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Bluetooth is for your alone time.
It works fine for 10min at a time and like clockwork something just torches it for 30 seconds
And gets laggy. And then 10min again
wrap the keyboard and receiver in tin foil
but make sure they have clear line of sight
like a tin foil tent over your whole desk
I don't know how ok it is for me to keep asking this chat random unrelated questions
Just borrow Waxi's tinfoil hat.
@towc It's fine until we tell you to stop, lol.
welp, fair enough
here goes: I'm somewhat having trouble focusing on code for more than 6hrs a day
I feel like we're almost obligated to ensure you don't kill yourself trying to adult.
tips for getting more done?
should I not do more than 6hrs a day?
@Trasiva <3
I mean, it's different as a contractor if you can get 8 hours of work done in 6.
block out your time, take breaks, wear headphones even if you're alone, etc
But spoilers, most of us only really work like 6-7 hours once breaks are factored in.
Less if code is "compiling"
there's lunch
gotta wait for the servers to spin up
@ssube My lunch is unpaid.
whats the difference between req.connection and req.socket
are they synonymous
That sounds like something you should have read in the docs
the documentation for A points directly to the documentation for B
I read the docs ffs
@Tobiq And what did they say?
so you could potentially assume that to be the case
Are they the same object?
I cant tel...
my day goes like this: wake up at 7:30, try to get out for a run at 7:40, and finish shower at 8:30 and try to start working. At 12:30 I go out and eat, usually ends up being until about 12:50. Presumably I should work from then to 7:30, when I'd have dinner, plan to do some more work later, and maybe get like 1hr done and decide that I need to stop
Im asking if ones just an alias for the other
the docs certainly seem to indicate that
they both return the socket.
How about you stop being an arrogant little shit and remember that you came to us, and not the other way around.
that's how it's supposed to go. I've been going to the local market almost every day because I missed some stuff, and that takes some time
But they could be differnet, are theyt the same socket?
is A === B?
Lol things deteriorated quickly... I'm mobile
@Tobiq Why don't you test it, if it's so important?
then before/after breaks I usually spend about 30 mins checking social media and stuff or something, I guess
yes kevin
@Trasiva Chill dude
i just tested it
then they're exactly equal
ikr ben
@Tobiq I'm not defending you.
@towc How often do you take breaks and how long?
@Trasiva current plan is only for lunch and dinner
but I guess I sometimes end up having breaks in between
@towc And there's your problem.
Take a break for 10 minutes or so every hour.
Let your brain just wander and not focus on your work
Smoke break every 1.5 hours or so for me
i step outside and walk for 10-15
@Trasiva isn't there a thing where it takes you like 25mins to zone back into full focus after a distraction takes you more than a minute?
between lunch and end time
It seems it was self interference from my headset lol
@BenFortune Nah man, this kid comes in here constantly demanding help and then gets pissy when we practically hand hold him through stuff. He's gotten more than enough kindness from this room, and at some point shitty behavior needs to be met with a smack to the back of the head.
wait, so most programmers actually barely work?
towc do u have a job
@towc eh, depends on what exactly you consider.. "work"
is thinking about how you're going to solve a problem work?
@towc Meat in a seat isn't a programmers job.
I mean, I definitely can't bill my clients for the time I spend having a walk. But I guess a company does
Well Trasiva did tell him to not work 20% of every hour
@Trasiva I know, don't worry. But we're dealing with him like every other vamp
@towc The key is to take breaks at points where it's easy to resume your train of thought later. If you're debugging deep in the guts of something, and you have 5 variables in your brain, taking a break is a bad idea.
2 mins ago, by Trasiva
Let your brain just wander and not focus on your work
Towc u freelance?
For 10min every hour?! Fuck no.
@Jhoverit I mean, obviously that was a little much.
so, rule of thumb: take it easy af?
Not af. Take it easy so long as easy means better productivity long term
chill out and remember this is a job based on skill and not amount (well, not as much)?
not skill
It's a balancing act.
You have to balance the quality and quantity of the results with not burning yourself out.
@Jhoverit yeah, I guess it will take some time to figure that balance out
Yea it takes awhile I screw it up all the time.
during exam time, I had absolutely no problem doing 10hrs a day in my bed on projects of mine, being very productive
I guess I should try working from bed again
Start taking it too easy shit starts sliding... Work too hard you're mad and just want to finish stuff (broad examples)
right now I'm at a desk with 3 laptops
@towc THis isn't something you're going to finish tho. Exams had an end
@Jhoverit well, I was working on non-exam stuff
it was like a holliday in which I was expected to study
Well you're young so am I. We may have decades of this left. Jus don't make yourself hate it
I had kinda promised myself to try to keep my sleeping context different than my working context
and it would help me sleep if I did that
which it definitely is
1 min ago, by towc
right now I'm at a desk with 3 laptops
This sounds extremely un productive
I'm not sure if I'm sleeping better because I'm so much more tired, or because I'm sitting all day rather than laying in bed all day
but I'm kinda scared that if I start working from bed again, things will go tits up
@Jhoverit I do like that setup
I like the office tbh.
I have a nice dedicated space where I can spread my monitors wide and have no distractions. Kinda prefer working here rather than my home even tho I am free to do pretty much whatever I choose
i don't like working from home constantly. Every now and then is great
just... not every day
central one for development, left one for previews, right one for communicating with the team
@towc I have multiple monitors for that. Not machines
well, I could go to the local hackerspace
Do you need laptop style monitors?
This is amazing for me at home. Like having just a second laptop screen
@Jhoverit sometimes either the dev machine hangs (webpack-watcher is not always the best idea), or the preview machine hangs (very heavy page?) and they should definitely not affect each other
also, I ended up with 3 laptops without really planning it
so now I'm using them :P
@towc My machines don't hang. lol
mine bitcoins
Not more than weekly at absolute most
it takes 15min for my pc to reboot
well, hanging doesn't happen often, but when it does, I don't want it to completely block my workflow :/
but it doesn't hang very often
@KevinB ouch
it only happened like twice this week
We have these brand new 7700Ks and NVMe SSDs lol my work machine is so wonderful for devving on. Even running VS
i really need to request a new one
they'll give it to me, i'm just lazy
I need a way to detect JS is about to run out of memory, any ideas?
@BenjaminGruenbaum backend?
performance.memory doesn't work - here's an example that'll crash your tab:
var a = [];

