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do a diff on the less files to get the slider css
Esailija , you read my method of bit-reservoir yesterday , Is there any better way to do that ?
it's mostly forms.less I think
no wait, only forms.less and mixins.less
besides why the **** are we discussing sliders ?
when a very easy one can be attained using some labels and radio boxes
with some epic logic :-3
@Abhishek what?
radio boxes?
radio buttons / boxes i dont know the exact name but
<input type="radio" /> gives them
// its css 3 supportive browsers only though for the transition part rest it should work fine on all CSS 2.1 browsers
I don't know how you would use a radio input to make a slider
yea please tell
lets fiddle it then
btw are we talking about the slide bar or content show case sliders ?
what is a content show case slider? do you mean carousel?
or you can use <input type="range">
yeah carousel :/
damn my english :-| i need classes for it
input type range requires scripting to show the number
i think i confused with carousel cause they are referred to as sliders aswell -_-
it's just the slider
ah that wont be much possible ever (XD)
it requires more scripting than loading the lib for it?
@Abhishek try: new English();
@Esailija wut ?
my lib doesn't require any scripting
it doesn't even have any public methods other than destroy
and a deprecated disable
but you can just use $("#input").prop( "disabled", true )
@Esailija that's kind of the point. binding every global variable inside of a closure is not really good practice. Actually, using globals in general is not good practice...
anybody intrested in seeing a css only carousel ?
@ircmaxwell the those are not equivalent
shouldn't be too much for @rlemon's side project
how do you edit the numbers?
with the slider
range html element? when did that come in?
I don't mean with the slider?
@rlemon it's new in HTML5, but it's been here some time now :)
the point is to have a normal input as well
so you can just directly edit the number in with keyboard
with up and down buttons
now how does this fallback? is the element not appear or do I get some funky input?
that also doesn't give any clue what is max
if I write 434 or 123
it's just normal input element
ie. text
well yea I would have to write some code to handle all of that
unknown type or no type = textbox
so is the jquery slider from jquery ui
and i am working on something too
use the number type to get those buttons
I'm saying to use github.com/petkaantonov/jQuery-slider not jQuery ui
I want feedback from it
there is no scripting for both use cases (slider, slider and robust number input)
oh it's yours :)
at least that's the goal, it's not exactly battle hardened
@Esailija like jsfiddle.net/54cKK use min and max on number element to contain range
Too bad it only updates when onblur
polyfills don't usually have vertical slider because there is no vertical slider in the input type range in the first place
I haven't tested rotate 90 though
or really looked into it, does input type range support vertical?
rotate seems to work just fine
rotate is weird though
coz it still takes up the vertical space
rotate and float?
hi all @FlorianMargaine hi, I want on click in the picture I go to the link how can I make it var call = document.createElement("img");"
var link_call= document.createElement("a");"
@FlorianMargaine the problem with that is the same problem with all the sliders I've seen, they require stupid options like "vertical" when that can be figured out from the element css easily
@FlorianMargaine nice, include scroll event for bonus points ;)
oh right, scroll works too
jsfiddle.net/Ralt/nXkZZ/4 doesn't work tho
the max doesn't work for me
I just type a number like 4500 and it accepts it?
@FlorianMargaine use HTML5's on input event: jsfiddle.net/nXkZZ/5
just like every slider I've ever seen?
oh, didn't know about oninput
it's nice
Yeah and supported by all major browsers
about the shittiest UX I've ever seen on a slider + manual input combination
like I said, you need a good deal of scripting to tie them together
all major browsers, lol
IE8 is still major, you know
Working on that, nearly finished my list ;)
Current project is sweet, supports only IE9+, Chrome17+ and Safari 5.1
so no fiddling
@Esailija making use of the oninput event does not seem like much scripting? unless you need to support IE8
I'm currently working with KnockoutJS, sweet lib
It's already 3 event handlers and it still doesn't support working max / min values
I count 2 and range holds?
wait I'm looking at wrong jsfiddle
suspected as much :)
is 5 the latest?
the min and max doesn't work
due to parseint
that's not correct
Just write something like 5000 to the input and blur
it's not correcting it
yeah I noticed
you could check it in the oninput event handler but that seems stupid
it's actually an issue with the element itself
min and max only work for range I think
no, it works when using the buttons just not for free input...
@Esailija , @FlorianMargaine jsfiddle.net/nXkZZ/7
that should work on any browser that has type=range , cause attr(); is a css 2.1 spec
@Abhishek we want to modify the number through an input number though
nice one btw
@Esailija I bet it's a bug and it should be fixed. I expect the range to hold for free input as well
credits to simurai for the design though :-)
@Anzeo but that free input can only be done programmatically by setting .value
so it's not really input
but with the input{ type = number } and pseudo element its actually easier
want me to give it a try ?
I mean if you'd type in the value
@Esailija it's a bug I think, when you use the upper arrow you can't go over 50
I don't use the arrows, the only reason for the input being there is for using keyboard
and slider for mouse
I agree with @FlorianMargaine
it's a bug and should be fixed
yes, but I'm saying that since the UI works, it's a bug of the input element, not something we should be dealing with
if it would, then it would solve your problem, no? @Esailija
try adding "a" to the input, it fucks you up
Again, agreed :)
I don't have a problem, I wrote a plugin that allows all this with minimal css and html :P
by typing in "it should be fixed" while logged in to my Gmail account on Chrome, I do hope it gets picked up by their DEV team
call me the guy that now earns more money than he did before, for doing stuff he really, really likes to do
@GNi33 what's his phonenumber?
ooooh, you were talking about yourself? ;) What happened?
@FlorianMargaine lol you should see my stupidty -.-
If I BTW keep spamming chat like this you may refer to me as the guy that now earns no more money, for doing stuff he really, really likes to do
i totally forgot the progress element's mere existance
and now i wanna kick myself
well, thank you. didn't even ask for it. the boss just came in and gave me a raise :)
nice, congratz! :)
by the way lab.simurai.com/umbrui people who like nasty css should see this
awesome example by simurai
@GNi33 lucky man
I didnt get a raise at all this year..
@Abhishek wow, really nice
@GNi33 congrats :-)
looks like crap in opera12, but oooh well :D
I need some testers/critique for Utils
anyone game?

