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That sounds like a ridiculous generalization, but I realized that's exactly why I'm using Electron.
clickhole.com/article/… ahahaha that's dark
I am a terrible person for laughing so hard at that
I don't know if QML sucks or rocks
probably sucks
also, on the note of electron, I started remembering about it when I was trying to see if react native was worth learning, and noticed that ideally it should only be used for iOS and developed through apple products
I now don't think I have a good reason to learn react-native, but it's not fair to just ditch it like that
any opinions?
and 'dis beautiful
anyone here works on angular2, I just started working on it and I am having problems integrating full page plugin with angular2.
@nakulchawla09 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Unable to load ng2-fullpage in my angular-2 quickstart app

nakulchawla09I am trying to use full page + angular2: I am somehow unable to load the ng2-fullpage package to use, below are my files: systemjs.config.js (function (global) { System.config({ paths: { // paths serve as alias 'npm:': 'node_modules/' }, // map tells the System loader...

Q: Error: (SystemJS) Unexpected token < SyntaxError: Unexpected token < at eval (<anonymous>) Angular 2

nakulchawla09I am trying to use full page with angular 2, I am getting the below error when importing it in my app.module.ts. "(SystemJS) Unexpected token < SyntaxError: Unexpected token < at eval (<anonymous>) at Object.eval (http://localhost:3000/app/app.module.js:16:22) at eva...

I am struggling with these. If somebody can help, it will be great. Thanks.
Anyone have any experience working with vuejs2?
cc @SterlingArcher ^^
Should I bother asking this question on the main site, or am I missing something really stupid? codepen.io/Thisisntme/pen/XpwbJV I want the curved grade to update whenever I change either text box, but, it only updates when I change the first one.
just a heads up but print doesnt do what you think it does
it literally prints a document
I'm using P5 js, print is probably overriden
Yeah, P5JS overrides the print function with console.log
So I'm guessing I should just make a question on SO.
nvm... I can solve this easily by abstracting it further -_-
Yup. That worked, I'm glad I have a nice chat room to use as a rubber duck!
yeah typical nvidia user.
@Loktar Typical AMD user, letting himself be murdered
lol remember? :D
700 people and the slack app is a POS
Slack has point of sale now?
you are too young and virgin to be making dad jokes
I work in enterprise software, what can I say
I'd like to know what kind of software that this chatroom uses? I'd like to create one myself.
@jacobian internet
maybe the code is hosted on github so that I can pull it myself
it's not, but there is nothing special about this chat
when was @Loktar promoted? :B
He was promoted by His own self
like any proper god would do
@KendallFrey lol
@Wes promoted to what?
wait wtf?
lmao who did that?
today was a holiday so I wasn't on the chat much
8 hours ago, by Sterling Archer
room topic changed to JavaScript :: Loktar, Our God: Topic: JavaScript, ECMAScript. Read this: http://javascriptroom.github.io/rules. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem http://goo.gl/taIqf | https://devdocs.io Documentation™ Helps. Room meta discussions: https://github.com/JavaScriptRoom/culture [ecmascript] [ecmascript-6] [javascript] [nodejs] [typescript]
8 hours ago, by user2280016
loktar ! god are you here?
LOL wtf?
Are you there Loktar? It's me, Margaret.
I mean, your profile pic is what it is
ahh yeah fair point
@phenomnomnominal heh had to look that ref up actually
> Blume did not physically mature at the same rate as her classmates, and tried exercises to get her bust to grow.
hahaha nice
I always thought donald trump is a god.
god of bs?
business science in case he is reading this
we have the best JSer's don't we folks?
anyone in here get For Honor?
@Loktar well, I, um
lol it's such a weird entry in the wikipedia article
yesterday was leg day, today is...
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret is a 1970 book by Judy Blume, typically categorized as a young adult novel, about a sixth-grade girl who has grown up without a religious affiliation, due to her parents' interfaith marriage. The novel explores her quest for a single religion. Margaret also confronts typical issues faced by pre-teen girls going through puberty, such as buying her first bra, having her first period, and feeling attracted to certain boys. The novel has been frequently challenged since the 1980s due to its frank discussions of sexual and religious topics. == Background == Judy...
Hi I have just started building an javascript library to display graphical functions, graphy.js www.quangphuc789.com/graphy.js/
@TimothyQuangPhucNguyen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Any thoughts on this project are welcome :)
oh nice, they beat criminals with a cane in singapore
"three strokes of the cane"
that can be interpreted quite differently
@Mosho usually physical beating can change someone for the better.
Q: Get distinct elements with mongoose and node

