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ooooh snaaap drug users.
Reddit pretends it's awesome but the community sucks
@Loktar Do you drink alchohol?
@Meredith Its fans and avid readers think the world of it, though
@Loktar *illegal drugs
Of buzzfeed?
@Vap0r Experiment with as many platforms, see code and try to reason about why it solves the fundamental problems the way it does - data delivery, separation of concerns, clean code, componentization, routing, templating etc.
No buzzfeed is like 3 layers of irony deep
i only use reddit to get poe uber lab paths
@Luggage @rlemon illegal drugs
/r/space is outstanding
@KevinB oh shit, forgot about the new season
same with /r/spaceporn
@Luggage it's mostly just things that taught me personally. It might be a terrible suggestion for Vap0r.
and /r/bladesmith
An arbitrary distinction. Booze is a drug.
the legacy league is awsome
I see people quoting buzzfeed as a source of real news all of the time, or as a source of real social justice. People are just fucking weird
The small subs on reddit are really cool
breach + beyond + rampage
@KevinB Any big nerfs?
@Luggage meh I can still say it and do ;)
@Loktar pot is still illegal in Israel
buzzfeed does do some 'real news', but not of a quality I care to read.
aoe was nerfed a little, so was chaos conversions
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's still illegal here in a lot of states too
When buzzfeed does real news it's usually really good
@Meredith ew, no
like fire -> chaos isn't as powerful anymore
But they don't usually take anything seriously
So they don't do real news
@BenjaminGruenbaum More like 5 years.
@Loktar probably not for long - there is very little justification for keeping so many bad stuff legal but weed illegal.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah I agree
@BenjaminGruenbaum there never was justification but that didn't stop people.
@Jhawins 5? wow.
I'm not pro weed, but I'm pro do whatever you want as long as it doesnt affect me or anyone else.
Hey anyone know anyone from east tennessee state
How are yours and mine perceptions of buzzfeed so different? Either I don't care enough to pay attention, or they just don't know how to market themselves consistently
I'm pro weed.
Tell them that they suck
@BenjaminGruenbaum 5 in August I believe.
@Loktar I'm pro weed-taxation.
meta this league seems to be minions.
Sure. tax it.
and of course spark
@BenjaminGruenbaum hell of a list. I really appreciate you compiling it. And I'll definitely take your advice to consider the core concepts. I'm not a bad developer but my foray into react definitely has me feeling scared and excited like a nub programmer again
@ndugger I spend like 4 hours a day on buzzfeed
@Meredith Oh, so you're not objective
Ofc I was asking about PHP that day... More like December hahaha
@rlemon yeah taxing it would be fine with me
I'm pro weed. I'm also automatically pro legalizing anything people want to use if it's not addictive and doesn't kill you.
see a lot of fire golem builds with 5 golems
@Luggage that will benefit everyone. you're not buying illegally.. no more risk -- and government gets the taxes
like didn't Colorado make a shit tonne in pot taxes?
I'm pro go
@ndugger Objectivity is for dumb people
And I can get more assurance that it's not covered in pesticides, etc.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I would argue weed is addictive, but there are apologists who will say it's not I know
Anyways. Thanks guys ttyl
@rlemon a shit ton
Subjectivity is literally the point of humanity
@Vap0r I've made every mistake I've discussed here myself - more than once. It's not about being a good/bad developer IMO.
subjectivity gave me the common cold
Otherwise I'd use a robot
I just don't care what others do really as long as it doesn't infringe on me
!!afk home
Chemical dependency !== addiction keep that in mind and everything is addictive IMHO
Even PredictIt!
@Loktar it might look addictive but medically it does not meet the standard.
Fun fact about me
I'm addicted to milk
I bite my nails
@Jhawins yeah but I classify that as gambling
which is highly addictive
Right. Mentally addictive.
My mom bought me like this thing to get me to stop biting my nails when I was a kid
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh absolutely, a lot of what I said are generalizations I make to myself to simplify things. The mistakes are exciting for me because when I was learning the most about programming was when I was making the most mistakes.
