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if( [2,3,8,11].includes(i) ) {
Q: Cannot set array values into select2

Gunjan AswaniOn my edit jsp page I have a select2 dropdown and when edit jsp page is loaded I want to set all values of array as selection in select2 dropdown. I have following function of javascript written on jsp page <script type="text/javascript"> function initSelect2(selectIds) { //here it ...

Mother of God
Q: Is it possible to disable find function on a webpage, not just ctr+f?

orosz.benceI would like to disable find function. I have a text uploded and the users shuld read the whole text without cheats, like CTRL+F. I have already disabled CTRL+F. But i can open the find bar frome the browser menu. I hope someone has an idea.

@rlemon includes is undefined for array object
@MatheusSilva Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MatheusSilva get a better browser
My bad, I tested on node in terminal, but my version is old.
so, s/browser/node/
i cannot comment with only [mcve] ?
@KarelG Try šŸ‘‰ [mcve] šŸ‘ˆ
1 message moved to Trash can
@amarghodke Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
that tag should auto-convert to a "Minimal complete blabla" link
var input = [1, 2];
function addToFrontOfNew(arr, element) {
return arr;
var output = addToFrontOfNew(input, 3);
console.log(output); // --> [3, 1, 2];
console.log(input); --> [1, 2];
but i am getting [ 3, 1, 2 ] [ 3, 1, 2 ] , what i need to make add array without changing main array ??
@BenjaminGruenbaum Wasn't that about the d3 in angular thing or something?
@MadaraUchiha yeah
@amarghodke make a copy
has anyone had the chance to play with npm 5 yet?
@CatBoss maybe? ^
@Neil : any example ??
I'm curious if the performance claims are very noticable; it would help with our automated builds not taking forever with my node service
@ndugger Only briefly. It seems slower than 4 IMO
@amarghodke arr.slice().unshift(element)
really? strange
@Neil returns [ 1, 2 ]
[ 1, 2 ]
@ndugger Not the best test, but: xbenjii.co.uk/i/1a4g4
@amarghodke don't return arr, since it is the old array
@ndugger I'm using it
Moving away from yarn, it's a welcome update
@amarghodke var newArr = arr.slice(); return newArr.unshift(element);
@Neil : 3
[ 1, 2 ]
@rlemon dank burn
@amarghodke var newArr = arr.slice(); newArr.unshift(element); return newArr;
Anyone here that can help getting my Redux right in stackoverflow.com/questions/44233546/… ?
tip: redux is dumb
ur dum
no u
memes are dumb
@Neil : thank you ...
memes are the ultimate form of irony
Sorry. I meant to say your memes are dumb.
I don't have my own memes. Real dank memers repost.
cc @KendallFrey
Well I need to pass data without dealing with React's Parent and Child components..
@rlemon Is that "Mom" arrow thing a stencil in MS Paint or something?
must be
He's just really good at paint
I mean, it almost seems like someone is making these up and uses that on all their images
You tried the new Paint3D? It's actually quite good
@Luggage alt-memes
@BenFortune A couple of strokes
that's all it takes
It was pretty hot
Good morning! Everyone enjoying their cup of covfefe?
I don't know what that is, but I have coffee.
yea. I know he tweeted but but i don't know what it is or is supposed to say.
I think he meant coverage, but it stayed up for quite a while, probably because his PR guy was just fired.
Q: Covfefify a string

Destructible LemonIn this challenge, you must take a string matching the regex ^[a-z]+$ or ^[A-Z]+$, or ^[A-Z][a-z]+$ or whatever is reasonable, (you may assume the string is long enough, and has the right structure for all the operations), and output another string, produced similarly to word at the end of a rece...

I mean "Despite the negative press coverage" still is a fragment, but at least he's not making up words
I have lots to judge him on without caring about bad typing skills.
Of which I am not innocent.
I am faltless when it comes to typing errors
hurhurhur :)
I know, low hanging fruit and all that
function getLengthOfLongestElement(arr) {
var nextLength=0,prevLength=0;
for(var key in arr){
    if(prevLength>nextLength ){
    return prevLength;
    return nextLength;
return nextLength;
var output = getLengthOfLongestElement(['one', 'two', 'three']);
@amarghodke what's your question?
expected to return 5 but returns 3
you're returning after the first element
it never gets past one
yea, that, too. :)
@rlemon 4
I'm stupid
no, your reduce was close. it just needed one argument changed.
Math.max(l.length),0) change to Math.max(l.length),r )
i c
kinda, almost
you have it outside of the max
!!> ['a','aaa','aaaa','aa'].reduce((r,l)=>Math.max(l.length,r),0)
@rlemon 4
I'm bored and hungry
and avoiding writing some views
@amarghodke here you go
function getLengthOfLongestElement(arr) {
  var maxLength=0;
  for(var key in arr){
		var val = arr[key];
    if(val.length > maxLength) {
    	maxLength = val.length;
  return maxLength;

