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did you watch today's testimony? A lot of nothing said.
politics in a nutshell
ughk recruiters, i've only had positive interactions from one recruitment company
this isn't normal politics.
shoutout to lookahead search, think its only australia based thoguh
yea, never heard of that one
I read a transcript of the prepared testimony
It wasn't too interesting
there were testimonies today by director national securtity, rosenstein and.. the fbi acting director.. forget his name
that's really messed up though demanding "loyalty"
mostly they said 'i won't talk about conversations with the president'
Also lots of talk about data collection programs.
Yeah all I got from it was trump being paranoid and kinda corrupt but that's not unexpected
They never said that at all.
Said what?
It's pretty clear that he's paranoid
that the president was paranoid. or even nythign hinting at it
I mean besides all of the hints no there were no hints
Ohh, I agree. But that wasn't revealed at all during the testimonies
Idk with all of the pestering he did
It comes off as paranoid to me
well, they didn't confirm any of that.
That he pestered comey?
Yeah that was confirmed
True that they did not confirm anything about comey's pressure.
I just watched the entire thing. McGabe flat refused to even say that comey said anythign to him
Did you read comey's testimony?
I read the prepared statement and already thought that trump was corrupt.
I think you are confusing my interpretation of today's testimony with some support for trump or thinking that there is nothing there.
I think there IS somethign there and was disappointed at the testimony.
No I'm just taking things directly from the statement and you're saying you didn't hear about them
when the director of the FBI needs to engage in CYA tactics
That statement is what comey is going to say. It was not part of the testimony
Yeah I know
We're not on the same page right now lol
I have no idea why his 'testimony' is published ahead of time. that's odd. But this is my first dictator case, so what do I know.
No. we are not. I have been talking about the testimony in front of congress
May I forget to mention that a few times.
And I said I only read the prepared statement
I thought that when I said "did you watch today's testimony? A lot of nothing said." you would know that I meant the actual thing and not choose another to respond to.
My mistake.
> I read a transcript of the prepared testimony
yea. you said that at the end.
It was the first thing I said...
You know what. nevermind. I don't want to talk to you. Never before have I been unable to communicate so much with someone that I agree with.
what just happened here is why political arguments are so frustrating (mostly)...instead of arguing about what's actually happening, we start arguing about the arguments
I'm not even arguing
He's just not reading half the messages in the chat and I'm helping him fill in the blanks
@Meredith didn't mean to imply belligerence on either party, maybe discussion was the better term
meaningful conversation is the maintenance of civilization
@Meredith you are right, you did say that eary on and I missed it. Sorry.
Thank you for apologizing
subject change! is it legal to use proxies (like, a LOT of proxies) in a web crawler, as long as I don't DDOS the target?
I mean do you care if it's legal
@Meredith i'm asking in a public chat room with my real name 😀
How do we know that's your real name?
why don't you ask the target?
who knows, maybe they'll give you an api instead
Yeah ask first and if they say no then ddos them
@derp it's rateyourmusic.com, and they have an API in the works rateyourmusic.com/rymzilla/view?id=683
sounds like you're suggesting that you'll work with them to be a beta tester :p
\win win
that's a better idea with much less work
i always go with the more difficult option first...
i dunno....i think i'm just intrinsically lazy
Worth a try, but I suspect they'll see it as a thinly veiled attempt at early access and a potential burden if there is any expectation of them fixing bugs on your schedule.
my proudest coding achievements are the times when through a discussion i can get away with not coding somethign at all
Mine are when I get to remove thousands of lines of legacy code
we call those outages around here xD
lol things you never want to hear together. "in memory" and "version control"
or "what's version control?"
what do you call a fold function which doesn't take an initial accumulator value (seed) ?
Array.prototype.reduce() can optionally take an initial accumulator (and the behavior is slightly different when it's present/absent)
mm, well i've also seen plenty of folds with optional seeds
isn't fold and reduce the same or similar? or am I mistaken?
as far as i'm aware they're synonyms
was that the answer you seek or did you mean a programing term not a specific JS funciton?
not JS-specific
Then, I don't know.
haskell calls the no-seed version fold1 for example, as if they just gave up thinking of a name
That looks like a language that involves a lot of lining things up with whitespace.
I knew something like that was coming, but I would have guessed coffeescript.
