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where is everybody
working out
@Mosho of course not
how in the hell do I make dotenv work for client side?
Been struggling with this since yesterday.
indeed.com/… this is the first job ad I've ever seen that has a GPA requirement
3.7 shit
I've seen 3.0 before but 3.7 is ridiculous
lots of people get 3.7
dumb way to filter people though
I thought everyone knew this
3 hours later…
@SterlingArcher What a wide net of skills. From ASP.Net and general web to Assembly, DSP and VHDL
> What kind of knowledge do we want from new recruits?
> They need to know *everything*
> *Everything!?*
> Everything...
@Mosho well it's good when you want to find people who just do their work, or rather people who do what they're told.
@Mosho I had a 3.0
because the college fucked me over
2 hours later…
@theProgrammer101 W3Schools.com is a good site for a beginner to learn JavaScript.
@TonyLuigiC Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Can anyone explain me in simple words as to why a constructor function is used in JavaScript ?
@TonyLuigiC NO, it is not. It is actually one of the most harmful sites on the web for newbies.
@theProgrammer101 I would recommend eloquentjavascript.net .. or the MDN tutorials: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/javascript
@tereško Harmful? I used it myself, I see a lot of people here recommend it. I disagree completely.
look closer
click on some of those conversation for context
@ShameemFairooz constructors are part of object-oriented programming, only required if you're dong object-oriented programming.
@tereško I'm not taking homework assignments. If you have a point, please make it.
Sep 14 '12 at 14:52, by rlemon
please don't link w3schools
Jul 20 '15 at 14:16, by Cereal
Lancing yourself in the eye is a viable alternative to learning anything on w3schools. Free, too
Feb 21 '15 at 18:59, by Caprica Six
@darkyen00 w3schools a site created by webdevelopers whose only purpose is to misinform other webdevelopers in order to keep their job
@tereško I'll link what I please unless you can cite a rule against it.
Apr 13 '15 at 11:23, by Second Rikudo
@THE Don't use w3schools
@TonyLuigiC and I am telling you that by doing so you are harming a newbie
sticking your fingers in your ears and going lalalalala is not an appropriate response
@tereško That is not citing a rule. Discussion over.
why would there need to be a rule for that?
are you on a spectrum or something?
@TonyLuigiC Please don't link to w3school. Here, a moderator is saying it <3
@tereško Be nice.
@MadaraUchiha it's an allergic reaction to ignorance .. professional help is being sought
Morning :-)
is there any way to find the client id of textboxes(7) inside the editable grid using JS
Q: how to get the client id of all the textbox in a row inside the grid on using Javascript?

Deepak Jain i have a editable Gridview(containing 7 editable fields/textbox in each row).on button(update) click i want to find the id of the all the textbox so that i can check if the textbox is empty or not. for that i am doing this as the textbox of the client id in chrome GridSubMeter_ctl10_txtMet...

