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@BenjaminGruenbaum If only it were that simple.
Anyone here use atom.io ? - When I save the // comments (which are allowed in SCSS) get turned to /**/ style comments, which is annoying in this case, because the // is easier to get rid of when you want to un-comment the thing back in. Disabled all 18 community packages that I had installed, and it still happened.
Are you using an .editorconfig ?
I keep meaning to.
does that count?
@Julix I use atom and I just edited a SCSS file with a // comment and it did not change to /**/, using atom 1.15.0, with many community plugins but AFAIK nothing that changes commenting behaviour
@bloopletech Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@bloopletech alright, well in that case I'm stumped. :-S
Same version, and as I said I did disable all community packages at one point (to test whether that would make a difference)
My guess would be that atom might have a builtin package that has an option to fiddle your comments, and I'
oops I've got it turned off
maybe it think the scss file is a css file
@derp nah, one of my plugins makes the icons for files more wild/obvious, it's clearly recognizing it as scss (according to the wild pink logo) :)
so you know how gmail prompts you to attach a file if you use the word attachment in your email? Why can't chat platforms prompt you before sending if the line ends in "[single character]'"
I use file-icons, but that doesn't control atom's parsing behaviour
In the status bar at bottom of screen it will say what filetype atom is parsing it as
@bloopletech yeah, my point was just, I'd know if it wasn't recognized as an SCSS file
@bloopletech that too says scss
posted on March 16, 2017 by Axel Rauschmayer

I’ll soon migrate 2ality to a different hosting solution. This blog post tells you what you need to know. Check out the preview You can preview the new design at 2ality.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com. Once the switch is made, the old design will remain available at 2ality.blogspot.com for a while. For readers, not much changes These are the major changes: The URLs stay the same,

