Something very strange is happening in my code
I am requiring a module that monkey patches in an extra method to the Array prototype
But that is causing some very strange things to happen
I don't really know how to describe it
The name of the method I added is being returned instead of something else in some seamingly very unrelated code
The function I added to Array is called containsTest
is that maybe already used somehow?
I guess I could try changing the name and see if the name still gets returned in that strange place
Yeah I tried changing the name to yourMom and now that is being returned
so the name of the function is apparently not the significant thing
I changed the implementation of the function to be very simple, it just returns false now. The same thing is happening.
Ok, I'm going to try to describe what is happening.
Maybe that will help me simplify the code into something I could post as a question on SO
So I have this variable called Dir
It is assigned to an arrow function that returns a new object
so conceptually it is a constructor that gives you Dir objects
the object it returns has arrow functions attached to it
so conceptually those are Dir methods
one of these methods is named get_all_dirs()
another one is get_all_dirs_recursive()
those two methods start behaving very strangely when I use them from code that has required the script that adds a function to the Array prototype
In an attempt to narrow down the strange behavior, I changed get_all_dirs() to just return an empty array
It only contains one line: return []
ok, I managed to simplify the code.
and still reproduce the problem
everything I said so far is still true
So I have this script that exercises the code and produces the strange behavior
There is very little code in that script
All it does is require the Dir module
and assigns that Dir function to a const
then I require my Array module
It doesn't matter if the Array module is required before or after the Dir module, I tried it both ways
I'm not assigning anything when requiring the array module, it is just a require call
Then I create a new Dir object
it contains the path to a directory that exists and is empty
so this Dir object that I create, I am naming the variable empty_dir
If I call empty_dir.get_all_dirs_recursive()
, it returns 'your mom'
which is the new name of the method I added to Array