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oh man i kinda like that
and it is played exactly like you'd think
ice hockey in a box
we had schlockey in elementary school.
it was as essential as tether-ball.
oh my god winnick just saved a goal
@rlemon is living the American Dream... in Canada
that was crazy
@Shmiddty lol
open net and saved a shot with the shaft
argggg, tuesdays are so slow... it's the day that one sprint ends and the next begins, so we have all the meetings and stuff. I just want to go home and tap another iron ore field
the Canadian Dream: you know. we just wanna get along and be happy, eh
have you proposed to your GF yet?
that's not the canadian way
my idea is the ten year anniversary
how responsible
when do the pucklings come?
11th anniversary
2 kids then snip snip?
kinda how it goes
not if you're 'Murican
if you're 'Murican, you go for the high score
maybe just one. idk.
I'm only 30
I've got time to decide
like.. ten years.
then the junk don't work like it wants too
Aw the meta post got nuked...
5 on 3 baby!
just 1152 rep to go v.v
dude the account got nuked.
not just the meta post.
wow double deflection off fluery's stick to a pen and in their own net
@rlemon Oh, ouch
I guess there is a fairly good chance it was a troll account
@rlemon god dang
the alternative is that he might actually have some kind of disorder :(
Hahaha - that made my day
@david at that logic, why isn't he monitored on the internet?
(I'm assuming it was a kid)
Monitoring is time consuming and hard
and it's not like he can cause much harm
That's what comes with having a child with disorder though
He might not be a child
When I was a camp counselor we had to watch the special needs children round the clock
True, but the Kiddie in his name says to me, minor
and constant supervision seems like a lot to expect from parents
Yeah but didn't he claim to be 35?
Maybe so, but it's expected
Did he? lol
Someone mentioned that but I didn't see him say it himself
that end product cpu cooler
That linus tech tips guy has a very annoying way of talking :S
I take it for humor value
yeah, they're entertaining videos
but i can't watch it in full because of his crazy... lilting?
when he talks normally it's fine
but the voice over thing
is so bad
like here: youtu.be/vL72lQ6dRZU?t=474 That sounds so good! he should just talk like that ><
That raises the question
what is the best material to make CPU coolers from?
With all the synthetic shit we have?
are we going for bling value?
In heat transfer, the thermal conductivity of a substance, k, is an intensive property that indicates its ability to conduct heat. Thermal conductivity is often measured with laser flash analysis. Alternative measurements are also established. Mixtures may have variable thermal conductivities due to composition. Note that for gases in usual conditions, heat transfer by advection (caused by convection or turbulence for instance) is the dominant mechanism compared to conduction. This table shows thermal conductivity in SI units of watts per metre per Kelvin (W·m−1·K−1). Some measurements use the...
or often nickel
Diamond seems to have highest thermal conductivity
what about something that uses mercury in tubes to draw away the heat?
depends on if you need fins or a solid heatsink
@ssube I thought aluminum was cheaper and thats why used the most
aluminum holds the fin shape better than most things and releases heat very quickly
the article says that copper is a better conductor but allumnium is used more often for the cost factor
copper would be too soft to make that thin
thinner = more surface area = less metal
@david lol
a lot of people say that actually
I want to see one made with diamond (and that will be the last upload from the channel)
@ssube i used to have a zalman fan, i think most of that was copper
including the fins
thing was heavy thoguh!
my radiator downstairs has copper tubes in aluminum fins
having 3x120 copper fins would be almost as heavy as the 40lb case
just dip it in mineral oil
from memory it finally died when the mounting bracket snapped and the heatsink fell off
that was not a good day finding the heatsink at the bottom of my case
You guys seen this shit? i.imgur.com/YfIITX9.gifv
@Loktar He did that too
I haven't used a fan/heatsink in quite a while (besides on my retro builds) but those ryzen fans are making me want to again
they look so pretty
@Shrek yea I've watched most of his videos actually, most are pretty entertaining
@Loktar you AMD ?
yeah I actually prefer AMD for the most part
my current build is my first non amd in like idk 15 or so years
the per-core speeds of the 6*** i7s kind of forced it
this is my first intel in at least 10 years
I just didn't feel like waiting any longer and was so dissapointed with bulldozer... even though I actually went 2 cycles with them (8350 and 9590)
I use AMD mostly because I want it to stay afloat for competition. Kind of like why I stick with Firefox.
hoping Vega does really well vs the 1080 and 1080ti
I'll most likely swap out my video card since I'm running a freesync monitor anyway, one of my kids will win the lucky 1080 video card lol
@Sheepy you do a ryzen build?
I have a 1070 but I prefer the ideology of freesync over gsync :(
yeah same here about fsync vs gsync
@Loktar I'm still considering it. Because IPC is lower than I expected, I'd have to buy more cores to make the upgrade counts, which I didn't plan for. Ultimately I may upgrade my old CPU and call it a day...
Goalie interference cmon
@Sheepy what do you have currently?
wow they gave them the goal
thank god they challenged
On the bright side I just built a modal state manager in meteor so that's neat
Good challenge barry
@Loktar i5 2500K
I'm never building a PC for a considerable time
probably just a Razor Core like thing
I build one for friends and family roughly once a year. Less than before because most people just use phones for everything they need, from facebook to animes.
I thought of helping my girlfriend build one
but realized a laptop with thunderbolt + an external GPU is prolly gonna hold just fine
@Sheepy I have hope in the current generation
all my kids have one, many of their friends want or have them as well
I end up helping most of them build them as well, also pc game sales are up
Have any of you tried Nvidia GeForce Now ?
i dunno if they only need a web browsing machine
one of those PC sticks should work fine
@derp they want to play games, like Roblox
@Shrek haven't but I do use the steam link pretty often
which is awesome
soon those sticks will be good enough though
they are getting pretty amazing spec wise for such a small form factor
Tried the first gen compute stick from Intel which isn't impressive. I guess they get better now, though.
i like how the sticks means zero work for me
@KendallFrey wtf is this
friend/family needs a pc? buy them a stick
@SterlingArcher BEEP BEEP
how to sort an array every 6 elements?
so like
var arr = [ 'text',80,100,'pr1',0,'a_text',90,85,'pr2',0];
would be
var arr = [ 'a_text',90,85,'pr2',0,'text',80,100,'pr1',0];
turn your array into a proper array of objects
Programming becomes easier when you store data by what it represents
@SterlingArcher fyi, for the full story, watch asdfmovie10 and then the beep beep i'm a sheep music video
extract out every 6th element into a new array, sort that array and then insert them back into the original array
@KendallFrey I don't know the sone or meme, but wow they turns into robot sheep at night!
31 secs ago, by Kendall Frey
@SterlingArcher fyi, for the full story, watch asdfmovie10 and then the beep beep i'm a sheep music video
@KendallFrey its catchy, i like it
@Loktarhave you looked at NUC ?
Everyone should watch asdfmovie
thats pretty impressive (not a stick but pretty damned impressive)
anyways I was doing something like the above
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@nonerth Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
y nest ternary tho
@SterlingArcher Careful, or you'll accidentally give birth to a moose.
and I was wondering if I should just check it with a counter
@KendallFrey I'm a huge caps fan man
been going to caps game since I was a little puckling
arr.sort(function(a, b)
var x = a.toLowerCase(), y = b.toLowerCase();