It was literally just tobasco sauce in a prescription looking container
Gambling is amazing, I read a book recently that explained how unexpected returns are a lot more addicting than regular ones - if you can't predict when you'll win/lose you'll stick around a lot longer.
@Meredith LOL
It made me want to bite them
There is a very big difference between physically and mentally adictive
As a daily smoker for years, I have 'quit' whenever my supply dried up. It was nothing more than a bit of boredom for a few days. Weed is easy to quit.
Actually it was in a coursera course
Alcoholics and smokers get butt hurt because they think you're confusing their chemical dependency for mental addiction. That's the only reason there's a supposed grey area IMO
!!afk can't talk about how excited ammendment 2 in FL and it's implications make me at work.
@Jhawins When your mental addiction gets to a certain point, and you become dependant on maintaining a certain level of dopamine, doesn't that count as chemical dependency?
@Luggage that's dependent on the individual though
if you mean cigarettes
My dad smoked weed when he went to colorado
@Loktar to some degree, but it's universally no where near heroin.
@Jhawins Where is the grey area? I didn't think there was
@Loktar He means weed, I believe.
if you mean weed I have no comment
@ndugger That is the definition of chemical dependency. When you become dependant on maintaining a certain level of {thing}
@Loktar special cigarretes. I would never touch tobacco cigs.
my parents smoked cigs for > 30 years and it was hard for them to quit (my dad is the only one who did actually)
@ndugger I know several people (yes yes, anecdotal) who smoke every day and have gone a month without smoking just because they were in a place it wasn't available and they didn't really miss it.
@Jhawins I chemically dependant on dihydrogen monoxide.
way easier than I hear about quitting tobacco. Like.. not even close to the stories.
My dad quit cigs when I was born
nicotine is horrible to quit
Smoking cigs is gross
But you can raise dopamine levels many ways...
Vape nation
@Meredith yeah but why would weed be any better?
I didn't have an issue surprisingly... Only 1 or two days I was quite light headed quitting smoking
I haven't had a single craving for cigarettes since I started smoking pot
Tobacco killed my Grandfather. On the same note, he was a Mossad agent and we only found that out after he died
lol I don't get how people can say one is gross and the other is not
Weed doesn't make you smell bad
dihydrogen monoxide addiction is fatal to stop.
@Loktar marijuana cigarettes aren't made of road building products
@Meredith I think weed smells nasty as hell haha
I love the smell of weed
@Loktar Oh god I love the smell
Depends on the weed lol
I mean I also like the smell of cigarettes
Gemme some Diesel
@Meredith aaaah nasty, my son does too
I also haven't had a single stomach issue since I started smoking pot, and I've been sleeping much better, and my skin is clearer... so... why is it illegal?
lol you guys are crazy (about cigs smelling good)
Unless I'm running
I like the smell of cigarettes as well
I inhale real deep when I walk by a smoker
@Meredith now that I've quit, only stale cigs smell good, not fresh
pipe tobacco smells great
I dunno
@Loktar Dude I remember wondering about that when I was lik 8. I have always for some reason had sort of an attraction to the smell and no one in my family was a smoker.
So weird..
@Meredith sigh unzips
hah yeah that is weird, Jacob is like that
cigarettes smell good, gas smells good, together they smell amazing!
@BenjaminGruenbaum No one cares 🤷 :D
Something that causes your dopamine levels to raise (such as marijuana) is mentally addictive. You're physically dependent to dopamine already. Something that causes a NEW dependency is physically addictive. Correct me if I'm wrong
@Alesana yes, although Marijuana is hardly mentally addictive
Dopamine isn't everything
@Loktar sigh zips
BenjaminGruenbaum fast scrolling.. didn't see your revelations
I imagine someone not knowing the reference and flagging that
Depends on the individual @BenjaminGruenbaum, as with everything really.
so whatever lol
@Alesana Marijuana doesn't directly cause your brain to produce more dopamine. What it does is it suppresses the mechanism that suppresses domaine production. So it's not addictive in the same way that anything else is, really.
