I have no idea what your IE11 problems are. I don't use jQuery UI. But you are right about what a modal is. It is to prevent the user from interacting with what's "behind " it.
@ssube Using npm/jspm ensures bundles get loaded in the right order. I can't imagine manually sending a tarball every time you need to update your app.
splitting up your build step and your deployment step is fairly common. They need different things so you can set up leaner machines that are tailored to each one.
and rather than let npm install modules, which is not entirely deterministic, many folks like to have a canonical machine do that and bundle the modules into a single archive
an artifact, if you will, that can be reliably deployed to many servers
I'm writing a tiny little simple ORM for Redis with relationals in Node. Is it acceptable for the initial setup of the module to be synchronous, or should I make it async?
@Luggage I ssh into the web dir, jspm update @me/myApp, boom, done
@ssube I can appreciate what you are trying to say, but I am the only JS-dev working with a bunch of oldschool ruby on rails devs. Anything I build has to sidestep their process.
@BrianJ my suggestion: if the job requires it or you want to be more marketable, learn a popular test harness and write some tests for your personal projects to get used too it
let me see if I can handle my github as well, feel free to add issues
(and keep in mind, this is only for learning, if I want to add features like menuing, I'll do it later, just worrying about best practices/syntax for now)