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somehow he did commit that
You shouldn't be allowed to leave the office while the build's broken because of you.
all my staff personel is "technically unemployed" until I or the sys admin has resolved it
but bleh
get on it :P
been doing that since 07:15 and it's 09:02 atm lol... taking a break
enjoy then ;)
why reverting isn't possible? isn't all the git push file available on the git server?
so you can just download a different version that's been uploaded before
he merged the branches that were shared between some colleagues.
you cannot revert simply from that :)
I think I need to study about git more in udemy to understand merging branches and how to revert from it.
<div id="list">
        <div class="col" onclick="toggle(this);" />
        <div class="icon" />
        <a href="#id=1">A</a>
            <div class="col" onclick="toggle(this);" />
            <div class="icon" />
            <a href="#id=2">A.1</a>
                <div class="icon" />
                <a href="#id=3">A.1.1</a>
How can I get all parents/siblings divs with class "col" if I have following
I am searching for node... and want to expand tree to that point if it makes sense
maybe I am not able to explain what I want :(
fixed it myself :D
$("a[href='#id=4'").parentsUntil($("#list > ul" )).each(function() {
@towc Is it sad that I can't tell if you're trolling or not?
Now, I'm taking vim tips in the CIA leaked docs... Thanks ^^
(I think they took it in SO, I vaguely remember having seen it before here)
A: How does the vim "write with sudo" trick work?

Nathan Long% means "the current file" As eugene y pointed out, % does indeed mean "the current file name". Another use for this in Vim is in substitution commands. For example, :%s/foo/bar means "in the current file, replace occurrences of foo with bar." If you highlight some text before typing :s, you'll ...

The thing I had previously missed is having an easy to remember cmap shortcut
had bookmarked it :P
no need to bookmark if you just add :w!! to your vimrc
no, I bookmarked it because I hadn't time to read it completely in the past. I found it quite interesting so left it
i need to cleanup my "toRead" bookmarks ...
If i recall it right, I tried to disable the tee command
Which leads me to an idea: I should handle those "to read" in miaou...
1 hour later…
Hey There
anyone have experience with WebGL VAO's?
general question for javascript ninjas, should I concentrate on pure javascript and ECMA2015 etc before diving in to typescript? I've used javascript for years but never really deep dived - currently working through 'the good parts' by Douglas Crockford
@MichaelHarper Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MichaelHarper Ask 10 people, get 11 answers
@OliverSalzburg haha probably true
I'd say yes
The closer you are to what is natively supported, the better
yeah, I kinda feel before looking seriously at transpilers I should have a good grasp of actual JS, also am I right in thinking some of the things typescript allows me to do today will be implemented natively in ecmascript anyways?
@MichaelHarper That's what people said about ActionScript at some point
I doubt ecmascript well ever be strictly typed
@OliverSalzburg That's why I write everything in machine code
hey guys i cant find way to center the boot strap slide show call carousel
any one can help me pls ?
this is my slideshow in image
@MichaelHarper If you mean features like static analysis and type annotations, it's very unlikely.
dis amazing: asciiflow.com
oh nice, I just accidentally made something that looks like a robot head
but still no easy tool to do ascii art
I don't think I'll ever beat this
in C#, Aug 15 '12 at 15:42, by Kendall Frey
         __+`"j  _,,*-,
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 ^*-\ / I ___` |/___` /   ,'
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  yY7   |       L     I  *_-.
 /  `*__"        \     I~:,\
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|L|' `'/  \  ""   J_""  |  | |
|     L    '__  _(__)--'   : ,
 \q,` ,       ^^  |-,_  _,/  `
  \L   "..____,.-'    "`    /
   ', dy              ___,-*
And I thought beating it was one of your favorite things
@littlepootis I was thinking more like arrow functions etc rather than typing
@MichaelHarper ES6 already has arrow functions.
is my ascii
@rlemon You should totally let us pass links to that
videos need to be local for cors
otherwise, totally.
Ah, that tainted origin bullshit
anyone have webgl VAO example code? or tutorial?
You can share the algorithm :o
@Sheepy ah cool, I guess I can use typescript just to make use of new features today then?
(unless you already did ...)
arg that library seems pretty horrible, have to rewrite alot - trying to get the gl extesion of vaos working but no luck, there are literally 0 working examples of webgl vao
@snowy500 zero?
@MichaelHarper use Babel if you want to transpile in order to use new features. Use typescript if you want new features plus typing
your mum
me mum?
I'm hungover.... I must be getting old
@ndugger cool, thanks
Im trying to implement codepen.io/jgx/pen/wiIGc, just wondering, what is this at the start of the code
;(function($) {
code smell
say waht
> "a code smell is a surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem in the system"
im having a cold, cant smell shiet
best time to clean the septic system
hi guys, I'm not day-to-day programmer, who can help pe phraise a question or find an answer to some (probably easy) jquery issue?
the same as functio asd(){}
@AngelinCalu google can
!!welcome Angelin
@Angelin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm not very familiar with the terms, what do you think I should google for ?
depends on what you need
describe your problem the best you can
I'm having trouble understanding when is some ` $('.edit').click(function(e)` binded to the button with the class edit
that's some short description
literally "when" ?? like when that code executes relative to the rest of the page/code?
it's more like , why not when I am adding new element with that class to the page
okay, let me quickly break that down for you
Q: Event binding on dynamically created elements?