@Alesana there's an objective component as well and thc is way down on the scale
@Alesana it's not really any more addictive than coca cola.
@ndugger merejuana
maybe less.
mary wanna
Like sex is mentally addictive.
That's what I am saying guys
mere juana
@Jhawins i remember whenever i hated the smell of cigarettes, but they smoked at the racetrack so often that it eventually became associated with racing and started to smell good
@SomeGuy Always happy to help
Marijuana, like sex, or gambling, is mentally addictive
look I'm not disagreeing I'm just saying I consider myself morally superior to you all because I haven't smoked weed
that's all I'm trying to get at in a nutshell
But really though it's acceptable to kill someone if they call you mary
if you smoke marijuana, you will get gonorrhea, kill your family, and became a communist
@ssube not available in my country.
^ exactly @ssube
And we're saying you are a hypocrite.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just linked Reefer Madness
@Loktar i haven't even smoked a cigarette
@BenjaminGruenbaum However I think coca-cola is physically addictive, actually
@HatterisMad same
the classic "PSA" on the "dangers" of marijuana
@ssube coollies
@Luggage my moral superiority cannot be taken down by weed smokers evvver
@Loktar have you ever drunk Alcohol?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm talking about weed it's different
Marijuana made me invest in Nintendo stocks
He doesn't count that.
@Alesana It was better when they made it with cocaine
Alcohol is bad too though :p
Worse, in fact.
@HatterisMad Funny we have a similar memory. Mine was the derby track
please note I am joking as well!
With seldom motorcross
We know. Well, I know you are joking.
I never joke
@BenFortune I wish you could find that in antique stores
ok cool lol I just didn't want to go down that road
but I guess it's easy enough to make
honestly i don't really care about the superiority thing. I just have yet to have someone convince me of why i need to smoke marijuana
I have never smoked but idc that people do
@Loktar so you have?
smoking weed is fun
@Loktar but that sorta "joking, but I kinda mean it" way.
@BenFortune Hah now that's a whole 'nother story
Speaking of Nintendo, did anyone get a Switch?
your hands feel really nice
I bet @Loktar did
@Luggage eh, I don't think weed is good honestly, but the same goes for alcohol as well
most things really
@Meredith The two main things I've noticed is that everything feels softer, and sound is way different.
Weed isn't good, it's a vice.
(Except medical)
@Meredith ever smoke so much in public you have to go to the bathroom to make sure you didn't just shit yourself?
Weed is good for a medicine, consumation of alcohol is good for nothing
How many babies did you murder last night when trying to rob people to get your Alcohol hit @Loktar?
@Alesana it cleans wounds well
@Luggage The worst I ever got was when my friend had a vaporizer thing
@Meredith so is bungie jumping, but doesn't mean im going to take time out of my day and go spend money bungie jumping. Maybe i will eventually, i just have better shit to be doing right now instead.
Alcohol is great
Alcohol is great for killing germs (and brain cells)
@Loktar i always just use isopropyl :(
which is why I love it
And everyone was ordering pizza but I was pretending I was asleep
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha fair point, but how many could you murder driving under the influence :/
I don't need so many cells living up there
Cuz I was too high to respond
Now psilocybin is good for quite a lot of things
scrub the wound in isopropyl and then superglue it together and go about with your life
As if "what do you want on your pizza?" is an unfairly difficult question?
@Alesana mostly just giving you migraines
@Luggage Right?
@Loktar so don't drink and drive. I've been drinking like once a week for maybe 8 years? I've been driving for about the same amount of time and I've never even considered driving drunk.
@ssube I thought it was a treatment for migraines?
somewhere in that process, cursing is necessary as well
@Luggage "What don't you want" is the real question
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh yeah for sure, but plenty of people do :/
Like driving and sms'ing, if you can prove to me something can kill me fast I avoid it.
