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Hello all
How can i access the elements in a jquery impromptu window ?
Hello all, in IE browser(windows) when i right click in client area the javascript animation pauses and resumes only when the menu is closed. Can someone explain why this is happening in IE browsers. In mozilla the animation continues to run in background
wut, you're a rebelz
no, the pope
Why so?
using |o instead of \o
How do I add a background to this spinner?
use an image
yep, apply a background image to the target
Heh, that spin stuff is fun.
awesome thanks:)
is it possible to make the spinner white then? I am adding it to black background
Huh, isn't it already white on a black background?
By the way.
No, but I found the setting
color: '#000', // #rgb or #rrggbb
(function (window) {
what is it for?
The window
that's pointless
using (function(w, d, undefined) {}(window, document)) isn't, but this is pointless
I'm thinking that it's just to avoid the window lookup.
But really...
Also, what about:
(function (root) {
well, if you like root, why not
I suppose this gives me a possibility to use it on a server as well as in a browser.
In browser it gives me root === window and on a server root === global
But I'm wondering if it has its pitfalls.
How do I vertically and center align a div containing this spinner?
in the parent
I am thinking of the div that contains this spinner
I need some javascript code that does this reconn.us/content/view/37/47
But it seems like document.layers is not found.
Are there any github projects or things that does the same?
I want the spinner to be visible while the page loads and then hide
did you try learning the damned javascript ?
mornin' @GNi33
@OctavianDamiean hey man, just replied to your pn
@GNi33 I know. If you send me a short email I can send you back what I was talking about. ;)
guys, anyone familiar with css3 transitions?
I'm trying something like:

.menu {
    width: 5%;
    -webkit-transition: width 1s ease-out;
.menu:hover {
    width: 20%;
but it's not working :/
@OctavianDamiean done ;)
i just noticed how rarely i actually write emails -.-
@FlorianMargaine hm, that's weird actually
does it work with px - values?
didn't try
@GNi33 Sent you the information. ;)
How would I hide the spinner when the page is done loading?
@GNi33 not working either :/
dmcmag.com/impress.js/index.html I'm trying to add a transition to the menu (you can see it up right) so that it expands
oh I think I get it
alright got it
what was the problem?
pointer-events: none;
he disabled the pointer events on everything but his #impress to avoid weird bugs
hehe, alright, that could spark troubles there ;)
but then, anything outside of it isn't clickable
@OctavianDamiean thanks, does sound interesting
If you want I can talk to him.
i'll have a look at what that meeting today will bring first ;)
plus, i don't have any clue about python :/
but that's about to change at least in the next months
meh, i don't like the new icons on github
@OctavianDamiean are you contributing to the linux kernel?
@GNi33 I wanted to take a look at something, I'm not contributing. :)
didn't know that it's on github too
That is where Linus maintains it.
Or at least mirrors it.
yes, they maintain it over gitweb, right?
i mean, got their own servers, and use gitweb as main repo-browser
Not quite sure how he mirrors it to be honest. It doesn't look like it would be remotely mirrored.
i want o reload a div using js function
hi @Florian
1 hour later…
Is there something like createShadowDocumentFragment coming
what would that be for?
to make encapsulated ui components
basically an API to use the shadow dom that is already implemented but not for client use
<input type="range">
oh, got it
so I can create my dom in shadowDocumentFragment
and append in the body
and modify the shadow dom through the fragment
but it won't show the elements and can't be traversed from outside
get it ? :P
you can't change much in a documentfragment, why would you be able to change a shadowdocumentfragment?
basically you can append children... that's pretty much it
you can do everything you need to do in it
modify, remove, add, appendTo living dom
it just doesn't have innerHTML
it even has querySelectorAll
var a = document.createDocumentFragment();
while( a ) {
a = a.__proto__;
it has no textcontent, no attributes, you can just append/remove it
@Esailija so this wouldn't work
why would you need text content or attributes
on documentfragment
frag.appendChild( rootDiv )
rootDiv.innerHTML = "myshadowdom"
document.body.appendChild( frag )
hm, yeah, I get it
and rootDiv / fragment is only available to your plugin
so only you can modify the shadow dom
maybe in 10 years
but I don't care about the implementation, just give me the feature :D
How can i add moving thumbnail on cycle slider like
i totally missed the second a when i read that URL the first time :/
www gayadesign.com/scripts/presentationCycle/ copy paste
there's no problem with the URL, i just read "gaydesign"...
is it normal to pre-load images?
I was reading this
@gNi233 - gayadesign.com/scripts/presentationCycle/
yes, i've seen it. what's up with that?
@AndyE just seen that you've been in this room pretty much since the beginning. Guys like Mathias Bynens and Alex Sexton don't really show up here anymore, do they?
@gNi233- my jQuery banner is "cycle" , I
@gNi233- my jQuery banner is "cycle" , I need this like thumbnail
alright, i'm not entirely sure if i understand what you mean
you got a banner and want to act it like an image-slider (or a content-slider in general)
@gNi33- <ul>
<li>img here</li>
<li>img here</li>
<li>img here</li>
<ul id="thumbs"></ul>
@Dude what do you mean with "normal"? if it's common practice?
@ShibinRagh i still don't know what you want
@gMi33 i need animating thumbnails
i an sorry for disturbing you
I need help
@ShibinRagh no need to apologize.
I'd recommend to look at tutorials on image-sliders in javascript
I'm using jqTree mbraak.github.com/jqTree
there are bazillions of those things, and once you get the basic functionality and how something like that is built, it's very easy to write one yourself
or you use a plugin for this (i guess there are even more plugins than tutorials for that stuff out there)
sweet going to a workshop/presentation for MOXA and BALLUFF, by M.A.P.P (Manufacturers Automation)
I'm trying programmically to generate toggle button and use it for open nodes.
Anybody can help me?
but if you want to learn js, write it yourself. it gives you a good start on how to handle the DOM
@rlemon BALLUFF?
sounds weird ;)
they make sensors
Guys, I need help :'(
@GNi33 I build automated control systems.
you want to do what?
@rlemon yes, you told me :)
[{"id":"2","label":"\u0422\u0435\u0441\u0442","subElements":"1"},{"id":"3","label":"\u0422\u0435\u0441\u0442 2","subElements":"0"}]

