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Should I be using babel-loader (with webpack)? It seems to make my files a lot smaller
babel should make your files larger, not smaller
@HatterisMad well, in the jsbin it stops the body tags onload from being run
That's weird maybe I did something else
babel-loader transpiles your code with babel.. it doesn't give two shits about size
babel can do either
@rlemon yeah i see that lol... wtf
it depends on your code, there's no reason to care about output size unless it's 0
or 1. That's also likely to be invalid.
; is probably the only time it isn't
someone won code golf
like if you agree that 0 and 1 are the only real numbers
Something made a file frmo 66K lines of code to 6K lines of code
shit i don't know if thats backwards compatible enough
ignore if you believe in 2
@Alesana lines of code is also meaningless
you support IE8?
I think 3 characters is the minimum JS to have a side-effect..
a=1 or b()
or even using a getter COULD have a side-effect: a.b
are errors a side effect?
unless you find some valueOf or toString with side effects
i think we would rule out syntax errors, as then it's not JS
@KendallFrey syntax errors probably not, but runtime errors can leak info
so $ might be meaningful
@Luggage if we can use getters, 1
ohh, if the getter in on window/global?
a getter on window
Object.defineProperty(window, 'a', { get() { ...... } });
^ that's more than 3
you just have to hope for a vulnerable getter
it comes with the build :D
iirc, the minimum for a script injection is something like 16 chars
<script src=//st.ld />
you just need a short tld
I forget exactly how we did that, but it worked on my last company's app
@ssube You need to close the script tag
Or hope that something closes it
footer scripts :D
he closed it xml-style, which isn't valid, but..
they'll close anything you can get in the body
just do a dom diff on every animation frame to check for injections and then clean them up before they can be executed. simple.
@Luggage it won't do anything
and I'm pretty sure that exact text is a little wrong
but I don't remember what we were using
@Zirak if it has an src it shouldn't parse the body
so, it should actually be fine
@rlemon Self-closing script tags don't execute, and yeah, if something else closes an open script tag then it'll be okay
But it depends on context
you might not even need the last slash
I think the browser helps out a little, seeing a common invalid XML construct
if not, a footer script should close it
if the browser helps, the page stays intact and you could steal stuff
@ssube It won't execute the script
<script src="data:text/javascript;base64,YWxlcnQoJ2FzYWRhc2QnKTsK" />
@Zirak that alerts for me
it probably shouldn't execute, but I think it does
he's ok it seems, but holy fuck
> seems okay
except the massive internal bleeding
don't drop your cigarette butts into open sewers
that's just good life advice
esp when there is already a problem with methane buildup
or at least jump back
@SterlingArcher shoes off, he ded
@SterlingArcher omg that's amazing
i didn't realize it was a cig for a minute i thought I just watched a bomb go off
that destroyed the graound around it, probably was not too safe
@SterlingArcher it isn't a cig, it's @ndugger's mixtape
my mixtape is just the barney soundtrack
Gifs like that arent that funny when the person survives
always make your sewer pipes smaller than a mixtape
you're a terrible person.
cd ../
his "project badass' videos?
like how manhole holes are smaller than manhole covers
@Meredith it's ok, a security guard shot him after
@SterlingArcher Wait what even happened?
He's not even hurt bad it seems lol
So that was sewer methane exploding from a cig?
@Meredith Flag bait?
Why would you flag that?
If you flag that you're looking for an excuse to flag shit
I said flag bait
Not flagged
Someone will deff hit that one lol
Yes, but that means you think people will flag it
Yeah I definitely do
How is that remotely offensive?
he's not wrong
it has 2 flags
It;'s not
If I understand correctly you can't use DedupePlugin with webpack2 because webpack2 already does what the plugin does?
It's just very unpleasant.
I don't make the reactions I just call them out!
"Oh I only considered doing it so I'm not a bad person"
People who flag messages in chat are worse than hitler
your mom is unpleasant but we don't flag her.
