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@rlemon I think I got the config right, but I can't find the output css file
do i have to import every css file I use?
why do you use more than one
import foo
import bar
import everything
or @import or w/e it is for scss
in your app import './style.scss'
ok let me try that
> The space part would be natural part of the space expansion that we might, or might not do in the future :)
cc @KendallFrey
oh shit an ama
@rlemon do I have to use scss?
why wouldn't you?! but no
I'm getting an @import error for css, but I thought @import was valid in css
Module parse failed: /Users/jordan.alexander/Desktop/SourceUndead/public/css/zombie.css Unexpected character '@' (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
    test: /\.css$/,
    loader: "style-loader!css-loader!style!css",
    include: /node_modules/,
dammit man, use my loaders 😃 I stole them from luggage
proven to work
and yea, idk. I just always use scss now even when I'm not doing anything fancy.
the processing time is moot, and the benefit is easily gained.
@SterlingArcher i.reddituploads.com/…
scss scares me
it's new
> Time: 61568ms
that seems so slow
I wonder if the fact that half the world (or more) is making fun of him gets trump down
even his significant ego should be taking a beating
and the poor guy has to run the world
or pretend to
@Mosho He's been made fun of his whole life
He's used to it
Also he's probably too dumb to realize that most people are making fun of him
well, he's a billionaire and POTUS
can't be too dumb :P
Have you heard him talk
Or looked at his twitter
ERROR in ./~/css-loader?{"minimize":true,"modules":false}!./~/sass-loader/lib/loader.js!./public/css/zombie.scss
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?v=4.7.0' in '/Users/jordan.alexander/Desktop/SourceUndead/public/css'
@ ./~/css-loader?{"minimize":true,"modules":false}!./~/sass-loader/lib/loader.js!./public/css/zombie.scss 6:241-292
@ ./public/css/zombie.scss
@ ./server.js
@import "~font-awesome/scss/font-awesome";
@import '~skeleton-css/css/skeleton';
@import '~skeleton-css/css/normalize';
am i stupid?
Yeah you're gonna figure it out in like an hour then you'll try to kill yourself
i dont try, I do
are those all npm modules?
I'm glad I'm bad at tying knots or I would not have lasted this long as a developer
if i had, array[0] = 1, array[1] = null, array [2] =1 and i did array.push(1). Which index would that push into ?
but you could just test it
array[array.length] = 1
@rlemon yeah, im just trying to load font-awesome
import 'font-awesome';
with or without @?
no in your app.jsx
I think. one sec
did you guys see that band named after me
import 'font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css'
try this in your app.jsx. I'm sure there is a better way to bundle them
I just use the cdn and put it in my template html file.
ERROR in ./~/skeleton-css/css/normalize.css
Module parse failed: /Users/jordan.alexander/Desktop/SourceUndead/node_modules/skeleton-css/css/normalize.css Unexpected token (9:5)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
|  */
| html {
|   font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */
|   -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
 @ ./server.js 28:0-41

ERROR in ./~/skeleton-css/css/skeleton.css
Module parse failed: /Users/jordan.alexander/Desktop/SourceUndead/node_modules/skeleton-css/css/skeleton.css Unexpected token (31:0)
Mother fucker
such befouled language, mine eyes tear upon reading
when i run node server.bundle.js, it's only seeing it as a node app, my client code (e.g. document) is in the node scope
var style = document.createElement("style");

ReferenceError: document is not defined
Wait, that's webpack trying to inject
I import './public/css/zombie.scss'; in my server.js file, that's obviously wrong
2 hours later…
whats the difference between an array[[]] and array[][]. im trying to make an array to store the values of a 9x9 grid so when i do something like grid[x][y] i get the info
@RachelDockter array[[]] isn't valid
where are you seeing those two things? array[[]] and array[][]? It's not something I recognise when talking about arrays
i think im just making it up lol it seemed logical
like [[]] would be an array inside an array or something
that would be [][]
@RachelDockter that's what arrays are in javascript
[[]] is an expression, which is valid
some_array[[]] is not
some_array[][] is valid
ah, okay... so [[]] would be how you make it, but [][] would be how you access it
[][] alone is not
gah now im even more confused lol
so when i declare it i do array[[]] and access it by array[][]?
or both array[][]
!!> const grid = [[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]]; console.log(grid[1][2]);
@david "undefined" Logged: 2
ohh i get it, thats just made it 10x harder for me now then
so if it was a 9x9 grid i would declare something like array[[][][][][][][][][]]
a better example would have been
!!> const grid = [['0:0', '0:1', '0:2'], ['1:0', '1:1', '1:2'], ['2:0', '2:1', '2:2']]; console.log(grid[1][2]);
@david "undefined" Logged: "1:2"
@RachelDockter Yeah, although you can create it with a loop
ok thats good, because i wanted a variable for the grid size
yeah, that would be much better
so it would just be a
for loop (grid size) { array.push([]); }
im gonna try that, it looks right
david have u heard of the flood fill algorithm?
what do you mean by array[]?
you probably want to do
@RachelDockter it's close but your syntax is a little wrong, and yeah i've heard of flood-fill, what are you plannign on putting in your grid?
var stones = [];