@DeepakJain show your code :D
@DeepakJain instead of getting each row value by using there individual ID use the parent object to cycle through the child elements
how ?
can you show me the html?
var parent =  document.getElementById("parentDiv");
var children = parent.getElementsByTagName("*");
This will return a nodelist where you can for loop over the elements and indviduall grab the assigned ID after which you could push the data to an array or assign information back to variables.
for(var x = 0; x < children.length; x++){  children[x].id; }
No I saw
Read what I wrote
Alternatively you could add a class to all the rows you want to get and do var boxes = document.getElementsByClassName("textBoxes");
You could also add the parent context to the above if you want to keep everything in the scope of your form :-)
@DeepakJain How are you getting on?
I was reading your question and instead of querying if the entry is empty you might want to just add the required keyword to your html as it does the same thing
@lix i want to do it by JS
This is javascript?
Oh sorry do you mean the required stuff?
That's fair enough.
2 hours later…
fuse-box.org is better than webpack, and if you cant prove otherwise
dont even try :P
@CatBoss would you say it's simpler to configure than webpack?
Better, no. Faster, without a doubt.
Speed isn't everything, webpack does so much more. Can you do HMR with fuse box?
though someone will have to test out both to give a head to head. Have you tried both? @CatBoss
1 hour later…
hello, guys, is there a way to create object with functions to call it later?
i don't know exact structure and have problem finding it, something like :
$.Myobject = obj({function 1, function 2, some parameters })(jQuery);
and to be able call it later, like: $.Myobject.function1(....)
Should I use .load (jquery) to load from a php file which uses database-functions to gather all the data I need, or should I do an AJAX POST/GET request, get the data in JSON, store it in an array, loop through it and append it as HTML?
I am using .load at the very momeny for a todo-list, and it works great, but it just does not feel "right" that I need to make another php file that displays the data that I need, and that I, via the .load function get the content from there to my current page
Hope someone with more experience than me (probably everyone in the entire globe LOL) can answer me :-)
@tomSurge I don't really understand what your trying to solve here? if your using PHP surely you can just echo out the values from php?
I am making a to-do list, I am storing the data in a database, so everytime a user adds a to-do element, it gets stored in the database
Normally you use AJAX requests to perform an action without the need to reload the page
The question is really, if to use .load and load the contents of a php file, or to just use an AJAX call to a file and get the JSON contents and handle it via javascript
Ahh well that makes more sense, then yes if you don't want a refresh to occur and the data to be written to the database AJAX is the right path
I guess .load is an AJAX call
Personally I have a preference for $.post('url', {//data}) as this returns a promise meaning if your elements are dependent on any returned values you can wait before updating the DOM
I see, yeah. I also find it better to use a POST request, rather than using .load to load the desired data I want from a php file
and yeah .load is just an ajax call in itself
  // Send the data using post
  var posting = $.post( url, { s: term } );

  // Put the results in a div
  posting.done(function( data ) {
    var content = $( data ).find( "#content" );
    $( "#result" ).empty().append( content );
Personally speaking I think this layout is the most readable, though it's equivalent to using .load for what you want it to do
Nice, what I did is that if some function was dependant on an asynchronous call
Hi guys, I am building a basic sorting-like algorithm, could someone help? codeshare.io/5XOlAn
Man I'm literally dying of hay fever
@konyv12 Whats wrong?
I have no idea how to go about it. I would iterate over each members of the array, but how would I practically check the sum on the left/right-side of the current index
hmm let me try
should be easy right
var numbersDelimited = $('#input').val().split(",");

var matchingPositions = [];

for (let i = 0; i < numbersDelimited.length; i++) {

    if (i == 0) {
        //initial check for only right to left sum
        if (numbersDelimited[i] == numbersDelimited[i + 1]) {

    } else if (i == numbersDelimited.length) {
        if (numbersDelimited[i] == numbersDelimited[i - 1]) {
This checks the left and right numbers to see if there equal with the current index node
uses 0 and length for when we can only check left or right
then proceeds to use an or statement for a left or right sum
all positions are added into the matching positions while it itterates
thanks, its good but I would need it for any number of input numbers
not just neighbouring ones
That's what you asked for?
but how would I practically check the sum on the left/right-side of the current index?
Can you give a better example of what your after, right now I'm not sure
the sum on the left or right-side, that includes ALL the numbers either on the left or right of the current index
This isn't sorting.
what is it then?
// give me the expected output for these, to make sure I understand, please:
[6, 3, 6] => 1
[1, 2, 3, 4] => ?
[10, 10, 5, 10] => ?
1,2,3,4 => 5
1, 2, 3, 4, => -1 as there is no such position where leftside equals to right sum
10,10,5,10=>-1 as well
then these two:
[10, 10, 5, 5, 5] =>
[10, 10, 5, 5] =>
[10, 10, 5, 5, 5] => -1
[10, 10, 5, 5] => winner. 1
oops, i mistyped what I meant
var numbersDelimited = $('#input').val().split(",");

var matchingPositions = [];

for (let i = 0; i < numbersDelimited.length; i++) {

    let forwardSum, backwardsSum;

