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@Neal You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/561731/neal) have 93358 reputation, earned 15 rep today, asked 99 questions, gave 2579 answers, for a q:a ratio of 99:2579.
avg. rep/post: 34.86. Badges: 24g 171s 239b
oh man... just had a little moment there...
cut and pasted some dropbox component code I wrote in another context a while back into an image validation component I'm working on
and apparently I named all the state variables identically because the two just worked together magically
I fired it up to use the errors to tell me what to change and it just worked... nuts
we're talking ~400 lines of code or so
anyhow... blurting it out here because I don't work in an office... little unusual
heh, yeah...
just had the impulse to tell somebody... couldn't help it
@littlepootis last time I did it must have been 5yrs ago
for some reason I'm still not convinced you mean the conventional "horse riding"
Well, being the woman you are, I'd expect you to know what riding a horse mean.
either way, everyone, what do you call those little conglomerates of wiring that appear on some cloth tissue after it felt quite a bit of friction?
no, the cloth isn't broken
@towc lint
in my head fuzzies sounds good. Just wondering if there's a better google-friendly term, so I can learn how to get rid of them
you use a lint brush
my favorite part is where he ignored kendall
I use a trimmer.
or gas chambers
or, you could reverse engineer a hardware rootkit to live in the subway
oh wait, that's lint?
those a pretty good at getting rid of things
1 min ago, by Kendall Frey
@towc lint
!!define lint
@FilipDupanović lint a fine material made by scraping cotton or linen cloth; used for dressing wounds
lint is not used for dressing wounds
what I do
using it on wounds is a terrible idea
I thought lint was the magical matter that appears in your trousers' pockets
@towc where do you think it comes from?
and on other cloth
@Luggage silly question, how do I include public files?
and in my belly button
my things remain attached to the cloth
@KendallFrey ugh me too
@Luggage like images
having a hairy stomach means tons of lint
you have a button in your belly?
loose fibres?
@towc still lint
the little lumps in the belly actually have a name :O!
@ssube and having a cavernous navel
no such thing in my language, it's often talked about how we're missing a noun
@FilipDupanović Yes mine is named Fred
@KendallFrey put some rocks at the opening, keep out lint and bears
@rlemon I have webpack configured to copy the impage into the output (assets) directory and return a URL when you 'require' it.
@rlemon If you're using webpack, I think they have an image loader
@FilipDupanović What do you say when you talk about it? You have to have a term for it
import myImage = './my.png';
<img src={myImage} />
And that'll end up as something like: <img src="/assets/1232143212523.png"
That way, you can have images all over your /src directory, but they'll all end up in /assets with a hash as the filename (so they can be heavily cached)
I have the image in /src/client
import logoImage from './logo.png';
Module not found
what's the error, chump?
the things that produce the shadows are lint?
from something else in the root of /src/client?
lemme test. one sec.
@towc erm, try again
@towc Do you have a razor?
directly above it I import './styles.css' and that works.
@KendallFrey something along the lines of "the cotton puff in your belly"; it was brought to public attention because some comedian made a movie about it and gave them a name
@littlepootis I have my disposable shaving thing
Just use it to remove lint.
which I've been using for over a year...
I'll try that
be careful, it can fuck up your clothes
you're much better off with a brush
I don't want it to do that :/
@towc Wat, do you need a tetanus shot?
they cost a couple dollars and last forever
good for sweaters, suits, wool, fuckin everything (way better than the sticky bullshit ones)
well, I'm only trying to get rid of the thing because I need to look slightly clean tomorrow
like his razor
shops are already mostly closed at this time
@rlemon it'd png, right?
@littlepootis razors... don't last forever bruh
I'll try the razor
towc's does
Mine go rusty after a couple weeks
if anything goes wrong, you'll hear from my lawyers
@BenFortune yeah you're supposed to put them in the drier
@ssube They do when you're 13
@towc what material is this thing?
@KendallFrey I realized that was the joke pootish was making
yeah, I only use it once every 2 months or so
and I was 13 3 years ago
@ssube Razor in the drier?
@Luggage fuck it's the "" isn't it
I'll never get used to not putting those there
@towc why do you need to look clean? revolt!
well, nope. still not found
@littlepootis some kind of polymer. It's from China, doesn't even come with an etiquette
@towc the 3s cancel out
but I'm sure that would have been an issue later
heh, razor seems to work
@BenFortune you can put pretty much anything in the drier and it comes out better than before. Sheets, razors, children...
