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I have the following code but it deosn't set seamless, scrolling, or allowTransparency
var criframeel = document.createElement("iframe");
criframeel.id = 'iframeid';
criframeel.seamless = true;
criframeel.srolling = 'no';
criframeel.allowTransparency = true;
I must be doing something wrong :|.. but in w3schools.com/jsref/prop_iframe_seamless.asp it shows I at least should be setting the seamless property
I'm not familiar with those properties, but w3schools is not the best resource. It can sometimes be out-of-date or just plain wrong.
MDN is the popular better alternative.
I will look into it, thank you
and MDN mentions no 'seamless' property.
even w3schools says it doesn't exist. Look at the "browser support" section: w3schools.com/tags/att_iframe_seamless.asp
seamless is a removed iframe property
Ah, I feel stupid
I can't seem to get the scrollbar to go away..
Do you have access to the document inside the iframe?
Add the CSS overflow hidden there, since iframes don't like to cross-css
It's a security restriction to prevent XSS
That makes sense
I do
You guys are so much help haha
I always thought it was so weird that they were called AJAX loading icons since the icon isn't related to AJAX at all, but now I just realized it's that you use it when AJAX is loading hahah
Also, even the ajax isn't ajax. AJAX stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML" and many people use JSON instead of XML.
Microsoft make the original XMLHttpRequest api that allowed web pages to load extra data, which is where that came from. MS used to heavily push XML.
A 'misnomer'.
I haven't seen any benefits to XML other than that it is easy to read
It's extensible in a conflict-free way.
You can add an extra namespace to attach properties to someone elses format and it won'tg et in the way (if they parse xml properly)
The api people who hold le api rules heavily suggest always using json now adays
<Something xmlns:custom="my/custom/junk">
    <foo custom:bar="blah />
the bar property being the 'extra' one.
Yea, I use JSON.
Ahh I see
but xml has it's place, too.
Yeah for sure, a lot of vb.net stuff seems to just work better with parsing xml
A real world example, the SVG format, which is xml. If you edit it with inkspace, inkscape will put it's own properties on, like the window and zoom positions, but it can do that without breaking the SVG format.
inkscape:zoom="1.4" or some shit.
Ahh that makes sense
Speaking of SVG I am just putting in an SVG loader
That, and there are languages to query xml (xpath and xquery), languages to transform it into another shape (xslt), etc.
well that's that, were making a new campaign make XML great again.
The only thing JSON really has on XML is that it's simple and more compact. That said, I like JSON unless I have a good reason to use XML, which I find ugly and verbose.
hey @Luggage whats your opinion on going to hackathons as an individual to try and network some kind of startup?
or just going by yourself
Never been, so I don't really know.
But, I'm not sure I have what is takes to try and fail at a startup.
Do you have some idea that you are looking for help on, or just a broad "who wants to start a business with me?"
I have a few different ideas mostly all niche programs and stuff for the private investigation area
ok, that's better than the second thing I said.
But, no idea what you'll find at a hackathon..
I've already failed a startup this summer, didn't develop fast enough and then our frontend developer got poached felt bad.
Luckily we didn't take investment, so only time lost here.
time === money
Do you work?
No, I rob banks.
So you work at a bank?
I work at my secret lair.
Actually, I'm a freelance at the moment.
but with a single main client, so I guess that makes me a contractor.
Nice, how's it going?
It's fine. I make lower than many, but only bill like 40 hours / month and am trying to figure out what I want to do next.
All the spare time, you could start making some side gigs for passive income
Yea, if I can figure out something..
but I spend more than 40 hours/month working, I jst only bill that.
dues to all the time I spend playing with new libraries, etc.
But yea... I want to come up with something..
Also, I need to spend more time learning machine learning
Well if you have the time and experience there's a few niche's like private investigation and security that have a lot of money and not much competition
Meh, if I am going to join someone else's gig, I really want to be into it.
Tracking software is actually something I considered for a while but you'd need, hardware exspiernce
Don't worry I'm not asking atm, just throwing idea's around. I kinda enjoy trying to inspire people
ATM.. there is an idea
How about an ATM on a self driving car, so it comes to you.