I don't know that much about CS
well, it's like python as far as whitespace goes.
ah there is one language which makes a distinction between "reduce" and "fold",
bloody KOTLIN
fold always has an intial value though?
if you don't specifiy it, wont' it be the first element?
what about an empty array?
@derp some languages have a separate name for this version of fold, some just have an overload
ahh okay
wiki has a nice table for different languages
In functional programming, fold (also termed reduce, accumulate, aggregate, compress, or inject) refers to a family of higher-order functions that analyze a recursive data structure and through use of a given combining operation, recombine the results of recursively processing its constituent parts, building up a return value. Typically, a fold is presented with a combining function, a top node of a data structure, and possibly some default values to be used under certain conditions. The fold then proceeds to combine elements of the data structure's hierarchy, using the function in a systematic...
> High-brow function
"inject" is a pretty strange name for it
this ipad has been charging for 2 hours and it's still on 2%
transfer power from life support
it's 2017, where's my nuclear-powered smartphones?
So I came across this question about sorting columns in a matrix. However, I am really only interested in the solution someone provided because I am having a hard time making sense of it. Here is the ink stackoverflow.com/questions/44416970/sort-columns-in-a-matrix/… its the second answer
how are they taking advantage of sort?
@Arrow indices is just [0,1,2,3,4], i.e. column index, regardless of actual row value. The magic is in the next line, where this array is sorted using the actual value in the first row. This result in the index of sorted row, and a new matrix is composed from it.
give me a sec to absorb that :)
@Cauterite It's 2017, they centralized it for efficiency
There's a reduceRight in javascript?
Ya that's the magic I want to demystify. how is it the duplicate values order themselves in that composition? she is taking advantage of sort itself.
@sheepy because the last two arrays are not actually sorted
They are reordered on the index of the sorted first array indexs i think
@Arrow Do you mean the duplicate 1 in the first row?
the last two rows
she orders this first [1, 3, 2, 4, 1]
then she takes the indexes and uses them as a key for the other two arrays [2, 4, 1, 3, 2], [4, 3, 2, 1, 4]
Correct. I think that's what the question ask too.
how does that result in the grouping of the repeaters? would the repeaters be grouped had they not been in the positions they were in in the last two arrays
OOkkk I get it.
magic is gone
The code does not know or care about duplicate columns. It sort the first row only, and if two columns has same first row value but different second/third row values, the result is supposed to be dependent on browser.
(And once upon a time, it really depends on the browser.)
@Sheepy I know I said this last night, but I am going to say it again. You are a genius!
i love that let {} = foo; is a valid statement
@Arrow It's just experience. I'm no longer young like the cute picture Luggage' posted T^T
But it's ok. I have the cutiest little sheep at home now. Who is now rolling around on his bed playing hanging toys and asking for my attention (sigh)
@Sheepy lol. I doubt that very much.
kids have a way of changing priorities. it's a shame you can't beam experience into their heads with usb3. A luxury they will soon have with their own kids someday soon. :)
I need a datastructure such that
- I need very fast random access
- I need to access the "next" and "previous" element very fast
- This will have a limited capacity and only store say 20 objects
@Arrow He does love to eat USB cable, head first. I blame my Windows 10 for not futuristic enough to recognise him as a USB storage device.
Basically what i need is a Linked list and Hashmap
@Shrek You can't beat a simple array list for read access speed.
When you say "I need to access the "next" and "previous" element very fast", do you mean without access to the main data structure itself?
@KendallFrey not necessarily
linked list may be useful when you have lots of next / prev insertion and removal, and it's still a pretty big if because of the massive read speed penalty.
@Shrek Well, i+1 and i-1 are pretty fast
That won't really work unless I really create a method for it
this is going to store about 20 frames per second
meaning it will push and pop about 20 per second
and the api has to be exposed to a 3rd party developer
as of now I am using the tick for accessing it (every 5th)
push and pop 20 elements per second is pretty low IO. In JavaScript (and most OOP languages), the list / map is just a pointer to your data objects. If your date object is heavy, you usually gain a lot more speed by reusing those objects.
@Shrek Skiplist?
Also your extensions are broken :( manage.auth0.com/#/extensions
Skip list enable quick search, but I don't see how that meet the stated requirements...
random access is ~o(logn), next and previous is o(1) because it's just a linked list at the bottom level
you could probably also just use a tree... maybe
@david :O
how are they broken?
