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So any suggestions :D
@ThiefMaster hbdy
@Shrek buy a boat
@Shmiddty I had a userstyle for that at one point
@rlemon No.
@rlemon can we get Caprica back in Docker chat
whats the room number?
!!summon 76919
nice, thanks
now I'm not so lonely in there, like me_irl
πŸŒ²πŸš—β˜ οΈ
Tree car death?
hello lover rlemon
I don't remember a first date
its already over that was fast
so you called be your lover so sad for it to be over chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/17?m=35701367#35701367
alternative transcripts
is anyone here on windows? I'm trying to understand path in windows and compared to OSX and linux it is slightly more confusing
What about it
aka UNC paths
I'm on Windows right now. But I don't use Windows for dev. So I'm clueless
That wiki page gives a few examples
yes thank you
is there something like .bashrc for windows. I guess the start up folder
Your mum
> safety squints
seriously tho.. my eyes
Im drunk
πŸ‘ _ πŸ‘
@William to edit the %path% in windows, look up how to "edit environment variables" in your version of windows.
should I make my mom a bench or a end table?
Bash doesnt eben make sense
or a coat rack
coat rack
^ how big of a table though?
standing or mounted?
I have a tiny coat rack, it sucks. Make me one
Prove it
Hallway mostly done. Bench and Coat Rack complete. https://t.co/oTlq0e6R6J
I have to pee
@taco what you want?
I'll commission for materials + shipping only.
he needs a rack for tiny coats
Really, hmmm
but that is probably a shitload for shipping alone
Drive it down in a U-Haul
You need to make things that can be flat-packed.
I enjoy doing it. so if someone wants to pay me learn how to do it, sure, I'll not charge beyond parts + shipping
my time is free at that point.
(for now)
I wanted something made with some wood from a cabin my wife's dad built actually, but not keen on shipping the wood
what did you want made? and what tools do you have at hand?
can't they 3d print wood, yet?
depends on what you classify as wood
short answer: yes
long answer: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I think I'm ok. I'll hit you up if I change my mind. But thanks alot for the offer dude! :d
wtf can't windows copy the standard bash commands?
@taco if you want something simple, I could make a video of me making it with the tools you have on hand out of wood I have here, and you can make your own.
because windows has it's own command interpreter, but you are free to use bash in windows.
@rlemon Nice. let me think on that
That was a good pee
Hey, anyone free to help me fix a strange glitch involving GSAP and jQuery?
@Jenguinie Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ndugger seal?
if so, won't be the last.
peeing on a seal?
!!urban break the seal
@rlemon break the seal The point at which you first piss after you have been drinking your favorite alcoholic beverage and at this point you will be pissing every ten minutes
!!giphy sorry
I should hard code that to a picture of me with a big frown.
@Jenguinie link? No promises but I'll take a look
ahaha i.imgur.com/pS4K8Oj.png yes! I have the image
@William Thank you! One sec, lemme upload it somewhere. It's not on Git yet, so I'll throw it onto Dropbox (I know that's ugly, but it works). Also, I apologize for not clearly stating my question, but... it's a bit of a tangle of things.
You look old in tjat pictire
I am old in that picture
Youre not old
carrie mathison has got to be the most hatable character in tv ever
Youre just experirnced
ask anyone < 21, 30 is old.
I'm 29 and 30 is old
Im 24, and 20 is old
I'm XXXVII and XV is old.
Im your mum
@William https://www.dropbox.com/sh/aiafh3tkx6mli85/AADg7Er0YD1Gz-Tgx6rsx8Pqa?dl=0

Is there any way to PM you?
Since the problem isn't immediately clear, that is.
@Luggage you dirty old man
@rlemon Got your grandpa in on this now?
!!s/old\./old enough/
@Shmiddty @Luggage you dirty old enoughman (source)
@Jenguinie uhh i'm not downloading something to view it
I'm 31 and what is this?
@Shmiddty I'm XXXVII and XV is old enough (source)
@William No worries. I'll ask elsewhere. Thanks anyway.
Your mum
@KendallFrey I inherited his ring. it's been a quick transition
@rlemon is this shooped or are you having a bad time?
it's staged. not shopped.