Nobody needed that image lol
I'm not saying it's flag worthy or even bad. Just I'm not surprised at all at what's going to happen lmao
it wasn't an image, it was text /badum-tsch
I told her so fast. Why didn't she just delete it
Didn;t believe me lmao..
i can't imagine anyone would have noticed and flagged if there wasn't a lot of talk about it
Oh so it's my fault lol
I'm not saying you intentionally did it, bjut that it might have been a consequence
You wouldn't be wrong if you said that tho.
like talking loudly about a crime you aren't going to call the cops about :)
always blame the straight white male
Hi folks, anyone got a list of browser support for filter please :D Googled it to no avail :S
for Array.prototype.filter?
Also MDN
That's gotta be like IE9 probably
my guess is 11.
> This user has been automatically suspended for posting inappropriate content and cannot chat for 26 minutes.
or none
yea. I need something that will support to IE8 :S
She'll never get a job again, suspensions go on your perma-record
Yup, MDN says it;s IE9
@KirstyMarks polyfill it
ok, cheers ndugger :)
@SterlingArcher She doesn't want a job. That would be harmful to every other human in existence!
that's a bit of a misunderstanding of what ... she? said.
Can we not make fun of Meredith so much that she leaves? I actually enjoy her, so... chill. She's like the sassy older sister I always wanted
even though I think I'm older than her
@Luggage Did you just assume her gender
moment question: anyone know how to format the amount of seconds since some time in a specific format? is it using moment.duration with that addon for formatting durations?
fromNow will give you a vague description, but I dunno how to get an exact second amount
> error: 500, reason: "Internal server error", details: undefined, message: "Internal server error [500]", errorType: "Meteor.Error"…}
yeah I need to actually format it, e.g., DD:HH:MM:SS
wow good job meteor, 10/10 error handling
oh, no.. that only returns one part
!!> var dateOne = new Date(); var dateTwo = new Date(); var differenceInSeconds = (dateOne.getTime() - dateTwo.getTime()) * 1000
@Jhawins "undefined"
Ofc this should be zero lol
Why use Moment?
it's handy.
I think he's hoping for magical formatting, not so much the maths
Yea I'd use it too lol
Can someone please explain why i have to support to IE8 lol
because the company you work for enjoys wasting money
they must have customers in china or some people place that hangs onto windows xp
Its frustrating when im having to find suitable code in order for it to work on IE 8... just wished i could put a message that does a browser detect and says Upgrade your god damn browser
@KirstyMarks Do that lol call it good
have you discussed it with your boss?
because that's reasonable.
We did that at my old tiny shop because I was like dude. I cannot make new features and support IE <9 in a timely manner
unfortunately we have to, some visits (less than 0.5% at a guess) still use IE8 unfortunately :S
probably bots
especially when indexOf will work perfectly for what i want it to do
Good lord
oh well hahah :P
Companies drop IE8 support when it dips below 5%... supporting it at 0.5% is just retarded
1. don't guess. your web server logs can tell you
2. drop ie8 anyway. it's unreasonable
tell your boss that Luggage said so.
based on SiteCat data. Well its our main browser, and also most of our internal stuff only runs on it.
@KirstyMarks Just tell your boss that >IE10 is falling out of PCI compliance next year. You could legally be fined for supporting it if you handle payments involving credit cards.
unless that one person visiting your site in IE8 is giving your company millions, drop it
ONLY runs on IE8.
That's just madnes
If true, that company is broken.
is it @jake, wow, didnt know that.
Time to find a new job
IE > 10? or <?
Tbf i think sister company doesnt support to IE8 now, but yea... anyways. Im just tempted to write this code and state my case. Otherwise,.....
think they go to IE9 in some instances, not sure. Pretty sure they dropped IE8 support.
That's the second time this month I have seen someone flip the less than and greater than symbols...
Get your shit together, folks
@Steady you never declare it.
it does not exist outside of it being used as an input argument in service.getData().then(...)
put your console.log inside that .then(...)
i thought the resolve asyncData returned that object and then the object is assigned to data
i get the object logged
i see no "asyncData".
