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@SterlingArcher gone.
Self deleted, but I got a mod flag in.
Weighed in at 85Kgs this morning!
187 lbs (for us 'muricans)
nice job
I'm having some difficulty :X
206.2lbs this morning
jk, just stick with it. Force yourself to buy healthy, then you've got no choice but to eat healthy
I eat healthy
but working and studying full time
I work full time
and studying
which I hate
I play games, similar time sink
no it's not
it passes the time
and it's fun
Not for me, it isn't
I play battlegrounds, so it's nothing but stress and anxiety
when I was playing zero dawn I forgot to eat
it's all excuses though, you always have something
I'm very busy re-watching Malcom in the Middle.
I'm rewatching the BBC sherlock, since I only saw the first 2 seasons anyways
I'm busy gettin' dem mad gains, bra
I'm considering submitting an offer on this
needs a complete reno
why so many kitchens?
2 kitchens
in-law suite, rental etc.
but it's a nice layout, big, good area, basement can be a rental, gigantic garage
nice private backyard
and it's been on the market for a while
so they might accept a lower offer, or they might just be stubborn
I hear properties where people have died tend to go for less
So... ;)
and they might go for even less in an estate sale
in law suite? more like an archer suite
first thing I would do is demo the stupid sauna
what a waste of space
there's an ancient intercom system in it
looks like there's a plastic cup and a wire behind it
and wood paneling inside the house
to think at some point people thought that, and wall to wall carpets are a good thing
wall to wall carpets are heaven
as long as they match the drapes
we can make that happen
you complain about wall to wall carpets when the place is filled with linoleum
also, i have a friend who lives near there, any chance you could go throw a few dildo's through his windows?
I can't make this work:
$("#ulEmpprimID").append("<li class='list-group-item liRating' ><button onClick='deleteRow("+$(#employeeID).val()+","+$(#employeeRating).val()+","+$(#employeeResult).val()+","+$(#txtDueDate).val()+")'>Delete</button></li>");
I'm a newbie on this. I'm having problem in adding parameters on it.
@HatterisMad that sounds like a job for @rlemon
@HatterisMad o/
maybe he's talking about me
@rlemon seems that way
Guys can you help me with my problem?
We have no idea who is fucking what and who is supposed to fuck who in that jQuery orgy.
what the fuck
I'm getting flagged for this xD
so im guessing a no for this?
@EarvinNillCastillo what params?
@EarvinNillCastillo you have an issue with your syntax
@EarvinNillCastillo We are not clairvoyants, we can help you if you tell us what you are trying to do and where you are facing the problem.
you need ' around the selectors
try breaking it up a bit something like this
var values = $('#employeeID').val() + "," + $('#employeeRating').val() + "," + $('#employeeResult').val() + "," + $('#txtDueDate').val();
$("#ulEmpprimID").append("<li class='list-group-item liRating' ><button onClick='deleteRow(" + values + ")'>Delete</button></li>");
I mean there are better ways to do it for sure, but you said you're a newbie so hopefully that helps a bit
@rlemon i wasn't but i did remember that you lived near there as well :)
isenpai.com/services jesus christ that company name
damn, I was hoping for some free dildos. my loss.
@rlemon don't we all
@Loktar @Shrek parameter inside the deleterow function
@Loktar ill try that thanks!
np good luck!
@rlemon I can help a brother out
mah man
wasn't silkroad that drug website?
i thought that was shutdown
maybe different TLD?
hi everyone, good morning , have any one worked before Umbraco ?
Seems like an Umbrella Corp knockoff
javascript is pretty cool
Umbraco it is one of the CMS , like wordpress
google, fighting the good fight against the imperial system
imperial is so weird. i get that people are used to it, but how it is vehemently defended by those who use it
metric is easy. everything is a factor of 10 and/or based on water at STP
@Mosho it's probably defaulting based on location
canada is sqft
nevermind, it outputs m2 here, too
and even then, if I input sqft I would expect to get the same units back
it's clearly a bias
there is a line of code up there that says to stick it to the imperial system
or just output any length as m
which is the same thing
well, it's a comment that says stick it to the imperial system.
maybe it's function stickItToTheImperialSystem
could be.