return x < y ? -1 : x > y ? 1 : 0;
You're not allowed to call me a puck if you watch more hockey than I do
don't you play hockey
puck off
well yeah i guess
sorry i don't have enough canadian privilege to play hockey :(
why are you canadiashaming me
@nonerth set up a fiddle and i can prob help you
@shrek are you only looking for remote devs in US timezones?
@derp no
ofc this will crash right now cause b will be an integer not a string
hwo come you're using document.write instead of console.log?
you cna't use toLowerCase on a number
idk I just typed it fast I didnt really care
you do realize that console.log is less to type than document.write right?
document.write kicking it old school
but it's really document.wrong
come on really, thats the problem now? xd
I still use alert sometimes :(
It's kinda snobby but most of us don't condone bad practices and wont teach them
I understand I actually never use document write and initially I used console.log, but for some reason (never used it before) fiddle wouldnt print what was supposed to, so since I didnt care here I thought I'd try document.write thats pretty much it
@Loktar I throw all of my JS output into modals
one modal per line
did you at least write the modal??
I can't even write my own name
@Loktar no because I can't spell and always write model so I just copy and paste :-)
there you go
i didn't answer your question for you
however i turned it into three excercises
have fun @nonerth
shit syntax error
well I guess thanks :p
am off then, I guess I gotta solve it on my own since you took the time to make that, have a nice day and thanks :)
^ +1 good for you man
your welcome mat:)
@nonerth though in your original output, that's got it sorted every 4 elements
not 6
oh @nonerth i totally misunderstood your question
you wanted to sort EVERY 6th element
yeah that fiddle i sent you wont' do that
Wondering if anyone can help me out. I'm trying to loop through an array, use each index for another function, and delete that index , and loop again. I'm having trouble splicing the index. jsfiddle.net/ian_arsenault/0h47tsvf/3 depending on whether i pass an increment index or a decrement index the result is either backwards or not returning an a value
@SterlingArcher *affect
@Gorgon_Union are you mkaing a roman numeral generator
like feed in a number and you get a string representing the roman numerals
Yes @derp
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@Gorgon_Union Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@SterlingArcher LOL
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@Gorgon_Union Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
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@Gorgon_Union Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
^ best featured ever implemented
I'm trying to change a number into an array to check against an object.

