts to color. Then add your sauce.
and you can probably build a type file by parsing some simple syntax you put in
@KamilSolecki Eight hours seems excessive, how the fuck?
@rlemon to be fair, it only required stirring every 30 mins, and adding ingredients approx. every hour.
@Trasiva the sauce took around 3
or 4
@Trasiva thanks for the advice. I'll need it
you'd recuce each ingredient for an hour
on a slow simmer
@rlemon oh man..i need one of these
@Trasiva the meat was also a long prep, but was worth it.
9" * 12" might not be big enough
middle brownies are best brownies
although the longest cooking I did was 30 hours
@KamilSolecki Okay, that feels excessive. I can make up a whole 15 lb lasagna in three hours.
@KamilSolecki does jerky count as 'cooking'?
because if it does.. 72 hours
it was tonkotsu ramen
boiling out bones was for about 25 hours
anyone here use axios know how to add query params?
meat took about 2h
then all the algae etc for some extended period of time
anyone got a good rib sauce recipe?
beyond brown sugar and bbq sauce
now I'm thinkin bout dem ribs
@corvid we're having an epic off-topic conversation here. What does your question have to do with lasagna anyway?
lasagna is just spaghetti flavoured cake
@rlemon Not me, I stick to the traditional sauce for ribs when I use my dad's smoker.
I give 'em a nice rub, and then start saucing them the last hour or so.
^ I'd usually do BBQ sauce, but again - I didn't make ribs more than 5 times
if I eat 3lbs of lasagna, am I 0.02% lasagna? 🤔
@corvid Only if you weigh 15,000lb :P
am a dumb at into math
I'm guessing you meant 2%?
I think I did, but too lazy to edit
kendoll threw him off
kendoll was
@corvid You edited twice, lol
If you weigh 99 pounds and you eat a pound of nachos, you are 1% nachos
if you are 150 lbs then 3 lbs of lasagna make up 2% of you.
The potato paradox is a mathematical calculation that has a counter-intuitive result. The "paradox" involves dehydrating potatoes by a seemingly minuscule amount, and then calculating a change in mass which is larger than expected. == Description == The paradox has been described as: You have 100 lbs of potatoes, which are 99 percent water by weight. You let them dehydrate until they're 98 percent water. How much do they weigh now? The Universal Book of Mathematics states the problem as follows: Fred brings home 100 lbs of potatoes, which (being purely mathematical potatoes) consist of 99 percent...
if I eat two pounds of steak, in 4 hours I'm 1.3% bullshit by weight.
so basically, I am definitely 2% lasagna?
We're all made of stars
and stars are made of lasagna?
So yes, 98% stars, 2% lasagna
@Neil that's still 100% stars
@corvid common misconception, stars are cabbage rolls, black holes are lasagna
So 102% stars?
no, I just said 100%
planets are made of shashlik
The moon is cheese. If the moon is made from star stuff, we're all cheese
@Trasiva @rlemon do yall have ideas what I should make for dinner? Am heading to the store soon and im idea-empty.
@KamilSolecki Potatoes
@Neil That's an invalid argument
@KamilSolecki leek and potato soup
@KamilSolecki Steaks with fingerling potatoes and honey glazed carrots.
don't listen to the other guys
Getting hungry now
I've been craving it. let me live vicariously through you
Stop that
@rlemon It's summer you fucking doughnut.
Who eats soup in the summer?
Italians don't apparently.
Soups are for after the first frost.
soups are for all year round
And cease when spring appears.
that's stupid
why restrict your soup intake
I had beef barley soup last night
Asking the important questions
Because I'm not cooking and eating soup when it's 90 fucking degrees outside. That's like eating a shake when it's -15 outside.
@rlemon leek soup is my absolute favorite, but I leave the honors there to my mother.
ah the potato paradox
good thing my house has A/C and it doesn't make any difference when I cook soup
I didn't even know seasonal meals were a thing before moving to Italy
