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when dealing with node, any answer > 1 year old is probably wrong
always look for newer sources
@ndugger Erections! (source)
@MadaraUchiha Again!? Weren't there elections last yea---oyeah
ndugger for mod
rlemon I appreciate the comment but quick searching has found no answers so that doesn't make me very hopeful
It is consistent and fires twice so I could do a simple workaround
if it is still happening, the chances of it being due to the same underlying problem are high, and existing workarounds will likely still mostly work
@Madara "This here town's the C++ chat room, stranger. We use th' F-Word and the C-Word and ever' other word freely 'round here. Ain't no one come 'round banning no one fer it. You got a problem wi' that, city boy?" (spits on ground) — Pekka 웃 1 min ago
That sounds about right
#KeepChatModeratorless — ndugger 2 mins ago
@MadaraUchiha Yay time for the shady mods to move aside
Its funny I would guess city boys are more free on there language
A few won't be getting reelected heh....
blow job brad for mod
@Jhawins reelected?
Did they change how elections work?
I'll vote to anyone who supports freedom of speech
It's a monarchy now and you elect prime ministers to be your supreme Queen ruler for millennia at a time
@dorukayhan Yes. There are like half a dozen SO moderators who are/were under the age of 18 when elected. — TylerH 1 hour ago
That explains a lot lol
I'm the only person working on a small project that is primarily written in javascript (its a google chrome extension). I am using bitbucket to host my files but I'm new to using GIT. In an ideal world I want to work in an environment where I open my laptop, press a few buttons, and now have a local directory on a my desktop to work with. Whenever I change a file, it is updated in the repository such that when I walk away all is good.
> I'm the only person working on a small project that is primarily written in javascript
@COMisHARD That's not version control
why is that a wat?
That's real-time sync
You worded that terribly
you think a part of it is redundant? which part?
You made it sound like you're the only person ever to work on a javascript project
You want Git to automagically save every change to every file you ever make right lol
no ididnt
you chose to read it that way
You're right, I'm retarded and you're a genius.
You don't want git, you just want Filezilla with the mirror option or something :P
fortunately, unlike computers, humans can use context to understand sentences without full or partial stops (i.e. commas and periods)
@ndugger We agree on that
@COMisHARD Git commits are like an extra "save" step
You do a bunch of changes, then commit them
A bunch more changes, then commit those
okay so just by saying ot use filezilla are you basically saying to host my files on some server and FTP in and out as needed?
When you have a bunch of commits you're satisfied with, you push them to the remote.
@COMisHARD Git is not a file server.
You aren't supposed to serve files from your git repository.
@COMisHARD Idk. But you just want something to sync files, that's not even remotely close to what version control is.
The git repo is there to track changes in your code
i ALSO want to save versions as I save :)
git commit -am 'stuff'
git push origin master
You'll have like... Every keystroke ever
Haha i don't need that your right. so help me think of a better solution
Is going back keystroke by keystroke even doable? No sense in even tracking it.
Well if you want things to just happen... They can't
I mean it is doable in that I can pick some prior time when it worked the way I wanted and "start over" from there
Not while having sensible version control. You will need to commit file changes with useful commit messages
BUT if you just want to do it anyway
That should be pretty easy lol.
I honestly don't know what I want. But I'd love help figuring it out
I want to have minimal interaction with any sort of version control. But I also want to keep my files on some remote server and I want to be able to keep a log of my changes so I can restart at some prior time.
@Jhawins, well, you could just generate the commit messages cc @SterlingArcher
Have a JSON Array and I'm trying to itterate through it using for loop ( someJson.data.length) gives me an error : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'length' in
Any idea why this occours?
@COMisHARD learn the basic 4 git commands you need to do this then.
but opening up a terminal every and running those commands is intrusive
@OverflowStack Have you parsed the JSON into javascript? JSON is just a string.
is there a way to do it within sublime or npp
@COMisHARD build it into your workflow then.
thats what im asking how to do
var jsonData = $.parseJSON(data);
Did you check packagecontrol.io for a git integration
Why in the eff would you use jQuery to parse JSON?
@ndugger very old browsers?
I doubt that's his use case
Eh, dont ask me, i'm coming from c#/C++, new to JS
var data = JSON.parse(json)
If you're new to JS, please don't use jQuery... you're gonna just end up giving us and yourself a headache
My code probably is complete garbage regardless, no idea how it has been working so far.