you'll never know
gotta get a job there now
if you delete an answer that has negative points does that count against you in stack
i'd assume so, but not sure
I think so... some others here will know the answer but they may be sleeping
I would assume deleting your own bad answer would not count against you
I had to double check if I was buying movie tickets
looks like slave-trading to me @mosho
at least you're not buying children though
ohh, answer..
what's a hump date
that's what I want to know
Ask your mom.
maybe I will
this feels terrible, I have reached my question limit
so it was a question you deleted, not an answer?
yea, that counts against you
I have no idea they say nothing, i have been answering questions lately
i don't know how much or how to get question privileges again. i don't play on main too much.
well, i have read some stuff. seems like you have to get points by helping out
ask around here in 12 hours when the place is busy and someone may be able to point you to some advice.
that makes sense.
Ya but it's really about the psychological trauma of being ostracized
So what's the purpose of those chats?
Am I supposed to ask question here?
> Am I supposed allowed to ask question here?
But it's dead in here this late and I am going to sleep. Ask away, but you may not get an answer.
it's only 7:00
people tend to come here when they can't formulate a proper question, or they don't really understand their problem
many of the users here seem to be east coast or middle of the US (though we have people from all over the world)
@Cauterite story of my life
see chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/info/17/javascript for a chart showing the active times. Also you can tell who is likely active by the icons in the top right.
You can ask questions here, but you'll find chat is even more hostile towards lazy developers than the main site. Make sure you've actually tried to solve the problem yourself, and be ready with examples of what you're trying to do.
not sure why I typed "road" when thinking of "world"
they should have code windows in here to run snippets of js code in the post
!!> const x = 'like this'; do you mean ${x}?
@david "do you mean like this?"
ohh, the backticks are just not visible.
yeah it treats it as code markup which is a little unfortunate
`unless it's a`
`multiline message`
like what you have in the question and answer formats so you can print out your results with console.log()
yea.. i was only confused since it was executed code so I forgot about normal formatting.
does this work?
Arrow that would be nice, but nope. we just have a bot that can execute one-liners.
no ```. only indenting works here.
how would you write this var data =[1,2,3,4,5,6]; data= data.forEach(x=> x*2)); and execute
probably just like that; won't output any results though
you probably want .map(), not .forEach()
var data =[1,2,3,4,5,6]; data= data.map(x=> x*2)); console.log(data);
!!> var data =[1,2,3,4,5,6]; data= data.map(x=> x*2); console.log(data);
@Cauterite "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
extra )
@Cauterite "undefined" Logged: [2,4,6,8,10,12]
!!afk 💄🐷
!!> var data=[1,2,3,4,5]; data= data.map(x=> x*2); console.log(data);
@Arrow "undefined" Logged: [2,4,6,8,10]
so Capria is the bot that prints your results nice
or maybe she's just a girl who loves executing javascript in her mind
it's her hobby
^ true story '
> Powerwall provides backup power during utility outages, natural disasters and even the Zombie Apocalypse (you know it’s coming).
@CapricaSix ;)
you have put doubt in my mind
@Mosho is it different from a regular UPS?
it has "TESLA" written on it
1 message moved to Trash can
@Arrow Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
would this be considered a one liner? let factors = [2,3,6,0,9,4,4,4];
function product(arr) { return arr.reduce((acc, elem,i,array ) => ( array[i]===0 ?(arr.length=i,acc):(acc*elem)),1 );
depends how wide your monitor is
why are you mutating your input array? o_O what are you even trying to do?
It was a question some put about breaking out of reduce
and I figured you can mutate the original array to break on 0
usually code doesn't qualify as a one-liner if it's more than one statement
@Arrow no
it works well. it will stop on 0 in the array
why not just make an array that only include the values up to the first 0?
!!>[2, 3, 6, 0, 9, 4, 4, 4].slice(0, factors.indexOf(0)).reduce((a, b) => a * b)
@david "ReferenceError: factors is not defined"
this was the original question "A toy example of a pattern I am trying to solve elegantly. In the below algorithm, I would like to immediately return 0 from reduce when I find an element with a value of 0 without visiting the remaining elements."