user2280016I have data store in mongo as follows with the collectio named _listing . { "_id": "58a1ddcb8850c027298c4dc8", "name": "Listing 1", "description": "", "ticket": { "amount": 2, "type": "electronic", "splitType": 2, "seating": [ { "category": 1, ...

hey boiz
@ShawnJavadi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
JS alternate facts:
react is really easy to set up
@ShawnJavadi Well, it is. You don't have to use webpack. could just include a link to the CDN
@monners this is true
@ShawnJavadi How can that be an alternative to JS ?
in reactjs, one can include html code inside it. I just learn it in codeacademy.
I meant to say that reactJS is not an alternative to JS , its a JS library
need some angluar help
em a python developer its the first time em in other room
regarding angular help
!!welcome Sohaib Asif
@SohaibAsif Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
em reading the rules
Hey guys,
var obj = {"a" : {"1" : "1"}};

var tempObj = obj["a"];

obj["a"]["2"] = "2";

console.log(JSON.stringify(obj) + "\n" + JSON.stringify(tempObj));

Why the value of tempObj and obj["a"] are same ??
I know it is something to do with reference
but then how we will store old state of the object
its an angular code written by python developer who don't know a single thing about angular but i tried my best
Do anyone have any idea about this
var obj = {a : {1:"1"}};
var tempObj = obj.a;
obj.a[2] = 2;
console.log(JSON.stringify(obj) + "\n" + JSON.stringify(tempObj));
@muneeb Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
they are different in terms of how you are accessing them
https request responds with status code 0
in angular js
using $https.get
* praises @Loktar *. Be my guide during my gaming sessions !
Happy Birthday @towc
@Zirak lol
Quick question: I'm hiding a div with jQuery animate. I first fade the opacity, then set the display to none. I then want to set the display of another div to block and opacity to 1. Because this new div is initially display: none; do I have to initialize it in the dom as if it was never there?
@Kramb No.
It's there in the DOM, even if it has display: none.
@Kramb Note that you can do it without jQuery (or JavaScript), with pure CSS animations.
@muneeb Same output man.
Okay, that's what I thought. For some reason, using $.css('display', 'block') isn't displaying it.
@BadgerCat What is this ? I don't understand ?
@Kramb I'm guessing it still has opacity: 0?
Yea, I'll try pure CSS. I'm just better with jQuery.
Nope, dom says opacity is 1
@towc Happy Birthday, you are growing old every year
@Kramb is it position: absolutely?
display doesn't appear though. could be css conflicting because the display: none is !important
@FlyingGambit You're growing old at all times. We just care about you enough to mention it only once per year.
you may joke, but when I got the first hb I was like "fuck"
I don't envy any of you
except sterling maybe
we all envy sterling
how old are you ?
50s ?
oops, just figured it out... I was trying to change the display but the div was assigned a class that set's the display to none!important. Thanks all, makes it easier to just talk it out.
Well the bright side is that you only have to wait for 6 more years for a century
In software engineering, rubber duck debugging or rubber ducking is a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to a story in the book The Pragmatic Programmer in which a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug their code by forcing themselves to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. Many other terms exist for this technique, often involving different inanimate objects. Many programmers have had the experience of explaining a programming problem to someone else, possibly even to someone who knows nothing about programming, and then hitting upon the solution in the process...
@MadaraUchiha My thoughts exactly
With all of my desk accessories, I could have just asked them. Lmao
@MadaraUchiha Now we have Cortana
yes when you're a programmer you need to be able to talk to inanimate object frequently
@MadaraUchiha Damn true xD
@jacobian Else you might go mad.
Look, security already thinks I'm crazy for being here at 3AM. I don't need to be talking to myself as well hahaha
@towc Happy birthday!
@Kramb Think positive, You can talk to youself because security already thinks you are crazy :P
@Kramb Welcome to JavaScript, we're all mad here!
@towc "hb"?
@SomeGuy Think it through
Hint: You just said it.
Oh, lol
Guys, are you also seing an influx of relevant contact messages from SO careers or did the unknown change only affect me (a remote only developer not looking for a job) ?
@DenysSéguret I've seen more, but they haven't really been relevant.