@Luggage could not fine module "file"
            { test: /\.png$/, loader: 'file?name=assets/[hash].[ext]'},
yea, i think the webpack file-loader isn't installed
npm install file-loader --save-dev
yea, "" is for static strings only.
I know they make the so bad that even putting them under hot water once makes the blade go ptshhh thud, but how does putting the razor in the drier make it better?
best way to get rid of lint is a lighter
@FilipDupanović it doesn't
!afk lunchin
lighters won't get rid of sock lint, socks don't burn
~/src/tech-trial-1 $ webpack
Hash: a4eb7d490c163760f518
Version: webpack 1.13.3
Time: 6658ms
                                      Asset       Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
assets/c2b1cb8be89c58215c826daf566aabef.png     103 kB          [emitted]
assets/entry.client.a4eb7d490c163760f518.js    2.07 MB       0  [emitted]  client
                                 index.html  438 bytes          [emitted]
    + 394 hidden modules
so you can see how it would make the final bundle (you are using the dev-server which doesn't save to disk)
aaah, it was just for the cloth
@rlemon is this your first use of webpack? This PNG thing is a good example of webpack's power.
You could, for example, configure webpack (through a loader) to re-compress all pngs.
or convert all images types to a standard.
webp <3
I could have used file-loader with css files, dumping them into the output and getting a URL, but I use 'style-loader' that embeds then in the JS and when you require/import them it adds the <style> tag right to the DOM.
therefor, you only need to 'import './some.css'; and that's it.
it's not a thing being talked about, but methinks Webpack can now be run in the browser... we'll be doing it all in service workers soon (TM)
but webpack is not webscale
Why would you want to run it in a browser?
who packs the webpack?
Wanking as a Service?
@Luggage well, because you can just serve anything and get a JS module on the other end
But.. the point of webpack is to do that slow work ahead of time.
yeah, but you kill the process and game over... the cache is not serializable
This looks like it could be nice: eve-tech.com
how about you pay the iron price the first time you install the service worker script and it flies from then on?
meh, I just use webpack --watch.
@Neal this looks familiar to me
That gives me files on disk, but it stays running with the cache. A poor man's webpack-dev-server
@littlepootis hmmm?
Lemon is using webpack-dev-server at the moment, so there isn't really an issue, yet.
So, they.. crowd-sourced it and ended up with a Surface?
A cheaper surface.. hmm.
I'd be amazed if they can get away with a cheaper surface for long.
i don't see a gaming graphics card in that tablet tho :(
@Luggage tis indeed
I'm way behind on the new hottness
@HatterisMad A tablet that can fit a mobile pascal GPU would be amazing
well, webpack isn't exactly new, but.. yea. It is hotness.
you're not far away from the bleeding edge now @rlemon
@BenFortune razer had a gaming tablet didn't they? was it decent?
webpack and react are both established, solid products.
@HatterisMad Dunno, the nvidia shield was nice
@Luggage 2.0 is pretty new.. and hotter.
is that out?
beta dist
but I'd heartily recommend
Meh, I'll fool with that later.
well... no.. not.. really... but... you know ... they updated their manuals and website with all the 2.0 stuff
Something like that would be perfect for my girlfriend who refuses to use a desktop because she wants mobility, but refuses to cart a laptop places cause its too heavy, AND wants to play sims, league, overwatch etc
but npm still installs 1.x as default
I'd go for Webpack 2 if I started today
yea, perhaps, but I'm not going to bother updating my main real project for a bit.
I have other ways that I am fucking it up right now.
migrating actually sucks hard.. I'd totally suggest to start from scratch
so many syntax changes in webpack config
they introduced an actual schema for the config object! thank you grandmaster overlord sokra
and System.import and stuff
hope that brings down the volume of shitty Qs on SO where people just copy their config and cry "halp"
@jAndy I think I only tripped up on the preloaders and postloaders being redesigned
Hey guys, I'm having an issue getting formdata to serialize and bind to a asp.net mvc model, the model is always null when the request comes to the controller.

here is my JS:
    $('.save-attendance-record-button').click(function (e) {
            var formData = $(this).serialize();
                dataType: 'html',
                method: 'post',
                url: resolveUrl('~/Home/EditAttendanceRecord'),
                data: { record: formData }
Has anyone used draft-js at all? Having a small problem that doesn't seem to be in the docs
@FilipDupanović I think 2.0 still eats 1.x syntax partially, but they changed a lot more
back from 4 hours of neurosciences, feels good to be back at the ide :D
and passing options to the config function doesn't exist in Webpack 1, right?