!!>const factors = [2,3,6,0,9,4,4,4]; factors.slice(0, factors.indexOf(0)).reduce((a, b) => a * b)
@david 36
@david most languages will have an .until(…) (or similar) method for this; of course JS lacks it >_>
however i got down voted on that answer for some reason
probably because the key word is "elegantly"
seemed like a good solution considering the title of the post said "short circuit array"
seems elegant to me, no blocks everything is a statement, can't get any more elegant than that
mutating the array you're iterating is kind of a hack
I would also like to add efficient, every comma serves a purpose, no unused space. I feel it is a sexy peace of code. However, you are right about mutating the original array. I was thinking about using a closure to solve that problem
no unused space?
you have whitespace everywhere with 0 consistency
what do you mean by consistency?
it's simply inconsistent — sometimes you have whitespace between parameters, sometimes you don't, for example
ya sorry about that, that can definitely be improved, However, the question was he did not want to visit the remaining elements in the array.
i'll admit it's not an easy problem to solve in general; in Java you'd probably throw a StopIteration exception; in Clojure i think there's an early-termination feature for transducers
if you don't design your iteration protocol with this kind of feature in mind you end up resorting to hacks or throwing exceptions
@Arrow Elegance is hard to measure. Some people like straight forward, easy for newbie code. Some people like short code. Some people rate commented code more elegant.
@sheepy you are right, some things can be ugly if you can't see the pattern.
I won't describe any no-space code as elegance or beautiful, for example, despite my experience with reading and editing minified code.
most people would consider mutating an array to break out of a reduce simply because you're misusing it in the first place to be pretty inelegant
@david i also think it is inelegant, which is why i wanted to put it into a closure
i'm not sure how you think that's going to help
unless you change tactic completely and use a flag instead of mutating anything
a closure will allow me to create a local copy of the array within reduce
you're going to duplicate the array, so you can mutate the duplicate?
and you think that will make it MORE elegant? o_O
lol I haven't thought it through
no kidding
how would you do it without mutating, considering the question
can't use break as that solution is well known and not elegant in my opinion
plus mutating the array might not be a bad idea
you can't break from nested functions anyway; you'd need to throw
the answer is very simple
don't break from reduce
if you need to then you're doing something wrong
so you are saying the question is flawed?
it might be a good idea stop iterating once you have found what you are looking for.
How do you guys feel about adding event listeners over iterating over a tree of elements from an event
would it be more efficient to have several event listeners identifying several elements once they are hit. Or is it more efficient to have a single event listener at the highest point in the node hierarchy? it wold be a lot easier to show give me a second
no don't show us please
i know exactly what you mean now
lol how do you know what I mean?
i don't know the answer though; probably depends how complex your element hierarchy is, how you traverse it (i.e. querySelector or whatever), and possibly implementation-dependant (e.g. browser might lazily set-up certain internal event handling structures depending on whether any listeners are attached)
@Arrow Can you link to the question?
100% I can :)
@Arrow i have godlike insight
Q: Event bubbling and capture on a root element with nested elements

ArrowI am trying to capture the id on each card from the root element. However, every time I click on a nested element I get empty string. However, I want the id from the wrapping card while listening on the root element cards. I want to handle both bubbling and capturing cases as this is part of a la...

So this guy's solution was to add an event listener on every single element, but I was like dude!!! you can do it better
It's better to have a listener at the root
because that way any elements you add dynamically later will still work
infact jquery made that exact change maybe 5 years ago
or more
I didn't want to push the envelope because I had just earned my peer pressure badge
you sound like a boy scout
ya, but I don't want to do it jquery
vanilla.js dude all they way.
i'm not saying you should, i'm saying that they made a fundamental change to the way the framework operates simply because it was so much better
@Arrow Thank you. Yes we can do better. But your original code does not listen to both capture and bubble, why do you want that?
I already figured it out, this is what you do. the secret sauce is in the while loop
@david yeah now that you mention it i remember the event.originalTarget field, makes it a no-brainer in many cases
you use a while loop in the event listener and you set the target event to the parentNode. That way you only ever need one event listener
how 'elegant'
I would never say this to my wife but think I had an orgasm when I figured it out
@Arrow No loop needed. I have posted my answer.
@Arrow i like your enthusiasm
@Sheepy where have you been all my life!!!!
