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not the lounge
they'll destroy me
The thing that annoys me most about {} tuples is that you need to wrap them in parens when you return
probably just bin the request
well, I should still do it though
@Meredith better than explicit return
Yeah it's just annoying though
Idk how we put up with typing function() { } every time
@Meredith better then Java
I would have prefered if they shortened function(){} to fu(){} instead of the => syntax
or even f(){}
@William ಠ_ಠ
fn (args) -> whatever end
Is what they use in elixir
@William how dare you
@Meredith I know the syntax I just don't like it
If anything besides an arrow, I'd go for a .
So like what
while we are on the topic I don't like the implied return when using the ->
so don't use it
no one is forcing you
but you guys will
function still exists.
you're an abomination of society
I think () => return whatever works
you'd need {}
I wouldn't know
@William That's kind of the point of it. Supporting blocks was a bonus.
@towc you can use #pragma once
every sane compiler supports it
implicit returns don't wrap with {}, which is why returning an object literal needs to be wrapped to make it an expression
this is the example I don't like (t => t)(1)
Coordinate::Coordinate( int x, int y ){
  this->x = x;
  this->y = y;
you can change this to:
Coordinate::Coordinate( int x, int y ) : x(x), y(y) {}
I prefer the 1st one but I don't do C++
@littlepootis in substitution of the #ifndef s or with?
sub for
pragma wasn't standard for a long long time, but has been everywhere for the last 10 years
@towc yes
@KendallFrey are you familiar with Murphy's law?
You can also look into uniform initialization and intializer lists.
@littlepootis "do you like a or b? yes"
It states that whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.
Are you familiar with Cole's Law?
@towc sub for header guards
got em
what are you getting at
im scared
it's thinly sliced cabbage
Cole has the best laws
I told that to Holly. she just laughed and called me a nerd.
I don't like coleslaw
Can I use the standard zlib node API to gzip my responses to my client?
depends on who makes it tbh
some of it is rancid shit. some of it is gold in a bowl.
nevermind, they have an example of it in the docs
Usually when you get it at a restaurant it's cabbage, carrots, and too much mayo
there is a greek place near me that makes a really good coleslaw
if their other food was better I might eat there more often
@Meredith when you mentioned -> were you talking about Java not Javascript?
i'm not familiar with Java so I got confused in the convo
No that was elixir
This is the future that liberals want. https://t.co/QwterpqQbH
The replies to this tweet are epic
oh hey it's that mysterious new shrek guy
Lol allison weiss responded to that
Love her
@polNewsNetwork1 looks fucking awesome!
subways aren't in the constitution
they don't belong in america
@Meredith she's the best
I had plans to see her in orlando but it ended up being the day after the shooting so I decided not to go
yuck, I have to learn joins now... I wanted to live my life without ever understanding SQL
wait till you need nested subqueries
How did you get this far without knowing how to use joins?
I'm a front end developer; whenever I had a personal project, I just used an ORM and just made multiple separate queries to the DB like some kind of cuck
How can I kill a pid which is always increasing ? (nohup)
i wasn't aware processes could change their pid...
what do you mean always increasing?
I run a node process using nohup
When I run a list command to running processes
ps -ef | grep "node"
it shows the process,
but when I list the processes again, it shows again with an increased pid
xkill i think
I canot stop it because its always increasing
is it a graphics application?
no, just a node
hmm reboot. There is probably a way to kill all processors by exe name
reboot apache ?
shuld I use forever start server.js or nojup forever start.js ?
@user3304007 are you sure that's not your grep?
@user3304007 It's being restarted by another process
I've been tricked by that before
Stop that process.
^ definitely
its mine, I did run a process like "nohup forever start.js"
killall -9 forever
just not in prod
let me try
forever: no process killed
what is the parent pid of the node process, is that always the same?
When I list running processes, it shows:

root 2952 15927 0 04:42 pts/0 00:00:00 grep node
killall -9 node
node: no process killed
When I list running processes again, it shows
root 2958 15927 0 04:42 pts/0 00:00:00 grep node
that's not the node process
that's the grep process
see, the pid has been changing always
means ?
why are you running things as root?
there is no node process running
oh man the memes
Does anyone know why it would work in JS to set element.style.height = 100; without the px at the end?
so what should ı do
@Alesana why shoudn't it work
@user3304007 nothing, you've killed the process
how about killi,ng the grep too ?
the grep node thing you're seeing is just the command you're running to check if it exists
@William In another page, it doesn't, and I read online it must have px at the end.
are you running ps something | grep node?
@Alesana px are optional in some cases this is one of them
Ah, on another page I have the same code and it isn't working.
So, I will fix it on both pages then.
@William Thanks!
is element.style.height = '100px' valid?
I just using ssh
That is the grep process.
@Luggage yes
although I would use double quotes
You don't need to kill anything.
Do you prefer this
nohup forever start server.js
forever start server.js