Those who are reckless can be doxed. Those who are quick-tempered can be trolled. Those who use WordPress can be hacked.
@Zirak ^
> Occasional mid-air sex
@Kramb tbf, you've experienced the disadvantage of what !important does in CSS. It shouldn't be used
@towc having a birthday today ?
He is turning 96
Its a good number even upside down
i'm getting a year older too today. So we're in same club @towc \o * hands over a belgian praline *
How old are you Karel ?
Happy Birthday @KarelG
@FlyingGambit 26
Oh wow
@BenFortune Gotta keep it consistent
What kind of programmer are you?
A lazy one
thanks :)
Happy Bday :) I will be 27 this Feb 28 :C
I sometimes wonder, don't you people sleep ?
Isnt it night time there ?
My friend was born on February 29th
Technically he's only like 6
He celebrates every once in 4 years ?
!!> 6*4
@FlyingGambit 24
@FlyingGambit It's night somehwere, sure.
Wait, were are you from ?
@FlyingGambit Israel
Isn't a war going on there ?
@FlyingGambit It's really not nearly as bad as your media probably makes it out to be.
Could be? Panic strikes in me when someone mentions any of these name Israel, Iran or Iraq... only war comes to mind
Anyways, Good Morning Madara :)
Good morning 😀
@MadaraUchiha #lastnightinisrael
not really related question, would Eilat be a good destination for an around 2 week vacation?
want to go scuba diving, visit Jordan and of course the major cities
haha, and what is that room title? :D
@GNi33 Yeah. It's expensive though
in terms of food etc as well?
@MadaraUchiha Can u give an approximate estimate ?
@GNi33 Mostly in terms of hotels
okay, I'll have a look if I can find something relatively cheap then, maybe I'll get lucky
would probably be there for around 4 nights or something, the rest would be spent in the cities I guess
@GNi33 Then you should be fine
5000 USD ?
@FlyingGambit For two weeks? Sounds about right
For 4 nights, probably less
@GNi33 When are you coming?
not entirely sure yet, but my gf and I have been thinking about visiting Israel for some time now
I was aiming for 1 week so its somewhere around 2500 USD :D good to know
I'll need to read up on temperatures, diving conditions, visit to Petra and so on still
Madara could be your tour guide :D
@GNi33 That's neat, ping me or Benji when you have a concrete date, we can probably recommend places, and let's sit for a beer.
I will! that would be great
and swim in the dead sea on your trunks
@KarelG o/
Jerusalem Biblical Zoo and Dolphin Reefs sounds good
I have an adult question to ask ? Everyone 18+ here ? Should I ask ?
@FlyingGambit Go for it vOv
so how's the hackaton doing
I was reading about Dead Sea and just found that one can really float in that sea due to its Salt content.
Wouldn't that mean that solid salt cubes could go inside the pee hole and get stuck ?
seems that 4th is the best time
I haven't asked what it's about yet lol
@FlyingGambit The salt is melted in the water
So no.
You'll feel sticky as hell until you wash yourself though.
any showers near them resorts ?
@FlyingGambit Sure
@FlyingGambit I wish I only had this kind of problems
@FlyingGambit I'm not 18, now I have to go to jail
@FlyingGambit which side are you going into?
how's life been treating you, bartek?
action.trump2016.com/trump-mms-survey what in the love of god is this?
Just majority driven censorship, why ? (next step is ensuring the good part of America is the only one voting)
these questions
I can't even believe they seriously publish stuff like this
what the hell is going on?
What is going on ? Just common old fashioned fascism even if young generations like to think it's a new original phenomenon.
for some reasons, these questions struck me a little more than all the news lately
"We are the good ones, Hillary's emails and fake news!"
I mean... wat
@GNi33 peek at the console XD
This question should be killed fast. Too much suffering.
how to clear a textInput if I get the value from this.refs.newPassword.getValue() nothing seems to work
in react
or is the only way to go over state
@DenysSéguret she's a point farmer
with a super german name
@towc not sure, just me imagining myself floating in the dead sea gives me the thrills
@GNi33 Can I take that survey, even if I am not American. Will it affect American analysis ?
no idea
it's 6 months old now, so it wouldn't matter anyways
I just stumbled over it though
but releasing a survey with question asked in extremely biased manner about "biased news" is just ridiculous
Considering you need to slightly animated a gradient to over an image, would you go over canvas or css3 solution ?
@FlyingGambit maybe this helps: the huge majority of people who have ever touched the dead sea are dead