I'm not so concerned with the quality of your code but rather the quality of the developer that you're going to become
We don't need more bad javascript developers
JQuery is like the #1 solution to everything though
@OverflowStack jQuery is the most highly used, highly abused piece of redundant garbage ever
You don't have to fall into that trap
I'm telling you right now that you really don't need it, nor should you even try to use it before grasping JS fundamentals
@OverflowStack that's true, just don't use any jquery plugin
Eh, I just need something to work with retrieved data from server.
and apply that data to page
use fetch to retrieve the data, then use a view library to apply the data to the page
$.ajax({ url:Url, type: 'get', ...
what I'm using right now.
@OverflowStack that's fine
fetch(url, headers).then(response => response.json()).then(data => ...)
No concept of what is right or wrong, as long as it works, that's already achievement to me
@OverflowStack however, just like you do in C#, you need some kind of architecture to properly organize your JS code
True, but I doubt anyone's starting out with good code writing.
That sounds like an excuse
Never too early to learn how to do it the "right" way
@OverflowStack that doesn't mean you shouldn't try.
or rather, to avoid using jquery
@OverflowStack and you should absolutely use jquery.
Thank you will keep that in mind.
@FlorianMargaine What's wrong with you? You want more spghetti shit and bad developers?
Jquery + knockout.
For the complete solution
@ndugger jquery has nothing to do with spaghetti code
it's a DOM library, end of story
I disagree
Also, it's not a DOM library if it also does AJAX calls
it's a library, not a framework
if your code is bad, it's not jquery's fault
it tries to do too many things, and does them all poorly
Been more of a back end developer so far. Been avoiding client side like plague. JS has never made any sense to me, but I can no longer avoid it.
It's a utility toolset
Aka. A library
Using jQuery without an understanding of JS is a terrible idea. Telling newbies to use jQuery produces confusion and shit code because they have no idea what they're doing
you have control over how you write the code, there's no IoC when you use jquery. It doesn't force you any architecture.
,guys look what I found
Is he kinky?
@ndugger they'd copy paste just as much, but their code would subtly break on various browsers because browsers suck
@SterlingArcher he had to put on this t-shirt! @KendallFrey
isn't that steve?
oh hey, he has eyebrows now
@FlorianMargaine But that learning experience of the vanilla APIs and things breaking is EXTREMELY valuable! For newbies just starting off, if they're learning, it's important that they understand these things
Either way, I recall there was some sort of a notepad/copy paste code sharing website/tool. Still cannot figure out why I cannot iterate through JSON even though I've double checked it to be valid.
@ndugger I don't see why learning that chrome and firefox have subtly different behavior in case x and y is valuable.
@OverflowStack jsfiddle.net
@FlorianMargaine How is it not? Learning things that are relevant to your job is somehow not valuable in your eyes? Remind me to never ask you anything non-lisp related
Were having a nice Italian dinner
@ndugger do you know how assembly is interpreted by your CPU?
same story
How is Assembly relevant to my job? How it compiles to machine code is irrelevant. How browsers run my code is relevant.
that's linguist
just because it's assembly
Assembly and machine code might be relevant to programming as a very whole and general topic, but it's not relevant to my job as a front end developer
Browser support IS, however
jquery is an abstraction over the idiosyncrasies of how browsers work, just like how JS is an abstraction over the assembly it is generated to by v8
because browsers are fucking stupid
but the worst is, they're inconsistently stupid
that's what jquery abstracts over
@SterlingArcher enjoy!
