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i just had to add "syntax-dynamic-import", to my .babelrc to tell babel to stop throwing an error when it sees import()
you gotta be kidding me
I am not.
lemme see your configs
yes if I would do that, it might work for me too
but then it means, you have to use babel to make it work
what? I thought you were already using babel
This error is FROM babel. The plugin fixes that.
I do..... the fuzz is all about if webpack supports that import() translation natively
babel is screaming about that syntax before it gives the code to weback.
It does.
Babel is failing. That's all. Babel see's it and throws.
the error can't be from babel, I removed the babel-loader call
It is, though.
Can you just try adding the plugin like the docs say and worked for me?
let's find out
npm install babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import --save-dev
I put it first in the list of plugins, but i don't know if it matters.
iirc plugin order is significant but most plugins never interact so it doesn't matter
but it can and only will at the worst possible time :D
This one allows a syntax, so I suspect it's just fine anywhere.
didn't help :D
test:		/\.js$/,
				exclude:	/node_modules/,
				use: [
						loader:		'babel-loader',
						options:	{
							presets:	[ [ 'es2015', { modules: false }], [ 'es2017' ] ],
							plugins:	[ 'syntax-dynamic-import' ]
that's the rule
I use a .babelrc, so I assume that's right for loader options..
and you installed it, i assume?
yes, already tried to rename the plugin, that throws immediately if it can't be found
try query: like that example. I thought that was the same as options:, but maybe not
its actually in old'ish syntax
unless you already confirmed your transforms were running..
but lets see
Hi :)
nope, same result: 35:2 error Parsing error: 'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level
what babel version?
i had the other error listed in the docs: Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token, expected {
I have some anchors that are dynamically created.
"babel-core": "^6.17.0",
		"babel-loader": "^6.2.7",
		"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.18.0",
		"babel-preset-es2017": "^6.16.0",
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $($("a[title=\"Projects\"]")).click(function () {
            //    url: "/Home/About?Category=" + $("a[title=\"Projects\"]").attr("id") , success: function (result) {
            //        $("#div1").html(result);
            //    }
is there a way I can call an attribute that is dynamically created?
was hoping for id
but I don't want to have 7 different click functions to get a value
"call" an attribute? No. I think you just want to get and set properties not attributes.
yes I need to get a property
what is created dynamically?
the attribute or the element?
the attribute id
the id
created dynamically by what?
an mvc controller
it isn't dynamic
@Luggage which babel version are you running?
it's static in the html
sorry yes
is is set static in the html generated
1 min ago, by Luggage
this.id didn't work just tried it
define "didn't work"
I keep getting "undefined"
I meant this.id, not "this.id" inside other code. If you want the id of the element that was clicked, it's this.id.
where would I use that?
anywhere you would like to know the id.
id like to show it in the alert
go test it with console.log(this.id); and see if it writes what you expect to the console.
just to start, think I can get it after that
with " " is a string and you need the object this
or alert, i guess, if you like that sort of thing.
so may I ask what the alert would be? :(
try to figure it out first, since I told you 100% of the pieces.
can you at least tell me if the alert is on the right track, minus the .attr?
alert("hello world")
if you need to see more $'s to be comfortable, alert($(this).id());
@Luggage thank you!!
very much appreciate it
really $(this) jajajaja
@Fr33d0m yea, i know.. :(
Sometimes you have to talk the $('people')s language.
@Luggage it is fine
it is unfortunate
@Jhawins $220 a month for that?!
sorry I am obviously not great at this
Dude I need to buy that
I am trying.
@BenFortune Yea, maths
!!> 22 * 220
@Jhawins 4840
@BriOnH no worries :)
$4,800 to have it for 22 months, no worries, and you can drive 800 miles a month.
Good deal tbh lol..... Worry free transportation for 2 years!
God damn and insurance would be like nothing. I want it lol
@BriOnH If you're new or just bad, don't use jQuery... please.
@ndugger what should I do instead?
@BriOnH use the built-in DOM APIs
@Loktar lol it's sporty i.imgur.com/7qlPt8x.png
@Jhawins omg nice car
@Fr33d0m Ty, it is Loktar's
I think Loktar beats up people that drive smarts. It's mandatory in his state.
@ndugger is it better then JQuery?
