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Like, sure ok, clearly i made this decision
!!afk im going home, fuck this
@Trasiva we need a suicide app on the app store
and a trend on vine
boom half the world problems solved :D
Vine is dead Shrek
</jk> (I guess that was way too dark)
For the past 15 minutes I sat with headphones on, disconnected from anything
@Trasiva that was the part of the joke
@Trasiva That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Anyone here use MeteorJS in Production?
@Matt Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Now I truly understand the naming of Meteor JS
using that in production gives you the same experience of a meteor in production :D
Lol ok
Was just curios.
Our meteor guy just went home
I don't use it at my company but I was wondering if any of you guys actually did lol.
I'll take Objective C over Meteor
Our one regular that admits to it hates it
Lol "admits to it"
There could be more closeted meteor users lurking...
@Luggage Corvid?
I'm guessing its got a bad rep then huh?
@Trasiva SterlingArcher
bad is subjective
Yeah it's pretty awful
horrifying is acceptable
nightmarish is accurate <3
@Luggage Ah yea, I forgot he used it. I was going to say...Corvid asked more questions than answered on Meteor, lol.
and I have written modules for Meteor
Oh yeah. @Shrek why would you say it is nightmarish haha?
Just trying to get an idea, I work primarily in a .NET environment so I'm just trying to get some opinions.
meteor is a whole stack, including DB. You have .NET at your disposal with has mature libraries for working with many more DBs in more ways.
So, make a backend in .NET, and a front end in front-end-only tech (React, Angular, etc)
(my opinions)
some next-level phishing
Gotcha. Yeah that's what my experience has been. WebAPI on the backend, Angular on the frontend.
Just saw MeteorJS and was going to see if anyone had actually built anything enterprise level with it haha.
Don't be lured by it's sexy looking all-JS API. Especially if you like things like DB transactions.
(talking about Mongo, what Meteor uses for data)
@Meredith that's stupid
I mean yeah
That's just a normal GMO orange. They come with caps..
@Shmiddty did ya apply?
& people ask why I'm against GMOs
I'm for sure getting my resume this saturday
I'm not actually against GMOs (at least not all). But they make easy targets.
Sorry I don't want my oranges to grow plastic caps
I heard they're trying to breed magnetic broccoli too
They cut them off.
I'm not eating magnets
You've win a nobel prize if you got an orange to grow plastic.
I wish we could grow plastics
I worry about the day we can't make them
@Meredith I heard they're trying to make aluminum foil hats that actually protect your thoughts from the CIA too.
algae plastics
we'll always be able to make them. We have non-petroleum ways. It'll get a lot more expensive and dirty, though
@Loktar We have organic plastics dude, lol.
I heard they're developing trees that produce latex now
Science has gone too far
I just actually got cancer from that statement.
plastic is already organic by real definitions.. i assume you mean sustainably produced?
ohh, ok.
you were being that guy
@Meredith nice.
I heard there's a whole collection of humans that steal the blood of trees and put it on their food.
What a bunch of heathens.
@Luggage Meteor seemed really cool to me when I first looked at it, mostly because of the simplicity of the data sharing between the front end and the backend, but the further I got into it, the more it seemed like it was trying to do way too much stuff.
@TARDISMaker Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
what a starting message
And of the stuff that it tries to do, it doesn't really seem to do all that much of it well...
@Loktar :P
someone come sneak up on me so I can ditch these hiccups
> TARDIS Maker
no need to jeer.. jeez.
Did you guys know that opium is dried poppy latex?
> Has a Dalek as their gravatar.
@jake thanks for sharing.
@Matt I wrote an auth adapter for meteor
I knew that it came from poppies obviously but I didn't know it was latex
and while writing that I lost my sanity
and I still can't write good code
@Trasiva I've been meaning to change my stuff... My name is left over from several years ago...
Meteor is awesome if all you want to do is things that they provide out of the box, 1 step further it becomes hell and is rarely documented at all
@Shrek That's exactly what it seemed like to me
I feel like it would be better off if they only tried to manage the data between the front end and the backend...
hey guys quick question
Meteor sucks
can you test the data return by json
i mean... sure.
in your java script function
how do you access it?
you can... test it. in a few ways, depending on what you want to test it for.
Gotcha, thanks for the info guys.
I want to test it for a string
@Shrek yeah that sounds like a nightmare. Lack of documentation is the worst.
well then you can assume it's successful
to see if it gets returned back
because if it's json, it's a string.
Meteor is borderline unsupported
Getting meteor whitelisted for a govt application is the worst nightmare I've ever experienced in my career
I return a message that an error has occured
but if that gets returned I want it to clear the value out of a field so that the form will not submit
What have you tried @007
II currently put data into a form field using the .val(data) syntax
@SterlingArcher Oh wow you actuall yused it for a Govt app?
@Matt *using
I work in the gov space and I know how awful getting anything approved can be.
Honestly surprised they approved it
but I want to write some if logic that if that message has the error message I want it to do something else
@007 But what's your question?
hi Kendall
That's not a question
@007 so use an if condition to check for an error, or have your Ajax method return a real error, not a json string on success
my question is how do you test that return string
with if logic
I don't understand this
I dont see a way how you can tap into the data that gets return to test it
@007 Holy shit, do you not know how to compare strings?
I have this success: function (data)
Oh he has me on ignore
you're not the only one
but what is the syntax I can find any example on the internet sadly
What do you do with a question like this, that says in the question it's for a final exam project?:
Q: i cant save and update data using modal and bootstrap validator