I just have an ugly face
@rlemon baseball hat and some stains and you are good to go scaring kids
Is it possible to get free domain names? I'm doing a lunch talk on setting up a personal server and I'd like to get people connecting to it via a name rather than IP address
async isLoggedIn() {
        return true;
        await this.executeRefreshTokenFlow();
        // Refresh Token flow failed.
    return !this.isTokenExpired();
I'm too fast for her
you;re a fast one
Anyways does that look like crap code.
@david if you don't mind random domain names, sure
weak use of whitespace
> Searching for a free domain name? Buy one of our hosting packages and get a domain for free!
@rlemon you look like me.
that one could scare adults as well
too late buddy
Good thing @ndugger already peed.
Any ideas to improve that code I posted?
why do you need the last line
@Mosho to check if the newer token works :D
Ihabr hiccups now
() => return !this.isTokenExpired() || await this.executeRefreshTokenFlow() && !this.isTokenExpired()
and hope that the error bubbling because of no catch doesn't break too much :D
I also don't know if you can just throw awaits around like that...
@rlemon lol who is that?
my evil twin
(yes, mirror)
Your mum
that chin could poke an eye out
If you kbow what i mran
here is the opposite
for those who don't know, this is what I normally look like:
I must say, I never expected to find The Square Root of 4 to a Million Places in ebook form.
... nvm you have done much worse and I don't want to challenge you. xD
Does this room cover jQuery?
Does anyone want to help me fix some issues with my jQuery AJAX connection to my slim 3 PHP API and figure out why I can't get returned data to my AJAX script?
This room's policy on jQuery is that you shouldn't be using jQuery, because it sucks
something something callback
i like callbacks
I never get called back
howdy anyoen around can check this
@damniatx howdy
can someone help me understand my question please
@damniatx link you have a lot of questions
what is it mean
A number is called magical if the number of odd numbers in it is odd and the number of even numbers in it is even.
i'mma check that shit
lol I just saw on FB a video explaining why Israel is not an apartheid state
@damniatx i think you are in the wrong room
how can you be not clinically dead and think that it's an apartheid state
@William where should i ask about ?
Q: How to make an attempt with this Python homework?

Susan Tandiono A number is called magical if the number of odd numbers in it is odd and the number of even numbers in it is even. Now, given a number, you have to help figure out if that number is magical or not. If it is, print "YES", otherwise print "NO". Example: The input is 22333, so the outpu...

damn willy
people downvoting this hahaha
@damniatx It should be pretty easy to solve once you get the basics down.
@little pooties
@littlepootis yep, would you to help me with that
current code, pastebin.com/Pzm8KNC6
Is that Go?
Swiftly take your swift out of this room
Not a joke
@William I checked your shit, it doesn't work
>howdy anyoen around can check this
@david which shit?
i did get it worknig
Also checked shit, can confirm, does not work.
It runs a function over each element in an array, building some kind of aggregate result. (Usually)
How come it only works in certain browsers
@NathanMarotta Unless you're using something made more than 5 years ago, it works everywhere
Would you say that's a good amount of users?
I can't answer that. Depends on many factors. Are you building for corporate with a locked-down browser policy? Third World consumers with only low-power mobile devices? As a bet?
IE10 and above support it
So unless you're building for IE9 and below, you don't need to worry
I like the link, I think I may use it in future
thank you for the reference
I'm in Australia all week. If anyone wants to ehem beer don't be a stranger.
and I was just asking in general, as a general user overall do you think more users would use a older or newer browser
@NathanMarotta Wikipedia and Google works in Lynx. Stackoverflow chat does not. The Internet as we know have always had sites that worked only in certain browsers. We can't look at the future if all we do is stay with the past. Latest IE is a pretty low standard in this room.
understandable @Sheepy
@NathanMarotta And as web developers, we should advice the general users to upgrade their browser. It's a professional advice for their good.
I do not like upgrading certain things as they cause lags
Wait until that old IE let a site to steal your logins, delete your Facebook posts, and plant ransomware into your machine.
@NathanMarotta Chrome is resource intensive, but Firefox runs relatively well on resource constrained machines and will be faster than any IE.
I understand, do you update everything?
firefox and chrome are evergreen in that they update themselves
makes a webdev's life a heck of a lot easier!