@rlemon the second hand embarrassment is killing me from the inside
courtesy of Toll Priority shipping
@Arrow I can proudly answer that I'm with my baby all his life so far. :)
@Sheepy thank you that answer was awesome, didn't even know that was there.
@suraj \o
2 hours later…
is zirak's real-world name "michael" by any chance?
@towc yes, he's the fallen archangel
@MuTiny Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix thanks
var currentInventory = [
    name: 'Brunello Cucinelli',
    shoes: [
      {name: 'tasselled black low-top lace-up', price: 1000},
      {name: 'tasselled green low-top lace-up', price: 1100},
      {name: 'plain beige suede moccasin', price: 950},
      {name: 'plain olive suede moccasin', price: 1050}
    name: 'Gucci',
    shoes: [
      {name: 'red leather laced sneakers', price: 800},
      {name: 'black leather laced sneakers', price: 900}
function renderInventory(inventory) {
[ 'Brunello Cucinelli',
  [ { name: 'tasselled black low-top lace-up', price: 1000 },
    { name: 'tasselled green low-top lace-up', price: 1100 },
    { name: 'plain beige suede moccasin', price: 950 },
    { name: 'plain olive suede moccasin', price: 1050 } ],
  [ { name: 'red leather laced sneakers', price: 800 },
    { name: 'black leather laced sneakers', price: 900 } ] ]
i want expected output as for all
Brunello Cucinelli, tasselled black low-top lace-up, 1000
Brunello Cucinelli, tasselled green low-top lace-up, 1100
has anyone understand ?? or any query above challenge ??
if you're not familiar with the ES5 array functions (like .reduce or .map ) , try to solve your problem with using a loop.
what am i making mistake ?
return [...prev, curr.name, curr.shoes]; your reduce function is just adding the inner array as is to the new array you are creating..
You're not using the .reduce function correctly. Moreover, it isn't the right function for the job. I've a feeling that you're just trying something without trying to attempt to comprehend the ES5 array functions.
hence I don't give the solution directly. There is no reason to give away solutions if another wouldn't improve (him/her)self
go to bed
@KarelG : then which array function is better for this then , filter , map , each, or forEach loop ? please provide hint...
10 mins ago, by KarelG
if you're not familiar with the ES5 array functions (like .reduce or .map ) , try to solve your problem with using a loop.
if you got your solution, then the step to ES5 array function is pretty obvious. Think how you would solve it with using loops.
@KarelG : as there will be may nested for or foreach loops so i head to reduce.
Here is how reduce works now check your function..
its not about for loops.. its what you need to do in the callback..
@suraj : i applied reduce same as Bonding arrays contained in an array of objects using the spread operator and initialValue
@suraj: do i need to use accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex ,array as callback??
as @KarelG said get your logic right.. using simple for loop .. then convert using Array functions
@amarghodke this question shows clearly that you don't comprehend the ES5 array functions. please solve the problem by using basic for loop first. You don't have to be a "trending javascripter that writes one liners using the newest ES stuff". It does not work if the code doesn't do the job (or even sucks). How long have you been struggling with this? This is solvable within 10 minutes if you step off from your current behavior and return to the basics.
@KarelG : as i am in learning state so i was going with the functions . so final suggestion forEach , for..of , or for ..in ??
for..in is old. please don't use it anymore
either for..of or forEach (both are basically almost same ...)
@Loktar oh thanks. But it will take a while to comb through those promo's :P
pillars of eternity at 60% Fortunately I could find one at < 10 euro. but forgot where I bought it <_<
Installed that yesterday and I'm enjoying that game so far
hi guys. I'd have a very simple question, and even a subtle help would be enough
I'd like to make some sort of "about me" webpage, how can I decide or choose the most appropriate JS framework for it?
by "appropriate", I mean something I can utilize later if I learn it - so I don't want to learn some random obscure framework
@KarelG I kickstarted it and it didn't deliver before we have a baby and he arrives and takes all my time away. Q.Q
@ZoltánSchmidt I can understand why you want to learn something future proof, but to be honest it's not something we can predict or avoid in software engineering.