@Sheepy I just read how lists work in v8
yeah for small sized lists that shouldn't be a problem at all
cause v8 just shifts the pointer for small arrays
so an array list with hashmap for additional swag?
I don't think it really matters if you only have 20 items in your data structure
@Meredith 20 is lower side, I am not sure about higher side yet
but the hashmap will definetily help in the case I'm using it
to bail out of madness
Have you tried it with a plain old array?
@Shrek it says "Extensions are temporarily unavailable. Try again later."
maybe i need to log out and back in
They are working just fine for me
can you create a support ticket
and address it directly to me ?
(And no my name is not shrek ;))
@Meredith yeah, the way to find which element to use is very expensive
Okay will do, Abishek right?
support.auth0.com gives me 'internal server error'
How can I remove the "tofu"/blank squares from a text
How are you searching the array?
I know I cant detect if a font has a symbol
btw I am using the graphicks image module to draw text on nodejs
Lol. When you mention "limited capacity" and gives a number, we normally give the max instead of... average? But even triple that to 60 fps is still a small array.
@nonerth how do you know you can't?
I dont know, can I?
do you know how to
cause I searched and did not find a solution
if you're already loading binaries like Graphicks then you could possibly load up some font support library too
maybe your OS has one built-in, with that feature
@Sheepy Yeah even O(n) searches aren't a big deal if n is 60
hmm I didnt find any
@david its owrking for me
so I am assuming something is wrong with your tenant specifically
try logging out
and logging in ?
also we are tracking the issue internally @david seems like its not just you.
I looked but I didnt find anything
thats why I thought of at least replacing the squares with space
yay i'm glad it's not just me
@Shrek Okay, it's because i'm fucking retarded
I have an extension that lets me set the Authorization header to whatever JWT i'm testing with
and I hadn't turned it off
Interesting, is this extension shared :D ?
it's just one i got from the chrome extensions place
"ModHeader 2.1.2"
I use it with that graphiql interface to make sure our endpoints are reading the tokens and permissions and shit correctly
because I'm too old fashioned to install postman or whatever it is the kids are using these days
So can you access auth0 extensions now / support center?
yep, but i can't access the authz extension page, that might be a different issue
https://auth0.auth0.com/i/oauth2/authorize?client_id= throws a 400
CTO is going to do a talk bbl
sooo ?
@david it should be fixed soon
@Luggage wtf I thought you were a little kid who is crying
but you're an old dude
is there a convenient way to convert an iterable into a nodejs readable stream?
Spongebo b
@Shrek seems to be fixed! Thanks :D
new stream.Readable({
    read: function (howMany, cb){
          while(howMany--){ this.push(iterable.next() || null); } cb();
Something like that
All'Yall, best ksp mod ever
hey all, can only point me in the direction of an node package that would provide form inputs with lookups? in the past I have used select2 and devextreme controls for this. eg searching for contacts that exist in the db
Hey guys, does anyone here know about webdriverJS for node? Im having a problem with firefox not loading urls..
@Shrek thanks; i didn't read any of the stream implementation examples, i was just wondering if there was a built-in wrapper or something already
@Luggage interesting opportunity, but I hate maryland LOL
Specifically for chrome extension, is there some permission required to use WebSQL on a background page?
I am getting could not prepare statement (23 not authorized) while performing any request
would a bedroom in a basement with a ground level window to the front of the house be weird
not to a basement-dweller
is gold/champagne a girlish colour for a phone?
it was the only colour they had left when i bought mine
\o morning
@Cauterite Just pick a protective case in the colour you like.
that could work
you don't have to ask others. If you like that color, use it
I don't use a protective case myself
If you're comfortable with your sexuality, use whatever colors you wish
even if you're not comfortable with your sexuality
gold/champagne is definitely gay
or narcissistic
or both
it just get more attention because it's attractive. But I don't correlate that color to being gay
heh using pink color doesn't make you gay. Only ... weird
pink makes you wonder what they're thinking, in any case
i wasn't after politically-correct opinions by the way
stereotypical thinking
Most people does that. I think with reasoning.
what happens when reasonable thinking becomes the stereotype?
going down that rabbit hole of what others think does nothing.. If you are not comfortable with it.. just get a phone cover..all this looks like splitting hairs..