@ssube It treats everyone different
@monners not in my experience
@HatterisMad Have you ever been bored?
@BenjaminGruenbaum car accidents
@ssube Maybe just stick to DMT then
alcohol also is responsiblye for plenty of disorderly conduct too
and horrible headaches seem to be a commonly reported side effect
but that is an individual thing definitely
@monners I don't wanna box myself in, yknow?
@monners At sub-perceptual doses psilocybin is reported to cure headaches and migraines
@HatterisMad I don't drive a car often (I walk and I live near the office and most of my friends), but driving isn't really avoidable.
You know how in shows or movies, theres background music that you don't even register in your main thought process? Well, when I'm stoned, all I can hear is the background music, as if it's louder than the rest of the sound from the tv... It's really weird
@Meredith uhh... maybe? i mean i always have shit to do
I drink around once a month if you avg out my yearly drinking not too much since getting married/having kids
@HatterisMad If you always have shit to do then weed isnt for you
@HatterisMad Also, I've been known to be a hypocrete when it helps me make an argument because that's just how we roll here in these sort of arguments.
@BenjaminGruenbaum works for me lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum Are you a fan of Infected Mushroom?
@ndugger it is, I wonder why it happens.
I identify mostly as a libertarian so I say legalize everything but leave me alone.
@ssube In some of my past experiences I don't know if I would have recognized a headache even if I did have one
legalize polygamy while you're at it
I get drunk on cigs
@Loktar I read that as librarian
@monners I feel like my mom mentioned them before?
Shit I'm really late for that
@monners I would lead such a quiet life
@monners same :(
@monners Fan is a big word, but I've been in a few concerts - they're good for parties and they're very good artists but I don't really like the genre.
legalize the mostly harmless drugs (booze, weed), decriminalize the hard ones (rehab > jail, when no other crimes involved)
@BenjaminGruenbaum do you get the same effect?
@Loktar that's a little harder ethically.
@BenjaminGruenbaum What a well measured response. This makes me happy
Legalize every drug
Prescription === you get it for free
@Meredith also legalize murder
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha I didn't want to derail into that, but I firmly believe it should be legalized as well
Otherwise you pay for it
@Loktar lol right same. You should've been at the team outing the other day dude lol
@Alesana heh, yeah, it's more of a hangover thing. I hypothetically have friends who told me the effects, dizziness, headaches, etc, are equivalent to drinking half a bottle of booze.
it was only made illegal to target the mormons in the 1800's
which is unconstitutional
They were buying pitchers and I was bowling etc and not paying attention to how much I drank cause I like never ever drink lol.
@ndugger I don't smoke weed, especially when I'm in Amsterdam dressed like a unicorn. However, if I did then no. I mostly get happy and chill.
@Luggage I mean I'm not a polygamist I don't personally agree with it
Legalize heroin and crack and meth
but i don't think the gov should have laws against it either
When I was playing arcade games and shit at the end I was like ohhhh boy lol
@Meredith man i loved the pharmacies when i was in thailand. Didn't need to go to the doctor, they would just give you whatever medicine you needed for a couple dollars and you could get better.
@ssube Oh yeah headaches on the after effect are almost a guarantee. Your brain power got overused for 8 hours :P
only allow the 2 highest earners to file jointly for taxes though
the only concern i could see gov having with it is related to taxes
@phenomnomnominal just watched your talk - really nice :) Cheers. Will leave a YT comment and like.
Polygamy, when practiced in a group like that, isn't always the 100% consensual free-love kinda thing.
@KevinB yeah definitely but I think they could solve that honestly
@Alesana Again, only hypothetically, but I've been told the headache is much worse than most common uppers.