I am just trying to implement a relatively simple keyup and keydown listener
@lix I think you're axon vestibulas are still missing adequate neurotransmitter levels
I guess so. The entire rules section and the object syntax had some drastically changes
and/or enhancements
please proceed to the fridge to be instructed on the necessary precursors you need to take in before you return to the internet
Guys any NodeJs - Mongo Experts here ?
@FilipDupanović I think my penai glands are excreting enough hormones for a good old 4 stage sleep cycle
@bhuvin not an expert, but just ask your question and people will answer if they know
sounds like you'll be taken straight to REM phase (y)
I'm writing a research piece on cognitive performance and impairments in sleeping disorders, currently reading into polysnogram studies using fMRI's and BOLD. Super fun as you can tell @FilipDupanović
@FilipDupanović get some good old theta waves in xd xd
AFAIU it was all about not filtering out the gunk and some immune pathways that are activated only at rest, or is there something new?
@corvid : Thanks man !
I am trying to connect to a MongoDb server in Replica set fashion , wherein the Connection is always timing out.
BUT : other Jobs which connect to the same MongoDb server works fine.
t-cells get manufactured, diffuse pressure cleansing (brain no has lymphatic nodes)
did you catch the error and inspect it? If so, what does it say?
I am squandering which direction to go;
Currently I have checked:
1. The db call is situated in Success callback.
2. Connection string
@corvid : Error:MongoError: connection 5037
Most of my research is based on fmri scans performed during sleep studies, Looking at how the brain oxygenates blood cells in spefic areas of the brain while sleep deprived and in the further stages of sleep occuring afterwards, though I have looked into the Suprachiasmatic nucleus and the thalamus with sleep orientated hormone production
@bhuvin yes and my advice is: don't use mongo
@SterlingArcher that gif is priceless
@Luggage Oh dood! I was making a thing for this!
increases with sleep or not? I can't say everything makes perfect sense, to me at least
I knew that was a freakin' good idea =D
Dependents (961)
It's kind of odd really, I'm reading a piece by tononi and Bergadi atm which covers frequency changes within sleep deprived rats and a cross study performed on humans that outlined some odd occurances in frequency changes not normally found in the awake state, mostly small theta wave occurances.
Though fMRI has shown a whole host of previous unconnected area's within people surffering from klien levin syndrome when using auditiory stimulus while in stage 1-2 of sleep
@lix is that your area?
sorry, catching up... it is, sorry
I thought you were hardcore CS or are they throwing you into some interdisciplinary studies?
I'm a compsci student in my 4th year and I got the option of doign neurosciences so I choose my research area in sleep as it's something that personally affects me so It's an intresting area
@lix have you tried fmri on theta meditation subjects ?
if so... I might hit you up with some questions in a few months if that's ok... I'm thinking about getting one of the boards from openbci.com and trying to figure out what's ideal to monitor for triggering actuators
(My son is a quadriplegic, hence my motivation)
@lix induce narcolepsy on yourself, it's the best thing ever :P
ah sleep, ok... My sister works in that field
Hey man feel free to shoot me any questions, If I can't get you the best answer I'm sure I could find someone whose in that area to get you some advice :-)
ok, that'd be awesome... I don't have time for a deep dive into the neuro if I can help it, want to focus on the software / hardware as much as possible
holy shit
@ssube : Have no options man !
@bhuvin quit your job if they use mongo, it's what I did
@corvid : any idea man
haha ... well
next time
@KarmaDoe you got any research papers or researchers that can actually back up this?
Not at hand.
@Shane they're supposed to come out with some tiny electrodes you can move around and position without a surgical procedure
the future looks bright (y)
@Shane It's really cool how far you'll go to help your son, props to you man :-)
Is there a reason that my on('submit', function(e){}) function is never getting triggered/called?:

 $('.save-attendance-record-button').click(function (e) {

    $('#form-edit-attendance-record').on('submit', function (e) {
    //code here..
