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just a sec checking once more
And this, kids, is why you use a VM.
What would you say is the ideal performance of a secure hash?
@copy this file:
@Maurize ok thanks bro.
@KendallFrey Secure hash for what purpose?
Hashing passwords?
It seems I added 2 newlines only
No body :( ?
@user3783598 no problem, mate :)
@KendallFrey Have it so that generating a hash takes anywhere between .001 and .01 seconds on your machine
@AwalGarg I don't think that file is used at all
Really? I would have said 1 second
bcrypt offers a convenient cost parameter to help you adjust that
@KendallFrey .01 seconds is plenty to hold off brute force attacks
@copy ah ok cool
And you don't want it to affect the perceived performance of the page
(Server taking too long to respond is bad)
Most users won't blink at an extra 1 second login time
Classic manly competition
would be a less disturbing if it were wine that she were drinking
woah! I forgot I can instantly mark duplicates on js posts now =D
My bcrypt logins take 2~3s. Nobody bats an eye yet :P
Users expect login to take a bit of time apparently.
May I have help form you guys on this ?
Q: Function working on selector without erasing previous value ? (jQuery)

BaldrániI am developing a filtering function and get a bit stuck on this one. How can I combine the filter without undo the previous one ? jQuery for beter understanding : $('#departureCitys').change( function() { $('.products_dispo').each(function () { $(this).show(); if...

@RoelvanUden It really makes no difference at that point
With 0.01 seconds it still takes several years to crack an 8 character password
@RoelvanUden Did you consider denial of service attacks?
0.1 would be several tens of years
Also that ^^
Considered it, estimated as low probability, so nobody cares here.
@MadaraUchiha Keep in mind computers are getting faster
mind computers!?
Also, software has a tendency to stick around for a long time
@KendallFrey Which is why they gave you the option to raise the cost parameter at any time
I'd love to keep a mind computer
@MadaraUchiha It's hard to do that for an existing system
@KendallFrey Nope
That's the ingenuity of bcrypt
Quick question, where would I store an audio instance in React? In a state?
The cost parameter is placed in the salt
It would require all users to reset their passwords, right?
So when you verify, you don't need to specify the cost parameter
I like that
In short, if you decide that you want to, anywhere down the road, to raise the cost parameter, it won't be retroactively applied
Old users will still have a low cost parameter (which you can handle in various ways), but new ones will have the new cost parameter
So just a notification to users to reset their password if they want enhanced security?
PHP is great at handling this kind of stuff since 5.5.
I mean, not required, but useful
@KendallFrey Not even that
You can also check that the old parameter is < than current and compute and store the new one on the fly.
When they log in, and you verify their password, generate a better one and replace.
In-place and transparent.
I am surrounded by genius today
I am surrounded by idiots everyday
@KendallFrey bcrypt is done very very right
I am surrounded by noone ayayay
@uselesschien Found one. ;)
I am surrounded by retarded believes.
In hard tab indentation?
In node's require system :P
CommonJS you mean, oh
@AwalGarg i sorreh :(
I want to become a node nerd at some point.
@uselesschien node's require system is more than that
@Sippy forgiven this time.
@AwalGarg i no butt
/me on facebook
To be fair, the sentiment of "why pay to learn from [X] when there's a million places to learn it for free" is legitimate, even if W3Schools isn't the best choice.
Lancing yourself in the eye is a viable alternative to learning anything on w3schools. Free, too
@catgocat This is wrong on so many levels
Better to learn from a mediocre resource than not learn at all.
TIL it is PHP which has given the permission to all devs to make "dynamic websites".
@AwalGarg How is it more?
@Retsam depends.. do you have access to a better resource?
@RoelvanUden Is require.resolve a part of CommonJS?
If it is, then I am wrong.
So, we're working on implementing authentication into our project now
NodeJS implements CommonJS.
@Neil I'm not saying it's not better to learn from a resource that isn't w3schools, especially now that we have such resources. (6-8 years ago that wasn't really the case)
@AwalGarg That's actually proper English. X allows y, not that x gives permission, but x gives the ability
I sent a strongly worded email, including this phrase:
!!tell Cereal whoosh
> In short, if you don't have access to users' passwords, an attacker with access to your entire database and code doesn't either.
I'm just thinking maybe we should be more about encouraging people to learn; not complaining that they aren't learning from the right places.
@AwalGarg I wasn't paying attention ;_;
I remember why I stopped coming in here now lol
Not that I hate you guys but I can never keep up with the convos
such speed, wow
You too slow.
lrn 2 type noob
@Sippy You can fix that if you just stop doing work
@Retsam I think the complaint is not meant for the people who are learning, but from the ones providing the material :P
@uselesschien But AFAIK, resolving dynamically isn't defined in commonjs..
@Sippy just like sex with you
@Cereal You're good on the viable alternatives huh!
@Sippy Apply cold water to burned area.
@Sippy We are fast like the language we use and its development.
fu nail
@AwalGarg shameful plug? xD
nail yakupov
@Sippy you think this is bad but not the HTML/CSS chat O.o
more tired today after 8 hours of sleep than I was yesterday after 4.5
@JohnSnow Can keep up with that one for some reason
Weird O.o
@Retsam just like you
i'm always impressed by the intense levels of maturity displayed by this room
@Neil I just think we might be sending the wrong message to the people who are learning (and I doubt that w3schools will change no matter how much we complain)
@ElliotBonneville [maturity intensifies]
[heavy breathing]
@AwalGarg I'm not sure if it does.. wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Modules/1.1
@ElliotBonneville at least people don't tell each other to ead here..
@ElliotBonneville We wouldn't want to intimidate people who come in here with our complete maturity and seriousness, so we tone it back for the sake of others.
No, it doesn't talk about resolution as in require.resolve
@Retsam True
@uselesschien then node's require system is more than commonjs :)
> If the "paths" attribute exists, it is the loader's prorogative to resolve, normalize, or canonicalize the paths provided.
I'm actually learning require as we speak
@KendallFrey ead
@uselesschien I ended up going with require + webpack btw
works nice.
@ElliotBonneville oh, that's cool
Looking forward for your breakup with jQuery :P
I only included it out of habit
So a guy just tried to edit an answer of mine and I think he has no idea what he was doing...
@JohnSnow require is conceptually super simple :D
I know
And one guy approved that shit blindly...
Super tiny
Here's one I wrote for dev'ing and lulz; gist.github.com/Deathspike/83e6023ede3e7454fc8a
@RoelvanUden nice github username
4 srs.
Thank you. It's the nickname I've used since forever in games and stuff :-)
we all have one
@KendallFrey welp.
Now I have seen everything.
@ElliotBonneville Guess what mine is.
Oh my god
There it is
damn ..
A jQuery math question!
Q: Jquery math sum with percentages