ok you are correct then, atom is treating it as scs
wait, can you try editing the file with a different editor and see what happens?
sure. - which one would you like?
obviously edlin is the only reasonable choice
Or if you can't afford that, just try notepad or vim
I used notepad++
as expected no strange behaviour
which doesn't solve the question, but I just realized does sort of solve the immediate problem :D
I was theorising that you have some external build tool that is reformatting the file on save
i.e. now I can upload the file without messing it up completely
lol that's true I suppose
thinking outside the box, I mean the editor... I want back in the box tho :D
mmm, the only thing I can think of is that you still somehow have a community package enabled that is doing it. Otherwise, maybe just embrace the /* comments atom clearly wants you to love
@bloopletech you can edit messages'
oh of course, I care enough to complain about my problem but not enough to actually fix it
Hold up, does it update the comment in-place, or in the built output?
@bloopletech sounds like a shitty editor
@Loktar Obviously I was being facetious in saying embrace the /* comments etc
@monners in place
Man how do you guys take out so much time of your day to answer questions on StackOverflow? I have been trying to be more active there because usually I just chill in the chat but it ends up taking quite a while to find a suitable question that hasn't been answered and answer it.
Maybe my limited knowledge of Javascript has something to do with it haha but still
@Julix What packages are you using?
Sounds like a syntax thing
@Alesana by being bored at work. Also i find it helpful to narrow it down to the library that you're currently working with
@Zirak Just got the postcard. Thank you for sending me my grandma's nudes! They were oh so very educational!
@Alesana I used to enjoy it so i'd do it a lot - most of it would be me being better at Googling than the original poster, really. Also, if you have more to add to an already answered question, you're likely justified in adding your own answer
Though I don't know what it's like anymore, I haven't actively answered on SO for quite a while
@MadaraUchiha My initial naive Promise.coroutine() implementation had to grow quite a bit once i needed it to pass bluebird's tests. :)
@monners thing is I deactivated all the community packages. when I tried deactivating core things it got weird quickly :D
@Julix You're running something custom. This isn't core functionality as far as I can tell. Maybe you're running a custom theme with a custom syntax set?
Otherwise I'd say editorconfig
@monners maybe I should have restarted after deactivating... - or yeah, maybe editorconfig. I'll give it another look
do you have an editorconfig?
@SomeGuy Yeah that makes sense. Usually I know the answer but I google it and then jsfiddle it too just because I would hate to be wrong by some odd thing. My confidence shoots down to like 10% of it's original when I go to answer a question haha.
@derp I guess I am not working for someone so me being bored at work gets replaced with me doing the next thing that needs to be done haha
I fixed it
apparently if you are going to put php in a js file you have to rename the extension to .php
Are you sure you should be putting php into a js file?
I Know this is a js room, but when I do <?php echo someVariable ?> that has to get sent to the server and back , right?
Well, not exactly
for example........ var x = "<?php echo Variable?>";
that is going to server then coming back?
How it works is your user visits a page, php then will create that page for the user, and then once it's already created, it shows it to the user
Hello Guys
Good morning
So if you have var x = "<?php echo Variable; ?>";, it will replace that with the variable before it even gives the page to the user
Hey @FlyingGambit
I'm converting my php session variables to js variables , bad or good idea?
seems easier to display them in the webpage rather than keeping it all php
do you care that your users can change them at will?
can you elaborate further on that question
You should probably be accessing them via Ajax
what is the difference btwn ajax and js, I know ajax is a sub of js but what is the difference in use
ajax is making a network request without refreshing the page (very handwavy), js is a language
Ajax is just a concept really
difference btwn ajax and jquery?
It makes a request to a PHP page, then the PHP page can respond with whatever (in your case the session variables), then your JS gets the response
jquery is a js library
Ajax is a concept, basically making a request to a PHP page. There are multiple ways to do it. jQuery is a library
We are trying to build a new web based app that closely resembles one of our desktop applications. The team took a angular template from the web and have put 1 weeks effort into it. This when I was moved to this project, I told my manager that instead of using 1.5 , we should be using 2.0. I also told him that we should not be downloading an angular template, instead we should download a bootstrap template and insert our own logic in angular. I just wanted to know you ppl's view on this
Let me know if I have not explained it correctly^
view on using the different versions?
yeah , should I download an angular 2 template or use bootstrap template (add my own custom logic) or stick with 1.5
how much code do you have?
not much, they are willing to provide time for me to convert them . so it does not matter
As of now the team has not much knowledge in javascript and has almost broken down the template's working badly enough to introduce ugly bugs
I'd aim for ng2+ if you can
oh gawd i'm having flashbacks
4RC is actually out
The wins for mobile are worth it
spending a week to learn js and to experiment will pay off immeasurable dividends
there's also angular quickstart
no wait, was it called angular cli?
The thing is that I have to tell the manager the advantages of using one over the other and convince him . Because as he has no technical knowledge , he seeks his software architect, and that guy asked him to use 1.5 and also said that 2 is not stable which puzzles me
yeah angular CLI, it will set up your angular 2 project with sane defaults
2 is so stable
they're literally about to release version 4
?? but angular 1.x is up to 1.6.3???
yes derp
Ah Angular. That language I never bothered to learn
you may be working in a crazy company @FlyingGambit
