@taco if you want something simple, I could make a video of me making it with the tools you have on hand out of wood I have here, and you can make your own.
@Jenguinie Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon break the seal The point at which you first piss after you have been drinking your favorite alcoholic beverage and at this point you will be pissing every ten minutes
@William Thank you! One sec, lemme upload it somewhere. It's not on Git yet, so I'll throw it onto Dropbox (I know that's ugly, but it works). Also, I apologize for not clearly stating my question, but... it's a bit of a tangle of things.
Is it possible to get free domain names? I'm doing a lunch talk on setting up a personal server and I'd like to get people connecting to it via a name rather than IP address
Does anyone want to help me fix some issues with my jQuery AJAX connection to my slim 3 PHP API and figure out why I can't get returned data to my AJAX script?
A number is called magical if the number of odd numbers in it is odd and the number of even numbers in it is even.
Now, given a number, you have to help figure out if that number is magical or not. If it is, print "YES", otherwise print "NO".
Example: The input is 22333, so the outpu...
I can't answer that. Depends on many factors. Are you building for corporate with a locked-down browser policy? Third World consumers with only low-power mobile devices? As a bet?
@NathanMarotta Wikipedia and Google works in Lynx. Stackoverflow chat does not. The Internet as we know have always had sites that worked only in certain browsers. We can't look at the future if all we do is stay with the past. Latest IE is a pretty low standard in this room.
@NathanMarotta I don't go out of my way to check update for every pieces of software. But yes I do keep my software up to date, even as a user. I just upgraded my Cantabile, a music software, yesterday. And I am running Win 10. On a 6 years old machine without SSD.
@NathanMarotta I use only Android and I keep them up to date, too, yes. Update make them run faster.
At least the system updates do. App updates are more about new features and rarely become faster...
But than I know what is running on my phone and can uninstall them. LG Backup? Die. LG Smartworld? Die. I even disabled gmail sync so that it won't stay in background.
@NathanMarotta If you have heard as many crazy stories as we do you wouldn't second think about keeping old browsers. Just keeping them is sometimes a potential danger.
@SoBiT Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@towc Thanks! Unfortunately I couldn't find any technical information about GSAP. Does it make use of CSS3 transitions and animations? Do you have a link with some technical facts about GSAP?
@jacobian you're an awful person. We're a community for the improvement of, well, itself, and we try to help each other out. You're going against that philosophy and you should feel bad
try to take responsibility in the community and help others :)
;_; a co-worker commited a broken build to master ... guess what, it has 31 changed files and the java EE server logs doesn't log the error because its unable to detect the root cause. Oh irony that he's day off today