I see a getData()
argh, bad edit
the problem is the console.log at the end of the file
there definitely is no data defined in that scope
send your boss this: January 11, 2016 - How the credit card industry is helping the adoption of modern web standards
Customers on IE10 - older and Windows Xp & Vista are falling out of PCI compliance. No new work/apps can support these platforms and "All applications, old or new must support TLSv1.1 by June of 2018".
The day after this article, Microsoft announced Support for older versions of Internet Explorer ended (10 - older)
ah thanks @ndugger
ohh, i see the asyncData... yea. that is what getData() "returns", but it returns it as a promise. That's why you ue .then() and can only access it in there
Thats my anti-IE copypasta
@jake thankyou for that! Gives me bolt for the boss... scary thought that thou when it comes to what we have to support
Anything to help drive the dagger deeper into IE.
woohooo! my grow leds are here
I wanna get serious with growing some veg this year.
got 60 pepper plants seeded
Not in a mood conducive to getting work done, so I'm gonna work on the canada trip details.
@Meredith some reading while you are waiting: breitbart.com
@rlemon there's definitely a range for how long people want the trip to be; how long would you like it to be since people will be staying around you; I want to make sure nobody overstays their welcome with you
2-4 days is what I was expecting
I assumed most people wouldn't be able to take much more off work
@Jhawins when are you gonna be at your parent's house? You said you could coordinate your availability around that since it's closer
so yea, gonna toss my plants under these tonight and see whats up
@ndugger I'll coordinate around the trip
Oh, ok
@Jhawins hah!
No rigid plans for me rn
next job I'm going to I'll pull a Drew
@Loktar get fat and host whose line is it anyways?
> Wait I'm not in charge?! This is WAY TOO CORPORATE!
@rlemon Are you cool with people crashing at your place? Otherwise, what's a nearby hotel that's decently cheap?
@rlemon lmao nah the new/old guys name was Drew
I'm sleeping in the Koi pond
the one who quit after 2 days
I've got a spare bed, and two full sized sofas, and two loveseats
Lol have you told these guys about it @Loktar?
Drew Doesn't Carey
we're going to Canada?
Is that a yes, you're cool with people crashing?
^ the guy we hired
@Steady your not invited.
@ndugger yea, as long as yall behave
I feel like that survey should have been shared somewhere where you need access to get to it
we might have a lot of nub cakes putting weird answers
@Loktar Survey is fine, but I'm gonna make the actual trip details doc private
There was only like 7 answers
@Luggage .
I was surprised by the proposed length
for me I'll prob just go for a day
You're welcome.
I just wanted to cover all bases
ty for making it and doing that
@Loktar you won't wanna drive after your poutine. no drive, only sleep.
or just go into the bathroom and pull the trigger
yeah I guess 1 night wouldn't be bad
im bunking with Loktar
no making international babies in my house
@Loktar Same I was kinda like Idk lol
then what's the point of coming
get it?
oh man im clever
I get it
got it
I'm not driving there and home in the same day tho
gonna get it
Deff crashing
well yeah for you that's a long drive
for me it's like 3 hours
not too bad
Well I'm gonna go from my Mom's
It's like 4.5
what a coincidence
No, I was thinking we could be there for like 3 days; but Jason can be a party pooper and wander back to the the munchkin village after a day
because you're short; get it?
not as good as Jordan's cum joke
arrive on friday, leave on monday. or paint the garage door on tuesday
Oh I get it now
@rlemon on a scale of 1-10 how hard can we troll and bug your wife
Replace her birth control with melatonin
Can we ask her about her thoughts on jQuery?
Like a soft 2 or a hard 2
His wife?
if she cries I'll be expected to like punch you or something
I can take it
oh you said punch, not fist
she might peace out after the first hour and just stay with her parents. idk how she'll stand listening about JS for 3 days
> Local canadian woman institutionalized after hosting engineering get together. Cracked after 18 minutes
@rlemon just host a conference so we can all expense this plz
lemcon - bad js with a twist.
If she leaves, she forfeits you.
I will take her place the moment the car door shuts
I'm the little spoon, fuckboy
you suck

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