Drug dealers best friend ^^
!!urban atm
@phenomnomnominal ATM At the moment.
one sec I have elon on the phone, yeap he thinks it's a great fucking idea.. now he's asking if you want to come to the moon
I was just thinking that.. it'd be patrolling bad neighborhoods..
So, I can think of a few slight flaws with the idea..
Kinda sounds like the uber of cash withdrawl
is anyone here experienced with react?
Depends what the question is.
If it's something lengthy, then no. :)
Hey, I have a quick and silly question
@user2417731 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
question is.... I have to make a php backend for someone who is making a front end in react
and this project is scaring me... lo
I'm using graphql, and it expects a string and parses it. I'm wondering sending a string vs JSON to the server has any performance increases
because 1) have to use php. 2) have to stitch it with react.
@user2417731 json IS a string, so.. no.
@qaispak It's not that bad, you'll get through it.
When it gets passed to the backend does the serilization process convert the json obj to a string anyway @luggage
You don't need to 'stich' it. You jus use react on the front end, and you talk to the server to get/save data (ajax/json/etc).
react is pretty good at just handling the view and not imposing constraints on any other part of your architecture. it shouldn't affect the way you write your php
For our company implementing a react frontend isn't viable right now
Yeah. In theory it seems alright. It is just a bit daunting because I have never worked on a project where I am doing only the server side.
also I have never worked in PHP.
No, the JSON 'object' IS a string. That's what JSON is. It's a string that uses a JS-like syntax.
Think of it like XML.
Have you developed in Java || C# || .net?
Does anyone here have experience with GraphQL?
I have in Java but not web development.
The main thing that bothers me is how we will communicate... like I am thinking to push my stuff on heroku. Accessing my server/database, that is something he has to worry about right?
@user2417731 no, but I know what is is. There is no 'performance concerns' between a string in graphql format and one in JSON format.
Typically when your a sever side only developer your main concern is just providing access points or views that your frontend developer can use to make things pretty
@Luggage thanks. Was also wondering a different question. Sending strings to the backend seems fine, but when dealing with dynamic queries it gets difficult to generate strings vs manipulating and using JSON. So was wondering how people handle dynamic query generation for Graphql
Depends how much the other guy is a frontend developer, like html / css or can he actually program as well
@Luggage there may be an extra step with JSON because you'd have to parse the JSON string before you can extract the graphql string out of the response. If you just send the graphql you can use it directly
@lix he is pretty good at it. More experienced than me. He's pretty much done with a static front end too
the examples I have seen, jstu use string interpoliation, like `some graphql thing ${someVariable} more`
I guess your having to make some kind of cms @qaispak
But.. You manupular JavaScirpt object, then turn them into a string with JSON.stringify, you don't manipulate json like you are implying
@Luggage we are using string interpolation and it is giving us a fair amount of hassle. I'm trying to convince the devs here to switch over to using graphql variables but no luck yet
Sorry, I keep going back to that, but it's a very common mistake people make, mixing up a JS object and JSON and thinging they have one when they have the other.
Yeah I know, but what I mean is on the client side JSON objects are objects, so changing them is simple. But when changing strings you'd have to use string manipulation
no, client side JS objects.
@david How would you do dynamic queries with graphql variables?
JSON is always a string.
Sorry, that's what I mean tho, 'JS Objects'
Dealing with them on the front end is easier than a string
what's a graphql variable?
that's cool, thankyou!
I wonder if having to stringify it at the end would be a performance concern
relay seems to have variables ($size in this example): facebook.github.io/relay/docs/…
@Luggage that link i sent. You basically pass in the stuff in a separate map instead of interpolating. That way you don't have to worry about escaping
I don't know if that different than graphql..
ohh right, yea, same thing.