Matt's DOM Utils

Discussion and feature requests concerning Utils (github.com/m...
He doesnt wants to cross browser it
though opera and even MSIE posses shadow dom
as long as he sticks to the standards, he doesn't need to
then he will have to wait for like 10 years :-)
stuff like this is still more "playground" - stuff than anything you would want to use in production
@Loktar , right now i think that CSS UI thing, if somebody like you does em with SVG or Canvas that would be way more useful!
@Loktar dude, i just realized that "somethinghitme" is your site. Awesome being able to talk to a badass like you, love the blog :)
@GNi33 haha thanks man
but Im no badass :P
I need to redo that site actually, want to have a canvas game running in the bg
hehe, badass === great dev
@Abhishek that site is badass (lab.simurai.com/umbrui)
@Esailija that is pretty slick dude
who has this mario - game going on on the background of his page?
I always forget his name..
yep, that one
@rlemon hey thanks for using, let me know if there is issue :P
will do.
Forking as we speak
@Esailija no custom CSS correct? or did you manipulate the less files for this?
the changed bootstrap files are mixins.less and forms.less
LOL man.. so the other dev here was going to interview a guy.. because im sick of it
look at this question
its a total WTF
@Esailija should put that in the README
@rlemon will do
7.	What is your preferred layout choice?
a.	Presentation
b.	Business
c.	Data
I'm being outsourced for a SQA project... the guy brings in his hardware .. hooks it all up... installs the software to my testing rig .... wrong version.
Try to answer that one!!
LOLOL I saw that and im like wtf is this shit?
and the answer?
- As a true developer you should be able to work with all three.
@Loktar screw this guy, seriously
Thats my coworker lol
@rlemon or should I just make a slider.less and say to add #include slider.less in the bottom of bootstrap.less
the questions she came up with
and... "layout"?
haha yeah wtf
instead of modifying the core files of bootstrap
arg it frustrates me to no end working with her
shouldn't it be "layer"?
@Esailija that
@Esailija this'd definitely lead more people to use it :p
because I just realized that doing a manual diff on the .less files is a pain :D
@FlorianMargaine yeah lol
but even then.. its still a wtf question
"Yeah dawg I work exclusively in the data layer all up in that biznatch!"
if I got asked that question id be like huh?
sigh so yeah its annoying we get paid the same amt.. and shes a totally incompetent retard... Only like 11 more months and im out of here :)
why do sourceforge make you wait for 5 seconds before launching the download?
because they are old school
nah, every download site makes you wait
probably a spam filter
to reduce server load
so that robots don't download?
github doesnt make me wait :P
spam could be human too
also they usually have links to dl right away
does it work without js though?
just limit by concurrent connections/ip problem solved
the countdown is just dumb
other dl sites do it to non paying members as an annoyance to get you to sign up
@Loktar indeed it is :-) simurai is known for badass css
yeah that i know
one of the css ninjas who inspire me
but even free download websites do this too
@Abhishek yeah that stuff is amazing looking
I find it cool that one of the people in Revolution OS was behind SourceForge
paste.ubuntu.com/979915 @Esailija that look right?
github is special, it's not public facing website
Loktar , did you saw tlk.io ?
@rlemon cool, let me try. how did you figure it out so fast
ctrl+f "slider"
cool is this yours?
is there a way in LESS to 'add' a selector to a style set?
.foo, .bar, .biz {
color: @red;
font-size: @fontSize;