@derp Your avatar... It reminds me of someone...
@NathanMarotta I don't go out of my way to check update for every pieces of software. But yes I do keep my software up to date, even as a user. I just upgraded my Cantabile, a music software, yesterday. And I am running Win 10. On a 6 years old machine without SSD.
@monners doge?
I find when you update on older machines it tends to run slower, i.e) iPhone ios
I am running 8.3 on my 5s
@NathanMarotta I use only Android and I keep them up to date, too, yes. Update make them run faster.
At least the system updates do. App updates are more about new features and rarely become faster...
But than I know what is running on my phone and can uninstall them. LG Backup? Die. LG Smartworld? Die. I even disabled gmail sync so that it won't stay in background.
True, do you ever use tor?
unless there's some sort of security update, but you don't get to just get the security update usually
@NathanMarotta Used to run a Tor exit node. I moved house and now I'm stuck with a slow connection so I can't afford that now.
the browser tor
there are slow connections in hong kong?
oh lol a browser running on tor will be slow regardless
deep web
@derp Yeah. I now live in a house, in a remote area.
Funny that my connection is slower than when I was living on an island. Travel time, too, for that matter.
maybe they never bothered wiring it up. The internet connection consists of a giant radio tower that gets its bandwidth from free wifi
man i wish australia had MTR
@NathanMarotta No. I don't browser the deep web and I have no browsing habit that make me want to use tor browser.
Have you ever heard stories, crazy stuff!
@NathanMarotta technically this chat is part of the deep web
@NathanMarotta If you have heard as many crazy stories as we do you wouldn't second think about keeping old browsers. Just keeping them is sometimes a potential danger.
its not indexed by google
You got me there, but that stuff is worse, some people know too much.
@derp I love the Moscow underground more. Even if it's not as modern. You can almost smell the arts, the culture.
@Sheepy hmm i've never been, i'll have to visit one day
I don't understand how a person can be so intelligent sometimes with programming with some of those stories
@derp Imagine if it was! There'd be some interesting exit interviews
doing some research on the great Zuck, very fascinating
@NathanMarotta I am stupid enough to not associate programming skill with intelligence lol.
hahahhaa @monners
yep...definitely exit interviews
well, you have to be intelligent in order to get the knowledge some of these people have
possibly leading to adding stackoverflow onto the corporate firewall xD
@NathanMarotta, intelligence and moral compass are two very different and independent things
you have to have it though to get to the places these people do, no?
im scared to ask what places
well, Bill Gates to his status now
by places I mean status, or place where there at now
oh i thought you were still talking about the dark deep web lol
Does Trump has high IQ?
clearly you don't because that was the improper use of "has" , use "have" in this case.
I'm just kidding lol, but Trump doesn't program
trump only has style
you've got to admit, trump has unique personality that other world leaders don't have.
i'd rather someone with more substance in charge of a nuclear arsenal :S
@NathanMarotta I think of programming as similar to other crafts like woodworking
He's learning fast and is behaving surprisingly more like a president now, I'll give him that. Totally expected him to bite the Oscars bait.
obviously natural talent like intelligence will help you some of the way, but the more you practice, the better you become
are you saying you are not intelligent lol @derp
I think derp is simply restating what Einstein said about genius.
who is Einstein
compared to the likes of donald knuth, uncle bob and edward djistrka i am but amoeba
or at least a funny looking shiba inu
edsger dijkstra*
I feel like programmers have extensive vocabulary
i find myself often asking "what is a word which means blah and blah" when figuring out good names for functions
If you had to explain A/I simply and concise, what would u say?
AI: A solution finder thingy that tries to solve the problem you give it
have you ever tried writing a a/I program? I find this area quite interesting
depends how you define it, is a depth first search algorithm to find the largest number in a list AI?
what about a robot arm that uses the same algorithm to pick up all the red balls out of a bag?
i find the definition a bit fuzzy
I would say your 2nd definition
but they're using the same algorithm, the only thing that has changed are form of the inputs and what you are doing with the outputs
Depth search is just a strategy to find solution from a decision tree. It does not mean a robotic arm physically pick balls by depth.
extensive language kicking in^
I have an AI degree. Yes it is an interesting area. In my time we didn't even know how neural network works - we only knew that they work.