for (i = 0; i < boardSize - 1; i++)
	var row = [];
	for (j = 0; j < boardSize - 1; j++)
pretty sure thats working fine
its like a board game called go, kinda like checkers where peices that are surrounded get destroyed, i was thinking of using a flood fill algorithm to check that
its making my brain hurt just thinking about it tho
@rachel, i think you should start looking at array functions
e.g. forEach
then your code will become simpler because iteration will be taken for you
also FUCK YES, i got saucelabs to work!
corporate proxies can go suck a d***
would i use a for each for making the 9x9 array?
yup, it would look like this
i thought for each was just used to get every index from an array
oh hang on, my bad
@RachelDockter Yep! looks good
apart from
the -1
wait maybe not
i figured it had to be -1 because u place peices on the crosses of the grid
and the board size represents the squares
hmm, you may need to adjust that later, but it works for now
don't worry about foreach yet, these loops work fine for now
and yeah you will need a floodfill algorithm to check the surrounding
it's not too bad
but will take a bit to get your head around
i can imagine lol, also when cycling through each array item i was told to go in reverse like this
does that make any difference at all?
1 message moved to Trash can
@RachelDockter Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
1 message moved to Trash can
@RachelDockter Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
oh ffs lol
it doesn't matter which way you go normally
who told you that?
and in relation to what?
i posted some code on i think its called code review and the guy who improved my code was going over everthing and mentioned that
he really seemed to know what he was doing, shortened my code by like 80% lol
Q: Member function undefined - javascript

Mohammad Areeb SiddiquiI have made this class: import React, {Component} from 'react'; import { View, ActivityIndicator, Button } from 'react-native'; import Auth from '../api/Auth'; export default class LoginScreen extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.s...

shortened code isn't always better. You want to maintain some readability
do you have a link to it?
@derp derp
dont think so this was months ago
i derped
@RachelDockter Ah okay, well write your loops however you feel is most readable.
will do :)
sometimes i hate how arrays start at 0
it's very useful for some things
yeh, its mostly cause rn its being a pain
ill work around it
use visual basic
they start with 1
oh really, that was the first language i learnt
i didnt know that tho
Gotta figure out how to hook up my node server so serve the react app
no idea how to do that
serve-static with a html webpage that has a script tag to the webpack output?
What about my sockets and api methods?
I eat three fifths of the breakfast I make for my family.
oh, routes in express?
with the base path you could serve up your static page with the script tag to the webpack bundles
then under like an /api/ route, you could have you REST api
@MadaraUchiha just got to the point where they explain Madara for the first time and it seems rife with plotholes. What is that about....
and uhh socket io to handle the sockets?
i'm not sure if you need to set up an separate port to handle websockets
guess you don;t
Q: Express and WebSocket listening on the same port

MornorI have an app.js which is used to trigger two events when some POST data are received: Insert POST data into a database Send a message to a client using a WebSocket Here is the app.js (only the important lines) var express = require('express'); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var s...