@david What I'm trying to get my team to understand is the advantage of using graphql vs building your own query parser. Their argument is that graphql does not do any sort of "where" clause building for us, so in our case we're only interested in the where clause being generated and selecting all the fields returned, and they're arguing building that where clause generator (which we have to regardless of gql or not) is better since we wont have to deal with graphql
I'm trying to get them to understand that graphql has other wins, like graphiql, schemas, etc,
Reason 1: facebook is smarter than your team (no offense, but..)
it has a 'where'.
A very simple one tho
where something = something
but not !=, < >, like, etc,.
but yea.. it's not really meant for the "select *" type of query, but it can work that way.
I sometimes wonder if there is any significant performance increase just getting json with fewer fields (i.e what you want) vs everything
There can be for long lists.
graphql can do that, of course, that's one of it's main features, but you can build that into a home-rolled REST api, too.
like for 3 vs 40?
Did you mean graphql can do stuff like !=, <, > ?
if you are returning 100's of records, 3 fields vs 40 could be much faster (depending in the connectio speed)
No, select specific fields.
But you can also jsut put in a "select" option in any other api to filter the fields before stringifying into json
I guess what I'm trying to get them to understand that with graphql, even though we don't NEED the other features (fragments, graphiql, schemas), we could use them. We have to write the where clause generator ANYWAY.
You sold me, I've been wanting an excuse to use graphQL, but.. there is value, sometimes, in a simple home-rolled solution that you understand well, so they may not be 100% wrong.
So, keep selling, but lose gracefully if it comes to that.
If they know what they are doing, they can whip up something that does most of what you need.
If not, they may not be able to handle graphQL anyway.
Yeah that's where I'm going with it. My take on it is if we were to build our own solution, we'd have to handle the simple things ourselves. For example, we'd have to build a REST endpoint that accepts some sort of JSON. Then we'd have to parse that JSON for arguments. Then we'd have to generate our where (have to do that in both scenarios).
But we lose stuff like validaiton, schemas (having 1 endpoint), and other stuff
and yeah the fact is FB IS smarter than us
There is always JSON schema
Yeah but with graphql it is built in. For us we'd have to make our own
I use a home-rolled REST api. Each object was a "search object" attache dto it that takes all the possible parameters for my 'where generator' and json schema handles verifying it.
yea. You can just glue a few libraries together, though. I have maybe 200 lines of code for mine, and it handles faethcing children (when requested), filtering fields, where-clauses, etc
But yea.. if I was making something new, I would use graphql (or at least evaluate it more).
Yeah but lets say you want to do a complex query. Something more than just (select * from entity where somecol = someval). Something like a join between two tables, etc,. If you were to do that without graphql, you'd create an API endpoint, the UI would call that specific API endpoint, and in that API endpoint is where you'd store your query and return the JSON.
But with Graphql, you export 1 schema that is a collection of all of your object types. So the client never has to go to any other API end point and you don't have to make any other API endpoint.
Yeah but if you're glueing libraries together to achieve what 1 can, then why not use that 1, esp when its made by facebook
if it's not just fetching a related object, but a 'unique join' then you need to build that in graphql, too.
Yeah you still have to build the schema for it in GraphQL, but it's exported and served into one final schema and one api end point. So as far as the UI is concerned, it interacts with a single end point
you can make returning 3 fields faster than returning 40 if you structure your data to make that happen. Graphql doesn't specify how you store your data, it doesn't care. So if you decide that you often want to return just 3 fields instead of all 40 you can put an index over those 3 fields and then the DB query will be faster, and that will result in an overall faster API call
meh, that's not an issue.
it's not hard to do, but it's another step to do that a tool automates
not much work at all.. a line of code to register an endpoint. Also.. there is no reason I couldn't turn my REST api into a single endpoint and just accept a list of queries.
yup but again thats another thing to do
vs using something that already does it
with graphql you don't lose much other than figuring out how it works, and thats up to the guy who's going to make it to determine
// In an hour's work, I could, instead of:
GET /api/users/1, GET /api/hospitals/123
//turn it into
GET /api/query
{ users: 1 },
{ hospitals, 123 }
A half-baked example, but you get the point.
Again, I'm not talking you out of graphQl, but instead tell you that a competent backend dev can make you not miss it too much.