jQuery isn't even useful for modern web dev, and I'm not even saying that you should never use it (even though you never should use it). I'm just saying that for newbies, if they never actually learn javascript, and only jQuery, they write worse code. I've experienced this first hand, I've seen these people and their code. It's not some fairy tale that I thought up
to each his own, I've experienced both, and it wasn't related to jquery, just how the guys were thinking about their code architecture
I'm working with MVC website right now, I think it comes by default with bootstrap
Bootstrap ships with an MVC framework? That doesn't sound right
he said "MVC ships with bootstrap"
MVC is a C# framework
(yes, it's a terrible name)
The way he worded it was different
ASP.NET MVC 5 in visual studio 2015 by default has bootstrap
@eniacAvenger Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
> It comes by default with bootstrap
"it" being "MVC"
means that MVC comes default with bootstrap
which is the opposite
I see
english sucks :)
it can be read both ways
Yes, that we can agree on
If he had a couple commas in there, it would have been right
I interpreted it as "MVC comes with the bootstrap framework embedded in it"
I thought commas were optional in engrish :P
No, commas completely change the meaning of some sentences
just like how, "no commas completely change the meaning of some sentences"
(it's a joke, it's a joke)
in french, commas are much more important than in english, you'll see then much more often
quite often in english you'll ignore them
e.g. here ^, in french the comma after "english" would be required
I would argue that they're just as important in English, but people don't use them, because they're retahdid
In English, you'd have two commas in that sentence
> Quite often, in English, you'll ignore them
So I copy paste my code into jsfiddle. JSON data and for cycle to iterate though it. Works with first attempt. Re-run it on my website, fails. TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined(…)
that's how I've read it in most things I read in english
I'll admit I haven't read Shakespeare though
I always did really well in English, in school. It's a very dynamic language with extremely fluid rules. It's always been easy for me to grasp, but I can totally see how it's difficult, even for native speakers.
I mean, I've most often read without a lot of commas
Isn't that an example of the Oxford comma?
using commas makes much more sense for me
wait that's just for lists
@NathanJones no, the Oxford comma is when you use it before "and"
e.g. I bought an apple, and an orange
it's a weird one, we don't have it in french :)
@FlorianMargaine not quite. it's used in a list of three or more items, just before the last item's 'and'
so it would be "an apple, a banana, and an orange"
the second comma is an oxford comma
the number of items matters?
@FlorianMargaine i believe so en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_comma
@FlorianMargaine and it's optional, except when it would clarify an otherwise ambiguous statement
@NathanJones yes, I already knew that, and I don't use it because it doesn't exist in french :P
not sure why 3 items are required, it's a perfectly valid "Oxford comma" with 2 items imho :/
@KendallFrey @SterlingArcher :`(
@rlemon KendallFrey is afk: for the weekend
LOL poor lemon :( we miss you bb
Who went where?
that was kinda wrong
Probably lol
@SterlingArcher here I am, trying to plan some group shit. You two cut me out like a slice of lemon.
For a real halloween scare, go read the code you wrote five years ago. https://t.co/h0B0Xj6jzx
@FlorianMargaine I'm still maintaining it :(
The horror is real
I didn't even write code 5 years ago
And it was still better than mine
I don't think I did either. I mean, I was writing HTML/CSS, but that doesn't count
I peaked in 2011. Riding that train ever since.
I peaked before I started; now all I want is to retire
I peed an hour ago
> I'm sorry I just had pudding an hour ago
I peed in my pudding
!!giphy cakes and pies
!!giphy guy fieri
aaand out of candy
sorry kiddos
one kid dressed as trump
Start handing out alcohol
was a solid 6/10 on the execution
but he didn't ask if I had the best candy
I was a little disappointed
probably 150 kids.
only downside of living in a new subdivision
LOTS of starter family homes
Holly was handing out candy until I noticed her giving like 2-3 per kid.
had to cut that right out
I'm about to give up, maybe someone can take a look
JSON is being retrieved with AJAX call, I've validated it with about 3 tools, it is correctly formatted.
What is data? You're missing a lot of your code
Also, don't use alert; in fact, forget it even exists, please
before the first line it is ->

success: function (data) {
then I parse JSON,
So this is all inside of your success function?
I'll make an update.
This doesn't seem reproducable in its current state
You really should try ditching jQuery's ajax for the fetch api
cc @Jhawins ^^
dank engine review there
> This has exactly the amount of chill necessary of someone who knows what they're talking about. O, Canada.
(from reddit)
@OverflowStack I think if you set, dataType: 'json' in jQuery, it automatically parses the JSON. Have you looked at your console; do you have any errors?
Do you see something like "VM323:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON"
> in 1.4 JSON will yield a JavaScript object
Did you read the docs?
With or without parsing I still get the same error
Index:191 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined(…)
"Reddit, why are you single?"
"The ven diagram of girls I like and girls that like me looks like Mesut Özil's eyes"
You get no other errors? What browser?
Well shit, just don't use jQuery
I don't want to spend anymore time debugging jquery code

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