EliI have a bit of code where I am looping through all the select boxes on a page and binding a .hover event to them to do a bit of twiddling with their width on mouse on/off. This happens on page ready and works just fine. The problem I have is that any select boxes I add via Ajax or DOM after th...

when you run $('.foo').click you're really running something along the lines of $('.foo').each(element => element.on('click', handler)), when you add new elements to the page this code has already been run and the new elements do not have the click handler.
that's good :)
^ those are all solutions, but you should understand what is happening.
I believe I do
and I'm binding the .click event when the page loads
with $('document').ready(function(){
so use event delegation, or bind the new element when you create it
can I have multiple events that trigger that?
read up on event delegation from those links.
it should make things clear
I think I got it..
but I also have some particular situation
as I am using some library called dataTable
and before adding those elements I'm calling some bDestroy method
I think i'm missing something.**Besides** the laziness of loading modules ( requirejs , browserify) what's the difference if I'm doing ;(function (w){ w.myModule = {.... many things ...}})(window);
@rlemon he looks like a Champion!
The sorry look on its face tells me it's canadian.
> On the 23rd of March 1840, the New York Professor of Chemistry, John William Draper reported, that he had been successful in utilizing a 6-inch (13cm) Reflector Telescope and a small Daguerreotype camera to photograph the Moon’s surface on one inch diameter plates with a twenty minute exposure
cc @KendallFrey
@MichaelHarper You don't need anything special to use arrow functions, (new) object literal, default parameters, Proxy, and other new ES6 functions today, IE is the only browser that does not support them. Babel can mimic some but not all of them, the same for TypeScript transpilers.
@Sheepy IE and several mobile targets
how do you make a div remove all pointer events to divs "under it"?
Just realized that I attempted something ...odd jsfiddle.net/td75oLrp
just a loading ... thing lol... Where is my mind
anyways, if someone can make it more "fancy" (read ES5+ or complex), go ahead
Im a newbie trying to understand how to present my server's certificates in a http request so I can get around CORs. What search terms do I use to find this informatoin so I can learn? Thanks.
Q: Apply php if and else conditions for Javascript code present in .JS file

Baby in Magentowe are displaying "small Icon" on every product on listing page. What below code do is if Customer Did't click on Icon before , than it will display below icon on the product after custom click on that icon , than it will display another image as below & save that product under customer's A...

