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with async/await and tagged template strings, you could write code like:
what does it mean for an error to be "near" something?
Error: SQLITE_ERROR: near "INSERT": syntax error
      at Error (native) errno: 1, code: 'SQLITE_ERROR'
let result = await runSQL`SELECT * FROM table where id = ${id}`;
@towc Missing semi colon?
Same as other languages, that's where it 'went wrong'. And yes, probably semicolon or some other command separator
yeah, sc
near is so damn vague...
it's just a position.
no different than "syntax error at line 2, char 1
Only they give you the word at that position.
@Mosho I have dildos for eyes
@Luggage i'm happy that IDE's and good text editors provides a feature to re-format other's code if they didn't format them well
But we shouldn't have to.
keh, everyone has their preferences
I could enforce a "company standard" here at my work
Formatting is more than a courtesy, it can be difficult for those of us that are intimately familiar with JS to mentally parse badly formatted code, so a beginner has even less hope.
because some people kept changing formats
Yes, I think that's a different issue.
I don't care what formatting guidlelines you use when pasting, just readable. 2 spaces, 4, whatever is fine.
But yes.. in a project, you should all use a standard.
It took me weeks to debate with everyone and find a consensus. Didn't expect that it would take much time
Aye, but it helps people cooperate when there is a standard, so I think it's worth it.
And if I ever contribute to someone else's code, it's proper to match their formatting.
* thumbs up *
Damn, I just realized I forgot to zip my pants. fml.
.tar.gz them
I've tried this way
var changeColor=$(evt.target.parentElement).prevAll();
simple as that
am I living in a time warp? Every time I switch into this tab, I see Riccardo posting the same line of code
@Riccardo like I said before. make a fiddle of it failing.
it's not that easy because my dom is damn nested
well helping you is impossible until you do
i'll try to make a fiddle
@rlemon this is what I have now
@BenFortune Yeah, Benji told me over lunch and I've forgotten to post it.
Thanks for that
all I miss here is all the previous and next siblings
Guessing they fixed the memory leaks 😛
@Riccardo the reason I asked for a fiddle is because when you have troubles manipulating the DOM, seeing the HTML structure is just as important as the JS involved. I asked like three times now dude. making it hard for people to help you is going to make people not want to help you.
node inspect is pretty interesting too
you're definitely right but I was just trying to tell you that maybe I'm thinking of leaving jquery and go pure javascript
that was what I was trying to say to you when I tagged you
I mean there has to be an equivalent for nextall and prevall in javascript
assuming that jquery is javascript
No, jquery is written in COBOL. :)
hello guys
and girls (in theory, at least)
i need someone to suggest me a workaround. i develop an angularjs 1.5 app. i try to load when i need it the facebook sdk
i use this callback $window.fbAsyncInit
when my page load for first then it is okay
but when i change some states and then i go back to the first page this callback not fire again
posted on February 22, 2017 by Axel Rauschmayer

babel-preset-env is a new preset that lets you specify an environment and automatically enables the necessary plugins. The problem At the moment, several presets let you determine what features Babel should support: babel-preset-es2015, babel-preset-es2016, etc.: incrementally support various versions of ECMAScript. es2015 transpiles what’s new in ES6 to ES5, es2016 transpiles what’s new i

Anyone have any idea what "appveyor" is for?
> Continuous Delivery service for Windows
Your new build server in a cloud. Start in minutes. Enjoy faster results.
anyone have a workaround for this ?
@gtzinos Loading it once should be sufficient
but i need the callback for all of the times
because without it functions dont work
like FB.login
That makes no sense
Which is probably why you're having trouble with it ;P
@BenFortune what does it do ? Lazy to check at my own :P
take this case:
user go to your login page, then you load the sdk. he click login button and he doesnt accept the permissions. then you transfer him to another state to explain him the permissions and when he comes back to your login page your fbcallback not works
you understand the problem ?
> Continuous Delivery service for Windows
BenFortune can you paste the rest of the site, please?
(not really) :)
@Luggage I'll tweet you it
is it okay to contribute to an open-source repo on work time if it is something the team uses?
@KarelG Wrong ping lol, just a debugger.
@SterlingArcher Websteroprion armstrongi. a prehistoric bristle-worm recently discovered in Canada named after Alex Webster of Cannibal Corpse (and some other dude)
@corvid In my opinion, yes. That's a question for your boss, though.
@corvid Technically, all code you write during work hours belongs to the company.
So you will need to company's permission to release the code into an <INSERT LICENCE HERE> licensed project.
The last two companies i have worked at have clauses in the hiring information that says any code you produce at work that is not for work is your own and that they have no claim to it.
large companies neglect this? or are just so greedy they don't want to protect the employee?