my gut says to use a different port though :/
disclaimer: have not done this before
you could also make them different node programs
and use nginx to handle the routing
in which case you could also just bundle the react app into static files
and serve that directly through nginx
im trying to work out this flood fill algorithim, would u scan the whole board every go? or would u only scan peices around the peice that was just placed? its kinda confusing
Depends on your game, but it's very likely that you'll only need to check the tiles around the one you just placed
yeh, i think im gonna do, if the peice isnt placed by itself, scan the whole board using flood fill to see if any peices are captured
this will take a while lol
another thing you can do is to just scan the outside edge pieces
but keep track of which tiles are 'reachable' from the outside edge
anythign else is captured
you'd need to do it twice too, once for each player
so yoiu know who captured it
jesus, why did i pick such a complicated project lol
i kinda get what you mean tho
you'll get it figured out
it sounds like it will be usable when you're done which always makes it more fun
yeh, the deadline for this project is in about a year so i have tons of time anyway
ive already set up the node js server where people can host games and stuff, works really good
nice, that's a good first step
being able to actually see a result of some kind
yeh defo lol
@DHARMRAJTHAKUR Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
how javascript is compile?
@DHARMRAJTHAKUR don't play with flags
sorry boss... I am new here
can you retract those flags?
how to do that
ok leave it..
never flagged so even I don't know
If you run this program, you'll get this error message: “RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded” (This is called a "stack overflow" and is explained later.)
- reading a coding tutorial and found this, mind blown
thats where the name comes from
@RachelDockter yeah.. happens when you have infinite looping or recursive functions without exit conditions.. etc... eg stackoverflow.com/questions/214741/what-is-a-stackoverflowerror
intresting, i wonder why these chose that as their website name
no exit condition here. you can checkout but you can never leave
welcome to the hotel california
such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
i need to change css based on if a model has any children or not
but i am not loading the children on this screen
any ideas about how to manage that? so far i can think of adding some sort of count endpoint; add a count property to the parent to keep track of its children; ???; profit
me and my dad used to play this on guitar hero
good times
@Cauterite not quite. I am loading Parent which has some Children, but I am not loading the children in this view, it only shows a list of Parents in a grid. But they need to be highlighted if they have no Children
it's more a back end thing than js
add an empty class?
Finally got that react router working
@hsimah then surely you'd just give it a .has-children class or something? i can't imagine why there'd be any 'better' options
nah, im not explaining this well. the front end view gets a collection of parent models. I do not load their child data (there can be thousands of records on the child collection). but I still need to know if there is at least one child record. I think I am going to have to redo my data access to select some sort of count when reading the parent data
why my lol is being starred?
weird things happen here
wouldn't a count be expensive though?
@derp yeah. I was thinking of doing a top 1 or something
it really just needs to be "0" or "non-zero" though
need to read up on my entity framework
ahh so parents don't know anything about their children but children know their parents?
is that an MSSQL thing?
is star used as a sort of bookmarking important or as an upvote in this chatroom?
both i think @suraj
heh parents that don't know anything about their children otherwise known as the bastard model
@Cauterite it's a .net ORM thing
the parents do know about the children, you can load them if you wish. I didnt load them (lazy loading) because this view didnt need to know about children
but now the engineers want rows with no data to be highlighted
i think this app i'm working on has entityframework in its backend code
ahhh so they do need o know about them now but you don't ....really want to load them
i'm hoping to delete that code soon though
@derp yeah, on this view i only need to know if there are any
i think I might have found an answer
on an sql level, that would imply just getting the ids but not doing the selects on those ids
but yeah not too sure how that would be accomplished in the ORM level
bugger it
i am going to load the children
it's only 8 decimals and an id
this is how great software is written ;D
is it a n + 1 select problem?
but hey if it works
damnit this always happens
close enough
today i discovered that my company's main codebase only compiles in Visual Studio 2008
gotta love them complicated build procedures
are you using TFS as well?
what's that?
imagine if you got a bunch of project managers to design a version control system
ah no it uses SVN
no git?
as far as i'm aware
as in no plans to go to git?
i highly doubt they'd do that
oh man, working with UI reviews in SVN was a pain
from memory we were emailing each other patch files
and didn't actually compile it most of the time because it was a pain
was it a big company?
middle sized
we eventually moved to git
had some good Ops guys to help us
some Special Ops guys?
the unsung heroes that take put our code stuff and put on the web stuff
this is a medium-size company too but only a handful of programmers
if its just a handful of programmers, what's stopping you guys from migrating to git?
derp, is your company using TFS atm?
@derp because no one cares; probably haven't used git enough to know the difference (i sure don't)
at home my version control system is WinRAR
TFS makes me cry
ah TFS is microsoft?
the whole set up makes refactoring a detterent
because otherwise you'll overwrite someone else's changes ...maybe
it used to be
microsoft have moved onto git themselves
i think that says it all
unfortunately i think git support is only included in a later version of visual studio :p
and i dunno, i find the tooling for visual studio lacking for js development
i wouldn't even consider using VS for JS
@Cauterite Team Foundation Server, used with Visual Studio to share code.
It's a huge resource hog
So pretty! @Loktar I'm loving this
oh my god it's almost 3am
!!afk sleep
As you know, el.on('click', ...) won't work for the middle (circle-shape) click on the mouse. What should I search to find that event?
when a console.log(data) i get object Object. I am expecting a JSON. Could someone explain?
where did you console.log?
JS file
even if i type data in browser console i get object Object
"[object Object]"
@Doggy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Doggy Did that as well i still get object Object
Need the code and screenshot of output
That data is a response from watson speech to text api
need the output to see if the format is correct o.o
what happens with the variable before the console.log call ?
> Grunt and Grunt plugins are installed and managed via npm, the Node.js package manager. Grunt 0.4.x requires stable Node.js versions >= 0.8.0. Odd version numbers of Node.js are considered unstable development versions.
odd version number....?
Hi guys, I'm working on something that shows before/after prices
heh, interesting
I currently have node 7.5, I guess that's bad?
The | is not really nice I think
someone has a better suggestion?
@towc Where you seeing that? Because it's obviously not right.
@towc isnt that the latest one..why is it bad?
@suraj coz 7 is odd
I dunno
oh heh
I'm still kind of sad that the name node was kept
io could have been slightly confusing
but still
iojs sounds much cooler than nodejs
@Jonathan a tooltip indicates what's behind an element
use "current price: 85.5" or just "current price", but not that
Fair point
(especially the variable names)

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