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if threejs has an event emitter, then yes
threejs.org/docs/api/core/Raycaster.html .... that was crazy hard to find was on page 1 of google 2nd or 3rd result "three.js mouse events"
@redfelix so you hook up your code to those events, then pass them on to backbone
not you, the other guy
Opinions on event names for a react component: onHeaderClick or onClickHeader ?
lol I would use onClickheader
if I had to choose on
Linter would force me to use handle lol
they have a naming convention thing somewhere
er, I mean this is the property name, not tin internal handler
<MyComponent onHeaderClick={this.handleHeaderClick} />
@Luggage First one gets my vote
It just sounds backwards on the second
@Loktar setting up raycaster wasn't the problem.
Who needs conspiracies when the FBI is investigating a candidate anyway?
logic has never stopped conspiracy theorists from conspiring
@ssube Dankest meme generator
@ssube Solid idea, terrible result and for some reason had to be targetted towards a specific side
Logic is part of the conspiracy
"for some reason"
Both sides share these all day haha
it makes some legit looking conspiracy pictures
But yea each one just had gibberish on it for me... At least they try
@Jhawins that's the point
It's an "Alt Right conspiracy generator". So it's bias is right in the title. Not a problem there
@ssube Oh you should share. Mine were'nt even funny
@Luggage Yeah the title is the only bias there is.
@Jhawins !!whoosh
@ssube I mean I assumed they would be even the slightest bit funny
they are, if you don't already believe them
those missing cables are certainly incriminating
Believe what? The words are nonsensical
Lol like this isn't a left or right biased photo and there is no joke. I don't understand :O
That's the joke. It's just putting random comments on the images.
You guys laugh at weird shit...
I'm still trying to get my propTypes properly set up. I have two components, CourseList and Course. The former is basically a map component that creates Courses from an array of objects, passed in as a prop (courses).
they're completely random, but if you took a bunch of real right wing conspiracy memes and compared them, you couldn't tell the difference
wait a traitor?
he is wearing a flag pin
that's the point of it, just making fun of conspiracies
@ssube Or left wing ones lol
she never does
Have you seen anyone's "serious" conspiracy images and though "wtf are they saying?"
@Luggage the ear piece ones were interesting
@Luggage the chemtrails keep us from questioning
@Loktar I think he's supposed to be calling her a traitor but Idk, they don't make much sense lol
ah I just saw circles converging on the American flag pin
I was just commenting on the fact they called this a "alt right" conspiracy generator when it fits both sides equally well and doesn't make any sense on either lol.
@NathanJones question?
@Luggage have you not?
Like there's no joke or originality here... No substance or funny. Just someone stirring the pot
@littlepootis I have.
@Jhawins well its because of all the shit that's came out about the left
they have to have SOMETHING
I mean wikileaks, fbi investigation, ect. ect. ect
@Jhawins I agree it's not terribly funny, but meh. I am losing interest fast.
@littlepootis he's just explaining the joke, i.e., conspiracy theories never making sense
@Loktar lol all those fbi investigations going on targeting the left
Weiner tried to fuck a 15 year old, ends up fucking a 69 year old.
You can't make this shit up
@Luggage I don't want to be repetitive in CourseList's propTypes, so how do I say "this.props.courses is an array of objects, and each object matches the propTypes in Course's propTypes"
Well, oh, the context went under my fov.
@NathanJones why would you do that?
also, they have a type for that...
@NathanJones I probably wouldn't setup CourseLists proptypes to care about the internal props of the array items
I'm voting on November 9th - Nick Dugger status
^ This should be a thing. Making Dugger statuses
Oh man he had one the other day...
@ssube i've asked this before, the answer was use propTypes.node, but I keep getting Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop courses[0]` supplied to CourseList, expected a ReactNode.` when I use it
dugger = () => ['dank', 'pls', 'shut up'][Math.random()]
@Loktar I read this as sarcasm and replied also in sarcasm. Got my left/right confused....