.baz { add_to( .foo, .bar, .biz ) }
@rlemon I do not think that's possible using LESS. You'd need JS
@Anzeo bahahahhahaha
or I can just dupe the CSS rule and not require more JS
@Abhishek that's jquery
wow, this guy is good
@rlemon You want to add a class in case another is applied? Or am I misunderstanding your Q?
@FlorianMargaine , but he atleast used it wisely
@Anzeo LESS is compiled... I want to tak a selector to a style rule after the rule has been defined.
doesn't work in Opera 11.62 :(
yeah, not saying it's bad, just saying it's not pure css
so I can add things to bootstrap with a single file and not have to alter their less

brushed metal with gradients.... i wouldn't even _try_ something like that. really good stuff
well, I'd use an image :D
I don't like his spacing.
of course :D
this type of crap gets posted to HN all the time
people laud it, but nobody reads the code
well, the stuff looks impressive, and most of the time (especially for a client), that's the only thing that counts
the same phenomenon happened with Meteor
the code was terrible
he's using jquery for the addclass/removeclass only
it looked like it was written by someone who had used JavaScript for all of about a month
and for .css
anybody used that ?
the code is not very pretty I guess, but the result is good :)
@GNi33 I didn't bother mentionning it :p
nothing that you would really need jquery for, but well...
@Abhishek use typesettings.js :p
that person is on stack overflow
not very active though :p
@Esailija frigging gedit and their temp files.
sorry that pull req has temp files in it :<
@rlemon lol
@FlorianMargaine I wanted a motorbike you showed me an f22 raptor
indexeddb ಠ_ಠ
f22's are so badass
@Raynos good luck :-D
@rlemon do you have the css as well
Loktar but u cant walk on road :P
webkit doesn't comply with IDBRequest.error, it instead chooses IDBRequest.webkitErrorMessage
@Abhishek you just want something like google fonts?
what do you mean? anything in mixins and forms that was to do with .slider has been moved.
I mean did you try to compile it
not yet
about to
the demo.html uses the css.file in /css
Florain , yes
just wondering if somebody checked out typekit
which is compiled from less files in /less
alright am off
cya guys laters
see ya
@Esailija jshint didn't like data != null
Y U NO !==
@borderColor needs to be in variables.less?

@import "variables.less"; // Modify this for custom colors, font-sizes, etc
@import "mixins.less";

@borderColor: #C7C7C7;
I added those to make it compile
I also just overwrote all other .less files with latest bootstrap .less files
Building Bootstrap...

Running JSHint on javascript...             ✔ Done
Compiling LESS with Recess...               ✔ Done
Compiling documentation...                  ✔ Done
Compiling and minifying javascript...       ✔ Done

Bootstrap successfully built at 10:47AM.
ok add it to the request and I will take it
@rlemon Y U NO just if(data) ? :P
I'll add then readme
and the original bootstrap less files
so only slider.less and bootstrap.less will be different
grooveshark banned by fb :/
and variables.less
assuming you want @borderColor to be there
do you have @borderColor in variables.less ?
i put it there for mine yes.
@FlorianMargaine WAT ?
but you do whatever makes sense to you
that might be because of excessive links ?
well slider.less is prolly better, so you only need to change one original bootstrap file
well... anyone not altering variables.less doesn't deserve to have sexy ui anyways
yep. they go with spotify
I'm off, bb err1!
Chrome console, Y U switch to "Resources" tab when I type "]" (>_<)/
@Esailija modified make file which includes your js file. paste.ubuntu.com/979977
I cannot compile the less :D
is there a way to use intellisense in visual studio also for EcmaScript? What is offered is really nothing
"label-badges.less" not found

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