Anyone here use ? - When I save the // comments (which are allowed in SCSS) get turned to /**/ style comments, which is annoying in this case, because the // is easier to get rid of when you want to un-comment the thing back in. Disabled all 18 community packages that I had installed, and it still happened.
@Julix I use atom and I just edited a SCSS file with a // comment and it did not change to /**/, using atom 1.15.0, with many community plugins but AFAIK nothing that changes commenting behaviour
@bloopletech Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
so you know how gmail prompts you to attach a file if you use the word attachment in your email? Why can't chat platforms prompt you before sending if the line ends in "[single character]'"
I use file-icons, but that doesn't control atom's parsing behaviour
In the status bar at bottom of screen it will say what filetype atom is parsing it as
I’ll soon migrate 2ality to a different hosting solution. This blog post tells you what you need to know. Check out the preview You can preview the new design at Once the switch is made, the old design will remain available at for a while. For readers, not much changes These are the major changes: The URLs stay the same, …
mmm, the only thing I can think of is that you still somehow have a community package enabled that is doing it. Otherwise, maybe just embrace the /* comments atom clearly wants you to love
Man how do you guys take out so much time of your day to answer questions on StackOverflow? I have been trying to be more active there because usually I just chill in the chat but it ends up taking quite a while to find a suitable question that hasn't been answered and answer it.
Maybe my limited knowledge of Javascript has something to do with it haha but still
@Alesana I used to enjoy it so i'd do it a lot - most of it would be me being better at Googling than the original poster, really. Also, if you have more to add to an already answered question, you're likely justified in adding your own answer
Though I don't know what it's like anymore, I haven't actively answered on SO for quite a while
@Julix You're running something custom. This isn't core functionality as far as I can tell. Maybe you're running a custom theme with a custom syntax set?
@SomeGuy Yeah that makes sense. Usually I know the answer but I google it and then jsfiddle it too just because I would hate to be wrong by some odd thing. My confidence shoots down to like 10% of it's original when I go to answer a question haha.
@derp I guess I am not working for someone so me being bored at work gets replaced with me doing the next thing that needs to be done haha
We are trying to build a new web based app that closely resembles one of our desktop applications. The team took a angular template from the web and have put 1 weeks effort into it. This when I was moved to this project, I told my manager that instead of using 1.5 , we should be using 2.0. I also told him that we should not be downloading an angular template, instead we should download a bootstrap template and insert our own logic in angular. I just wanted to know you ppl's view on this
The thing is that I have to tell the manager the advantages of using one over the other and convince him . Because as he has no technical knowledge , he seeks his software architect, and that guy asked him to use 1.5 and also said that 2 is not stable which puzzles me
some of the people above me , like the team lead , when I suggested 2 in the meeting, he came to me afterwards to scold me off saying that it will increase work
@monners I recently read in a article that react + angular is a good combination , where react is just the V ..... never worked in reactJs,.. so no clue
In this case your index.js is your server which is what your running when you do node index.js. When you navigate to localhost:3001 it serves you your index.html file.
@Monk It's a bit of a change from using PHP as you have to handle a lot of things that PHP does automatically for you but in some ways you get more control over what is actually happening :-)
Hi all. How can we get {{somevaribles}} used in angular template file. I can access scope.somevaribles to assign . For that i dont know what variable are in this dynamic template files.
Any support is helpful. Using JavaScript to console all variables / objs .
My schema design:
var LocationSchema = new Schema({
area: String,
loc: [
type: [Number], // [<longitude>, <latitude>]
index: '2d' // create the geospatial index
module.exports = mongoose.model('Location', LocationSchema);
Data has stored like this mongodb
There is a provision for try-catch block in javascript. While in java or any other language it is mandatory to have error handling, I don't see anybody using them in javascript for greater extent. Isn't it a good practice or just we don't need them in javascript?
@Shrek Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like,, or a demo site like
If your using a facade pattern to contain your logic surely some form of multi catch expression would catch all of the errors and you could then provide those errors out through a factory of some sort.
hmm my argument was that if you provide one point that covers all the code you wish to catch errors for, you are then able to catch your errors and then using a factory create and output errors in whatever manner you see fit.
Using a factory you can wrap your own handling of exceptions and other parts together. If you didn't want to do that then you wouldn't bother, though I'm confused why you just jumped on the ohh he has no idea what he's talking about bandwagon.
the factory method is used to create something. Although some API methods throws exceptions. In this case is it about how to handle exceptions within factory methods. the answer is with either a default object (or handle it differently) or throwing (custom) exceptions... The second approach is garbage (unless you're writing your own API)
I try to change the id of the file
function changeFolder(fileId) {
var body = {'data-id': fileId};
var request ={
'resource': body
request.execute(function(resp) {
just for testi...
hello guys a question i have a table t1 with two columns teachername and lessonname how to get teachernames which have same lessonname? thanks in advance
hm in js can i "automatically" assign values to an object? i have a table and i would assign data from a row to an object, like first cell goes to the first object field etc or is that not possible?
I am trying to make a structure where,
md-toolbar is always fixed
Only md-content scrolls on whole page if content is overflowing.
md-sidenav along with its content should be fixed always irrespective of its mode ('over' or 'side')
Image for reference :-
After trying and wasting time...
@JoshuaBarnett Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.