I want it lol it was a joke at first but now I want it
@BriOnH News flash; jQuery is bad and you shouldn't be using it
^ true.
did you hear my news? I got to drop jquery from my code Friday.
sorry, my head just blew up
jquery its for people who do not know js very well
The only people that think jQuery is good are back end developers who had to live through the IE7 days and haveno idea what the current state of JS looks like
@BriOnH Most of us started with tools like jQuery. There is no shame in it, but you'll quickly learn that they are outdated and redundant now.
@ndugger yeah that sounds like me
But all too common.
it is updated on the next render, I tried this today. compB send props back to compA when x clicked. CompA sends props isTableDisplayed back to compB and walah it closes. But when I open compB a second time by clicking on the meter in compA the x button doesn't work on compB. So in short..the first action call to dismiss compB works but second time compB is loaded the action doesn't reach compA.

I listen for it in componentWillReceiveProps
jQuery USED to be useful and good, but it isn't anymore.
@Jhawins LOL dude
ok, that's a lot to process
I joked with Cat about that
@BrianJ odd.. the second one should work. I'll need to see it reproduced in a fiddle..
she's all about saving money.. but not in that case
not sure where to start to learn
@BriOnH ^
read that
ok tyvm @ndugger @Luggage
@Luggage yeah I can start making that I'll post a quick sketch in case it doesn't make sense
not sure I can do it for this project but will start to practice
appreciate it
to re-open you just set isTableDisplayed back to true, right?
yeah when meter is clicked (compA) it sends action with isTableDisplayed back to compB
"sends action"?
and compB then sets it's visibility based off value of isTableDisplayed
*itdispatches an action, which passes the value into a reducer..compB listens for the props value of that reducer
ohh, ok. i know very little of redux
should I spell it Coliseum or Colosseum?
all of my previous advice was normal react prop passing a parent with state based
I could do it without redux
@Shmiddty spell what?
the name of a game I'm making
What does "Coliseum" mean
the same thing as Colosseum
Needs more X's to make it cool.
caller see um
> COLISEUM/COLOSSEUM. The standard spelling for an outdoor stadium is “coliseum”, but the one in Rome is called the “Colosseum.” Also note that the name of the specific construction in Rome is capitalized.
what really
@Luggage Hey, thanks man. That's a good way of doing it. I ended up just adding another service from the same image but just running tests in watch mode. I might change to your way so it's a synchronous process and I can catch build errors before running tests.
Colosseum aligns better with the theme of the game, but Coliseum is probably more searchable
fighty fighty crowd please.
I've never heard of anything but "the Colosseum"
There is something @KendallFrey doesn't know?
He doesn't know my favourite colour
I guess I've never see a coliseum in space, so.. it makes sense.
@Jhawins wait what... so no road trips then? lol
The game is going to be a Tactics-style game set in Ancient Rome, with Magicks
@ndugger It's darkness
@ndugger @nduggen It's darkness (source)
pft, cap pls
@Luggage how would you propose doing this without redux?
I'm doing a quick fiddle now
Meters and tables are siblings
The state is owned by their parent
my company just asked me to remake their website and they sent me a "parallax scrolling" template and said that is what they wanted. rip.
oh well, it's what i get paid for i guess
Hasn't parallax been out of style for like 2 years
I hope you get paid well at least
im not entirely sure that it ever really caught on in the first place
i remember seeing tons of wordpress websites using it in the span of a month and then it seemed like it dissipated and i hadn't seen another one again for a long while.
Speaking of getting paid: I'm having a contract with a company for a few weeks to see if I'm a good fit. They are paying me $x an hour. Should I expect final salary after this trial to be lower, higher or not changed?
Hate parallax btw. I guess it seems cool until you need to really navigate the site and find stuff.
i have done that once, and the temporary pay was slightly lower than the final pay. but i have no idea what you should expect on average lol
parallax isn't terrible, but 99% of the time it is implemented/forced into a place terribly
I've seen 2-3 examples of really nice parallax
parallax makes my eyes hurt
(over 5 years)
@Meredith you mean te state is owned by the container of meter and table
makes me not ever want to use the website that uses parallax lol
I don't think I have ever seen a good example of parallax
@HatterisMad most of the time I feel the same way
I don't mind parallax on a desktop necessarily
sideshoot: i feel the same way about adblocker blockers
I'm just wondering if there's a general trend. Using logic would seem that temporary pay should be higher as it's a short contract. I hope it's over way around in my case. Anyone have more experience to share ?