var kek = () => {
  var b = [];
  for(var i = 0; i < 1024 * 1024 * 2; i++) b.push(Math.random());
  return b;

var ival = setInterval(() => {
  let m = performance.memory;
  if(m.jsHeapSizeLimit - m.usedJSHeapSize < 1e5) {
    console.log("Memory limited")
  } else {
this pc is probably ~ 6 years old at this point. 2core cpu at 2.6, 4gb ram, cheap gpu
and the mb won't support more ram
!!afk Meeting and then TGIF
i think i have enough parts at the house to build a better pc
anything wrong with this for react-router@v3? It never renders the expected component on /:id/folders/:folderId/assets/:assetId. I've checked the onEnter and onLeave and they are both registering the route.
<Route path=":id" component={Browser}>
  <Route path="assets/:assetId" component={Viewer} />
  <Route path="folders/:folderId">
    <IndexRoute component={Browser} />
    <Route path="assets/:assetId" component={Viewer} />
Hi looking some help on regex split : regex101.com/r/YWA6mD/1 i want to split on each <img> to get back the 4 values between, but i can't figure out to use lazy quantifier to match each :/
don't use regex on html.
Q: Using regular expressions to parse HTML: why not?

ntownsendIt seems like every question on stackoverflow where the asker is using regex to grab some information from HTML will inevitably have an "answer" that says not to use regex to parse HTML. Why not? I'm aware that there are quote-unquote "real" HTML parsers out there like Beautiful Soup, and I'm su...

so what ?
people usually use specialized parsers for things like HTML and XML. What are you trying to accomplish?
get back the 4 values
one after each <img> tag
@corvid What if my specialized parser is written in regex?
sounds like a mistake
No, it was intentional
Q: Detect available memory inside of a WebView

Benjamin GruenbaumI'm building an app that contains a WebView that runs some JavaScript code. That JavaScript code is quite allocation heavy and can require a lot of memory. Sometimes, the amount of required memory exceeds the amount JavaScript can require and crashes the Chromium process of the WebView which cra...