for always running node ?
Everything's dead.
if you typed "grep node" then it's waiting for input on "standard in". Just hit ctrl-c
I use pm2.
I also use pm2.
you use without nohup right ?
You configure pm2 as a service so it starts on boot. It will do that for you. It has a command for that.
But you can configure node as a service directly. How you do that depends on your distro version.
I don't think "forever start server.js " will make it start again after reboot (i.e. a 'service')
But I wont reboot
So you'll never update your server? Never install security patches?
or accidentally unplug it
For learning it's perfectly reasonable that he'd just re-run stuff manually after a reboot
If you want something quick and dirty, then you got it: forever start server.js
for my 'dicking around' server i just run everything in screen :P
I agree, david, but I wanted to press the 'right way' first, since some people actually do that on production servers.
sorry caps forgot :)
I even run across blog posts that suggest that and never mention "don't really leave it this way permanently"
you shouldn't need nohup with "forever start", accorind to the docs.
the "start" command starts it in the background.
But.. if it stops when you disconnect, just try it with nohup.
let me show you my command
is anyone here doing node devlopment on windows just cuirous. I am basically
I may be wrong.
Just give it a try. I'm talking from memory and a quick look at the docs.
forever start -s "node --max-old-space-size=12288 --nouse-idle-notification --NODE_ENV=production" server.js
you need pm2 in your life
@William I have done a little bit... you end up just using a linux terminal for most of it anyway
do you guys know a benchmark testing for socketio
I want to test for many users
does that line work? If not, try putting server.js inside the quotes.
actually it should be
forever start -s server.js "node --max-old-space-size=12288 --nouse-idle-notification --NODE_ENV=production"
and i'm not sure about a --NODE_ENV option..
no, that's not right.
i just tried
first, get the command you want to run with forever working.
it worked but gave this error
warn: --minUptime not set. Defaulting to: 1000ms
warn: --spinSleepTime not set. Your script will exit if it does not stay up for at least 1000ms
NODE_ENV=production node ...
@little what you mean
that's how you're supposed to do it is what I mean
node should be at the end ?
But I'm not sure if it'll work with forever.
it should. i see it in examples online
NODE_ENV=production node --max-old-space-size=12288 --nouse-idle-notification
I'm trying not to feed the vamp and get him to fix it..
ohh well. stick server.js at the end of that.
no, you are wrong luggage
What is he wrong about?
NODE_ENV=production forever start "node --max-old-space-size=12288 --nouse-idle-notification server.js"
that's how i'd try with forever, but try the normal version working first. Make sure you know the commandline you want to run BEFORE adding forever into it.
Is there any Symfony developer? How to get parameters from request object request->parameters->form (from ajax jQuery serialize form)