Only fishes and sea creatures die there
hlap mi
also, mornin
I have this AngularJS app I am working on
there is a registration page, which is managed by a Identification controller, buuuuut
this page also has additional JS behavior: changing user type changes the form
which is something that should not be done inside the Identification controller
How do you have a user type if you haven't identified them yet?
how should I separate this "UI logic" from the "App logic"?
Or are they registering for different types of accounts?
^ that
Sounds to me like Identification should be a service, and not a controller
the naming might be somewhat .. emm ... bad, but it's the "working title" for controller that deals with login/forgot/register
there is a service for that, controller is there only to attach app logic to the UI
The controller is supposed to have the logic of which user type the user is registering for, and rendering the correct directive
the question is, how should I organize the JS code, that is not related to the "application logic"
should I be making a directive for that (which contains the "user type switching" widget)?
Hmm, that's a bit beyond me familiarity with Angular 1
On a Blog page who is allowed to keep the copyright name, website owner or blog author ?
@FlyingGambit Blog author, unless there's a contract between them and the website owner, which there usually is.
I am trying to make an web app, where users could add pages and write anything in their page, so I was basically going to add a topbar and a footer but If I do so then it might not fit in correctly with the authors page
@FlyingGambit What do you mean?
I have this idea of a web app, where users can sign in and create webpages.
Each page will have a HTML file, additionaly the user has the option to add CSS and JS files.
@FlyingGambit That sounds rather dangerous
why ?
If you allow your users to add CSS and JS files, they can use your platform for phishing attacks
Not to mention they'll be able to steal their visitors' cookies from your site.
at least let them use php
give them something fun to play with
allow them to add scripts in the form of brainfuck. Compare the input's output to something outputted by the most common brainfuck output automation tools, and if they match, tell them that their brainfuck has to be handcrafted
@MadaraUchiha But then weebly.com/in and such similar sites , are they not working in the same dangerous environment ?
@FlyingGambit because that's the intended behaviour
people have to pay to get a website, and it will be on their own domains
not on someone else's site
it won't risk to corrupt/steal-from anything other than your own site
so they can "guarantee" independency of the users
if anyone can just inject js onto a site that is shared by many users, however, then you can't guarantee anything anymore
good examples are the myspace sami attack, or the self-retweeting tweet
Codepen allows JS and CS and multiple users can use and see it , and I dont think they are on different domain
they're in an iframe
the contents won't affect the outside frame
A sandboxed iframe, I might add.
If I do the same and show all the output of the user in an sandboxed - iframe would that not solve the problem ?
@FlyingGambit if you can make sure to do it right, sure :)
go ahead. Don't think your first prototype will be safe though
Certainly I will be needing a lot of rigorous testing
@FlyingGambit They server it from a sandboxed frame, and serve them from a different domain in case the sandbox fails. At least codepan does.
> codepan
@FlyingGambit Make sure you test it with, testers with a certain security mindset.
also, don't inline your css!!!
I forgot to mention, I was hoping to make my site a github page and then use nodeJS (backend code) to create the files and push it to github
But then, when most big sites have a XSS or two per year, your site is like a drop in the ocean...
nothing like your mom
<iframe sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms"
    style="border: 0; width:130px; height:20px;"></iframe>
@Sheepy Is that it ?
it's not just that
there's a lot else that goes onto it
also, that's not an iframe that allows for injection of js
some keywords please, dont know what to search in google
that's just an iframe that other sites can use to display a tweet button
it's mainly common sense and understanding what are the risks of an injected script
just look for js xss
then, ya know, countermeasures, prevention...
@FlyingGambit I wouldn't allow-same-origin if you have been following our conversation...
I am not sure what it stands for, I was indirectly asking if you were referring to the sandbox attribute of iframe
Hello EveryOne,