This is what I send from server to JS by ajax for jqTree
@Mirgorod you want to have a button that opens nodes in your tree?
Yes, coz I load data by ajax.
oh my, it's written in CS
here is how I'm doing now:
		function(event) {
			var node = event.node;


				'/admin/tree/get/pid/' + node.id,
					$('#tree').tree('loadData', data, node);
It loads data, but I need to click on element .title but not toggle button
@rlemon just had a look at the balluff - website, now i want to play around with one of those things :/
there is event onCreateLi, I used to add toggle buttons:
				onCreateLi: function(node, $li){
					if (parseInt(node.subElements) > 0)
						$li.find('.title').before('<a class="toggler closed">»</a>');
hope my pull request will make it in. github.com/bartaz/impress.js/pull/153
@FlorianMargaine La Fête
It's number of subElements
newely added <a class="toggler closed">»</a> don't works as I want. I think this is coz I need to add some event?
^ super simple toggle tree menu!
Is there a "textchanged" event for a textarea?
@Andredseixas blur ??
not really
Isn't blur the lost focus ?
blur + change + keyup
keyup would do
not if I context menu paste something in
@rlemon This is not what I mean. I have such tree already. But I loads data by ajax
you're right, didn't think about that
That's why i have subElements count
@Mirgorod stop using plugins you don't understand
rlemon is right*, if I keep paste pressed, it won't activate keyup for each paste
write your own code for simple things like trees... you'll know exactly what you're doing and how it works
@Mirgorod I think you're looking for node.subElements.length instead
and you won't have the 500 extra lines of plugin garbage
but that is just my opinion. free examples for all
I want to add "+" toggle button for each element wich has more than zero subElements
did you read what I said?
fiddling around with plugins can be interesting and there's a chance you'll learn a thing or two, though
@GNi33 well, I did create the room... but I don't think I've ever seen Matthias in here :-P
$(function() {

				data: data,
				saveState: 'tree',
				dragAndDrop: true,
				selectable: true,
				onCreateLi: function(node, $li){
					if (parseInt(node.subElements) > 0)
						$li.find('.title').before('<a class="toggler closed">»</a>');

		function(event) {
			var node = event.node;