Yup it's true
I guess I'm just looking at it from a point vs point example from using it vs not using it and doing your own thing
and just trying to prove the worth of it
You gotta get their buy in. Whip up a sample using your companies objects, makes it as pretty as you can and share that.
Already did that... tomorrow will be the final sale. Their argument was, if we have to build our own generator that will generate the where clause, why use graphql at all. My counter argument is that the work is the same but using graphql gives other small wins
If they aren't interested, then they aren't going to invest the mental effort in trying to adapt examples to something they are familiar with. You might need to do that part.
ok, good luck.
my arch linux is being a bitch again, what's new?
but seriously the arch community is so annoying sometimes. I am afraid to ask them questions.
I just wanna learn.
!!> "stop"
oops, i was trying to undo the "hammertime" thing.
@qaispak I gave up on desktop linux a while ago, but with the new macbook being so overpriced and low 16gb ram, I might have to reconsider and try a linux friendly laptop in the future
@Luggage I'm gonna go mac when I start my new job and never look back
actually I do like linuux
I think arch was the wrong decision.
But besides the default file manager (Finder) sucking so bad, OSX has been very nice for development.
@qaispak what's wrong?
Hey guys I have a question. Didn't think it's important enough for it's own q&a, but I'm just wondering if anyone can help.
The kernel shattered.
@littlepootis several things. Like when I try gksudo and the gui shows up to enter my password I can't focus on the text box
little things like that/gui problems
Sounds like typical linux.
I am using an angular module called angular-marked, which displays markdown as html. It's nice, but it allows you to enter html markup inside, and even create executing scripts. That doesn't seem right, but lots of other markdown displayer plugins do the same. What's the deal?
(fyi, I love linux on servers)
then I'm stuck with patchy workarounds just to get my sublime running
never used gksu
I could imagine being happy with windows 10 if the hardware was right (good mac-like multi-touch pad), also, "linux on windows".
Why not just su -c "command"?
su was giving me this weird error that I googled -- everyone told me to use gsku for gui applications
!!sudo make me a sandwich
@qaispak You want to run your sublime as root?
@Luggage Okay.
The following code gives me the output I want from the .fail function instead of the .done function. But, it's exactly what I want. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
su -c "subl /path/to/file"
@littlepootis basially because I was saving some files on the server.
  url: url,
  data: jsonobj,
  dataType: "json"
}).done(function(resopnse) {
}).fail(function(error) {
I can't imagine using mac, through me and linux are chill
I'm not gonna give up on Arch yet. I wwant to do things on it that I want
Change the permissions of the files, don't run sublime as root.
What the fuck, are you trolling?
who, me?
who, me?
who me?
@lix it's like windows, but the terminal is like linux
my cocoa puff fell to the edge of my chair
@lix same
I picked it up and it had hair ALL over it
@Luggage same
trolling about what? not running sublime as root?
You suggested he change the permissions instead of starting an editor as root.
A permanent permission change instead of temporary privilege escalation?
Anyone else agree that vs foundation server is just a poor mans alternative to github
He could be editing something only root should have access to.
How about, specifying that the user can edit the file instead of running an edito like sulime (that many keep open) that is loaded with plugins
he's talking about files he edits all the time, I assumed.
Don't use sublime, then.
Use something sane.
Or just nano.
Maybe I was assuming wrong and it's just a temporary edit, in which case, yea, you're right
these problems are why i just run everything as root
I had the impression, somehow, that he was keeping code files open all day editing.. I'mnot sure where I go tthat.
When you need su, it'd better be something temporary.
i even changed my windows login name to be 'root'
also, i'm pretty high right now.
I'd trust nano over any editor for editing sensitive files.
over vim?
i hear the v stands for 'very secure'
dear god no. please no, I hope this doesn't turn into emacs/vim.
I'll start shooting, I swear.
vim is great too, as long as root's vimrc is vanilla.
I agree. root should stay stock vim
here's a pop quiz
your root vimrc is only writable as root, because that makes sense
but you know that there is something bad in there, how it got there doesn't matter
D) All of the above.
but it means that you can't use vim to edit the vimrc file
the question is
how do you
@david you can
open the cupboard without any of the plates breaking?