So if the number is 342, I get an array like [300, 40, 2] so it'll be easy to check and add based off an object key value like this
const romanNumeralObj = {
    1: "I", 5: "V", 10: "X", 50: "L", 100: "C", 500: "D", 1000: "M"
I'm just having trouble returning the array of numbers correctly.
What do you have, so far?
Uncaught ReferenceError: indx is not defined
You see that, right?
Yup, sorry. I was just messing about with it and must've done something wrong.I wasn't get that a second ago.
oh god oshie got hit in the face with a puck
Is there a way to keep the index within the range of the length of the array? Is the problem being thrown due to .splice() ?
Q: Move transform-origin back to the center of the element in CSS

sol acyonWhen CSS elements are transformed out of their original location the transform-origin doesn't move with them; making all subsequent transforms and rotations still originate from it's original transform-origin ( example below ). There is one way around this that I know of... and that's to keep ad...

I hope I get brownie points for my little animation
weed brownie points...
what's the latest link?
just wanted to see if I could do it, it's a bit crazy though
const numberToCheck = 342;
const numberArray = numberToCheck.toString().split('').reverse()
	.map((num, index) => parseInt(num.padEnd(index + 1, "0")));
is .padEnd ES6? I'm still trying to learn ES5
@Gorgon_Union I don't follow this:
supported everywhere but IE11 and lower
but supported in Edge
var i = digits.length;

while (i--) {
    // Get index of i to use in removal
    idx = digits.indexOf(i);
@Gorgon_Union ES2017
that looks like it's going to look for 3, then 2, then 1
@Shrek Interested.
@Luggage Yeah, I guess I don't need that. I can just use i in the splice removal
@Loktar Thanks. I'll have to take a deeper look at that.
But if this is toward the goal of turning it into roman numerals, i'm not sure it's the right strategy.
@Luggage Cool, I can understand this a bit easier. Do you have any suggestions as to how to solve this particular problem? I was thinking of checking each index of the array against an object key and adding the values so 300 + 40 + 20 == CCC + XL + II
I'm fairly new to solving code problems. I'm doing Free Code Camps algorithm questions.
I would start with the highest (M if doing roman numerals) and count how many you have, and the remainder.
I'm surprised that's your code @Luggage
for loop, and pushing..?
good call on the Math.pow though
I was using his code to know what style would be most comprehensible.
For loops are back in now with iterators (although you're not using it)
and Math.pow is oldschool now right?
Math.pow is fine
Yeah, it's much appreciated for me at least.
should be using **
ohh right.. we have exponents
ah fair point I guess
I'm busy looking up modular armour layouts for factorio because I can't focus at work :(
// Gorgon_Union
var year = 1979;
var howManyMs = Math.floor(year / 1000);
var remainder = year % 1000;
I would do that in a loop.
@Luggage Alright, I get what you're saying.
did they rip your plane?
@david lol that doesn't sound too unfamiliar
Caps blew a 2-0 lead.. going into overtime
@SterlingArcher Try blowing a 4-1 lead in the third period of game 7
Sounds like NY Rangers, yesterday @SterlingArcher
yes, i'm still bitter
lol yikes
hi guys.
I'm using this to get data from MVC controller :
$.get(myurl, null, function (data) {
How can I use this to send a string and get data from the controller? Should I modify this or use another method?
depends on the endpoint?
should be fine though if its a sane API
2nd parameter is the payload from memory
@derp hi the other day you said about the jquery for time what was that ?
need a simple jquery to get user input time
@derp you mean the mvc controller?
or any thing that gets the job done in simple and eleqounte manner that can be used by any browser
Caps win!!!
yay! well hockeyed by everyone involved
PC game from 1991
games from that era could be quite odd
@Smple_V you mean moment?
@jason yes
always takes me by surprise when I realize I'm in a fb group Romero is in
pretty cool he is into big box pc games still as well
2 hours later…
@derp I got the learning working
Though the way I choose to handle it wasn't exactly what I wanted, ended up making a weight shuffle that produced close enough results to what I was after
ah i get ya
a fuzzy shuffle
Yeah exactly
Pretty great feeling when it actually worked
Just read back the transcript... Makes for an amusing start of the day xD
ES2015 Modules just landed in Chrome Canary! 🔥 Flip on “Experimental Web Platform features” to give them a spin. Fe… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/859296190323597313
Anyone has an idea about this question?
Q: ASP.NET MVC with AJAX doesn't work as expected

