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I want to get a job, is there any language for that?
Java :)
well, it's definitely on the list
actually, maybe it will ease diving into C++, from JS
learn Rust
it won't
Java is just JS light
If you don't know what language the job wants, learn what you like. Anything new is useful.
Java is just JS without the script right?
just like how C is just C++ but without the math
it sort of is, though. If you take the common parts, the syntax is pretty much the same. Java just isn't dynamic (or... scriptable?)
well, ofc I can get stuff with just knowing JS, but you get my point. I want one of those things called decent/high-salary stuff
@ndugger that's actually why C++ got named that tho
@towc those jobs want that thing called experience
@towc you have asked this same stuff for like a year
just do something
there is no magic bullet
I am. I'm learning
go get an internship and stop being difficult
Any programming job at 16 is a great start. While you shouldn't be taken advntage of, don't expect to get the big bucks your first year.
lol @rlemon
I'm more jealous of your hair :(
getting old and going bald sucks.
yea mines thinning now
Don't i know it
I notice. others don't
damnit all of you 😛 Again, I'm currently working part time, but I'm spending most of my free time learning stuff so that once I'll be able to have a fulltime job, it will be a good one
yea, damn us for trying to set some realistic goals and encouraging you. :)
I <3 you, Luggage, don't get me wrong
but.. here it comes. You're breaking up with me.
I knew it
when @towc is 22 he will be a furniture maker mark my words.
don't waste your childhood searching for that paycheck language, go out and do real things
Won't even be into programming anymore
nothing wrong with that
hah ^
@ssube well, ideally a combination of stuff I know would be the best, not only focusing on one :P
you're right though definitely not
furniture is pretty dope
I just imagine him switching hobbies would be funny
Hallway mostly done. Bench and Coat Rack complete. https://t.co/oTlq0e6R6J
@Loktar I do actually kinda wanna start my own farm and milk goats
yeah for sure, I didn't mean it as a dig guys I sit on couches too! :p
and @rlemon makes cool shit
@Loktar garbage man?
@towc javascript and x86 knowledge
We're hiring
her and copy
they need a code monkey
somebody to cook pizzas for them
when they can't decide on a flavor
That would be good
corn and tuna
> towc - code monkey/slave
well, he does have some italian culture
a... corn and tuna pizza?
its a thing in mexico apparently
@FlorianMargaine lol
the tuna is the weird part, really
What? We don't put corn in pizza
wait 'till you hear about pineapple + french fries pizzas
@BadgerCat when I ordered you that pizza it was a menu option
@rlemon they were weird
@towc lemme tell you a little thing about mac and cheese
it's amazing?
anyone care to answer to a quick question?
on a pizza with plenty of hot sauce
optional bacon bits and beer
!!welcome Jonny
@Jonny Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm hungry, I would hire someone to eat with me whenever copy is too busy
I had tuscan pizza for lunch
and to hear me rant
Boston Pizza
@BadgerCat "eat"?
@CapricaSix thanks for the welcome, that's good to know I'll review the room rules.
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, I don't like having lunch alone
@BadgerCat do you rant about good stuff?
@BadgerCat talk to a print of copy's avatar
record it and make him hear it while you sleep
yea, get a life-size cardboard copy of copy.
she has the body pillow already
it isn't the same.
clone him
I've always imagined copy as too skinny to be reproduced as a pillow
wow I can't believe I asked to ask a question, it's stated at least 3 times not to do that in the room rules X(
When we were long distance, I collected one of his hairs and kept it in my nightstand
dw about it, we still love you Jonny :D
@JonnyHenly gj reading them tho, even if it was a little late :P
so what's the question?
that's better than most people do
@BadgerCat that borders between the sweet and the outright creepy
I named it hairy
@JonnyHenly you should feel horrible about the decisions that have led you to this
it just crossed the border
does it have a visa?
@ssube he's not skinny at all
copy she just said you're fat
Hash: acbbdece160f54e0dc8a
Version: webpack 2.2.1
Module build failed: SyntaxError: 'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level (35:1)
35 | 	import( './mod1.css' ).then( cssRaw => {
     | 	^
@Luggage halph!