seasonal meals is stupid. I'm not restricting my gluttony based on the weather.
They won't touch soup until the first really cold day of the year
@Trasiva might consider, since its a nice weather for a grilled meat
@KamilSolecki I don't have a grill, I just do mine in a cast iron.
I have a gas grill, and it has a little side burner for steak
absolutely amazing
Cast-iron grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup
I have a natural gas bbq, and a small propane one
keep the propane one for rainy days, it's much easier to move
I had to buy a propane in-home burner for my wok
I tried induction woks before, just dont.
My dad is really into the whole coal grill thing, but it also isn't practical most days so he uses gas grill
@Neil if you wanna have a nice smell with a gas grill, you can buy tiny wood pellets/corks that you put just above the burner in your gas grill
gives a very similiar result
they look like the things you would put in an animal litterbox
I like natural gas. never have to haul around a tank
problem is lack of lines to everywhere I want them
its cool, If you have natural gas at home
I dont
@KamilSolecki I know that trick. My dad buys mesquite wood to throw in
our heating is natural gas. I think like 60%+ of Ontario uses natural gas.
what is life..
Also apple wood is good
I have the benefit of having most of the house hooked up with natrual gas. stove, dryer, bbq, etc.
I believe I have cherry wood
Your dryer has a pilot light?
I second that question ^
I don't have it hooked to the gas right now. homedepot.ca/en/home/categories/appliances/washers-and-dryers/… but natural gas dryers are a thing, and I have the lines going to it.
gas here is a hell of a lot cheaper than electricity
They use natural gas in Italy, but usually just for the stove and for heating water
@Trasiva I eat ice cream all year round.
I drink hot coffee to cool down on a warm day
@rlemon Huh, TIL
It just feels wrong to have a gas pipe going into your clothes dryer
electricity costs here suck. not as high as some other countries, but higher than a lot of other places in Canada
and they're going up
@OliverSalzburg why? They're exposed to gas all day anyways
@SterlingArcher That's just you, you back-cracker
I will never not use a gas stove tho, that shit is the best
instant heat
@rlemon I'd kill for a gas stove. Electric in my apartment.
the only issue I have with my particular one is the temp notifier is off by about 100F
which isn't an issue, I just tossed a $5 temp gauge inside of the oven.
you just have to be aware that you need to read that one and not listen to the oven itself when it says it's up to temp
!!afk 🏥
I need to finally get myself a proper meat termometer
the one I have is electronic, found it for like 1$ but it sucks balls
I need a regular gauge one
@SterlingArcher Not where I live. At least not flammable gas
Here gas dryers are unheard of
errybody has electric ones
!!afk need stuff to eat. Shopping spree.
stackoverflow.com/questions/45419116/… does this question qualify as "typo"?
why does no one close it :(
@Nick You brought it here, it'll most likely get close voted now.
Some of these don't get much foot traffic
I tought that someone with a golden JavaScript badge can close it without the need of votes
You assume all they do is run around looking for questions to close
It's a Monday late morning. People still have work to do.
A canadian dryer is tying your undies to a moose's antlers and letting them air dry
@Trasiva A dude with a golden javascript badge commented on that question..
@Nick they can close vote as duplicate only
A gold JS badge doesn't mean you can just close everything with 1 vote
Hey, in node.js is there any way to change property value once debugger attached/hit to that line? Like setting color = "red" to color = "blue" ?
ah, thank you
@Teomanshipahi yes. Try setting color = 'blue'
cannot do it in vs code, maybe another IDE @towc ?
Q: How to change node.js's console font color?