I need help in understanding the behaviour of JSON [reference issue].

var obj = {"newData":["Hello"]};

obj["oldData"] = obj.newData;
// Here added new key "oldData"
// Expected output is coming: {"newData":["Hello"],"oldData":["Hello"]}

// On updating "newData"
// Excepted Output : {"newData":["Hello","hi"],"oldData":["Hello"]}
// But Actual Output is coming as : {"newData":["Hello","hi"],"oldData":["Hello","hi"]}

How to solve this issue
@Maurize "undefined" Logged: 9342571866601998
@Maurize "undefined" Logged: 9342571866601996
Someone can explain me this?
Q: Is JavaScript a pass-by-reference or pass-by-value language?

Danail NachevThe primitive types (Number, String, etc.) are passed by value, but Objects are unknown, because they can be both passed-by-value (in case we consider that a variable holding an object is in fact a reference to the object) and passed-by-reference (when we consider that the variable to the object ...

I think he knows its a reference issue, but does not know how to solve his problem
Q: Large numbers erroneously rounded in Javascript

JaanusSee this code: <html> <head> <script src="http://www.json.org/json2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var jsonString = '{"id":714341252076979033,"type":"FUZZY"}'; var jsonParsed = JSON.parse(jsonString); console.log(jsonString, jsonParsed); </s...

You like a SO search engine LOL
Ben is more like Caprica's brother
Tempted to crawl and feed this chat into an ML model, along with SO's dataset
"Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation." - Luke 11:4
Hello, does anyone have a good resource to learn about using redux with react that isn't the redux sample / documentation?
@DiveshOswal obj.oldData = obj.newData.concat(); // A quick one-line fix
or .slice()
we have Object.assign
more Importantly, why do you have a white shirt there
I don't remember
reincarnation's a bitch
@littlepootis Are you trying to objectify me?
@Sheepy @towc After giving it some thought, I think I should just allow users to embed codepen iframes and use CSP to stop inline scripts.
I still want to allow users to use style sheets, I can't think of anyway a stylesheet could harm my site.
@littlepootis Its for checking if Pootina is a normal woman
@FlyingGambit html:after { content: 'pwnd' } html body { display: none !important; }
That won't work because each user will have his own global as well as sepearte CSS file for each page
@FlyingGambit IE and Firefox both allowed JavaScript to exist in CSS. So CSS injection = JS injection = XSS vulnerability.
It's the same reason why Word or PDF can be an attack vector. What's the harm in opening a simple document (or even a simple image/video)?

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