I just replaced any System.import by import()
corvid this one is for you ^
do you use babel?
ok... I spotted it, you have to use a plugin for that to work..? I hate it
Not using the syntax-dynamic-import plugin will fail the build with

Module build failed: SyntaxError: 'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level, or
possibly turn modules off in the babel preset, too
which I don't really understand now. Webpack claims that System.import was deprecated but relays on a 3rd party plugin (babel) which has to use another plugin for itself
since webpack will handle that transform.
: ) thanks for the warm welcomes. So I wrote a program in Java that outputs some JSON, it has a O(n!) runtime. I'm trying to find a way to periodically write output to a stream and use AJAX (or something) to probe the stream and update my webpage. I'm also trying to run the .jar through javascript (or something, maybe php not to sure). I've never done anything like this so I was hoping to get some insight (along the lines of "this is a bad idea, instead do this ...").
well, babel is ALL plugins.. but..
> I'm also trying to run the .jar through javascript
Nope. Java and Javascript are unrelated languages.
If I completely disable/remove the babel loader, it still throws me the error
so webpack 2.2.1 doesn't support that import() for itself?
I thought babel was the one throwing the error..
I don't think so
@Luggage So I spent a lot of time writing the program in Java and I'd rather not re-write it in javascript. Also I was thinking about re-writing it in C and use MPI to multi-thread some of the algorithms. If I re-wrote it in C though I'd still have the same problem.
Also, turn off module transforms in babel anyway, since webpack does that part, now
@Luggage sorry not MPI, openMP.
presets: [ [ 'es2015', { modules: false }], [ 'es2017' ] ] } }]
@JonnyHenly then you'll need to use whataver the Java world uses to host code in a web server. A "servlet".
was already turned off, but as I said, I removed the entire loader now for testing
@jAndy The Game
but webpack throws the error about import()
or call it like commandline app from node/php/etc
well, I'm never used import(). @corvid has in webpack 2.
@corvid summoning
and he is in vampire debt
@Luggage thanks for the advice, I'm going to look into node.js.
@JonnyHenly using spawn from node's child_process module and .pipe()ing th output to an http response, you can run a program and feed it output to a web browser
that should give you some search terms.
@Luggage thank you so much, I was lost in a sea of links searching "nodejs run jar" on Google.
with spawn, you'll run it using the normal commandline args you would run it manually with
@Loktar Ryzen pre-orders start today
the CEO of AMD already called Loktar personally
> Hello, sir. We've decided to make a good CPU again, and I'd like you to have one, as a thank you for ordering more of our CPUs than anyone else for the last 6 years and keeping us in business.
@jAndy you using webpack 2 there mate?
well... it prints out 2.2.1 on build process
I'm really wondering myself
@BenFortune I'm waiting, for at least a year :p
just about to delete any global webpack instances now
but! Super happy for AMD
@HatterisMad Yeah it makes a lot more sense in my eyes. Basically you are paying the depreciation you'd have lost on a new car anyway
No matter what you are losing a lot of money. You get more for your buck on a lease, that's where I'm coming from. Can pay the same as I do now for a loaded 2017
@Loktar Still no real benchmarks lol
is this gt40 gonna be a daily driver?
And upgrade every 2 years! Diesel Canyon next year possibly haha
I want to see how they do on games
I need a new car
@corvid but it "should" work without babel right?
he uses babel with it..
@corvid can you share your config?
I didn't think people really drive that much in England
that's my current confusion.. it reads like it is "standard build" from webpack to support import().. but then again...
They just ride around in double decker buses.
if you continue reading the site, you read all about babel
argh, ok, lemme try in my webpack 2 project
@ndugger I don't know anyone without a car
i was avoiding doing work..
What about people living in London?
@jAndy IIRC there is a required plugin
I assume that's like NY in that people in the city can get away without a car.
nobody actually lives in London
@corvid a plugin for babel?