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
luagge just tries your command and it doesnt work. wrong.
php chat sleep
not really
try asking there first
$ NODE_ENV=production forever start "node --max-old-space-size=12288 --nouse-idle-notification server.js"
Doesn't work.
$ _
I doubt anyone here is familiar with Symfony.
ok, thanks
If you're talking about Symfony, link to the library you're referring to.
NODE_ENV=production forever start -c "node --max-old-space-size=12288 --nouse-idle-notification" server.js
needs -c, i think.
it can be used -c or -s or whatever. I used s to make it in silent mode. means in doesnt create unnecessary logs
this is what works on me
forever start -s server.js "node --max-old-space-size=12288 --nouse-idle-notification --NODE_ENV=production"
I saw a manual that "server.js" must be included before the commands in apostophes ""
I cannot wrap my head around joins...
odd that that works with the arguments switched and no -c to tell it to use alternate command..
-c means ?
-c for "command". To reaplce the default "node" with something like "node --max-old-space-size=12288"
I have a table of "Parents" and a table of "Children". Each child has 1 parent... how do I get every parent and each parent's children?
select * from parent join child on parent.id = child.parentId;
I tried that
What if I not include -c ?
@user3304007 got me.. I was triyng to help with exampled I see online. I don't use forever
what sql dialect, @ndugger
I'm using knex
ohh, then you don't write sql. but i know knex, too
.join('Child', function () {
    this.on('Parent.id', '=', 'Child.parent')
that's what I have
All I get back from that is a child of the first parent
gotta look up some things.. did you turn on debug in kneq so you can see the SQL it generates?
nope, I'll do that
it looks right, though.
is it bad if my tables have the same column names, like "id"?
depends who you ask. I use an "id" on all tables.
If it's consistent, you are good.
select * from "Parent" inner join "Child" on "Parent"."id" = "Child"."parent"
that's the SQL it spat up
That's perfect.
Must be the data that's wrong.
Also, that will skip any parent without children.
For now that's ok
I want all of the data from the parents as well as the data from the parent's children
not just the children of each parent
this isn't giving me the parent as well
yea, you'll get all columns from both tables.
all in one object?
that seems shitty
if so, that explains why I'm having issues... the parent has 3 columns: id, title, and slug
that's how sql works, but there are ways.
the child table has those same columns as well
so the child is overwriting the parent's columns in the object
yea.. it should return them all, still.
I don't want it all ion one object anyways
I'll have to do separate queries then
sql is stupid
Kinda. the query language makes sense. And you CAN have postgres return arrays of results in a column.
but since knex is "one library for all databaes" then using anythign but plain SQL gets ugly.
If you plan to map these right to objects for parent/child, etc, then yes. 1 query per object type is the most straightforward.
But fancy tools do a single query for performance and de-duplicate.
yeah, I wanted to squeeze performance out of it, but it's too stupid
It's not that big of a hit, 2 queries.
and.. if you have a connection pool (you should) and this isn't in a transaction (doesn't need to be), then you can run them simultaneously
well, multiple queries definitely works...
@ndugger SQL makes more sense when you use it for it's original use, and don't just want to map tables to JS objects. e.g.:

    count(Child.id) AS "Family Size",
    avg(Child.age) AS "Avg Child Age"
from "Parent" inner join "Child" on "Parent"."id" = "Child"."parent"
group by Parent.id
SQL is, is some ways, a poor fit for modern use, but it's a powerful standard language. also, DBs like postgres have a clear data model, good performance, atomicity. Just a language that is sometimes arcane.
knowing sql is like knowing bash. you can fire up psql and start issuing commands, getting data, looking at what the server is doing, making tables to store data, make rules, have events happen when data changes, etc.
You'll still need to join, even just finding records. e.g. you want all children with a parent named "bob" but without loading every parent first.
omg Denny's is tweeting these now? @phenomnomnominal you fuckhead
zoom in on the syrup https://t.co/omRBupjrXq
tfw your potato has layers https://t.co/DZKcg6E7bA
@KendallFrey so good aye
hi all
@buihoanghai Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
4 hours later…
@BenjaminGruenbaum ping, I need some help with node's streams if/when you are free
!!welcome AwalGarg
@AwalGarg Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@towc "Consensus is that the brother of the asker is right, and the asker should congratulate him." Good job Quora.
In the news: An experienced software engineer detained at USA Airport, being asked to "write a function" to check a binary search tree, among others, and is told by the customs that he answered them wrong.
hello guys I am new to javasript I am trying to convert html to pdf using jspdf here is the link jsfiddle.net/light22/68h81owf please help thanks in advance
@jezz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Generate pdf from HTML in div using Javascript

John CrawfordI have the following html code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p>don't print this to pdf</p> <div id="pdf"> <p><font size="3" color="red">print this to pdf</font></p> </div> </body> </html> All I want to do is to print to pdf whatever is found in the...

Q: Export HTML table to pdf using jspdf

VijayI need to export the HTML table to pdf file using jspdf. I tried the below code but it displays the blank/empty output in pdf file. Any suggestions or sample code for this would be helpful. ` <script type="text/javascript"> function demo1() { $(function () { var specialEl...

@jezz Did you try google? I got these from google.
ye but seems I have no luck using this I am a beginner
@Sheepy ... And I'm going to USA in april for work
The second answer seems to come with a pretty long code that claims to be working. Tried that?
@KarelG Better brush up your binary search tree answers now. He suspect that someone googled it from the web, which'd be the only correct answer to the uninitiated ;)
@KarelG Let's try the other question: What's an abstract class and why'd you need it?
Q: Issue in accessing object property in javascript shows undefined?