@HatterisMad what really?
Every company I've worked at says anything created on work time or equipment is theirs.
or if you create something in the same business
yeah, i take that kind of as an insult from the company really
they usually have a place where you can write in currently owned properties/projects, ect.
@HatterisMad eh doing anything on company time should be the companies
since they're paying you
also on their equip should be as well... since they bought it
@loktar you don't have downtime?
@HatterisMad not where I can write seperat apps
if I did I'd find a new job
you can always improve a code base, or find something to fix
@Loktar not allowed to touch the code base without a ticket requesting the change that has been approved by the customer
@HatterisMad that sounds crappy :p
don't you guys have a dev environment?
I worked in the gov as well
for 8 years in federal wasn't like that for me
just depends on the office I imagine
but government isn't a good blanket label lol
yeah, but what good is the dev env being different from prod lol
you generally deploy changes to a test and staging environment, then prod
idk whenever I work somewhere with a ton of downtime I'm not happy and look for somewhere else to go
i just look to self improve
yeah that's smart at least
yeah basically the way this is set up, the client requests specific changes to be done in a months timespan
you get those changes done and then wait for the next list of things to do
sounds like you're on something in maintenance mode maybe?
yeah there are a couple different offshoots of it that we are trying to upgrade but mostly maintenance
but even if i see something done really stupid 15 years ago in the codebase (happens almost every other line of code )
i don't fix or change it because that wasn't the requested change
have to have self control XD
the world should be more like this: youtube.com/watch?v=Rub-JsjMhWY (very good C++ for beginners thing, assuming you somewhat know something)
It's reasonable for a company to make you agree that code you write on their time is theirs. I wish I could recall the article / video that covers some of the historical reasons they do that.
But I also think it's reasonable for them to grant exceptions to contribute to open source projects that someone uses at work.
@Luggage definitely agree with the 2nd point
if you use open source at the company you should try to give back
or rather they (the company) should
Right. I just mean that I heard some really good arguments for the first point. Like cases where coders argued and won the right to take work with them. I can't recall where I saw/read it though.
yeah it just seems like anything else, if you're a landscaper being paid you can't walk away with the bushes if you feel like it.
Of course, but things aren't always as clear in software.
and you can't run a side business doing landscaping using the primary businesses equipment.
Yeah i mean i don't go to work looking to work on home projects. I am getting paid to do work stuff. But for example, right now, i am on SO chat talking to you guys because last night i finished the large ticket i was on and went home and that was the last ticket on this month's worth of tickets.
.... @HatterisMad for the month?!
new month of tickets starts friday
so you're good until next week?
ahh ok
but i will have to go find something to do until friday and the boss isn't even in yet this morning so im kickin it at the moment
haha nice
He says in a public chat :P
I'm telling
I'm waiting on a call from my dealership... been w/o a car for 2 days, no one has the god dang car I want!
So we'll direct all questions in the room to you, since you have the time.
lol go for it ben
@Luggage not smart enough to answer them
@Loktar what car you want
300s granite
with premium package #2
and no one friggin has it
I live an hour for Detroit
that reminds me of an m5
Chryslers slogan is "Imported from Detroit"
Import me my fooking car
@HatterisMad I looked at those, very breifly
@Luggage hah I've actually never watched that show
didn't realize he drove one
I assume you've already been told you should, so I won't.
lol yes, thank you :p
my plan is to someday
@loktar what engine you want in it?
it's an AWD so I'm stuck with the V6
living in MI I don't want a RWD vehicle
well I don't want one that doesn't have the option of 4 wheel drive anyway :p
So idk about how qualified I am.. but I think I might be able to get a hookup for an interview at AWS
@Luggage haha right
I had an old f150 that had no 4 wheel drive
wait, i thought it was rwd
sucked so bad in the winter
@HatterisMad it is but they have AWD as well
RWD has the v8 hemi option, AWD doesn't though :/
:) good
looks like you have the option for a merc turbo diesel as well
@SterlingArcher woah good luck man
@HatterisMad I didn't see any of that for the AWD
only power train option I had was a heater block
ty bro beans <3
@SterlingArcher ... \
oh these are previous engines that were available at different years mb
@KendallFrey come quick!
i don't think that dog even cares about the temp
youtube.com/watch?v=Ol3_YKCNCiU @Loktar I like this guys voice. I wish the song was as heavy as Spin the Bottle but man, what a voice
that's a good dog owner
@FlorianMargaine <3
hi all
@huykon225 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have a problem who can help me ?
@SterlingArcher damn haven't heard these guys before
really? oh my god their other song is so much better
I don't recognize the name anyway
Spin the Bottle is the other song?