I #bushed
@NathanJones i don't think you want reactnode. object.
or array of* object
@Jhawins just swap all the trump/clinton images in that conspiracy maker with bush/kerry ones and it would be way better
or nixon ones, that would also be fun
Nixon's head ones
@littlepootis |0
hah, yes
I got a second monitor. 1080, IPS, USB 3
Let me channel Jason for you...
> 1080p pls scrubby nub get 1440p like a real mcgrubber
lol. It's portable.
Hey man, that was Jason talking. Don't shoot the messenger
I did look there were no 1440 ones that were powered solely off of USB
This code is also giving me the Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method of Course`` error: dpaste.com/2NFKN52#
mine has a handle
it's portable as well
I moved it from NE to MI :p
@NathanJones the key={this.props.id} in the render method of Course does not need ot be there. Keys go on the outside, where the array is.
@Loktar lol
Srsly tho this thing looks amazing
Colors are the only part where it's slightly lacking, but only if you're trying to notice.
it shouldnt be lacking
it's an IPS
might just need to calibrate it
@Luggage there aren't any arrays in Course's render method
right, CourseList is where the key for a Course needs to be defined
yours is like the one under "Example: Incorrect Key Usage"
// but i already have this in the CourseList render
const courses = this.props.courses.map((course, index) => {
  return (
    <Course {...course} uniqueTerms={uniqueTerms} index={index} key={course.id} />
that looks right, then. the key on the Course.render is still wrong
@Luggage should there be a key in Course.render at all?
Only if there is an array, which there is not
Did you read that link I pasted? I was linked right to the section with your specific scenario
any socket.io friends here? Is this the wrong way to do things?
  // create namespace
  const room = socket.of('/users');
  // wait until connection with middleware
  routes.use((req, res, next) => {
    socket.on('connection', client => {

  routes.get('/', function (req, res, next) {
      .orderBy('online', 'desc')
      .map(user => {
        room.emit('user_added', user);

    req.on('end', res.end.bind(res));
their ListItem === your Course, their NumberList === your CourseList
@Luggage i read the example, and removed my incorrect usage of key, but i still get the error referring to Course's render, which is what's confusing me
comment out most of Course's render body to see if that makes it go away. verify it's there.
ohh, it could be in GradeList
@Luggage i still get it when most of it is commented out
or Attendance, if that also has an array in it.
ok, then it might not really in in Course. Show me CourseList.render()
render() {
  const uniqueTerms = this.getUniqueTerms();
  const courses = this.props.courses.map((course, index) => {
    return (
      <Course {...course} uniqueTerms={uniqueTerms} index={index} key={course.id} />

  return (
    <div className='course-list'>
      <CourseHeader uniqueTerms={uniqueTerms} />
key={'grades-' + this.props.id} <- also non-sense
@Luggage yeah, i removed those after it didn't fix anything :)
const courses = this.props.courses.map((course, index) => (
    <Course .../>
and does removing {courses} make it go away? you're gonna have to narrow down where it is
i found it
was it uniqueTerms?
i had another class named Course, but the file was named CourseHeader. I guess I copy+pasted without changing everything.
I'm a moron
@ndugger I'm a mormon (source)
what about "placeholder" components? i don't really have an identifier to set as the key in those cases
Now I can see why you guys use might use a view library like React because I had to build my little updateView(ele) and it's becoming a pain in the ass tracking where/what the element is that needs updating. Right now I'm just passing the entire element in and then breaking it apart in the function finding what I need, but holy smokes batman it's ugly.
I got myself a situation where my object is only visible to the user via popup once they click on a row in a table, but I'm checking the object for things before it's even clicked on, but can't figure out how to pass that information to the dom element before it even exists, so essentially I'm checking things twice in different spots. It's kinda lame, but it may be the result of my design and/or me not knowing what my options are.
The good news is that I'm getting more experience on how to do things, just never had to manage updating views before so learning as I go.
React has a virtual DOM, where its components are stored in memory, which are what holds the props. When an element is finally rendered, React keeps track of what elements belong to what components.