var output = getLengthOfLongestElement(['one', 'two', 'three']);
opinion: Turn off variable-name rules against PascalCase, or just comment each instance? (I use PascalCase for variables holding dynamically chosen react components)
@Luggage If it's a rule in your naming scheme, it should be a rule in your style rules
How is polyfill.io free? That service is too good.
@Vap0r No, stop using for...in for arrays.
@OliverSalzburg I follow camalCase rules 96% of the time with the only exception being some variable that are used in JSX since the capitalization is meaningful
@jake It's free because you're fucked when it's down and you are relying on it
@BenFortune I wouldn't have used it at all I was just giving him code similar to his so he could understand it.
@Vap0r : great and simplest, thanks...
My feeling is that if he's struggling with that piece of code, then he's probably lost on rlemons
@Luggage Yeah, but in that case, you always do it. And, when it's not done, no alert is raised either (I assume)
@amarghodke please listen to what these guys are saying though. This is not the proper way to write such a thing
what? always use PascalCase since I need to use it a few times?
For me, it would come down to how much work it is to get it into an actionable rule :P
@Luggage No
Let me re-phrase the question.
@Vap0r : my last comment ??
I have no trouble sticking to a camelCase rule on my own without the linter, but have the rule turned on for consistency. I have legit reasons to break the rule (happens in my views often, but not much elsewhere). Should I just turn off the linitng rule, or put a "disable-line" comment in each an every exception?
in your opinion.
@Luggage Yeah, understood. But can't you make adjustments to your rule set for certain contexts? Like for .jsx files, use different naming rules
@amarghodke BenFortune and Luggage mentioned you shouldn't be using for .. in. They are probably correct. rlemon has a solution which uses Math.max, a good option. I'm not sure if you want to use all his code, but his code is probably a better starting point than yours.
// tslint:disable-line:variable-name
ohh, maybe I can configure file types.
or a subdirectory.
I usually try to get every weird use case into our core ruleset, then go to the more specific context-driven rule sets if core is not a viable option. If that also doesn't work, try to figure out how to adjust the style to the available options. If that is not an option, consider dropping rule to warning level or dropping rule entirely. Single-line disable is last resort
And every linting rule has to be matched by an available esformatter rule, which makes the process a lot more fun
I don't know how i'd make it a core rule.
@OliverSalzburg did/do you have worked/work with OAuth(2.0) ?
@KarelG Yes. We allow OAuth2 for authentication on our platform.
1 message moved from C#
That is, we're a consumer, not a provider of OAuth2
ah. I'm looking for a provider
@mikeTheLiar that goes in the trash.
Doing analysis atm. I'm not sure how to handle OAuth authentication
@KarelG I've only briefly looked into it. The topic might come up again in the near future again actually
mike just doesn't know good memes
@Luggage tell ndugger that
your channel.
your problem
stop being such covfefe
i thought to use json in the POST request with client secret, client name, and pw that is symmetrical encrypted
return with token
then the client can use it send requests to our API server
but ... something in me tells that there is a caveat
Where's there a cave at?
<label for="selectAll"><input type="checkbox" id="selectAll" value="-1">Select All</label>

$("#selectAll").parent().text("Unselect All")
.text() removes input
@KarelG Well, server A (consumer) would get the key, and invoke API on server B (your provider) with the access delegated through the token
OAuth2 workflow discussions benefit from the physical world and the existence of whiteboards :P
@Mathematics true. you could make another child element for the text.
@Luggage thanks will do that then
<label for="selectAll">
    <input type="checkbox" id="selectAll" value="-1">
    <span id="myLabelText">Select All</span>
(possibly replace id with another way to select it, and salt to taste)
true, thanks will make the changfe
@OliverSalzburg how does your OAuth provider accept the auth request (in which form) to respond with a token that you can use
Some does by a web interface which requires physical intervention. Other allows json ...
i've used the json approach before.
Q: Cant find user; firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged

Mohammad Areeb SiddiquiI have created a simple app using firebase and react native. I have implemented login with email and password and login with facebook both in my app, the code is as follows: const FBSDK = require('react-native-fbsdk'); const { LoginManager, AccessToken } = FBSDK; import * as firebase from 'fire...