@Loktar basically fully loaded diesel 4x4 Canyon is ~$350/month and 30K miles for 36months
You know you wanna
well that doesn't include taxes
which will make it more like 380 I bet
that's a little truck though
And it's $4200 down lol
They're big actually
I'm putting 5k down on mine
Have you been in one?
no, but it's not a full size is it?
They're in between a Ranger and a full sizer now
ah ok
Nah but it's real close honestly
You'll notice sometime if you ride in one
yeah I just knew it was smaller than the ram
this is leasing?
Lol yea
@Luggage yea
what happens at the end of the lease?
The sticker price was $45K so it's a decent price lmao
You give it back and get the next one.
or.. what happens to money "down"?
@Luggage you can keep it or give it back
money down just goes to the loan
Makes your lease payment smaller lol
on a lease you have a loan for depreciation
oh, i see.
so a 40k vehicle you have a 2 or 3 year loan for like 15k or so
@corvid so webpack 2.2.1 doesn't support import on its own?
and you get the buyout price that day too
like my truck was around 45k new, my buyout price was 23,300
I knew that the day I took it off the lot
Bottom line is it's $700/month for 72months. Or $350/month indefinitely
The latter honestly sounds fine to me... Everything always warrantied etc
because if that's true I don't get this commit here
@jAndy It "does", that import is effectively the same as require.ensure
I have no real chance of going over on miles
> Babel plugin to transpile import() to require.ensure, for Webpack.
I mean if you're putting crazy miles on a vehicle leasing probably isn't a good idea
I mean that's my angle on it. I'm sure other people see it differently but comparing it to my car... I am losing money every time I drive the thing, and every day it sits. Honestly don't see how I could come out ahead owning lol
but even then it's only .20-.25 per mile over
Psh yea. And I will have a project beater for a daily anyway
@corvid but as long as you don't use babel as loader, you can't use import() on webpack
I'm looking to lease a second vehicle, not a primary
I mean there are pros and cons for sure
Still a ways out... But seems like a good option to me. Prob get a car tho that way my daily will be a truck I can play with and break
one pro is the low risk, you have the factory warranty the entire time, and say you lose your job you can return it (there are penalties ofc)
CTS heh
Yea, I never considered leasing in the past, but I'm more in a "switch every few years" mode now..
So I might look again in the future.
yeah honestly I never did either until my last vehicle I was looking at a base model truck and the guy was like "did you ever consider leasing?"
walked me through it, sounded good
I didn't consider it until I felt depreciation on even this car.... And it's not new lol. Man vehicles are just a way to piss away money no matter what honestly
@jAndy yeah, not really, you will have to use require.ensure for the same effect
which pretty much is webpack 1.x :P
I mean the plus for buying is after 6 years no payment if you own a car, granted there will be maintenance costs but prob not what your payment was
I just like new and shiney mostly lol
@Loktar Lol motor blows up just in time to not have payments anymore. No thanks
webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting-import seems to make it sound like import() is known by webpack
I don't really care using a babel plugin for that, I'm just so confused about all the fuzz with System.import() (which was a native thing implemented by webpack) and now the need to use a plugin for the import syntax
and babel just needs to be taught to ignore it with a plugin
You finally get to own it... And it's got 100K miles and is clapped out lol
Just seems like a lose lose to me :(
@Luggage it seems like it's quite the opposite
not according to the docs I just read and linked
trying myself, one sec.
yes I read that too, but it is not the case
besides.... something really weird is going on with my setup. Not using webpack 2.2.1 even if printing it on build process :P
Q: Wait for another function to execute fully in Angular2

skidI am building a Angular2 Application i need to pause at a certain stage and perform the next operation once the old operation is being completed fully. I tried using the setTimeout function but that one doesn't workout Here is my code export class AppComponent { name = 'Angular'; public grid...

I find that hard to believe.
@skid Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
are you using gulp-webpack or some other webpack runner?
nope, plain webpack
does it work for you?
yea. worked

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