    //counts the sum going forward
    for (let y = i + 1; i < numbersDelimited.length; i++) {
        forwardSum += numbersDelimited[y];

    //counts the sum going backwards
    for (let x = i - 1; x > 0; x--) {
        backwardsSum += numbersDelimited[x];

    if (forwardSum == numbersDelimited[i] || backwardsSum == numbersDelimited[i]) {
Wondering if something like this could work
// these were the two i meant:
[10, 5, 5, 5] => 1
[10, 5, 5] => -1?
tbh someone else in here could probably write a much more elegant solution
So you are never counting the index you are testing. only all the others
Here is how I might go about it (one sec, typing):
I like that solution li, it seems to be good but let me check closer
@luggage right
Needs constraints for checking 0 and length of the array
what u mean, u put it there
.length as a condition
I mean you can't count backwards from 0 or forward with +1 or -1 as it will return an undefined index error
1. Sum all items in the input array into [totalRight]
2. initialize [totalLeft] as 0
3. Loop over array, noting [currentIndex] and [currentValue]
    3a. Subtract [currentValue] from [totalRight]
    3b. Test if [totalLeft] === [totalright] then return [currentIndex]
    3c. Add [currentValue] to [totalLeft]
I haven't read lix 's example to know if I am just re-stating the same thing or not
function sum(arr) { return arr.reduce((a, b) => a + b); }
function arrayRightOf(arr, n) { return arr.slice(0, n); }
function arrayLeftOf(arr, n) { return arr.slice(n); }

const input = [10, 5, 5, 5];
console.log(input.findIndex((_, i) => sum(arrayRightOf(arr, i)) === sum(arrayLeftOf(arr, i)));
It's the same idea kinda, should give it a quick gander luggage :-)
@MadaraUchiha gg wp, back to writing about neural networks
@madara badass lol
@li x for the last IF statement u wrote, it should be if forwardsum == backwards sum
its not related to the current index's value, but whether the right or left side sum is equal
function sum(arr) { return arr.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); }
function arrayRightOf(arr, n) { return arr.slice(0, n); }
function arrayLeftOf(arr, n) { return arr.slice(n + 1); }

var test = [10, 5, 5, 5];
console.log(test.findIndex((_, i) => sum(arrayRightOf(test, i)) === sum(arrayLeftOf(test, i))));
This is the corrected and tested version
@konyv12 ahh I see
but great code though I like it, simple af
Mine is O(n).
drops keyboard
@MadaraUchiha Could you throw some comments on your example so I can learn how it works?
@lix It reads almost like English
Which part don't you understand?
I use (_, i) => in casual conversation all the time. :)
Mostly the console log part and the reduce here
I'll write it in slightly longer form, that may help.
awesome thank you
const foundIndex = test.findIndex((_, i) => {
    const allItemsOfRight = arrayRightOf(test, i);
    const allItemsOfLeft = arrayLeftOf(test, i);

    const sumOfRight = sum(allItemsOfRight);
    const sumOfLeft = sum(allItemsOfLeft);

    return sumOfLeft === sumOfRight;