				'/admin/tree/get/pid/' + node.id,
so, you didn't read what I said
@AndyE oooh :D no i just went back in the transcript to day one, where guys like Paul Irish, Mathias, "slex axton" and so on were in here
I adding toggle button but without events
don't know how long they were active though
It's adding toggle button but without events
@GNi33: I must've been asleep when they came in. This place should be the official JavaScript chat room for the world.
What I need to do to make programmically-maded toggle button works?
Half a brain should do the trick.
node.subElements is string not array
"10" parseInt makes it 10
don't forget the radix
are they ever going to release a new version of prototype?
why? who cares about prototype?
should they?
oh wait, backbone does.
is jQuery >>>>> prototype?
@mUnk3y I don't think so, they moved on to scriptaculous
imo you don't need prototype lib, stick with jQuery
scriptaculous is deprecated
$("#txtPost").on("keydown paste", function(e) {
Will this not allow to user type something on txtPost ?
if you want readonly, use $('#txtPost').prop('readonly', true);
yes, .prop is the way to...... wait, what?
not a readonly, actually I'm doing a auto resize on a textarea, and when it reaches 250 characters I don't want the user to continue type inside it.
then use the maxlength attribute
yes. or i'd probably do it the "twitter"-way
hehe I just explained to my boss what jQuery was.. showed him the website and a few examples... then the codebase...
Nah, the twitter way don't resize its textarea.
"Why the hell would anyone include all of that just to write that
if the character-count is too long, display how many chars the user is "over the top"
I want to resize it, and if I just prompt that it surpassed the limit it won't stop the growth.
$('#txtPost').on('keyup', function() { this.value = this.value.slice(0, 500); })
Googling .slice
yes, okay. i just find it "usable" when my text isn't just cropped off at some point. Give the user some feedback what is happening
and i like the way twitter is doing this
    // Get all textareas that have a "maxlength" property. Now, and when later adding HTML using jQuery-scripting:
    $('textarea[maxlength]').live('keyup blur', function() {
        // Store the maxlength and value of the field.
        var maxlength = $(this).attr('maxlength');
        var val = $(this).val();

        // Trim the field if it has content over the maxlength.
        if (val.length > maxlength) {
            $(this).val(val.slice(0, maxlength));
^ stole from some answer on the site
@rlemon your boss didn't realize that all you had to include was a <script src="jquery.js"> ? :P
getting the maxlength and storing it on every keyup? not a fan :P
@Esailija no unlike most jQuery developers, he knows that including something does not just magically make it there. the client still has to download something.
> Anonymous functions, also known as closures, allow the creation of functions which have no specified name.
in js, closures are just the upper scope, right?
I thought you were making him appear as not technically inclined
anonymous functions !== closure

or am i totally stupid now?
Thank you, php, for confusing people's minds and not using the same terminology as other languages. php.net/manual/en/functions.anonymous.php
aah, it's php
lols what does anonymous function have to do with a closure
nothing :)
but in php, closure = anonymous function
PHP is weird in general
maybe because they didn't understand what javascript closure meant, they thought it was an anonymous function...
does php even support closures
and what does the second example on that page have to do with an anonymous function?
I think you have to use use $foo or something
yep, you have to use use
to use the parent scope variables (the closure in js...)
function ($quantity, $product) use ($tax, &$total)
man, getting the pasted text to count on paste just doesn't wanna work.
it's not a closure, php doesn't have lexical scope
it has global $var and now use ($var)
well, it is a closure in example3. $tax is an argument, $total gets defined in the outer function
they are not global
still, this use - thing is ugly as hell
posted on May 10, 2012

In about two hours, at 16:50 CET, Mobilism will live-stream the mobile browser panel. Moderated by Jeremy Keith, the panel features representatives of BlackBerry, Opera, Nokia, and Google. Just like last year they will discuss the state of the mobile browsers. So follow our live-stream for an update on the mobile browser world. Incidentally, tomorrow we will live-stream our entire program

php has function scope, not lexical scope. which means it doesn't look up in the closure if it doesn't find the variable in the function. which is why you have to use use if you want to use these
yes, php-closures clearly differ from those in js
if they even are real closures... hm
closures doesn't mean the same in js and php
at all
closure in js means exactly what the first paragraph in wikipedia about closure (computer science) says
Guys I wanna make sure my website gets lots and lots of traffic.
is this how?
> A common way to avoid contaminating Javascript global space with unneeded variables is to move the code into an immediately called anonymous closure.

(function(){ ... })()

The equivalent way to do that in PHP 5.3+ is

call_user_func(function() use(closure-vars){ ... });
LOL, I wanna see him put every global variable in php to the use
@rlemon "Overly Photogenic Guy", it's "Ridiculously Photogenic Guy", get your memes straight!
@FlorianMargaine they all need to be organized and renamed to their proper names.
I have like 100 in a folder... i'm just lazy and don't wanna organize them / add them
but I suppose I will at some point today
rlemon.com/lememe doesn't work for me it gives me spam
@rlemon i.imgur.com/vTIx5.png the slider has a weird position
ohh wow.. what browser?
hrm. looks ok to me.
chrome 18 on windows 7
effing jQuery UI does not play well with bootstrap
@Esailija you have a slider no?
Florian \o

Rlemon \o
yeah but it's shitty jQuery UI slider
Esailija \o
it even adds some orange border to the slider
hrm. I need to write my own slider... or give up on the slider.

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