they really need to fix the chat/main user bugs.
cc @MadaraUchiha fix it
fix it now
@rlemon you could use a spread operator and a map there :o
Array.from is more concise, I'm not spreading anything. and why use map over for..of??
what is the advantage of that? you're just forcing a new function
ah true
ohh I see what you're doing
yea that's not good imo
 [...Array((element.textContent.length+1) % 4)].map(_ => '.')
is way uglier
Array((element.textContent.length+1) % 4).fill('.')
look how nice that is
Woah, using _ => ... saves a character compared to () => ... O__O
@rlemon with the magic
it's first time you see the _ => ... ? :p
it just looks ... aweful
I like _ => over (), I think it looks cleaner
_ === (_) === ()
Only if you dont use underscore or lodash
@KarelG If the argument is ignored, we generally use (). I've never seen another case where someone deliberately chose a shorter parameter name and ignored it
Or I just didn't notice it
How would you strip decimal part of a number in JS? I use x|0
actually... that is a widely used pattern, using _ as placeholder for unused formal parameters.
eh, i recalling someone passing an empty object
({}) => { ... filling ... }
made me laugh
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Math.floor(n)
@jAndy Widely used where?
@rlemon So, in your opinion, is |0 good?
Math.trunc does the job too
if for instance a callback function returns two paramters, first an index which you don't care about and second an actual value, its not rarely seen to go like (_, value) =>
@LearnHowToBeTransparent it is not better
!!mdn Math.trunc
@KarelG Something went on fire; status 403
any lib or framework which offers callbacks like described above
The interesting property of |0 is the precedance
also, it doesn't do it properly if your variable is negative
if I'm being fancy with bitwise ops I like the prettier ~~()
aah the mustache operator
!!> .2+.3|0
@DenysSéguret 0
@KarelG I always called it the sperm operator
!!> ~~(0.2+0.3)
@rlemon 0
I see why you're thinking that ...
I call ~~ the hole operator.
@rlemon and the name is the only reason you use it, right ?
its more like eye-brow-operator
@DenysSéguret I don't use it
I did when I was like "ohh this makes my code look fancy"
eh, IMO if you want to have a clean way, use Math.trunc
"hole operator" you say?
Kendall pointed me to that function in the past. I've used it since then
No IE support
I'm disgusted Math methods work on strings.
!!> ~~(-0.2)
@KarelG 0
@LearnHowToBeTransparent dude, I used her's js capability once time and you come up with this ? No thanks
I like ^= even more so switch boolean values...
!!> var foo = 0; foo ^= 1;
@jAndy 1
@jAndy "boolean"
saves to many characters!!!! = false; and = true... laaamme
!0, !1
you can't switch with !
@KarelG there are some sperm operator tests just for fun. ah, from 3 different people, not only you. my bad
other languages' interpreter / compiler would yell at you if you do such tricks like those in js :P
but you can always go like variable ^= 1
how would they yell?
javascript is like " oh, let's execute it and we will see if something bad happens. Fuck precaution "
g.current = (g.current+!move.lines)%2;
@KarelG I see it as: "I, the language designer, have no right to decide for coders what they should do. I'm here to serve them"
then the servant is quite hideous, surprising the master from time to time
also, wouldn't vendors actually need to agree on things for JavaScript to be pre-compiled and sent as a bundle?
@Loktar good channel if you're not already subbed
@KarelG "Exceptions are bound to happen, but if you catch them, your code will not be optimized and run poorly"
@KarelG !!>3.14159|0
@rlemon that was quite interesting that I even didn't notice that a co-worker walked to my desk to ask something :P
@KarelG is your co-worker still at your desk?
one of the rarest hot female programmers
haha wtf
what the hell
I can't get enough of this video
still, didn't know that the viewport got created twice if the game is horizontal
@FlorianMargaine @DenysSéguret ping
google translate tells me "Dashboard" (like, for a webapp) is "Tableau de bord"
is that correct?
@rlemon yes, may depend
in your webapps, what do you call the "dashboard" page?
in french ofc.
in programmer's context it isn't
"Tableau de bord" is probably the most usual translation
alrighty then
it is for french-canadians... so maybe just 'Dashboard' would be their preference? we'll see once it gets demoed
thanks @DenysSéguret o/
If your French-Canadians aren't susceptible regarding the lack of use of their language, then they'll be OK with dashboard
In any case they'll understand
people in Quebec get mad if you use too much frenglish
I know that, hence my precaution
And if I was unclear: "dashboard" isn't a word used in French, just one most people would understand, don't use it in a French sentence
@rlemon We even call it "Dashboard" in German, because people don't even associate the German term with a user interface element in an application
In France "Tableau de bord" is strongly linked to GUI as well as to the physical dashboard, and it's really a pretty image
The German word is "Armaturenbrett" and has a very strong link to the inside of a car, even though it applies to any similar interface
Just some random knowledge there ;P
I'm always happy to receive random knowledge, thank you
!!suscribe random-german-language-facts
@DenysSéguret That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
How do you specify a DOM node as a proptype? I've tried PropTypes.node and PropTypes.element, but they both throw a complaint for document.body as a default prop
@OliverSalzburg good to know.
thankfully I only have to do three language packs. en/es/fr
are there no translators at your company?
ofc we will hire a company to look over what I'm producing before it gets shipped.
How would I include font awesome in my react app without using the React/FontAwesome component?
I tried doing require('https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css'); but that gave me the error "ERROR in ./app/app.jsx
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css' in C:\WileyProjects\maintenance-app\app
@ ./app/app.jsx 27:0-86"
import '../css/fontawesome';
@corvid they just @import it in their main css file.
really, there is like 7-8 ways to do this
I don't want a repo or anything like that. Fontawesome is stupid simple and to add anything more to it would be pointless for my implementation
Yo my favorite yellow fruit
So I'll just @import in my CSS I guess.
@TristanWiley yo pink dot
How's it going?
it's going
That's good :)
Suh-weet! And now font awesome is working, yeah I think that repo would have been retarded.
@rlemon are there arguments to using the FA CDN? instead of a locally sourced file?
that is what they're doing, yes
you can also just toss the <link to the cdn in your template html file
I'm using the CDN as well. Are there any detriments to using @import as opposed to <link>?
gotcha. Thanks.
Is there anywhere I can donate to the helpful people in this room?
donate to your local animal shelter
Like a caprica fund or something?
The animals didn't help me learn reactJS though :(
Caprica fund should be a thing
no, but the animals helped us remain sane
@littlepootis 2nd
@littlepootis I prefer the local animal shelter
@rlemon hahaha I agree whole-heartedly
is there a deterministically generated schema-based UI library?
@DenysSéguret caprica foundation distributes the funds to the local animal shelters that need it most
... or somethin'
then only shelters near me get funded
What would be the point of that foundation ? to make us think we're important ? We don't need that
go fund a shelter near you, and adopt a pupper while you're at it
@rlemon my local animal shelter it is
hey guys, I'm trying to create a function and to restrict the typing only to numeric values inside the input type="text"
remember, every dog is a good dog
function isNumberKey(evt)
    var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode
    if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))
        return false;
    return true;
@rlemon oh you better believe it. As soon as I stop splitting my time between two cities (2-3 months) I'm getting myself the best puppers there ever was
@RulerNature input type="number"
not really working
angery... how do you blur an element, but NOT it's children? Similar to using background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5) instead of opacity: 0.5
on all browsers that I support
so polyfill it
@corvid I think you could blur the element classically and give it position: relative, then absolutely position the children and jack up the z-index?
just use standard validation with input's pattern attribute, don't prevent key typing
Maybe? I think I had a similar problem and that fixed it
@corvid make a fiddle to play with
@RulerNature what browsers don't support input type=number?
@Vap0r actually there are different behaviours on browsers
IE11 only supports roman numerals
for example firefox won't allow you to type values if attributes min and step are used
@RulerNature absolutely, but none of the browsers listed here: caniuse.com/#feat=input-number have any problem with number validiation
I think preventing keys is an UI anti-pattern. It makes you wonder whether your keyboard or computer is buggy. It's much better to just border your input in red with warning icon and a bubble explaining what's required
yes but I need to have a common behavior
@RulerNature for the validation you are using, you DO have common behavior in all browsers. Remove the up and down arrows in the browsers that do support it properly if it bothers you that much, but input type=number is what you need
so, need to add a regex or function to allow only numbers . and ,
input type="number"
and how do I type using keyboard in firefox ?
Well if you need to support "," I don't believe input type="number" will work
@RulerNature I believe you would just type. Firefox shouldn't prevent you from using the keyboard
@RulerNature Liar
I'm on FF right now, you can 100% type when using min/step properties
I said fiddle dammit
Codepen has a prettier color scheme :|
okay, so what is the problem?
hmmm I think there may be a problem from material design component ...
sorry for that ...
need to recheck
@corvid you're too slow, so I'll assume you want to blur the backdrop. codepen.io/jonitrythall/pen/GJQBOp
which will be ohh so nice
@Luggage interesting... if I require('./foo/bar') it appears to try to pack the entire directory.. even though the index.js will be the only file pulled from the require call..
is this with require.context inside the index?
nahh, inside of the app
hue hue ... i'm on the company's blacklist
"inside the app"?
require('./langs/en').default webpack sees this and tries to bundle the entire directory
causing errors
Why is this question upvoted (after it's been closed) ?
Q: Why does Javascript have constants for the square root of 2 and of 1/2