\o morning
A colleague at work put on cotton-eye Joe as his ringtone just to mess with people
@suraj i guess your right, asking for peoples' opinions on the internet is a waste of time
where did you come from, where did you go?
@Cauterite opinions yes.. confined to internet.. not really.
What's it like being a programmer in China?
@Neil i know someone that has a female friend on his mobile phone. When she sends a sms or calls him, a song "Love-Hate-Sex-Pain" runs
He won't explain that. " It's something between her and me "
@towc Just... what?
@Suhaib Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Can you guys see this ?
this word in the chatroom has a very specific meaning.. what context are you refering to @Suhaib?
@suraj the yellowish color made me think I can't type the chat
@suraj Way to bind the newcomer to a specific context. jeez
the yellow color just shows your own chat message..
it used to be white or am I just imagining stuff ?
@Suhaib that's racist!
@monners we've been advised not to listen to towc
@Cauterite good advice
I mean, racist better than getting killed by a mad UX designer
@Suhaib true, true
@Cauterite Shit, I forgot;
They should have kept the textbox's color white
Don't listen to @towc
I have yet to be killed by a programmer who replaced me in one of my old jobs, so that's something anyway, right?
@Neil I haven't figured out where you live yet...
Is node.js questions allowed here ?
Having learned Angular 2, I thought why not move forward and learn NodeJs along with MongoDB to complete the MEAN stack. However after reading this hashnode.com/post/… blog I am kind of demoralized. I learn and invest my time to develop enterprise apps, end goal being money. So should I invest my time in learning nodeJs or move to Java instead ?
@Suhaib all questions are
@Neil Pffft, too far! I'm an opportunistic murderer
@Suhaib nodejs is javascript
@monners yay! I like living!
@Suhaib unless you wanna ask about my relationship with my fluffy bed covers
thats not discussable
@FlyingGambit to make good money with Java there is a lot to learn
For example, you need to learn why you shouldn't use Java
Nodejs can bring in the moolah if you're good at that, and it isn't so different than JavaScript (yes, it is JavaScript, but you don't quite write code in the same way)
@Neil you made me google for moolah XD
I don't know what to google to learn how to make node app get live info, i.e: listen to twitter account and fetch latest tweet
@FlyingGambit my job is complete then
@Neil Any idea, how much big the learning curve of nodejs is for a JS developer ?.
@FlyingGambit certainly not as bad as java, if you know nothing of it
@Suhaib why ?
Not that java is complicated, but you must familiarize yourself with so many libraries
it's is more visible where you've placed your comment
Nodejs is fairly straightforward if you've ever written backend before
User is requesting something.. Decide what gets sent back
@KarelG are you talking about node js or the color thing ?
click on that little arrow thing left of my comment ;)
(or just hover that comment)
oh, shit, that's hard to notice
I meant, the textbox that I type in before i click send
usually, changing from white to different color sends a hidden message to users that they can't start chatting yet. Either because of reputation or auth for example
Anyone can you give me a hint what to use or at least what to type in google if I want to build a node app that pulls information in realtime ? I want to get new blog posts as soon as they are posted.
node build a node app that pulls information in realtime ?
Could someone cast delete votes on the 5 answers with the lowest score on this question?
Oh boy, people are vicious when they are proved they arent correct.
Did anyone use the game genie for the nes?
I had one, and thinking back on it, not sure I get how it knew what to change
i get JS_Parse_Error but there is no syntax error before i threw it through babel
so somehow babelifying the script has a caused syntax error :/
Why are men dominating the programming field?
stereotypes. There aren't much females in such scientific fields such as electronics, math, computer science, ...
In contrary to that, there are not much males in biology either
Which begs the question why are men dominating scientific fields?
hi everyone :)
@gilbertoquintero o/
@Neil We've had this discussion already. Men also happen to dominate coal mining, sewage work and garbage collection
Not a great many women weep about not having a foothold in those professions.
@Neil during high school, they don't have much interests in science. But it's going to improve if the stats were right
ah, same can be said of nursery
lots of females there
Nursery, child care, etc
It's kinda humiliating that people instantly assume you're a pedophile if you're a male in child care..
That's just a stigma in society
We've got a lot of those double standards
@MichałPerłakowski How did you make that gif?
somehow for(const i of inputs) breaks in uglifyJS2 harmony 😯

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