@Luggage right but that's a seperate issue
I'm not a fan of polygamy
I mean consenting adults
@ssube It's... different. From my hypothetical experiences
@Loktar but the ATF got bored of dealing with that issue, so we banned the problem. :P
@Alesana much more piercing and painful
yeah there were several manson like stories
Speaking of piercings
@ssube I don't know if I would agree with that but it also depends on if you're drinking enough water
So when I got my septum pierced it went through the cartilige
Yea, I'm with you that consenting adult should be able to do whatever, I am saying there is some logic in the law. If you look at places in the world today that practice polygamy, it's not usually the most fair situations.
That was fun
@Alesana yeah. I'm pretty well versed in dealing with different hangovers and that was one of the more unpleasant ones I've theoretically had.
@Luggage eh the origins were to target mormons though
If women had equal opportunity I'd be down with polygamy @Loktar, I just think given today's society it's too risky.
tbh I've never had a hangover
Yea, could be. I won't argue that. I don't know.
@ssube Now hypothetically there are people who take 1/10th of a dose of psilocybin or lysergic acid diethylamide on a regular basis to increase productivity and it hypothetically doesn't have any of the negative effects a full dose would
Polygamy is legal in 58 out of nearly 200 sovereign states, the vast majority of them being Muslim-majority countries situated in Africa and Asia. In most of these states, polygyny is allowed and legally sanctioned. Polyandry is illegal in virtually every state in the world. The rest of the sovereign states do not recognize polygamous marriages. == Countries that recognize polygamous marriages == === Africa === Algeria Cameroon Chad Central African Republic Republic of the Congo Djibouti Egypt Gabon: Both men and women can join in polygamous marriage with the other gender under Gabonese...
there are more references than that of course but yeah thats why the US gov did it anyway
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm only speaking about the United States personally what should be legal
@Alesana if dosage increases linearly, psychoactive effects typically are quadratic, and side effects on an even higher power. That's part of why stronger drugs are more addictive, they're the only thing that can kick their own side effects.
I mean if the argument is women don't have enough freedom marriage in general shouldn't be allowed because they could be forced into it
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks bud!
lol yeah super random convo
ehh legality is just a poor representative of the strongest majority cultural group
Ban straight marriage
doesn't do much good for a society
Remove all laws regarding domestic partnerships. Cause wth anyway lmao
@Jhawins yeah i could support that
Specifically ban straight white men from marrying
Lets have some fun
@ssube I don't follow. That would make stronger drugs more addictive or that would make stronger doses of drugs more addictive?
ban all marriage
ehh, i would also be fine with that @meredith
Ban all of it
@Alesana both
@Meredith my chrome extension replaced white men with black men.
And I don't know if that really applies to all drugs
No just straight white men
@Loktar That's a thing?!
You can get married
As long as it isn't to a straight white man
@Loktar lmfao what chrome extension do you have
@Jhawins yeah it really shows how racist things really are.
@Jhawins it's importantly used for tax purposes, the government wants you to make kids.
It's kinda embarrassing that Australia still hasn't legalised same-sex marriage
Hahaha link I'm googling for it rn
@ssube I don't think dependency has anything to do with side effects
@monners You can get fired for being gay in florida
Not in alachua county though
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh yeah I know. I don't have well formed opinions on this... But I feel that you could be credited per dependent and accomplish the same thing
@Alesana using the drug to treat its own side effects is a popular way to get addicted, is what I mean.
@Meredith You can get fired for having too many teeth in Florida
No laws are better than the current laws, and kids should just be rewarded tax-wise so couples can adopt.
@monners ...I have an extra tooth
i wouldn't be surprised if that ruling ends up reversed within the next 4 years
@monners I knew somebody who had 3 whole teeth and dey turk is jerb
Either way. I just know marriage is not even on my mind when it comes to my relationship with my girl. And hers neither. It's not "real", it's a form
Oh, Israel is awful in this btw, you can only get married religiously if you were born a Jew. I actually flew to Cyprus to get married there as protest.
When we decide it is in our best interest financially to be wed we will do it
I think I was born a catholic?