@HatterisMad what platform are you going to use
But I've never been excited about it
And it's always terrible on mobile
@William they are stuck on drupal
@Meredithso lets say I click the meter, how does it's container know a click has happened?
^ if you were nice you could develop 2 sites one with parallal and 1 without
or just use media queries to disable it on mobile
@BrianJ This is react right?
@HatterisMad what did you expect node.js? I like php better then c# for basic web stuff. Bye got to go
@rlemon do you know an example of good parallax ?
I'm more annoyed with websites taking scroll control than I am with things moving while I scroll.
@William i have used node for some of our clients projects
@Tomas off the cuff? no. I would have to go looking for the examples I didn't mind.
and I don't care to do that
nice one
i recently installed razer synapse when i bought a razer keyboard, but it also decided to install the razer driver for my naga when it did. Problem is that the scroll wheel tilt settings that windows has in place get overriden by synapse and now do nothing.
i use that for scrolling almost all the time
ended up having to uninstall the razer driver for the mouse to get the default windows one and my scrolling back
i never realized how often i used that feature
ergh... anyone using react router 4? I am trying to asynchronously load a component. Is it possible?
route to it, fetch data, update component
Can anyone help me with date range filters? I am using moment.js to set startDate and endDate and then do: Arr.filter() then check if obj.date >= startDate or obj.date <= endDate. I ideally need to format my date in YYYY-MM-DD but momentjs doesnt support it because "2017-05-12" > "2016-12-05" = true
I'm like 99% sure moment.js allows you to return the objects 'date' as an actual number
check the docs
what a picture
when/where's this?
@rlemon fanfuckingtastic
@KendallFrey is that you
I pity everyone that doesn't recognize each of those faces
I especially pity those who can't identify any
I dont know any of them
i am pitted
the woman looks familiar though
is she in aggressive porn?
eyes up
^ hahha
@SterlingArcher this is a still from the intro
@KendallFrey who is taco bell dude?
he's the only one I can't recognise
Vsauce3 aka Jake Roper
@rlemon omg
You can't tell me his name is VSauce and this isn't porn related
@KendallFrey you're already imagining it arn't you
you do know vsauce right
add in Scott and you'd just be in heaven
@rlemon (ಥ﹏ಥ)
@rlemon wait you mean like a unix timestamp?
@rlemon He's on the right ;)
> I have HIV and that is something... you might not have known.
@HatterisMad do you understand android deveolpment
no, he's the surprise 5th party in the orgy. half way in "Scott Manley here!"
@William i have absolutely no desire to learn about android or ios dev sorry man lol
@HatterisMad what type of phone do you have
@rlemon Hullo!
its relevant to everybody
i have a windows phone...
your joking
i am not
and don't call me shirley
how did that happened they don't even sell them at my att anymore
oh well I need someone who came from web deveolpment to explain some android suff
i prefer windows phones to android or ios phones. so i bought one...
i mean... i got mugged. and the guy forced me to take a windows phone and then ran away
if windows had more or better apps I would understand but they don't
it has the call app
you know like, to make a phone call
forgot about that
I don't get snapchat, but i am fine with that. I wish i didn't get facebook. I can't think of anything else i am missing
to be fair their web browser its probably better
chrome is way better than edge
anrdoid web browsers suck compared to ios
yeah i would imagine it is better than safari but lacks compared to chrome
android web browser is now chrome.
the only real browser is opera
yes and it is slow compared to ios
you can create native looking apps using web development on ios not so on android
that's just not true
but okay
maybe my android phone is old
the problem with android is there is no clear indication on what you're getting. there is garbage android phones and really badass ones
you can create apps on ios? that is news to me
any company can just slap android on their garbage phone and 'tweak' it. so there is a lot of bad android out there
but the good android is really good
@rlemon do you do android deveolpment?
a little
I've looked into it
but ended up saying HTML5 + phone browser is better
no bother with native apps atm
i have had to make a single ios app and a single android app, both for school, and neither were pleasant experiences
objective c is confusing as hell to me
There's a hole in the wall by the nudist camp. Police are looking into it.
i really think anyone who can program with the ios devtools from a few years ago need to be paid a lot of money. they were hellish
the ios apps though are funnily better then android at least spotify is
yeah that 404 page has the best parallax
@HatterisMad considering you have done android development is there an equivalent to innerHTML for android views?