Hi Guys, I have a JS array defined as data[0]="hi there" now I would like to set a default value such as "go away!" if someone tries to access data[1] since it does not exist. How do I do this? I tried doing something like this if (!(data[1] in data)) data[1] = "go away!" but it does not work as expected
Can I vent about covfefe real quick?
only if you do it in the form of a song
because this is pretty much the one thing I was worried about from the start :(
Lol again
i've used the json approach before.
y firebase hate me
@KarelG Well, we just use passport, so a lot of the details I don't know
@summerNight you shouldn't be directly setting values at indexes like that; that's highly abusive to arrays. Use the push method instead.
@GNi33 that sucks
that's horrible
it was expected
sure, how do I check as a one liner?
He was against it during the election campaigns.
But I thought that he has to pass the congress
@summerNight you don't have to do it as "one liner" ...
I try to stay as neutral as possible regarding his presidency, but fuck me, this is a gutshot
@summerNight I don't even think that arrays are right for what you're doing. It seems pretty weird.
@KarelG: I am not a true fan of one liners but in my case I am builing another JSON structure and assigning one of the new key ^THAT value :)
prop that in a function and return if the key access is invalid ...
So basically I am getting a bunch of data through an external API and trying to read the dict inside it safely
@Jhoverit dammit. I thought I activated caps auto keepalive.
function getFromArray(arr, id) {
  if (id < arr.length) {
    if (arr[i]) return arr[i];
  return "go away";
I can't enter the room with my youtube autoplay script or my browser crashes
Meh nobody uses it anyway it doesn't matter lol
i thought to add an else branch in the first if block ... but it's not required it seems... so you can use an &&
Thanks @KarelG
maybe I'll make a app on rlemon.ca to just post music
but idk.. sounds like work
I been stealing my 14 year old sister's music lol
Are you Jordan?
R U Jordan
@Jhoverit enjoying that JB are you?
@Jhoverit badum-tsch
@rlemon Dude lol
This sister got beatz
Can anyone tell me why I'm seeing fatal: Cannot rebase onto multiple branches. like 10% of the time I rebase?
I just git pull --rebase and get the error
So I enter the command again and it works fine
To make a quantum theory of relativistic interacting particles, the trick is to actually quantize fields. #Ph125c #covfeve
@KendallFrey Actually different hashtag
I'm waiting for the covpepe memes
well he goofed
He goofed the goof. He double-goofed!
That's like putting your whole mouth into the goof!
No wait, that was something else
@SterlingArcher so I found out why my bike was so cheap. The shifter has mashed a hole through the magneto cover hahaha
@Jhoverit SterlingArcher is afk: sleep
He still sleepin?!
i.sstatic.net/l97BI.jpg : I came home from vacation to find 1/4qt of oil already on the floor lol
my implementation is correct, but slight change in expected and actual result
function computeCompoundInterest(principal, interestRate, compoundingFrequency, timeInYears) {
  var sum = principal;
  for (var i = 0; i < timeInYears; i++) {
    for (var j = 0; j < compoundingFrequency; j++) {
      sum += sum * (interestRate / compoundingFrequency);
  return sum - principal;
var output = computeCompoundInterest(1500, .043, 4, 6);
console.log(output); // --> 438.8368221341061
actual: 438.8368221341034
@Jhoverit that the new bike?
ohh, i scrolled up.
@Luggage Yea I got it like $1500 undervalue I knew something was up.
Case with gasket is $160 I jus can't get one before the weekend
hello jslovers
is it a simple cover? like just an oil pan type of situation?
Pretty much yeah.
not too bad. still sucks
can someone tell me why the modal window doesn't open?
Stator is under it and the starter runs through it sorta
@amarghodke Doing math in C-like languages (or any language with IEE-754 floating-point numbers) is broken
All the sudden I am getting a lot of warnings like "Long Running JavaScript task took 737ms", what's the deal? Node v8 thing?
If you want accuracy, use another language or a BigDecimal library
@Zirak : so what i need to change ??
@amarghodke use another language or a BigDecimal library
Google "javascript BigDecimal"
Aww someone just discovered floating point arithmetic
If you want to know why google "floating point arithmetic is shitty and I want to die"
It's always so cute
floating point maths are a crack in the space time continuum
Black magic
!!> 0.1 + 0.2
@Meredith 0.30000000000000004
^ The Kraken
rimworld needs a kraken
like a random boss that roams the entire world and you have a very small chance of him entering your map and wrecking yo shit
materializecss modal button issue <closed>
rimworld needs rimjobs
they got that
@rlemon That's what rimworld already is, only that boss takes the form of a series of unfortunate events.
colonists can get nasty with eachother.
fun fact: you cannot have children in the game because the creator knew they'd be exploited as child slaves
so instead you just harvest peoples organs. and make them slaves
but they have to be > 16
you can still be married to your 15 year old daughter, though
er, 15
I had a mormon colony.
guys, the API I have to work with is a pain. What do?
my colony is slowly growing. I try not to piss off caravans so I don't steal people form them
so all of my new arrivals are raiders who I managed to incapacitate but not kill
@Luggage polygamy, racism, and a general lack of public substance abuse?
ohh, i never steal from a caravan. that's insta-war
@ndugger all these things exist in rimworld.
ndugger ohh, not mormons, then. plenty of substance abuse.
cept racism, but there is sexism
@corvid Abstract it
Or write your own api
Well, it's more of that I will have to make an insane number of calls to get a workable interface
Contact the developers of the api if you can
I don't know of racism, but there is misogyny and misandry
@corvid Maybe it's a pain because they expect you to use a generated client, like with SOAP/WSDL
Not that it would be a requirement...
@Luggage because he has skin colour, but there is no race mechanic afaik.
there is an ugly factor tho
ugly colonists are more likely to get rejected in social situations
I don't think it needs it. There are plenty of reasons for colonists to hate each other already.
Yea, I have a staggeringly ugly guy
I have the opposite problem. I have one beautiful colonist, but she's married already. keeps rebuffing all the other males and one of the other females
So she doesn't rebuff the rest of the women or what
there needs to be a jealous murder
I'll be happy when they do something with the space aspect of the game.
I should at the very least be able to make a 'pod' sort of ship to fly to other colonies instead of doing long caravans
you can.
since when?
you can make a drop pod launcher. you need to research it.
since last alpha, 16
hey how can I make a delegated event call for this function here:
hrm. I'll have to check that out
colonies as in.. colonies or colonies?
 $('.btn').leanModal({ ...});
for example for a click on an element, I know its like this:
that question doesn't make sense
 $(".wrapper").on("click", ".btn", function () {})
it makes sense, but I don't know how to explain it
youtu.be/2hYecyqAE90?t=13m40s rimworld alph 16, at correct time code to see pods
the example should make it clearer maybe :)
you want to delegate the initialization of the plugin?
dank avatar, suisse
harold is my jam
@KevinB yes
you can't do that
what you can do is delegate an event, and then on said event initialize the plugin
harold meme extreme imgur.com/gallery/KjtbV
for example, delegate click, initialize the plugin, re-trigger click, then remove a class or something that will stop the delegated event from hitting it again.
!!afk calories
@KevinB it didn't work:
$('.btn').leanModal({ ...});
is triggered when you click on the .btn
wouldn't you want it to only target the clicked one?
so I made a delegated click on those 100 .btns
yeah it is only the click
yeah I am targeting only the clicked .btn => that opens a modal - and the content is then different for different .btn buttons
It probably did work, it just didn't do what you think it did.
hmm I think I have a logic error
yeah hmm
what does this plugin do
the modal thing from materializecss
i think you skipped a step or two.
5 mins ago, by Kevin B
for example, delegate click, initialize the plugin, re-trigger click, then remove a class or something that will stop the delegated event from hitting it again.
 $(".iOScampaigns").on("click", ".fotos_btn", function () {