jasonHere is what I'm trying to achieve : View1 sends name string to View2, View2 sends JSON to View1 and View1 parses it and displays data. View1 sends name string to View2 like this: $(document).ready(function () { var myurl = "/Controller/View2"; $("form")...

@towc grato
why use proxy here ?
    this.$queryBuilder.on('change', '.propertyFilter', $.proxy(function (event) {
To keep the context
Though you should be using bind
thanks, will have a look
I want to know how to remove vertical affix when page reaches to the bottom
oh firefox is cruel
>> document.forms[0]['birthday'];
out: <input value="2010-09-16" name="birthday" placeholder="yyyy-mm-dd" type="date">
>> document.forms[0]['birthday'].type;
out: "text"
any _.filter experts there?
i want to filter some dat
but have some dbts
I don't understand bower is used for what? how does it differ from npm?
Bower is more tailored for front-end packages
You usually don't have to bundle them either
@JudeNiroshan did you googled it ?
Q: Difference between Grunt, NPM and Bower ( package.json vs bower.json )

apprenticeDevI'm new to using npm and bower, building my first app in emberjs :). I do have a bit of experience with rails, so I'm familiar with the idea of files for listing dependencies (such as bundler Gemfile) Question: when I want to add a package (and check in the dependency into git), where does it be...

@BenFortune i guess he meant "doubts"
Is it really that hard to type? Do you have a fear of the letters O and U?
@Mathematics thanks. I actually read the official page of bower. But I didn't understand it
@BenFortune they are vowels , they dooo... vowwwww(ew)
@ShriyaR about what
in _.filter
how can i apply chaining inn _.filter
Very few reasons to use bower any more
@ShriyaR why inviting me to other rooms ? :S
@phenomnomnominal what to do with projects already using it on git...
@BenFortune I meant other people's projects
Use it
lol - that's my point
you can install from a git repo with npm/yarn
Gotta escape your newlines
@phenomnomnominal yes, but what if project don't have package.json which npm depends on
has anyone experimented with OffScreenCanvas or tried to render an html5 canvas in a webworker?
It only has firefox nightly support
@Zirak: I've added some info in that github issue you created 2 hours ago.
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@ShriyaR: Please don't post unformatted data into Chat. Press [Ctrl]+[K] to indent your code before submitting it.
@BenFortune That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
Hm, why didn't cap get that?
@KarelG That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
@Cerbrus it's difficult to determine whenether a comment is a code or not
I should add a size-checker to help the detection
hi guys, which type do you reccomend? Functional Programming or object oriented programming?
@Michael Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Michael depends of the problem
but you're actually comparing apples with pears
you can do "oop" in functional paradigm
you probably meant functional vs procedural language
@KarelG ah ok tnx for the info
@Loktar nope, I riped theirs.
@KarelG a closure is a poor man's object; an object is a poor man's closure
@Michael For most practical purpose, they can be mixed depending on your need. JavaScript is pretty well equiped to do this; Eloquent JavaScript dedicated a whole chapter to it.
@FlorianMargaine I have pants.
@Michael both
What is it with random people proposing changes to my documentation to then retract them saying they were wrong
2nd time since I released the example
@FlorianMargaine like
Tag search broken for anyone else?
not loading for me @BenFortune

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