SaMeErI am just calling api which returns josn encoded data and trying to print object property but shows undefined but when I print that object , the object has that property and value. my code function sendData(postData, url){ var response = apiCall(postData,url); console.log(respon...

one answer:
> You need to use promises to make it work
Wow. The answer is getting my vote. Now.
On second thought... it's not a bad answer :p
It works but he made the things complicated
anyone seen this before ?
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'plnkr_dirty_exit' exceeded the quota.
there is a size limit on local storay ;)
trying to create a pluncker
can I increase it on chrome ;)
Madara marked it as a dup. Well done!
@Sheepy you know him/her for a long time, don't you
@Mathematics He does.
sorry, I don't know your gender
@Mathematics Does it matter? vOv
@Mathematics i believe it's hard coded as 5MB iirc
@MadaraUchiha in above sentence it does :)
Ah right, some people actually care....
@Mathematics I'm male. My pronouns are "Your majesty" and "Your excellency".
@Mathematics *zir
@MadaraUchiha I honestly don't understand these words and scope there are covering at this point
you've known zir for a long time, don't you?
@KarelG ewww now I have an issue
@Mathematics It's a joke, ignore it. I'm male.
Madara, I refuse your authority. I don't acknowledge it. Because you're a tiny pity peasant. I'm above you. YOU MUST RESPECT MY AUTORITAH !
@MadaraUchiha haha right, thanks :)
@KarelG kicks
aah your reaction is physical violence ? Tss. You don't know what you're missing. I'm a generous god.
unless i face with spartans ...
I hope they'll turn this battle into an actual historical movie at some point
@GNi33 if i recall it right, it's named as "battle of Thermopylae" or something
a movie?
I know of a movie from around the 60s
no, a historical event. not sure if there is a more "realistic" movie
oh, yeah. Yes, that's what it's called
i like to read about history :)
yeah, me too
especially about this period of time
ancient greece, rome, egypt...
because the whole second persian invasion is freaking fascinating
this battle is only one interesting part about it, although it definitely stands out. I doubt it really happened like this, but still
why would you want to?
I want do it in loop and after loop do somethink else
var files:
task with files
Hello guys. how do you assess a person knowledge of writing jQuery plugins?
I was thinking of making the person explain to me how some feature of a simple plugin is written...are there any plugins which are not too complex nor too easy in this regard...?
@KrisGroove does the loop depend on changes made in the loop?
in loop I colecting files and after loop I want process all this files
and I must do it after loop ends
either use recursion or a promise, you don't really want to do that synchronously
@deostroll I'd see what he has written and ask him to show it and explain what it does how it works. Then you can decide where that plugin is too easy and you need to ask more, or too complex and you should move on to other topics.
these guys are freshers! I don't expect that they would have written anything plugin-ish
Maybe you're expecting too much from them.
plugins are like dongles. People expects that plugins saves them
hey any one have idea of dialog box using jquery
@Herry Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@deostroll ask them to write something without jquery
if the person can do that and also claims that he/she knows jquery well, I would be inclined to believe
oh boy
^-- person has reppointitis issue
imgur is having lots of problem past two days >.>
Good day, I have a little question here because I won´t spam stackOverflow, but I made a question about JS script, but during answering the question of other users I realised thanks to their answers, that my question is a little misdirecting from my main real problem that other users relieved... should I somehow change text of question? ... thanks for answer in advance...
for example I asked here:

that How to programmatically prevent web page to refresh for specific period of time ... but I realised that I don´t need to prevent web page to refresh, but do it in other way... it is possible to change my qustion text, or I shouldn´t do that... sorry, maybe I am in bad topic, but I didn´t know to what chat room I should write..
@deostroll Than ask them to talk about the programs they have done. If they have done decent JavaScript, DOM, and OOP they should be able to handle simple plugins. Plugins are not very different from writing normal programs, they have a start, some input, some output, and perhaps an end.
@MarekBernád Thanks for asking instead of just editing
Anyone interested in looking at angularjs performance issue with ng-repeat
In your case, don't edit the original question, open a new one, explain that you've asked a question before and that this new question is related, and ask your new question.
@OliverSalzburg I created a similar plunker
In general: If an edit you're thinking of making will cause a correct answer to become incorrect, don't make the edit.
@MadaraUchiha Ok, thanks for information. :)
guys i have render loop, and it takes average 3 to 7ms to complete, but im dropping frames - how? i thought under 16ms was 60fps at least
@snowy500 Got an example?
i have a webgl render call, and it makes my fps go wild, from 20 to 60 and all inbetween
That doesn't help in the slightest.
yes but im not sure my code will either: pastebin.com/ueiqBvmv im calling that in a requestAnimationFrame loop
I have 4,194,304 terrain vertices - which is alot, but my zFar is like 128, so it should clip nearly all of them out
Howdy All
Need your help with this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/42553413/…

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