I was baptized
No communion
You were born human and someone decided to call you catholic
If you didn't drink the communion you really got satanized
@BenjaminGruenbaum that can't be doing good things for boosting the Jewish population :S
you weren't born a plumber
@Jhawins Nice sick yeah
I was baptized too. By my own free and well informed will. At the age of 7
@ssube That makes sense however with most hallucinogens you build a tolerance extremely fast so it wouldn't work for psilocybin/LSD, well you can't build a dependency on those anyways
I was a baby
> free and well informed will. At the age of 7
My parents aren't religious at all
sounds so horrible
They're weed smoking hippies
@ssube At least someone gets it haha
you got dunked into some water
yeesh call the cops
No I really did it closer to... 11?
One sec I have this documented
Israel sucks with marriage laws.
the time in the water is not what people have issues with.
@Alesana yeah, they operate differently, especially with how the effects scale by dose (it increases time more than severity).
No dude I was like 6
I do believe in marriage though.
Are there gay people in israel?
@BenjaminGruenbaum same
not sure why that is, I've never been very interested in hallucinogens or their nonsense
there are gay people everywhere.
except Iran. They said so.
Somehow that will resurface during my political career and I will be labeled an extremist.
I oppose marriage
@Meredith Yes, Tel Aviv is extremely gay friendly. Possibly the most in the world, the gay pride parade here is big and I know a bunch of gay people. Outside of Tel Aviv there is more discrimination but it's fine.
Idk my mom is from poland and she said that there arent gay people in poland
@ssube Right. This is all hypothetical of course
@Meredith is becoming the most interesting person in chat very fast lol
My parents were family lawyers. Took all the magic outta marriage
@Meredith She is naive, then. Not an insult..
Hey everyone, quick question. I'm just starting out doing pure javascript for school and I have an annoying problem
@Loktar we are holding a decreasingly popular opinion. I do honestly believe in two people committing to live their lives together - under God or otherwise.
@Luggage My mom is sheltered as fuck lol
If I want to get the text content from an element I just use:
@ssube A sub-perceptual dose of LSD can increase programming creativity and productivity by a lot.. hypothetically
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah surprised someone in here even said it honestly
She's from a communist country but her family was still really rich
element.textContent = "blah blah";
I'm all for committing your life to a person, but divorce is so financially scary
@Alesana yeah I've heard that
@Alesana Put down the crack pipe son
@Alesana I've been told that applies to thc especially
Whoa super polarized views on that one haha
@BenjaminGruenbaum as long as the 'or otherwise' is on there. I'm with you. People naturally form those pairs and it works.
@Loktar hey, I got married when I was 18, and I've only ever been with one girl and I love her and we'll be together till death do us apart - so there's that.
How do I capture the href from an element and assign it to the source of a new image element?
THC does the opposite to me
Been in a relationship for 10 years. No marriage.
@Jhawins i have to marry my girlfriend if i wish to live with her in the states. thats fun
@monners that's also fine
I feel like this is baseline. This is good. Anything I consume takes away from ym abilities to function, it's just whether or not I can tell.
@Alesana it works better with more psychoactive forms, not smoking.
element.src = originalElement.href; does not work
@HatterisMad That's why my parents got married
Like a drunk driver. I think I'm good.... I am certainly not.
@schulzey why not?
My sister was born before they got married
She was pregnant with me when they got married
element.src = originalElement.href; does not work
@HatterisMad lol #laws
@Alesana Specifically, edibles. Combined with certain fungi, they encourage fascinating art. On their own, they aren't as distracting as smoked.
@Meredith Your sister was pregnant with you before she got married? :/
@Meredith cross country relationship?