some of the people above me , like the team lead , when I suggested 2 in the meeting, he came to me afterwards to scold me off saying that it will increase work
bill gates?
@derp they are trying to move to web based apps and its their first time and people are trying to make fool out of the manager
@FlyingGambit That's because they haven't yet bothered to learn it. Sounds like the kinda company that's good for quitting
I just joined here on march 1st
Tell them to use React :P
quit, apply for FB
@monners I even suggested that, all said I am over complicating things
i like react over angular
LOL using react is complicating things over using angular
well i suggested angular +react
um is there are online demo of angular cli ?
i am not able to find it
@FlyingGambit Wat?
you more uhh
check it out of npm
Jesus. That'd be like the würst of both worlds
add to that the team is learning js
The hardest part of react is JavaScript
@monners I recently read in a article that react + angular is a good combination , where react is just the V ..... never worked in reactJs,.. so no clue
I have to leave , getting late for office.
Btw from our discussion , I think I should go for Bootstrap template (for the styling n stufff) and angular 2
I would have carried this conversation in office but, chat is banned there :C
yeah...@FlyingGambit you have an up to date CV you know...
Thank you guys
@derp defintely doing that soon
I'm considering a standing desk :)
@SomeGuy are you using one
ooo like a unit which sits on top of your desk or like a fully integrated one
standing desks are awesome
guys is there any API that could detect barcode is present in an image?
i tried with google vision api, it does not work
Is someone into socket.io?
@monk hows it going?
Bad...hah lost whole day in it
Still not got it working?
Strange how it won't load on your local machine :/
Hello guys
I'm fucusing on locating socket.io.js file...if i did right or not :P
your starting the server correctly right? node index.js from inside the directory
then navigating to localhost:3001
because i have folder inside htdocs called "newchat" and inside index.js changed only res.sendFile(__dirname + '/newchat/index.html');
@gtzinos Hello :D
anyone know if angular-material2 (beta project) supports the flex layout ?
@monk the repo you shared with me worked just fine, when you say htdocs where are you loading the server from?
xampp isn't nodejs friend :D
your loading up a php server for your nodejs instance
no wonder it's not working
download and install nodejs
then navigate to your project files and type 'node index.js' in your console
then in your browser you can navigate to localhost:3001 and you'll have a connected client
i have installed node js already
@FlyingGambit Link? Sounds like garbage to me.
@Monk Okay great so just follow the other instructions and it'll work
how do you mean navigate? i use git bash as a cmd
What os are you running?
I'm gunna presume linux?
open you cmd
and cd to your directory
also tfw you downvote a answer because it wasn't helpful and lose access to your review ques
i did, i navigate with cmd and run the index.js and still nothing
what did you type to run it?
cd c:\xampp\htdocs\newchat\ and then node index.js
Try node ./index.js
If that doesn't work, try a different operating system
it's not...damn
I would go and use the version you uploaded to github
try node -v
I'm just making a gif example
it's ok...version is there
Hang on, what's actually happening when you run the file?
Are you returning or logging anything from the script?
only "listening on *:3001"
If you're not logging anything in the script then you won't get any output
Umm, have you visited localhost:3001?
The gif show's me accessing your repo example
I have decided I don't have enough context to contribute to this discourse
Clone or download that ves to your desktop
and then follow the gif, it'll work
does socket.io work for you?
sorry I mean the literal url socket.io in a browser of your choice
@bloopletech They have problems at the moment, your best going to the github pages if you need dcoumentation
maybe I'm a moron but would that affect @Monk s example?
It wouldn't
I'm currently working on two projects both using socket.io atm :-)
also I'm kind of impressed with this gif making tool
pretty useful for just showing small clips of you doing stuff
i'm confused now, you said to download it on desktop...how can i run it on localhost? damn i'm looking stupid hah
What are you using to make those gifs?
In this case your index.js is your server which is what your running when you do node index.js. When you navigate to localhost:3001 it serves you your index.html file.
It's working!
xampp as a simple example does something simmilar but loads all of the PHP dependacies.
@Monk see I knew we'd get there ^_^
god damn it :D
@grovesNL ScreenToGif
cool thanks
@Monk It's a bit of a change from using PHP as you have to handle a lot of things that PHP does automatically for you but in some ways you get more control over what is actually happening :-)
so i cannot use php?
or something like...comination of mysql init
In this case you'll be writing javascript
You can use mysql with node
i wanted to make chat system with this but using pdo also
You can use quite a few different databases and there's quite a few tutorials out there explaining how to hook everything up
@monk well for the moment I would suggest getting your chat room to work without the database
and then you can hook one in later, so you accomplish one thing at a time and build up your project
okey, what about host? when i upload those files on hosting, how to run them or they automatically run?
When it comes to uploading these files you'll need a host which is able to make a node instance which can run your project files simmilar to php.
I would suggest zeit.co for now, they have instructions on there website for deployment
but in reality there are loads of places where you could host your project for others to see
what to look for in hosting? if they support node js?
Yeah :-)
Though for the moment you can do all your development locally :-)
Hi all. How can we get {{somevaribles}} used in angular template file. I can access scope.somevaribles to assign . For that i dont know what variable are in this dynamic template files.
Any support is helpful. Using JavaScript to console all variables / objs .
Q: mongodb filter documents with longitude,latitude and with particular distance

