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This cardboard smells like paint
These pretzels are making me thirsty.
These thirsty are making me pretzels
your mom
@towc I'm making her thirsty
this effect we have on the send message box to up arrow to edit our previous message what is it called? I did like to add similar feature to my box but not sure what to search for...
@Prix hotkey?
like hotkey detection?
mean key press* etc
I don't know, I was asking you
lol, like when u click this box we use to send a message, if u press the up arrow it lets u edit the last message so I guess its a simple keypress event attached to get the last message? + perhaps it modify or add a field to the post with its id?
@KendallFrey thanks
a keypress on the input.. The rest of the functionality doesn't really have a generic name to google for.
alright, thanks.
you'd just program up a stateful <input>
use the keypress event, swap out the contents on up/down, remember what record you are on, etc.
perhaps somewhat similar to a searchbox with a recent searches list. but only barely.
yeah, I was just not sure it was a keypress event lol silly me
@rlemon LOL

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