You'll have to store all of this in memory
Yeah that's what I'm realizing, that I needed to store the DOM itself instead of just storing the objects that are used to create my updated DOM.
I'm cycling through my objects to create a table, and then when you click on a row it uses that object to show more information, but the table is disconnected from the object so bouncing between them is nasty.
is there an alternative to chrome canary for linux
chromium is buggy
I still don't really get the data-binding in a "virtual DOM" behind react. That virtual DOM basically is what? A data-storage for node related data, that's it?
@William Chrome Dev for linux
Chromium is buggy? wat?
@littlepootis that is exactly what they say when you download. Latest build no warranty
any free virtual tryout / facial recognition js sdk/library ?
i want something more like virtual sunglass tryout. best and most used one..?
Hey guys! Can anyone tell me how can I use only one onChange handler with ReactJS in component with multiple inputs?
@n4nn31355 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Hisham the one you're writing now
is there a spotify plugin for linux
appears so
@n4nn31355 one way: use the name property on the inputs and then use event.target.name in the onChange handler to know which one changed.
better question anyone running the spotify client
@jAndy virtual dom: You keep your own object graph representing the elements and then juse use that to determine what changed and then write those changes to the real DOM.
Anyone in costume?
ray-ban.com/india/virtual-mirror .. is there anyway to borrow this script?
@Hisham email them and ask
@Luggage how to update your "own object graph" without communicating with the live DOM?
@jAndy any way you want, you define the API for it
minimum requirements:
> Adobe Flash Player
the concept (batching) has been around forever, it's just not always a graph
only video games and web pages rely heavily on the graph nature (octrees and the DOM, respectively)
It's yours, so any way you please. Imagine you have an array of rows. You make html elements from that. Later you get a new array or rows, compare, then your comparison results are "one new row", so you do that to the DOM.
@Zirak when you need your pizza with as little resistance as possible.
if you look at X or the Windows desktop manager, they keep a virtual window and sync it with the real one every so often in exactly the same way
I'm just going through codecadamy's reactjs course. Is there anything fundamentally wrong with it? Anything bad about using JSX?
no way to replace their prods ...
Will situations come up where JSX will not be able to accommodate in the same manner plain reactjs would?
Hello! How come in JS when I extend the String class via String.prototype.*; If I declare this outside of a function, my functions cannot access it? Instead it seems I have to write the String extension within each function. What is the better/efficient way to do this?
@root Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Vap0r No, they "compile" to the same thing and JSX is more readable
@Vap0r JSX is just a nice syntax to describe the object graph Reactjs uses. No is the answer.
@root don't extend string prototypes.
@root don't touch a prototype you don't own.
@ssube I thought develoeprs were free to grab prototypes? :)
@Luggage I never said that.
This is an example of how the star list is rigged against me.
@corvid @Luggage that was my understanding too. As a noob didn't want to assume TOO much
Don't look at my transcript, look at my opponent's, that #nastydeveloper
hehe.. i almost went back to the transcript, but then it clicked.
Well if that's the suggestion, what is the better way to go it then?
It's neat to say someString.myCustomFunction() VS myCustomFunction(someString)
make the util function
@root if you need to, you can inherit from string and do stuff, but that tends to get weird
I hear this util function mentioned briefly, -- suggested reading/link?
especially since 'foo' will never construct your custom string, although custom`foo` might
myCustomFunction(someString) would be the utility function
@ssube what I fail to see is, what is the big "new" magic that react does. I mean, at some point you have to access the live dom and put new elements into it or remove them or whatever.
How can I lunch grunt, if it is installed only locally in the project?
@jAndy React does no magic, that's why it's good. It's just a very good implementation of batching, meant to run against the DOM.
@tereško look in node_modules/grunt/bin
or gunt_cli or whatever
@tereško around 11-1 you can lunch grunt.
@rlemon Ok, I tried doing that but for some reason my code didn't work. What's the markdown to post codeblock here in SO chat?
after that you can snack, or dinner
but yeah what @Luggage said :p
Isn't there something like: npm run grunt?
you can make it

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