@Sheepy sure, I should have thought, but it's still not an easy choice to pick one fw
Roll a dice? Which ones do you have in mind? :)
well I have three choices so far precisely: Angular (because it's possible I'll have to use it at work), VueJS (because I've head great opinions on it from people I trust) and React (because it seems widely used)
@ZoltánSchmidt They are all great. I think I would try Vue if I were in your shoes - if there are questions at least I know who to ask lol.
I just go myself Atom for quick script modifications. Im liking its lightweightness.
Also, o7
@ZoltánSchmidt to be honest, it shouldn't be about the framework, it should be about the concept behind it. If you focus on that, you'll get something much more out of it than just "having learned an obscure framework". That being said, right now I'd probably go for React, because of that very reason. But I haven't looked into Angular 4 yet
@GNi33 so the "methodology" is so much more significant than the framework itself?
@KamilSolecki Atom lightweight? mhmm
There was a time when there were many client-side JS Framework battling it out, some of them developed by large tech corps like Yahoo's YUI. Ends up the one that is least JS like rules the web now.
@GNi33 so the "methodology" is so much more significant than the framework itself?
@Sheepy lol then it indeed doesn't matter
@ZoltánSchmidt yes. Because it teaches you a way of doing things in a general sense. A paradigm of sorts
@KarelG it feels so :)
it has electron as core
@KarelG eh, I'm on PHPStorm here. I'd agree
I tend to say " No point if you already have chrome on your pc "
@KarelG Atom has quickly become way too "heavy" for me, exactly because of already using Chrome
@ZoltánSchmidt I'd understand it as "your core programming skills are more important than your skill in a framework or two". And I agree, in the long run. For now I'd also personally recommend React.
@GNi33 thanks for enlightening
the installer should detect if there is already a chrome and use its resources >.>
but now ... if you have Atom installed, you have two separate chrome libraries. Both eating up memory if they're active for too long D:
a co-worker just closes atom and re-opens it at lunch to counter that
@ZoltánSchmidt for example I just saw that you have done some things with Phaser
The Chrome team would say it is a security risk and ban it (shrug)
are there certain aspects of using Phaser that make accomplishing something specific really enjoyable when using the Framework? Take a look under the hood there and try to understand how these things are handled by the framework and you'll get so much more out of it
@GNi33 ironically, I just continued Phaser yesterday, but indeed, I'm working with that
@GNi33 I have no idea about PhaserJS and framework integration, though
but will take a look at it, thanks
yeah, I took it as an example in this case
lol, an HTML5 game forum post says, "Interestingly, React itself was actually inspired by Game Engines. i.e. The Game Loop where checking is performed before making the minimal amount of changes needed in the renderer is similar to how the virtualDOM idea works in React. "
can you verify it? anyone?
The techniques exists long before game engines can form a software category.
how do you rebind a function being called in timeout?
window.setTimeout(self.foo, 5000) and in foo(), there is a this.bar() which is a prototype function of the same object.
window.setTimeout(self.foo.bind(self), 5000)
tried that and it didn't work
@Sheepy sure, I mean, Lua's Love2D also has this separation for init, update and render, and that is a 12yr old framework
hmm ... the problem may be somewhere else
does self contain the correct this?
yeah, it's just before that const self = this; window.setTime....
I find myself a lot less binding and a lot more fatarrowing
It's much more stimulating
if(! this.getConfig().noHide) {
  const self = this;
  this.timerShow = window.setTimeout(self.hide.bind(self), 5000);
keh, it should work. But it didn't 😀
* starts to look at sourcemap *
> if(! this.
Try this.bar() before the timeout call
What the...
That spacing is appalling!
it's more clear bruh.
It's different, so I hate it
only nazi's hates others that are different
O_O The German N-word
Now I'm on some watchlist for sure
Nazis are different. Do they have to hate themselves?
The problem is not the ideology itself, but what Hitler did
nazi is actually "national socialism"
interesting thing: Machine Games has to retexture the nazi symbols in "Wolfenstein: The New Order" game to comply with the german laws
Well the Nazis themselves did some pretty heinous acts
Also, that national "socialism" has nothing to do with socialism
They beat people up in the name of nationalism. Though that's a testiment to the fact that humans can be manipulated into doing things they wouldn't normally do so long as everyone seems to approve of it

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