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I just tried a vape thta used oil instead of dried plants. man. that worked way better than i expected
like, shatter oil?
i dont know what that is.
thin mint oil
shatter is thin mints
shatter is brittle oil
depending on how it's refined, it comes out like candy, with different hardness and color
@ssube and usually of much much higher purity
most pure = clear shatter
well, i don't know ny of that.
i just know that after 2 hits, i was gonna go back to may car for some of the good ol' plants, but realized i didn't need to
nope. A small piece of the clear stuff, grain of rice, feels like a full tobacco cigarette.
Hey there, can anyone help me with a quick question about testing with Jest?
is there a way of checking what has Jest mocked on my tests?
@ssube did it with a simple if statment, easy peasy :)
jersey barriers, strong enough to keep jersey and most floods contained
that might be amazing or terrible
but hey, at least a company that might care about the game
take two publishes some decent games
Wonder what they paid
@ssube Borderlands/2 are 10/10 games
for sure
I'm still amazed every day that squad, a marketing company, even made KSP
they milked it for a while. good time to sell I guess
Scott Manley needs to quit apple and work on the new KSP team
cc @KendallFrey
what "new KSP team"?
what kind of person works at Apple :(
@KendallFrey new management === inevitable reshuffling eventually.
@ssube The same kind of person who comes from a place where people eat haggis, I guess.
also a great time to toss a few new devs into the mix
There's new management?
at Squad?
read the article
squad sold KSP
oh didn't notice
I hope this means lots of new updates... I fear this means few updates like we expect now and KSP2 coming out for $60 in 6-8 blahs
KSP, new galaxy DLC
I don't even know how there could be a KSP 2
@BenFortune That already exists
Oh lol
yea there are mods to do most things
> You must purchase the premium edition to use mods
kerbals can shrink to the size of a quark and are lost, but they still somehow have a spaceship thing and need to discover where they are.... with science goo!
right now it's less of a 'game' and more of a nice little sandbox with a few goals along the way. career mode isn't challenging. just a bunch of boring missions you have to go on until you have enough funds to put a space station up there
I can see them trying to do more of a storyline with it
tbf it might really ruin it
placing a story on sandbox-driven games is urgh
as long as they leave the three modes we have now alone, I don't see it being bad.
just a new mode to play in. story mode.
How do i get the content in a button and store it in a variable?
stories in sandbox games just need to be sandboxy
but all of the speculation, the imagination...
little things that happen around/to you
like what rimworld does
@Halie element.textContent
<button>example</button> , <script> var get = ?"
@rlemon thank you
I see playing a sandboxy game as reading a book. I'm constrained (well, in the story), but I have a world of imagination backing it that makes it wow
@ssube yea rimworld would be a good 'events' model for something like that
@rlemon :D
maybe you have solar flares fucking with your ship
I know it
maybe you have breakdowns on the way
like... a more story driven KSP might be fun
adding a story to that is like making a crappy movie: the original story is kept, but now a lot of things are constant. Sure, you can get your imagination to run wild, but not nearly in the same way
my whole game concept is based on events (in the stream sense) of events (in the game sense)
that can happen anyway.
everything is based on templates and rules that cause things to happen
just say "stream of events", nerd.
series of unfortunate events
now that's what I should call the development blog
except that, yknow, it's taken
the quest for DenverCoder9
parodies are fair game
Gotta get into rimworld, looks super fun
@BenFortune 10/10
rimworld, KSP, and Factorio are my gotos right now
anyway, time to sleep again
Terraria is on back burner. and ESO is taking a mini hiatus
Why is there a £299 pack?
before I get into maths with kendall again
just buy the game.
@Luggage development blogs are generally promotional, so I feel like that would not work out
@BenFortune wat?
@BenFortune kickstarter style get your name in the game thing
pirate king pack?
he might be seeing some 'name in the game' thing
yea, screw all that, just buy the base game
ohh yea the backstory shit
@rlemon hmm theres no 'getContent' and 'innertext and 'text return an 'undefined'
you can pay to get your 'character' put into the game
@towc I was thinking about that one today :P
let's do this tomorrow, I got a lot of free time at school :P
@Halie if the button has textContent then it is there. jsfiddle.net make a demo of it failing
@BenFortune ButtholePlanet
@BenFortune so you buy it?
Maybe another day
Moving is expensive yo
@BenFortune add me to steam
I dont' think I have you
I already have you
ohh I c you now
see* :)
@Luggage do I have you on steam?
I do
HE dooooooooooooo
A fresh KSP install feels almost as amazing as a fresh OS install.
stuck with IE and notepad
solid boosters and a lawn chair
github.com/RUJodan/Source-React/commit/… 😃 create account page is back
fuck this is fun
and the code is so much cleaner
@SterlingArcher you forgot to await db.query
Ah shit
I was iffy on that one, since it returns nothing
still await it or the promise will resolve before it happens
done, good call
I'm cleaning up so much old shit.
I'm a node master now
@Luggage in webpack, is it a good idea to ignore node_modules?
My app.js output is like 60,000 lines of code
don't I only want to transpile my code?
yea, ignore node_modules from the babel-loader
like this (only babel-loader, not ts-loader): github.com/luggage66/boilerplate/blob/master/…
It will still bundle from node_modules, though.
... which you want.
what do you mean bundle from node_modules?
react's debug code is likely inflating your output size. you can turn it off and it will compile out. It's based on process.env.NODE_ENV so: github.com/luggage66/boilerplate/blob/master/…
My app.js is now 34k lines
I just mean it bundles any .js dependencies from node_modules, even though it doesn't run them through babel
@Luggage so they will still appear in the bundled app.js right? That's normal to have a huge bundle file?
Yes. You can choose to split it into "3rd party" and "mine" or any other organization you like
but, by default, one big bundle
and that's fine for now.
And it's good practice to exclude the build file from git?
yea. putting the build output in git would be needless merges of non-human readable code
sweet, so I'm set
thanks dude
now you can set up travis to publish your packages
ssh production "git pull && npm run build && pm2 restart myapp"
If I have a node server and would like to take advantage of the multiple cores of a machine. Is there a relation between the number of cores in the processor and the number of instance of node I can execute in parallel ?
@Ced use the cluster module
spawn some workers
@Ced node is inheritly single threaded, you'll need workers to do that
oh ssubers beat me
I don't need that, I use docker
or use pm2's cluster mode to handle it automatigically
I don't need threads, I use windows.
@david semi-magic, yes.
i don't need windows, i use vim
i don't need vim, i have a mouse
Before I go on to tether my sockets, @ssube @Luggage is this a good way to sync the socket session to the express session? github.com/RUJodan/SourceUndead/blob/master/server.js#L42
Okay, I'm just learning here so if something escape me explain it to me. I'm reading the docker documentation and it says you can run multiple docker instance in parallel and it will automatically load balance in the background. My question was then, how much docker instance is ok by core
@Ced, as long as your node processes aren't doing anything you should be able to run as many docker containers of them as you can fit in memory
@SterlingArcher I use socket.io, but only the most simple uses. That looks like normal socket.io setup code. That's all I know, sorry. :)
@david thanks but something escapes me. Say I have 4gb of memory and 1 core processor. It doesn't seem to make much sens to have multiple instance of node running does it ?

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