plz halp
@azro can't you just grab the innerHTML?
but which one ?
@towc too soon
sorry :/
because I have only this kind of structure regex101.com/r/YWA6mD/2
I can get back the html of the div#id bu that's it
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('img')).map(el => el.innerHTML);
that's a basic sketch of what I mean, probably not totally accurate
text is NOT in img
it's after
Typescript peeps, how would I go about fixing this?
@corvid so any idea ? :/
i only have 1 vote left today
Can you get the container and filter out the images?
filter out ? what do you mean by ?
Suppose you found a container that contained all those elements. it would look like: [<img>, "3000", ...]. Now suppose you filtered out all the image tags. That's one way about it
yes of course ^^
Again, I got there just in time
but it needs a way for the container
a regex would be good, but I need to put a lazy quantifier to <img .*>
I found, split on space on text, and not on innerhtml
hey do any of you guys have any book recommendations or just any recommendations at all to understand all the science behind node.js?
like what
I dont know, im having some trouble understanding servers
@Chenny HTTP servers, or just server computers in general?
i guess server computers in general. I would need to know that before getting more into http servers right?
i ask because... there's learning the node.js api, and hten there's learning the innerworkings of node.js itself that isn't really going to help you build node.js apps.
and then there's the things that are javascript in general
not really node.js specific
Oh, well im learning the api through a course rn, and im getting thrown some terms im not too familiar with, but im just getting by. Like middleware, and cross origin resource sharing
@Chenny A server is just a computer that isn't the computer you're using, but has data that your computer needs, and lets your computer connect to it to get that data.
those aren't specifically node.js things for example
@KendallFrey haha, i know that much atleast, just some terms im not familiar with
CORS is very general, something all servers have to deal with if they want to be able to serve content to browsers cross-origin
@Chenny Well then, what terms?
@KendallFrey Like middleware, and cross origin resource sharing. But i just dont want to come back in here to get explained it or have to try to google to try to understand it if like I should be learning some of the science beforehand
@KevinB So its just something that describes how data is sent to browsers?
@Chenny Well, not that general. It's about how data from different servers or websites can be used on the same page or in the same context.
Oh like referencing from another page
oh, so like people could request an api from a different page
for example like google maps is using cors
Well requests from JS aren't normally allowed
cus its on a bunch of websites
Ah yeah it probably explicitly allows itself to be called from anywhere
Oh i get it i think, so normally people couldnt grab content from another page via a request right? But with CORS being enabled that would allow it
@KarelG How do you mean?
Yes, CORS is a policy that can be used to allow websites to access data on other origins via XHR.
it only affects XHR
images and scripts for example don't need to follow the CORS policy to work cross-origin.
whats XHR? haha
XML http requests, so.. basically scripts, http, and css files?
mdn + whatever term you're looking for will generally get you good results in google
it's mostly for retrieving text data
that data can then be transformed. for example, xml would be converted to an xml doc, json to javascript object, etc
Sometimes the documentation is a little tough to follow, but is this basically how everybody else learned?
it varies
mmm okay
i learned from breaking things
i think i get it
documentation certainly helped, but being able to go to the console and understand what errors meant and how to find them was far more helpful
Oh okay, so you learned when something wasnt working you fixed it to understand
@rlemon Trasiva is afk: Meeting and then TGIF
@rlemon your meal?
Looks like quality sosuage
+ egg Benedict = respect++ :)
Egg on rice is always delicious
Totally lost/forgot the endpoint. How can I get the current active users in a room? Like from the sidebar?
is it /pingable and just sorted by time? Or is there actually an endpoint
You see them on the right ----->
Right, but how does SO render them?
Not sure what you mean
@MadaraUchiha I had finished the task
Thang god for autocorredft
I'm making a webpage, how can I make it auto reload with SASS? I tried doing it with livereload (but the project seems dead) and livereloadx (but don't how to do it with SASS)
@BenFortune do you remember who my investors were
You don't have investors you delusional pleb.
@TristanWiley websocket data sends the new messages/events
Typescript is taking some getting used to
the client script listens and renders accordingly.
Just started writing the most ridiculous unit tests, probably doing it wrong
Updating my teamspeak module, need to download the teamspeak server for the tests
I need to get into typescript
Much coding is needed
Also I'm drunk please disregard my messages

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