DCdazI am trying to do some simple math here. and need some help on working out percentages in Jquery. So my sum should be (196 x 0.83) x 1.99 = 323.73 but im not sure how to get percent to change from 83 to 0.83 for my sum. Alternatively if there is a way to get it to behave as a percentage that...

@Cerbrus Do we .. upvote it?
Eh, nope.
> I'm not sure how to get percent to change from 83 to 0.83
1.2k rep. nice.
"But I'm not sure how to get percent to change from 83 to 0.83 for my sum." Simple: Pre-fix 83 with "0.", right? — Cerbrus 10 secs ago
I hope that was sarcasm
How to strikethooo
kek xD
you don't
not in comments
> You don't need jQuery to do math. jQuery is a JavaScript library used for DOM manipulation.
A: Jquery math sum with percentages

num8ersimple 83 => 83 / 100 = 0.83: percent /= 100

It got an answer -.-
javascript is a jQuery plugin*
hahaha yes I have 126 rep, I can downvote
the plugin in the comments tho
I just like the commit msg
@Neoares Why the asterisk?
And someone +1'd that question
Anyone have any good resources describing best practices, conventions, folder structure etc for releasing jquery plugins on github?
@JohnSnow I think he was trying to make it clear to people who were confused about javascript
@ElliotBonneville Asterisk don't mean anything unless you write what they mean
I have a big fat donnerkebab*

* By that I mean I ate one and now I have a fat ass.
@JohnSnow look my other message, the quoted one
> jQuery is a JavaScript library....
the asterisk means a correction
I love kalmi kebab
that has nothing to do with the asterisk O.o
it has D:
I was "correcting" the guy who say that
The the asterisk goes in the beginning!
@Cerbrus -1. Needs more jQuery.
@JohnSnow only in opposite land
bah who cares about that little issue
The guy that answered that question re-posted the answer after it was deleted...
Oh, and deleted it now
@Cerbrus wow...
@JohnSnow I'm engineer, I don't care about that pussy things
It's a shame I can't deletevote the question itself yet
maybe he thought it was a bug, so he re-posted
Hah, someone though I was serious with my "Prefix "0."" comment xD
not me :S
Ah well, of to home
Good evening, guys :-)
I would like to answer with sarcasm
but you are gonna delete my answer xD
@Cerbrus take care waves
Bye @Cerbrus
Aren't you dead?
@Shea that's what you think!
good morning!
\o hi
I feel kinda bad for that DCdaz guy tho honestly. Nobody actually explained the problem, people just started bashing on him
@ElliotBonneville actually there is a comment with a jsfiddle that helped him
what'd I miss?
@Neoares yeah, but like
u missed best answer EUW
"This is a math problem, not a JavaScript problem" would have sufficed
how to get 0.83 from 83
> I'm a Senior Web Developer at Nothing Ordinary ltd.
lol impossible
!!> 83 / 100
@Shea 0.83
He's a freelance web designer..
!!> 0.83 + 0.1 - 1/10
@ElliotBonneville Gotta learn how to crawl before you can walk
@uselesschien 0.83
Babies walking before they've properly learned how to crawl should be beaten by a stick and thrown into a dark cellar.
> Our company consists of a talented group with a long record of success with a wide variety of businesses and individuals looking to have high quality websites created for their needs. We offer truly bespoke services that are unique to each project that we create for you. We understand that becoming successful on the web means standing out in the right way.
@Neil Sorry :(
!!> 0.83 +0.1 +0.2 -0.3
@Neoares 0.8299999999999998
@Neoares thank you
@JohnSnow Why are you apologizing?
freelance web designer? too many of those, we really need a union. I say flame him off the internet, for the meantime
@ElliotBonneville 0.83
no jk of cource. he's got a website, its not like they just go giving those things out. he must be important
@JohnSnow You know nothing John Snow
I found a weird shrek gif
@SterlingArcher oh no
pls no @_@
please share
I like it
It's very artistic

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