That's the console.log() line all stretched out
Yeah that does make more sense
What does '_' do here?
I'm guessing that's what causes it to cycle through the array
It's just a variable name like any other. Some people use _ so mean "an argument I am given but I don't plan to use"
ahh that makes a lot more sense
Because you don't plan to use the element
right, just the index
and it will cycle until it returns true
otherwise it will just return false
well, findIndex will return -1
That's useful to know
That's why they put it in the docs :)
Yeah, don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be lazy. I just don't pickup concepts quickly
the mdn docs have been really good for figuring out how reduce works
especially the examples they give at the bottom
but I suppose it's all practice at the end of the day
@TheBitByte Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Eh not really a question, just wondering if the issue of people asking Java questions is so bad you actually renamed the entire room for it. Or is it just a joke?
Because I saw the name of the channel and I just laughed hahaha
@TheBitByte half joke half serious
People do ask Java questions here, but one person asked multiple vamp questions all starting with "i am doing java scripting and.."
@Mosho I graduated with a 2.5 GPA
@SterlingArcher my brother <3
@tereško thank you!
@TheBitByte also because the "java script for ladies" book
Hi. Other than the standard "I'm not good with computers" reason, can anyone help me figure out why my webpack configuration isn't apparently doing the uglify step. This is the webpack file. Commenting in or out the UglifyJsPlugin makes no difference to the output size of either my apps built JS, or the vendors.js that contains React, which is clocking in at 1.8MB.
@theProgrammer101 yw
@Shrek <3
@KendallFrey @rlemon part 1 part 2
@SterlingArcher yeah but you are a special snowflake
@MadaraUchiha 0/10, O(n^2)
@SterlingArcher oh my god ❤
@Mosho readable af though
let mid = array.reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0) / 2;
const index = array.findIndex(x => (mid -= x) === 0);
is the challenge finding the index of the median of an array?
that's very wrong terminology
the index before which sum is bigger than the sum of the after ones?
const sum = 0;
const arr.map( x => sum += x ).findIndex( x => x >= sum );
should work
that is not valid js
and I don't see how it would work regardless
let right = array.reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0);
let left = 0;
const index = array.findIndex(x => (left += x) > (right -= x));
my entry :X
oh woops. I had it in an arrow function and then just added const kinda randomly
and actually left a lot of things out
var a = ( arr ) => { sum = 0; return arr.map( x => sum += x ).findIndex( x => x >= sum / 2 ) }
that's the full readible-ish version
const sum = 0;
const index = array.map( (x) => sum += x ).findIndex( (x) => x >= sum / 2 );
this is the even more readable version
cyclomatic complexity should be the same as benji's, but I find it kinda more elegant coz I get to handle the sum variable in a more clever way and don't change any state while checking the index
1 hour later…
@towc You can store the sum on the array and score extra ugly points
I honestly find my 2 lines to be very elegant. Only maybe ugly thing is sum += x instead of { sum += x; return sum } or sum+=x,sum
That's not ugly imo
:3 thanks kind sir
I hate (x) => when you can just x =>
@phenomnomnominal one is more readable, expetially when you have something like x => x >= k
I disagree
which is fine
it's not fine
let's start a war
all in favor of making things readable, come my way
By the power invested in me by me, I declare you both wrong
Except for one of you
anyone who is a genius with angular observable
@Fronteerder Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mosho in my defense, my in major GPA was a 3.6
what brought it down?
General education classes
are those bird courses
I was so focused on doing my CS classes well, that I sacrificed shit like art history, history, psychology, etc
gpa is just like a dream
I ace psychology
I yelled at my intro to world history class teacher because he got pissy that I was late, not paying attention, etc (I was a graduating senior at the time) so I showed him my software III course final project (95% of the grade) so he passed me with a C because i proved that my time wasn't just being lazy
it's interesting and easy
I know some dudes who have a high gpa, but got a horrible job
lmao my freshman year I went to psych 101, and the teacher said "this semester you'll be required to do 40 volunteer hours at an institute and I stook up in front of like 50 people, "NOPE" and dropped the course
never heard of something like that before
yeah hell no
where did you go to? it was a college right?
I was a bio major at the time too