its meMy schema design: var LocationSchema = new Schema({ area: String, loc: [ type: [Number], // [<longitude>, <latitude>] index: '2d' // create the geospatial index ] }); module.exports = mongoose.model('Location', LocationSchema); Data has stored like this mongodb { "...

Can anyone help me on document.write and innerhtml
If i use document.write then the ad loads correctly but it is overwriting the page
and with innerhtml it's not working
@Jhawins parts of things
The last one was the steadycam iirc
Q: try-catch in javascript... isn't it a good practice?

akpThere is a provision for try-catch block in javascript. While in java or any other language it is mandatory to have error handling, I don't see anybody using them in javascript for greater extent. Isn't it a good practice or just we don't need them in javascript?

Someone needs to write a better answer to that especially with async / await
most answers there are dated
or incomplete
/cc @room-regulars
actually, try catch isn't always a good tactic in all languages
Feel free to write your own answer
@ssube if you ask me, it reminds me to RUST
values can be passed but not modified. Although another value cannot be assigned to an argument
@KarelG I barely use try-catch
I'm writing server side code
and am trying to avoid doing

/* respond what happened */


} catch (e) {
/* respond what happened */
multiple times
@Shrek Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
OTOH I thought it'd be better if i merge them all and
then catch typed errors
but ugh that sounds horrid
Is there no form of multicatch for js?
If your using a facade pattern to contain your logic surely some form of multi catch expression would catch all of the errors and you could then provide those errors out through a factory of some sort.
the only catch in the language is multicatch
bluebird adds real multicatch
@lix that sentence doesn't make a sense ... really " facade pattern " ?
@KarelG which bit didn't make sense?
also that is a software pattern
as trivial as it may be
@lix The Facade pattern usually doesn't contain any logic
It just hides away some ugly API you don't want your code to deal with directly.
(for example: DOM)
As for multicatch, try/catch will catch all thrown errors.
So I don't get what you need
hmm my argument was that if you provide one point that covers all the code you wish to catch errors for, you are then able to catch your errors and then using a factory create and output errors in whatever manner you see fit.
@lix That doesn't work well with JS because of async
you even don't know what a factory (method) pattern does me thinks
try {
  setTimeout(() => thisThrows(), 1000);
} catch (e) {
  // handle
This won't be caught.
That's a valid point, I'm still getting used to doing this async.
@lix You won't be able to catch errors thrown in this fashion ^
So don't code in this fashion.
Use Promises and async functions.
@KarelG I do from a java / c# perspective
@MadaraUchiha How does the promise handle such behavior ?
I started using promises the other day :D I've been enjoying.
@KarelG Promise.delay(1000).then(thisThrows).catch(e => /* handle */)
Or alternatively
(async () => {
  try {
    await Promise.delay(1000);
  } catch (e) {
    // handle
the .catch method is to provide a handler to the promise result if an error is thrown right ?
I didn't have investigated the promises under the hood :P (lack of time)
@KarelG Yes
@KarelG stackoverflow.com/questions/12134912/… the first answer on this is what I was thinking
In Promises, you have a guarantee that thrown exceptions get converted to rejections.
Just like you have a guarantee that returned values get converted to resolved Promises.
Using a factory you can wrap your own handling of exceptions and other parts together. If you didn't want to do that then you wouldn't bother, though I'm confused why you just jumped on the ohh he has no idea what he's talking about bandwagon.
ah by that way. Also that async trick is smart :P
the factory method is used to create something. Although some API methods throws exceptions. In this case is it about how to handle exceptions within factory methods. the answer is with either a default object (or handle it differently) or throwing (custom) exceptions... The second approach is garbage (unless you're writing your own API)
@Zirak ohai ;-)
@Loktar woooo I died so many times
no time to explain.. what should i know about Meteor before it ruins mine?
I don't have time to explain either
damn. I knew it. too late
Guys can some1 help me with this question ?? stackoverflow.com/questions/42814148/…
Q: Change folder id of an file

Mr always wrongI try to change the id of the file function changeFolder(fileId) { var body = {'data-id': fileId}; var request = gapi.client.drive.files.patch({ 'resource': body }); request.execute(function(resp) { getDriveFiles() }); } just for testi...