@FilipDupanović yeah, there's a lot of cool things out there brewing
I'm trying to find some of the other dads who are devs to see if we can open source some stuff
special needs equipment is terrible and expensive
are you following Deus Ex on FB?
but the parents will put in effort, so that sounds like a good candidate for open source
no, should I be? (sounds like yes)
Does anyone know a way to disable the cross origin request safety in google chrome 53+? I can't use ajax within my local machine's file system otherwise
@JohanSundman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@shane If I can't help out in any way with contributing, hit me up
cool man, thanks
I've got a while to go before I get there, probably 6-8 months or so, but yeah... definitely
@JohanSundman just run a local server
the file protocol is mostly useless
need to come up to speed on arduinos / raspberry pi first
@SterlingArcher Happy birthday to the SNOW.
flawless lol
@ssube It's such a hastle to move all my files from the github repository to my local server..
if you're developing, you already have the repo...
@FilipDupanović nice... Have you seen Robert Downy Jr give that kid an ironman prosthetic arm?
fuckin awesome
OMG :O! I'm yting
@JohanSundman .. clone it..?
Your local server is your dev machine.
you already have everything you need
you just have to believe
and run a server
@SterlingArcher My server is hosting another site
local server
local server
that isnt even local then
well, if your local server is running a different project
you should turn it off and run this one
> My house in in Massachusetts seems pretty local to me
try a different port
@KarmaDoe :o you might actually be onto something here, I'm struggling to find any research papers on fMRI based studies on mediation auditory stimulation
@FilipDupanović oh man, that arm is nice... Looks like he's doing a myo armband kinda thing
why do you want repo files on a machine that is running another site?
yeah just use a different port
cloning a repo doesn't mean you're hosting it
it's an easy way to get the files
@Shane man, he's the real deal :') sniff
well, the point here is to host it
I don't know how to do that :[
because it's already cloned
yeah different port
there are only 64000 to chose from
I'm running the software XAMPP on windows for my server
Step 1) Install php
Step 2) cd /path/to/dir
Step 3) php -S localhost:1337
if you find any letme know
@littlepootis Instructions for windows plz
@SterlingArcher hey, there could be a whole 65.5k, but the kernel reserves 1k and a bunch of others are used for stupid stuff like "HTTP" and "interneting."
@JohanSundman look it up plz
It's for windows.
this is widely documented on google, go try and find a tutorial
Is it that easy?!
@KarmaDoe ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19922249 this journal verified that it has some bearing, though I can only get abstract access
@littlepootis Is there a windows command for installing php?
unfortunately, no.
@JohanSundman what does their website say?
mmm pretty sure you can use Chocolatey
"suggest that nondirective meditation techniques alter theta and alpha EEG patterns"
Download the packages from php.net.
@ssube those ports are stupid af
@ssube which website?
@FilipDupanović chocolatey is usually more trouble than its worth
@JohanSundman php.net
@JohanSundman the documentation or tutorial you looked up before asking for step-by-step instructions
My first search was loads of what looked like broscience buy my theta mediation mixtape websites, but it's had studies done into it :o
so, technically speaking, a bit of meditation and some relaxation and you could get the chops to cope with lots of illnesses
for only $19.99
Sounds like a steal to me
be careful offering medical advice here, we generally discourage poor or unsubstantiated advice, especially stuff like "meditation can help you with illnesses"
I'm talking here in a circle of people that have sifted through papers
@littlepootis Do I need a webserver for your step by step solution?
do you want me to pull in papers that people meditating don't get the adderall doses upped if they meditate?
go do it yourself
@JohanSundman you need a web server. That's what we've been telling you this whole time.
@FilipDupanović if you give advice like that and somebody takes it and goes off their meds, you can get in some trouble if they do terrible things. That's why we discourage it.
Several observations indicate that changes in cardiorespira-
tory function were not responsible for the fMRI signal
increases measured here. First, the signal increases were
regionally speciÆc, not global in nature. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gurucharan_Khalsa/publication/12477679_Functional_Brain_Mapping_of_the_Relaxation_Response_and_Meditation/links/09e4151032ed38238f000000.pdf @KarmaDoe Answers a load of questions I had
Sadly this is a little outside the remit of my topic, otherwise I'd of cross referenced some of this :o
In conclusion, we can voluntarily control what our brain does.
I wish I could.
sure we can, tell that to crazy people
"Just sit down and have a think, you'll be all better!"
What do you call crazy ?
@KarmaDoe right (y)
Besides, you are getting it the wrong way
damnit, just when the talk is getting hot I gotta skip ~.~
Is there something I don't understand or do I have to download apache's source code and compile it myself?
2016 and no internet reception in my head
Further attention and arousal in the hypothalamus suggest that meditation does help with producing brain frequencies normally found in stage 2 sleep
There you go.

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