@HatterisMad Yeah
@ssube That I can believe, however I think with thc and psilocybin it will increase creativity while decreasing productivity
@KevinB here is my tag:
@monners that's what I understood too
<p><a href="images/demo.png" onclick="openImageInCurrentWindow(); return false" title="Demo Image">Demo Image Link</a></p>
In my js:
@Alesana definitely. The concentration of the THC also matters, hypotheoretically.
yeah i mean, my girl and i have been dating for three years and i lived with her for a year in thailand, would like to live with her here in the states but her only option for a visa is fiance or marriage visa since we are dating
Javascript and dwugs
I have to go get an alignment. Later all. Sorry @BenjaminGruenbaum :*
1 message moved to Trash can
@schulzey Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@CapricaSix Got it thanks
@Jhawins cheers
@schulzey getElementsByTagName returns an HTMLCollection
anchorElement doesn't have an href property/attribute.
Basically, it's a list of every anchor element in your document
@SterlingArcher @KevinB I see. So, if I didn't create an ID or Class for the anchorElement, how would I get the href attribute of the single anchor on my html?
@HatterisMad My parents met in 1989 I think but my mom didnt come to america until 1991 when my sister was born
It's for an assignment which is why it needs to be done this way.
I bet it's tough
@ssube I have hypothetically completely stopped consuming THC because of the decrease in productivity. My current solution now hypothetically works great both for production and my mental health
just like you would with an array
yeah i bet it is tough lol
@schulzey you would have to get specific, for example, document.querySelector returns a single element, but it returns the first instance
Or, you can use addEventListener and have access to this which woud reference the one clicked.
Also I'm still ranked #1 on the espn bracket challenge
Otherwise, you can use a CSS selector to narrow it down, or use a proper eventListener like Kevin said ^
Ask me anything
Go gata
@Alesana What's your current solution? Mushrooms?
@KevinB That is a different part of the assignment. The instructor wants us to display the image via many different event types to show the differences
@Meredith think VA Tech can take on Wisconsin?
If so, can they also beat #1 Villa Nova
I have wisconsin winning
@Luggage Wow we're talking hypothetics here
Gators beat nova
Gators beat everyone
chomp chomp
If Tech beats Nova, they'll win the tourney against the Dixon Ticonderogas
@Alesana yea yea, w're talking "about a friend"
Oh yeah that guy
@KevinB So, if it returns a collection, I would just put "anchorElement[0].src" to get the correct anchor?
Dude tech is losing to wiscy
Wiscy loses to nova
if the first anchor is the correct anchor, yes.
nova losed to the gata
Tech is hungry
That guy takes sub-perceptual doses of LSD and reports a lot of things other psychiatrist-prescribed medications couldn't do
gobble gobble
Plus my roommate is a huge tech fan and if tech loses he might cry tonight
s/That guy/SWIM/
Bitches gonna cry
Gators gonna gate in the first round
@Luggage Shit I remember SWIM from those old school heroin forums
@SterlingArcher We already won
Which is why I havent left work yet
@KevinB Is there a way to use "this" to reference the link that called it and get the "src"?
I didn't know you were on the team
Did you score a goal point basketdown?
I'm 5'3"
No I really have a friend who does that o.o
Yes, but only within the attribute. onclick="<this is accesaible here>"
I could dunk over you
so you could pass the value of this as a parameter to the function
@Meredith How do pants fit?
@SterlingArcher Is there a way to use "this" to reference the linkt hat called it and get the "src"?
@Zirak Really though I have to get petite pants or they'll fray
yes, listen to Kevin, he's got you covered
how do you set a number length even if there's 0 before the number, because i can't seem to find it
Numbers can't have leading 0s
if you want to keep preceeding 0's it needs to be a string
@KevinB function openImageInCurrentWindow() {
    var anchorElement = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

    var newImageElement = document.createElement('img');

    newImageElement.src = anchorElement[0].href;

Like you know how yoga pants are supposed to end at the ankle
@SterlingArcher 9
@KevinB How can I replace anchorElement with a reference to "this" instead to get the "src"?
I thought leading zeros was hexadecimal notation
!!> 0O9
@Meredith "SyntaxError: missing octal digits after '0o'"
only if it's a string and you use parseInt without a base
!!> 0O7
@Meredith 7
why can't numbers have leading 0 if it's just output?