@Loktar Beginning with model year 2012 all V6 models were equipped with the 8-speed 8HP45 automatic transmission
yeah, it has flippers on the wheel too lol
and a "sport mode"
I'm not a car guy but it seems cool lol
test drove one, was fun, I miss my truck but I could get used to the 300
well I will have to since that's what I'm getting if they can find one lol
I am using jQuery Tiny Colorpicker and I don't know how to create on change event for it. can you guys help me ?
what happened to the truck
I think flappers are useless on a slush box. I don't like requesting that a gear change happen sometime in the next few seconds.
was a lease
this one will be a lease as well
@Luggage yeah they seem super pointless
I drove manuals until my last truck, but in an automatic I don't want to fuck with any of that
wait, so you wouldn't own it ever? but you are paying to rent it basically
Downshifing to pass can use useful, but that almost puts them all into manual mode..
@HatterisMad yeah you get the option to buy afterward at a greatly reduced price
@HatterisMad Makes total sense for his use.
@Luggage what do they do in a turn if you select an upshift?
well you get the buy out price the day you walk out with the lease
Mine too, next vehicle will be a lease
I will own the beater
^ that's what I need to do
own a beater
depends on the car. Some will shift when you say (as long as the rpm is in a safe range)
@Jhawins are the monthly prices that low that it is a good option?
like 50% of new lol
others will only unlock the higher gear to the car's normal logic (mine)
@Luggage how smooth of a shift are we talking?
my truck was $380-ish a month, the 300 will be around $340
also depends on the car..
new that bastard would be over 500 a month, for 72 months
@Luggage was thinking like best scenario
If anybody is interested in applying for AWS Web Engineer Position take a look
They typically don't have these roles, so I thought I'd share for anybody who loves Amazon
best scenario, smooth enough that it won't matter in all but the extreme limits of traction
@SterlingArcher dude I love these guys holy shit
ty :p
did you mean downshift?
@Luggage the computer does the best to match rpm?
@Loktar glad you like them man!
no, but slushboxes can be smooth if they are tuned that way..
there is no matching rpms in an auto, since it's always connected.
(not talking about dual clutch)
I don't drive autos in such a way that a mid-corner shift matters. That is what manuals are for.
> Sport mode cuts shift times from around 400 milliseconds to 250 milliseconds, increases engine and throttle responsiveness, and firms up the steering feel. The 300S uses a 300 horsepower, 264 lb-ft V6 or a 363 Hemi V8.
yeah i suppose no racing that involves turns for auto's lol
^ idk what that even means, but sounds fancy
lol I tried it on the test drive, shifting felt super weird
all I know is 250ms is a ton of lag amiright?
not for an automatic....
it means that in sport mode it shifts harder, turns down the power steering, and applies a different .map() to the throttle.
lol j/j
yeah the RPMs went a lot higher
yea, usually shifts later, too
thats probably what he meant yeah
i need to make up a good throttle cable on my car before i break it XD
throttle rope.
@Loktar is that a chrystler ?
close. a chrysler :)
it has a quite big engine
Still, i'm happy with my audi A8 L :)
@KarelG yea
long wheelbase audi..
The trunk is big enough for a luggage like you
@SterlingArcher The C# room is having a vibrant conversation on violas, in case you'd care to join.
That whole room can suck it >:(
if it makes you feel better i thought voila and wallah were just different sayings until this moment
but don't tell C# that, I dont want to get laughed at
@SterlingArcher why do you come over here and say that big boy
@mikeTheLiar I think you meant "don't"?
@FlorianMargaine and it's too late to edit. My shame will live on for eternity.
@mikeTheLiar there there, here is a tanto. Now, seppuku.
@FlorianMargaine More of a crossword puzzle guy myself
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!tell rlemon zoidberg bot command
@rlemon The bot command is bad and you should feel bad
guys i have a quick question
@RhysCopperthwaite Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
okay thanks
guys I am having issues with jsfiddle. The code that I have there is working in my code(some viewbags have been swapped for raw numeric data) but it says that the function is not defined when it clearly is. jsfiddle.net/ec9xuzwa
Here is the same code working in my project
i have xml data in an object
when i pass it to this function
on the web prowser it comes up as
1 message moved to Trash can
@RhysCopperthwaite Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
[object Object]
okay sorry
@Skullomania click "javascript" and change the load type to "wrap in <body>"
function upon_success ( xml ) {
                        function (index) {
                            $("#AllNews").append('<li>' + $(this) + '</li>');

Today I learned that Promise.all + import can actually lead to a lot of extremely performant code
that method sorry, it send [object Object] how do i get the string values?
jsfiddle is wrapping all your code, by default, in a load event, so the fill function isn't global.

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