nataliegloi'm so confused. i currently do a project for my final exam. i'm so newbie using php, modal, and jquery. i really need your help. the problem is, i'm using bootstrap validator to validate my form, but after i using it, i cant save my data to my database. and my edit button not working well, i gu...

help the guy if you can
or feel like it
I guess I'm wondering what the line is between helping him out and helping him cheat.
ahh that is true
just do like a maths copy book does
What you do is you answer the question then send it to his professor
show him a similar example
@NathanArthur We don't help him. He's a heavy vamp who refuses to RTFM.
when you do maths they show you a problem like the one you are trying to do for homework but different
it can act as a guide
that not helping him cheat but it is helping him learn
@Trasiva This isn't the first time for this guy?
@NathanArthur I would downvote and close it. "Not working" isn't good enough.
@NathanArthur Would I have made this statement if it was?
Oh, oh
@Trasiva he's talking about a question, not 007
You're talking about that question.
@Trasiva Just checking. "Member since today."
but Ken so you said string compare... how do I see that data if its inside that data variable in the java script
My bad, lol.
@NathanArthur Nah, I thought you were talking about 007. Yea, I'd close that question.
@007 google "how to access json data JavaScript"
Since you have me on ignore, and other ROs who are trying to help, that's that last time :) we can kick after
@007 We are not a programming tutorial. Take your lazy questions elsewhere.
@SterlingArcher Oh but he doesn't click links
ok thanks anyway
!!tell 007 rtfm
:007 Hey, read the JS Manual or JQ Manual.
It would break because of his stupid name.
hah. or JQ Manual
what if react
They probably already did read it.
I made that one ages ago. I should probably update it at some point, but fuck it, haha.
alright I'm not a git power user or anything can someone explain this to me
a coworker freaks out whenever we have the option checked push all tags to remotes (in source tree)
wtf does it even matter?
Leaving the dealership after signing for a new car... My car dies. I think it knew we were replacing it.
What did you end up getting?
Mazda 3 sport model
For Canada?
How's that going to hold up in the winter?
kendall not sure If I did the string compare correctly but I think that it will give the programmers some Idea what I am trying to do.. many thanks again I do have one more question for the room $('#SomeField').val(""); or $('#SomeField).html(""); they are the same right?
@Loktar Unless tags are used by some tool or are somehow meaningful other than just as tags, I have no idea.
well, no, one is val the other is html. api.jquery.com
@KendallFrey yeah it annoys the shit out of me
@Trasiva It'll be great for donuts
he just doesn't like seeing them idk
@007 Please read the fucking documentation before begging here.
f bomb
Hi! With webpack 2, is it possible to bundle all node_modules who are required in a bundle and the "application code" on another bundle to save build time?
@MikeBoutin build time is less important than page load time
Yes sure!
But for development only
More build time = more time to mess around at work
as to your actual question, I'd guess probably yes
!!xkcd building
@Shmiddty Something went on fire; status 403
@Meredith hahaha exactly, but more time to defocus too
Heh, another calm night in 17 :D
@Shmiddty you know how?
@MikeBoutin no idea
@Shmiddty ok
idk where to post this but this is really funny youtube.com/watch?v=1Jb-uHtuMfg
just manually do it, import all the things, export all the things, create a UMD, mythings.js

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