@KevinB didn't they fix that?
@SterlingArcher Octal, hex is 0x
seems so
@acoder they can, if you convert them to strings.
@acoder npm install leftpad
!!> parseInt("009");
i didn't know
!!> parseInt('010')
@MadaraUchiha 10
@SterlingArcher 9
Yeah, they did fix it.
@Zirak ty that's right
@rlemon what should I look up?
how to padd a number
So are leading 0s just stripped from numbers now?
@SterlingArcher they're not only stripped, they're meaningless
Just install leftpad
they don't exist
'0000' + theNumber
What could go wrong
@SterlingArcher In what context?
@SterlingArcher They always have
A: How can I create a Zerofilled value using JavaScript?

Sterling ArcherIn a proposed (stage 3) ES2017 method .padStart() you can simply now do (when implemented/supported): string.padStart(maxLength, "0"); //max length is the max string length, not max # of fills

10 and 010 and 0000000010 are the same number literal
cc @rlemon
!!> 1.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Always have been
@rlemon 1
Sloppy mode still has octal literals
Ok bi friends
See you all late
@SterlingArcher I'm well aware. he wanted google terms
I gave good ones
my bad thought you was askin
I like when people ask what to google vs asking for the answer
@Zirak Got my fidget cube today!
padStart is a good solution tho
@MadaraUchiha wait wut. 010 is octal
@MadaraUchiha 8
@MadaraUchiha Me jealous :( How's the experience?
That's still a things
@Zirak Better than expected.
all the things
I have spares, wanna buy one?
@MadaraUchiha In sloppy mode. Strict mode throws an error
@MadaraUchiha Tempting
(sure, still a number literal, just not the same 😉 )
I love my fidget cube
Everybody at work got one because of me
@Zirak We haven't sat for a beer in a while
!!> (function() { "use strict"; console.log(Number(010)); }())
@rlemon "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
Let's set for next week and I'll bring one for testing
solid ASI cap
no? urgh
oh wait single line nvm
@rlemon "use strict";
I was blind
@rlemon "SyntaxError: octal literals and octal escape sequences are deprecated"
der we go
!!> 0o10
I'm pretty sure the room discussed this like a year ago
!!> (function() { "use strict"; console.log(Number(0o10)); }())
@MadaraUchiha Also tempting, the next couple of weeks could be a bit hard for me though
@towc "undefined" Logged: 8
@Zirak We'll squeeze a time somewhere, and if not, a couple of weeks later
the other fun thing is that you can have 0O100 as well, and it so not looks like what you might expect it to be, without a decent monospace font
I miss Octavian
@rlemon Number(010) is pretty weird since by the time Number is called the number's already parsed
@Zirak really?
it has to
!!> Number('010')
@towc 10
@rlemon Yeah, for the same reason 0x10 is 16
It's syntax
@rlemon All arguments must be evaluated before a function can be called
That's generally true.
@MadaraUchiha yea I guess that makes sense
uuuuuuuuh we need lazy js
[salivating λ]
which is a problem I was facing when trying to shove react components into strings then pass them
I wasn't thinking
@towc Async functions
heh fair enough
@rlemon Hmm?
as in, rendering a component selectively based on a string name?
Because that's possible.
it's probably possible to write a transpiler that turns normal js code into lazy js by using async functions
@MadaraUchiha no, nesting a component in a translation string.
@towc You'll need to know what to wait on.
well, that's still not quite lazy though, is it?
I was tired/few beers and couldn't see it for a while.
next morning got it working in no time
	formatString() {
		const {id, values} = this.props;
		const message = this.findMessage(id);
		const parts = message.split(/(\{[^{}]+\})/g).map((part,index) => {
			if( /^{.*}?$/.test(part) ) {
				part = this.props.values[part.replace(/\W/g,'')];
			return <span key={index}>{part}</span>;
		return parts;
took me a while to figure out those regexp

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