@MadaraUchiha ooh its the cursor point, I thought its about the color of chat when you click on the "this is a reply to earlier msg" button . Hmm I agree it certainly needs to be darker
//i created a new theme for you: type this in console
b=document.createElement("link");b.href="http://www.w3schools.com/lib/w3.css";b.rel="stylesheet";document.body.appendChild(b);setInterval(()=>$(".messages").addClass("w3-green w3-animate-zoom"),1000/24);
i want to parse the result of the url.. you can open the url and see..i want to get image, title, date and a preview snippet of the article — user951449yesterday
the only real next addition I want to make to the extension itself is adding in a ordering system based on the gist name. similar to how GIMP does gif frame delay timing
So I just added a "Provide your own link from the web" functionality to our image upload thingie only to realize that like 99% of all URLs result in CORS errors
> Here in between client and server middle ware will be there, if client hits a request it will go to the middle ware and middle ware will send to server and vice versa.
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Hey guys, I need some help intergrating Travis-CI (travis-ci.org) builds with my Github repo. After the source files get built, I would like to push them to the master branch, or another branch named "build"
@Luggage revolution against "they are telling us incorrect things about vb.net and java"? on the streets? telling non-nerdy authorities that this is important stuff and hoping that they will understand?