@William i don't remember a damn thing about it to be honest
thats just great me neither
i think that is the only time i have ever been compelled to drink while programming
i found this one andriod phone that has a 1 week battery life almost bought it
1 week idle. 3 hours talk.
My phone probably has a 1 week battery life
mine gets like 3-4 days idle.. at least
what phone?
I have an N5
mine will go dead over the weekend if discord is active
look at the battery specs on my old windows phone microsoft.com/en-us/mobile/phone/lumia1520/specifications
3400 mah
not bad
the N5 has 2800 iirc
maybe 2600
when it was like a year old you could just not bother charging it for a few days at a time
but eventually the battery got down to a 10 minute talk time and it was toast haha
my old nokia 2110 probably lasted longer
even with heavy snake use
lol yeah
a month later it dies
I ran my blackberry into the ground, it sometimes wouldn't last the night on my dresser
That's not the only thing that wouldn't last the night on your dresser.
@rlemon just got curious and pulled my current windows phone apart and it has a 3340mah
@HatterisMad yea, decent sized cell actually for a phone.
but it all depends on how much juice the phone draws.
my N5 GPS is a battery hog. would have that dead in an hour tops
yeah this one definitely consumes more than the last phone, its battery life isn't as good even with a smaller screen and comparable battery
but of course, the last one was nokia and 4 years old, and this one is microsoft and relatively new
the last phone I remember being really impressed with was my Samsung Galaxy Nexus (the one before the N4)
but it took a dive out of my shirt pocket and didn't survive
I have tried norooot Debian and it freezes a lot. Do you guys root your phone if you are doing development on it?
I had a Moro g android phone and apps 4 times longer to open then the iPhone
so trying to "lift the state" from child component to parent. This setup is not telling me that `TypeError: this.props.onChange is not a function
at ApplicationHealthMeter._onClickAppHealth` Although I've set the onChange event on the meter in main
any ideas what's up there?
handleAppHealthMeterClicked !== _handleAppHealthMeterClicked
that was a typo
@BrianJ jsfiddle.net/rlemon/f2d5v5ot what you're doing (without the typo) should work fine then
Ah ok my pc just blue screened will validate now
@rlemon still says the onChange event doesn't exist in props so trying with onClick
@BrianJ jsfiddle.net/rlemon/f2d5v5ot/1 it doesn't matter what event you're handling (for this case)
@BrianJ you still have the mis-matching method names dude
!!afk these pants need more spaghetti
@rlemon oh I see that was a typo
actually fair point missed that..rebuilding
so it's hitting the _onClickAppHealth inside AppHealthMeter..but the onClick in main is not being hit
I would have thought that this gets called in main once I call _onClickAppHealth in the child component
scratch that it got back to main :)
within that component I need to set the passed in props to false, as I want to display a sub table when the 1st table is clicked. Is it possible to reset the value of passed in props or good practice?
@rlemon Hang on, a class method who's this ISN'T the class's this?!!
@monners rlemon is afk: these pants need more spaghetti
@monners bind in the constructor
@Loktar who are these strange people in your Facebook feed saying vaccinations cause autism?
If I understand correctly running a Node server is a little bit different than using Apache and PHP. Where Apache will create a new thread for every request, Node does not. Does this mean that each request would need it's own independent MySQL connection in order to avoid bottlenecks?
@Allenph no, it doesn't.
Connections are typically pooled anyway.
@rlemon That's many levels of confusing. Method name shadowing, variable this, go home and think about what you've done.
/components/home/Main.js: Unexpected token, expected } (251:12)

  249 |
  250 | Main.propTypes = {
> 251 |   dashboards: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired,
      |             ^
  252 |   currentDashboard: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  253 |   defaultDashboard: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  254 |   updateHealthCheckStatus: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
yeah don''t quite understand what it flagging
look a few lines above it to the enclosing scope or whatever came before it
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol I didnt even see the ping here
just reached out when I saw your comments
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ahh. How does one determine an appropriate max pool size?
yeah man
@Allenph the driver does it automatically for you
last time I post a vaccine related item yeesh
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm using the Sequelize ORM. It says in the docs (docs.sequelizejs.com/en/latest/api/sequelize) that the default maximum pool size is 5.
That seems too low, but a 1,000,000 seems high.
don't quite understand this,``Uncaught TypeError: this.setState is not a function` I know setState is a function or maybe it's not finding this.

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