                    dismissible: false, // Modal can be dismissed by clicking outside of the modal
                    opacity: .5, // Opacity of modal background
                    in_duration: 300, // Transition in duration
                    out_duration: 200, // Transition out duration
                    ready: function (x) {
                        console.log("x", x);
uh, modal !== leanModal?
yeah, you've skipped two steps.
yeah.. I tried with modal - it doesn't work with modal()
two important steps.
21 mins ago, by Suisse
materializecss modal button issue <closed>
also, why are you targeting all buttons rather than just the clicked one?
and here with .modal()
27 mins ago, by Suisse
can someone tell me why the modal window doesn't open?
@KevinB what exactly do you mean? should every button get a unique class?
well, no
i have a loop on a json, and for each object I get a button
why would you initialize all of the modals when only one of them was clicked?
and for every those buttons, I want to trigger the modal
that would result in most of them getting initialized multiple times.
thats a good question, but how should I do that?
can you give me a hint, what I am not understanding here? hmm
event basics.
I have the class .btn
how do you get the clicked element
you mean the button?
the clicked element
the button that was clicked
the clicked element => $(this)
ok then.
how do you initialize the one that was clicked
oh god haha
that would solve one problem, but still won't get them to open on the first click
> Whenever one of the morons say I wear a wig, stop reading because they have no credibility and just hate. Iā€™m, like, a really smart person. You know, all the tough guys endorse me. I like that. OK?
@Meredith Just static text.... 0/10
yeah, but It also doesn't open it on the second click - the window gets dark, but the modal div is not shown :/
that sounds like a separate issue
css related maybe
getting that on a shirt
Nah the joke is pretty much dead
lame, it is just static text

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