Time change, of course. Now we have better understanding and better tools... as well as much more complicated networks.
@Sheepy do you know of any js based neural network libraries?
@derp Google is your friend
i ask...as i google it just then and there
Your my friend
No, I haven't used any js ai library. May be later when my son grow up and go to kinder garden and I have some free time...
Easy for you to say. You don't have a struggling baby on your lap :(
people on stackoverflow chat have free time :P or are procrastinating from some horrible task they dont want to do
that robot arm sure would come in handy now
you have your laptop on your baby? or baby on your laptop?
that reminds me of a gif
Ok. He is unhappy. I better leave now. AFK.
hahahahahahaahhah @derp
that was hillarious
oh gawd, i've hurt @sheepy's baby
im sorry!
you pulled that up awfully quick
it was on reddit a few days ago
or yesterday
mhm sure
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you: Weasel.
plz help
Use ajax for this purpose — Niklesh 10 mins ago
the weasel is surprised after reading the latest executive order signed by Trump
@BenjaminGruenbaum just order belgian beer when you're in Amsterdam.
1 hour later…
@jacobian Ugh, what now?
@MadaraUchiha a travel ban for climate change. He wants it to stay in China, where it was created
Hey guys, what do you think about GSAP? Did you have good experiences working with it? :)
@SoBiT Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SoBiT gsap is good. There's nothing really that I can say is wrong about it, except for the fact that it's a library and takes loading time
I don't use it because of personal reasons, but I do recommend it
$("a[href='#id=4'").parentsUntil($("#list > ul"))
I want to iterate through parents we get using parentsUntil - but got no clue
@towc Thanks! Unfortunately I couldn't find any technical information about GSAP. Does it make use of CSS3 transitions and animations? Do you have a link with some technical facts about GSAP?
madara is a mod right? so if I say something wrong then he would ban me for 7 days like last time.
I doubt you did any research if you didn't see that
I actually visited the greenstock page.
Right, greensock
anyway, you can literally also just look at what happens in the dom when you use it
I really need to create another SO account as this one is easily identifiable. an old account I created back in college.
GSAP is generally an abstraction layer for animation, and it helps because it also can apply those abstractions to various things like CSS
Cool, thank you. I'll have a look at it!
@jacobian you're an awful person. We're a community for the improvement of, well, itself, and we try to help each other out. You're going against that philosophy and you should feel bad
try to take responsibility in the community and help others :)
Hi there, Does anyone here knows how to check nested formControls/groups validation with angular2 reactiveForms ?
@Mathematics How about $("a[href='#id=4'").parentsUntil($("#list > ul")).each() ?
well I am a nice person actually.
prove it :)
the term awful is sufficient for donald trump.
politics is generally off-topic here
you can't exclude from politics.
unless there is something funny to joke with
this is why you get banned
even CIA mixed politics with spy software
I always get banned in some places. because I had a personality
discussing politics will divide the community and get people in a bad or comptemtuous mood. sad.
eh, it's rare to not discuss about politics if you're going to an event :p
well that's life. you can't expect everyone to be happy
it eventually comes on topic. but fades away
@jacobian no, because you stir hate. You can have a personality and not be bad for the community πŸ˜ƒ
@SoBiT let me try thanks
@jacobian but you can do your best to make everyone feel happy
I think it works both way.
I can tell joke to make everyone happy. how about that?
you shouldn't go against it. If you do, you're part of the reason why you can't expect everyone to be happy
@jacobian yes, that's what we do
well I am not in the business of complying with the norm
I am in the business of being unique
mask our insecurities with dad jokes. we love'em
This isn't the place for it.
you can be unique by being helpful
take a loot at how amazing some of the people here are
rlemon is a bloody legend, copy is a bloody genius, sterling drinks bloody marys
pootis pootis poot
you can be unique without being horribly annoying and prone to rejection
are you a psychiatrist? you seem like one
I'm certified
in something
good for you
;_; a co-worker commited a broken build to master ... guess what, it has 31 changed files and the java EE server logs doesn't log the error because its unable to detect the root cause. Oh irony that he's day off today
You shouldn't be allowed to commit something like that..
reverting isn't possible because the build contains merges from other builds

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