eh your name. i like that
@GNi33 \o
hello guys
a question
i have a table
with two columns
teachername and lessonname
how to get teachernames which have same lessonname?
thanks in advance
@HamreenAhmad are you after sql?
var sql = "SELECT teachername FROM t1 WHERE lessonname='"+ lessonIdentifer +"';";
bro i mean All teachers not only one of them
thst lessonIdentifer restricts for one of them
i think i need to use group by but dont know how
This is going to return all teachernames who have the same lesson number
So if I had emily, frank and jess who have lesson 3 and todd who has lesson 4 I'm going to get the first three people but not todd.
Hmm actually maybe I'm misunderstanding your question.
then what if
frank and jess who have lesson 3 and todd who has lesson 4 and jack,mary have lesson 5
in this case i need to get
You could include multiple where statements
i want to get in only one query
and without using loops to change an identifier
well SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition1 OR condition2 OR condition3 ...;
so in your case
var sql = "SELECT teachername FROM t1 WHERE lessonname='"+ lessonIdentifer +"' OR lessonname='" + ID2 + "';";
bro thats a sample of data the table may contain more than fifty teachers which have same lesson
is it possible to do like waht you say
i think group by or having needed
I mean if you have 50 teachers who have lessonname 3 / 4 then you'd get back a result of 50 teachers
I'm not sure what you mean
@lix Good god use prepared statements
@BenFortune I only really know how to do prepared statements using bindParam in PHP
hm in js can i "automatically" assign values to an object? i have a table and i would assign data from a row to an object, like first cell goes to the first object field etc or is that not possible?
Like just an empty object? or one you've made with properties?
one i made with props
You could outline parameters and then pass in those parameters from the database per row?
var someObj = new foo(p1,p2,p3);
var list = [];

for(var i in rows){
	var someObj = new foo(rows[i].id,rows[i].some,rows[i].thing);
oh yeah i can assign them in the constructor
np :-)
hi all
i have a problem on this -> stackoverflow.com/questions/42829399/…
@OiRc You're hitting the captcha, and not passing anything that can solve it
Why not just use the search API, that's what it's there for
your form of request isn't human ... ofc it hits the captcha
how i can solve it?
read what ben said
search api?
google search api?
@americans: " Small drone 'worth $200' shot down by Patriot missile worth $3m src
@Loktar there goes your tax money
thanks Trump!
have I done this prepared statement correctly chaps
  var values = [json.articles[i].source, json.articles[i].author, json.articles[i].title, json.articles[i].description, json.articles[i].url, json.articles[i].urlToImage, json.articles[i].publishedAt, 'general'];
                    self.pool.query('INSERT INTO `articles` (source,author,title,desc,url,urlToImage,publishedAt,category) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', values, function () {

I'm using promise-mysql and I've tried to use the prepared statement with the array above but it's not inserting and not throwing back an error.
If you're using promise-mysql, why aren't you using a promise?
I'm following the documentation and if all I wish to do is insert I don't need anything to occur afterwards in this case
though I wasn't sure if it would affect me using the ? and array of values
In the case of a select I do use a promise like this
pool.query('select `name` from hobbits').then(function(rows){
    // Logs out a list of hobbits
You aren't checking for any errors?
good point, I'll add one on quickly
yeah the catch isn't providing me with any errors
though saying that the documentation doesn't say anything about prepared statements in this wrapper github.com/lukeb-uk/node-promise-mysql
It's a wrapper for github.com/mysqljs/mysql which supports them.
You could always use github.com/sidorares/node-mysql2
actually I think I spotted why it wasn't working
desc is a special keyword in mysql I think
Q: angular2-material md-content scrolling issue

Sumeet DaradeI am trying to make a structure where, md-toolbar is always fixed Only md-content scrolls on whole page if content is overflowing. md-sidenav along with its content should be fixed always irrespective of its mode ('over' or 'side') Image for reference :- After trying and wasting time...

eh WhatsApp / Telegram was vulnerable for a while
GitLab acquired Gitter venturebeat.com/2017/03/15/…
Cool didn't realise SO had a chat.
@JoshuaBarnett Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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