MaiaVictorI had to change the console background color to white because of eye problems, but the font is gray colored and it makes the messages unreadable. How can I change it?

@Teomanshipahi While paused, just enter your code into the Debug Console
is that what you mean?
i think i read your question wrong
ignore me
@OliverSalzburg ah, works perfect thanks. I was looking a field to update like in Visual Studio / C#
Why YouTube buffering so often?
@Teomanshipahi You can also use the Variables pane in the top-left
Right-Click → Set value
@OliverSalzburg lol, idk how I missed that, much better :)
Or maybe just double-click. You'll figure it out :)
this is dope @Loktar
@rlemon you might like the intro too actually
@SterlingArcher rlemon is afk: 🏥
wat, is he ok?
the browsers should add an user agent css to hover emoji's with text
had to google that to find out it's a hospital icon
i made someone mad
Yo guys,
@KevinB was it me?
ever had problems using npm on ubuntu?
without being here
For some reason, it won't create a node_modules folder after npm install
It does download files, but not sure where.
heh, no idea, half my questions got downvoted this morning before i woke up
@KevinB it was me, i r angry u
@SterlingArcher not bad actually good mix of chill and non chill
@Loktar yeah man, the soft intro caught me off guard, then it took off to the end. 10/10 song
"good vibes" as my tinder matches would apparently say
@HassanAlthaf Temp folder. They get moved to their final location after installation completes
@KevinB The system should revert those back once the serial downvoting is caught.
@OliverSalzburg For some reason, it doesn't.
A node modules folder is never created.
Nor do i see any error
it shows as "killed"
@KevinB I mean...technically he's correct.
@SterlingArcher hopefully.
@rlemon I was literally just talking to you lol is everything alright?
he's made 6 edits that basically change nothing about any of the examples edited
Is a camera going up your butt today?
@SterlingArcher I've been dizzy and getting mild panic attacks for no apparent reason.
Gonna get some blood work done and maybe a brain scan
@rlemon ah I've had that to an extent. Mine was caused by anxiety combined with being underground (metro). It sucked, i probably should have gotten pills to help
I hope you're ok man
@MadaraUchiha can you grab the episode and English subs? My computer still won't connect to the tv
Q: A software company is developing a system where security is a major non-functional requirement?

Talha YounisA software company is developing a system where security is a major non-functional requirement. How the system architecture should be designed?

Good lord
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't have the computer on me
> where security is a major non-functional requirement.
I'll get home soon-ish and dl the episode
@MadaraUchiha oh no rush, we're talking about 2 and a half - 3 hours from now.
Dana asked for 21:30
(As in we hit "play" at 21:30)
Q: Express React Router Internal Server Error When Linked Directly

Enrico ValbuenaI am using an express server to serve a create-react-app build. server.js server.use('*', (req, res) => { res.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname, 'client', 'build', 'index.html')); }); app.js class App extends Component { render() { return ( <Router history={browserHistory}> ...

this brings up a good question. How do you setup your server router to redirect to a client side route?
that question just looks like yet another case of they need to rewrite traffic to routes that dont exist server-side to index.html
the client-side router will then show the correct page
@HassanAlthaf Sounds like an out-of-memory kind of deal or something like that
should be done with the webserver that's infront of node.js, not express
@KevinB you're definitely right, but their traffic rewrite is almost identical to mine
ah, guess I should read the question
app.get("*", (req, res) => {
server.use('*', (req, res) => {
  res.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname, 'client', 'build', 'index.html'));
He's using use and I'm using get though
what's odd to me is that it works when he goes to root, but not client-side routes
unless he has another express route handling that
Yeah, there could be other configs were not seeing
@KevinB which is a decent argument for why you should be doing that on the server, not express.
What is the difference between using "*" and no path at all?
@rlemon @Trasiva ended up with sirloin and corn on the con
@ssube but, express is on the server?
@KamilSolecki There you go
@SterlingArcher on the web server, not express :P
well then
nginx, apache, etc
the http server, https terminator, load balancer, whatever fancy name you call it
@KevinB probably wouldn't do anything really, it needs a wildcard pattern
Main is down?
'tis for me
let google that me
@SterlingArcher looks good to me?
Its soaring here
35, sounds coooold 😉
@Loktar Those aren't freedom units.
Sanity units behave a bit differently.
More like Communist units if you ask me
95 Freedom units beats 35 Commie ones!
Actually, 95 Freedom units are equivalent to 35 Commie ones.
Which isn't great.

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