I went to a party school 😛 Radford University
sounds rad
Graduated nth in my class, ended up the most successful
make millions without related study
jack ma and zuckerberg
no gpa needed
or become a soccer player
@SterlingArcher looks weird on google maps
See that tallest building? That was my dorm, Muse is the name
Or as well called it.. 13 floors of whores
sounds fun
School used to be all women, and I believe when I went it was 68% women
I could have gone to a party-ish school
Party aside, great school
Really good tech program
but I chose the most try hard 70% asian school instead
but I wouldn't party anyway
How did you do?
I started in Israel, but moved to canada and enrolled in said asian dominated school (u of waterloo)
I can't remember, are you native Israeli or Canadian?
then I went to do a coop at TipRanks (with benji) and stayed 3 years instead of 2 terms
I'm Israeli
and I just got back to canada 10 days ago
What brought you back to canada
was it me
an aircraft
well then
I got an email accusing me of piracy yesterday
good stuff
I have a few things to learn about how this "civilization" thing works
we didn't have it in the desert
@SterlingArcher btw, what about the challenge
we need everyone's before pictures and weight
I can do that right now
Or tomorrow morning
What do you think is better?
we need something to contain everything
weight measurement should be in the morning
for pictures?
Oh.. idk maybe
Before & After can be a separate sheet page
spreadsheet with url link to imgur
And stats on the main
I'm not posting a half naked pic of myself on imgur
lmao jk ill put it anywhere idc
I would but I always get downvoted
so, weekly weight measurements
and before/after 2 months?
Si. What do we do with people who don't post?
Yes, progress pictures are lame. Drastic changes are more fun
now that I think about it, I don't think everyone knows there's actual $ involved
oh you did mention it
on the gist
Yeah, it's the top post lol theyre dumb if they dont know by now
we'll take care of it later
And the people that dont meet tomorrows weigh in or post weekly updates?
it doesn't matter if someone doesn't post, as long as he has measurements and pictures for the beginning and end
no weigh in no play tho
yeah of course
a few days late is fine too
1 day late
Ping the relevant people in whatever platform you have to make sure they all know when things are due
@Zirak wanna join in? we can make a weight gain category just for you
heh, gaining weight will be really really hard. Over the past 4 years I've gained...1 kg?
gist.github.com/Mosho1/… cc @rlemon @jake @Mosho @SterlingArcher @monners @juanvan @Vap0r @Neal IMPORTANT WEIGH IN INFORMATION
I may have broken the 60kg barrier
@Zirak the secret is taking food and stuffing your face with it
@SterlingArcher can give you pointers
Teach me everything you know
Pointers on?
stuffing your face
gaining weight?
Not sure how much fat and protein are in @SterlingArcher's specialty, dicks
@Mosho I don't think that's food he's stuffing his face with...
I mean, the real key is to slather everything in cheese and ranch, and eat even when you're not hungry
Make sure you play 14 hours of video games a day
that way you also gain stress weight because you're doing bad in your job
if that fails start deepthroating sticks of butter
im sorry
Go on
@SterlingArcher I'm enjoying this mental image more than I should
There's literally a gif of it somewhere
oh no that's a terrible gif plz no
or a video
now I have to fucking watch it AGAIN
you're welcome
that was amazing
it's more disgusting than equine midget porn
don't you play dumb
im gonna plead ignorance on this one
and the 5th
Judge Judy says your ass is in deep shit
(I never saw Judge Judy, is she supposed to be sassy or tough? What's her role?)
she's the equine, not the midget
she's tough
oh, so like the 10th guy on the far left from Horse Busters 4
don't you play dumb
im gonna plead ignorance on this one
and the 5th
Judge Judy says neeeeiiiigghhhh
ok the spreadsheet is up
link in the gist
I'm thinking about getting a buzz cut
but scared
what if I look like a skinhead
you'll make some very passionate new friends at least
is there a single word for "old guy who stands around making sure everyone is fine" in schools and stuff?
kinda like janitor/porter
custodian? security?
like security?
custodian might work
in the US custodian means janitor in public schools
oh interesting
also, I love how @SterlingArcher is smoothly asking for nudes in the weight loss compo
So that's how the dinosaurs died
I bought cooked meals at a sobeys (supermarket) for $60
how many?
won't last 2 days, and not that good
4 220g piece of chicken breast, 4 150g piece of salmon, 1 lasagna (400g), a potato salad, and some pasta
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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