1. look at the vim man page to figure out how to skip the .vimrc
2. Use another editor
3. rename it
i was going to suggest deleting it but that's basically 3
Use paper plates
the real answer though
is to run sublime as root
unless you have the sublime plugin that loads .vimrc files.
oh shit
yeah then you're doomed
basically need to reformat
3 mins ago, by Luggage
D) All of the above.
1. Use nano
2. vim -u NONE
Has anyone here heard of any recent JavaScript vulnerability exploits?
@drowZ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
there is one new vulnerability exploit involving callback pyramids that get too big. turns out they have a chance to summon Amun-Ra
funny but, really, who cares if your app uses 20mb of ram.
holy shit. I left wireshark running and it was using 11gb of ram
what if it uses 20mb of ram permanently per request
that's the initial overhead of the runtime.
if you allocate 100k in c#, it's still just 100k.
i spin up a new node instance every time a request comes in, that's webscale
* ok, some for garbage collection
@david lmao
I'm not sure if you are joking, but one could make that situation workaable, and ther are certain advantages.
but there are better ways.
yeah i'm joking
i actually spin up a new docker container per incoming request
I can't think of any reason to need that, but just for fun:
and those have the node process inside them
infact each docker container has several node processes, one for each microservice
although i'm planning on putting those inside their own docker containers too
One would keep warm instances of node waiting for a request, and cycle them after the request and still get decent response times.
i have just under 2 hours left till i can go home
i am so bored
Try doing some work. :)
it's css v.v
it's mindnumbing
#me { motivation: none; }
and yeah you can get child processes to both listen on the same port file descriptor handle thing in node
or use pm2 clustering.
and it will hand each request off to whichever one was waiting for it first
or use pm2 :P
but it's fairly easy to do natively
unix probably has built in ways
it's also kinda cool that it doesn't split the load evenly
it ends up being very dependant on the OS scheduler
so the 'active' node process winds up running more, and picking up more requests
what's that basic linux/unix services that listen on a port and spawns a process?
can't think of the name
Hey there
@NaguibIhab Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
what do people talk about in here
terrible stuff
I just spent 40 mins trying to get phpmystorm on arch I give up :'(
mongodb is running on centos. But i cannot find the db directory?
@qaispak wat
It's so easy
Download it, run the.sh file.
I got the package and the package fails
during installing it
What package?
can I post a link here?
Don't use it.
eek. why
AUR packages suck most of the time.
ah. Well that was what was linked in the wikipage
what's the alternative?
Download from jetbrains website directly.
and then just unzip that file?
alright. Shall try
sorry for noob question but I have the folder extracted and now it's another folder with like bin and resource folders inside it. how do I run it?
You'll need to install it first.
Go to bin, and run the storm.sh file.
Double-click or ./storm.sh in terminal.
damn it worked
you're a guru
Been coding for almost 11 hours straight now o.o haha
I'm off to bed peace everyone
night @Alesana
hai everyone
I need to be plot some points on an image an add some effects by connecting them?what is the best method to plot some points?
on an image?
just finished a tutorial on symfony. Not bad.
haaaai .zZ
tnx flip
>.> glad I have this fake Nes coffee, you can make it with ice cold water
ok.......but i didn't think that is a fake Nes coffee
I'm pretty sure arabica would sit on top and I'd be sipping on powder
saw this the other day, maybe you can dig into what they're using; styles are unminified, maybe you'll have luck with the sources too pusher.com
Hi Any one
@kumar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I want to get the drag-n-drop id hover on indent icon. Can anybody help me solve this?
sample image
I want to get the drag-n-drop id hover on indent icon. Can anybody help me solve this?
How would I get all of the children ID's of a div and push them to an array?
1 message moved to Trash can
@lix Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
'<div id="lobbies">
        <div class="row lobbyRow">

something along the lines of el.querySelector('[id]')
var lobbyChildNodes = document.getElementById("lobbyRow").childNodes;

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