George JemptyWhy does Javascript have Math constants for the square root of 2 and of 1/2? Are these values used that frequently, and if so, how? Do other languages also implement them as constants?

works fine
now i cannot work ... not enough rights to correct that "mistake"
and index.js has no funny business with requires?
shouldn't matter, but..
@rlemon it shouldn't do that unless you have a dynamic require somewhere
@corvid not sure if you got an answer but this works:
Assuming that's what you're trying to do.
@Luggage if you require a folder it looks for index.js otherwise fails.
I know that, but when it finds an index.js it should only bundle it
@FilipDupanović hrm, that could be it
the string is built with a template string
ohh, then yes.
require('./langs/en/index.js').default is very different when it has a dynamic string
I was unaware of that
that must be it, because it transforms dynamic requires to require.context(path, false, regex)
Then you weren't listening yesterday :)
I was.. it's still open at home.
@DenysSéguret Simple. If there were no constants for those values, the outcome of any computation involving those, would be different. This is what people refer to when they're talking about "floating point errors"
Feel free to post that!
I was also enjoying post-work beers.
so in one ear, out the other
@OliverSalzburg I'm not sure it's relevant. Math.sqrt(2) gives the same result on any processor. Replacing it with a constant changes nothing
I was joking
Me too thanks
He looks furious because I edited his question...
Was I wrong ?
@OliverSalzburg quantuum developers take this stuff seriously
is there any differance between title.push($(this).find("title").text()); && title[i]= $(data).find("item title").text(); ?
depends on i...
One of them is clear about the purpose and doesn't make you check the value of i
but having an array of titles named title... :\

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