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Something very strange is happening in my code
It is running in node
I am requiring a module that monkey patches in an extra method to the Array prototype
But that is causing some very strange things to happen
I don't really know how to describe it
The name of the method I added is being returned instead of something else in some seamingly very unrelated code
The function I added to Array is called containsTest
is that maybe already used somehow?
I guess I could try changing the name and see if the name still gets returned in that strange place
Yeah I tried changing the name to yourMom and now that is being returned
so the name of the function is apparently not the significant thing
I changed the implementation of the function to be very simple, it just returns false now. The same thing is happening.
Ok, I'm going to try to describe what is happening.
Maybe that will help me simplify the code into something I could post as a question on SO
So I have this variable called Dir
It is assigned to an arrow function that returns a new object
so conceptually it is a constructor that gives you Dir objects
the object it returns has arrow functions attached to it
so conceptually those are Dir methods
one of these methods is named get_all_dirs()
another one is get_all_dirs_recursive()
those two methods start behaving very strangely when I use them from code that has required the script that adds a function to the Array prototype
In an attempt to narrow down the strange behavior, I changed get_all_dirs() to just return an empty array
It only contains one line: return []
oh wait...
ok, I managed to simplify the code.
and still reproduce the problem
everything I said so far is still true
So I have this script that exercises the code and produces the strange behavior
There is very little code in that script
All it does is require the Dir module
and assigns that Dir function to a const
named Dir
then I require my Array module
It doesn't matter if the Array module is required before or after the Dir module, I tried it both ways
I'm not assigning anything when requiring the array module, it is just a require call
Then I create a new Dir object
it contains the path to a directory that exists and is empty
so this Dir object that I create, I am naming the variable empty_dir
If I call empty_dir.get_all_dirs_recursive(), it returns 'your mom'
* 'yourMom'
which is the new name of the method I added to Array
Greeting, I am new to here. Anybody knows What is the median number line of codes in a website?

Is there any references to that?

There is no reference when i tried Yahoo, Bing or Google

@Victor Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Victor Why do you want to know?
@CapricaSix Thanks for you kindness
@still_dreaming_1 Just want to know if i will be good enough to be a competent worker in computer field by ask the above question.
are you wondering how hard it is to make a website?
or do you want to compare how many lines it takes you to other people?
@still_dreaming_1 - especially just the typical website
Making just about anything is very hard for a beginner. But you can use something like square space to make a website without ever writing any code
It is more about your willingness to keep learning and not give up
if you want it to be easy it won't be
but if you have the attitude that you just want to keep learning, you will get better
Unless you can get away with tools like square space where you don't have to write any code
Some people use that to make websites for other people and charge them for it
What about if we focusing on the simple website like the official college website, what is the range on the number lines of codes? @still_dreaming_1
I have no idea
most webistes have lots of code
What about the largest website that you had made? @still_dreaming_1
Well this is not the way things should ever be, it means we did it all wrong
but there a website I work on
where there is a single php file
that contains 9,386 lines of code
try this
go to any random website
right click on the page and select view source
this will let you see the html, css, and javascript code that was sent to your web browser
Is that only a webpage or the whole website for the source you mentioned?
That was just one file, but that is highly unusual
I don't know how many are in the entire website
that file contains the way to export data to all kinds of different billing systems
This webpage is composed of 321 lines of code, at least that is what I see when I say view source
now how much code was needed to produce that, who knows
could be a lot less
hey guys I am back
@still_dreaming_1 Appreciate for your help.
I mean I'm sure the entire code base for this chat is more than that
If you want to understand what you are doing able to deal with any situation learn languages
if you want to make a lot with a small amount of code learn frameworks
but you will probably have to learn both to use a framework
what do you mean?
BTW, is Osen UI open source?
Onsen UI
In terms of design patterns, you have some repeated creational code
how do you know which creational design pattern will best suite to resolve the repeated creational code?
You rewrite it all the ways you can, step back, and evaluate the pros, cons and trade offs of each implementation
@ForeverConfused Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ForeverConfused I actually do not like that process. I've been doing that all the time actually. I choose a creational pattern, then realise abstract factory pattern is better, then realise something else is better. In the end, you waste quite a lot of time because of this.
most oop patterns are a waste of time. write everything as the smallest fundamental function you can and then compose functions together.
but you will end up doing design patterns in JS nowadays because all JS frameworks are trying to be OOP + MVC
on top of design patterns conern, you have new anti patterns issues like callback hells and promise hell
@ForeverConfused heh true.
@ForeverConfused Procedural programming is good. Win32 API and OpenGL are both procedural. But if you compare them to OOP frameworks the later is often more productive. As complexity of a program exponentially increase, those waste of coding time and efficiency will begin to save more debugging and refactoring time. Both has their places, and both suffers from overdesign.
He's not talking about procedural programming in general, but about composing with pure functions, which are far more easy to test and maintain.
1 hour later…
need help making animated ascii message
here is my code
// flicker code
error: VM95:3 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'click' of undefined(…)
now changed .sayit-button to #sayit-button
Asking about JS code that talks to the DOM without including the markup... I'm curious about how you expect anyone to be able to provide anything meaningful in response.
He's probably talking about this chat.
Right.. that wasn't terribly clear
@ivarni yeah, this chat.
edited code:
// flicker code
//error: `VM73:5 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'click' of undefined(…)`; message is hello, not broad although I tried to edit the message right after posting
expected: message is broad after running the 6th line
i won't throw result of the code in this room until the code is completely finished
Well, considering $(".message>.edit") returns an empty array it's not really that surprising
i did it
clearly changed
input.value='clearly changed';
Guys, a bit of a brain fart on my part:
What would be a good way to str.split('') a string, but count HTML entities as a single character?
mySplit('M&M') is expected to return ['M', '&', 'M']
decode first, then revert
@Madara that should hopefully work ^
It doesn't.
this should.
@Loktar ohh man he keep dropping more hits
How does this actual chat detect when it's offline / websocket is disconnected ?
@Luggage : what is it?
how big of a rock have you been living under?
@littlepootis 0cm3
1 hour later…
Anyone here develop in Eclipse Neon?
@DRich Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DRich lol, nope.
@MadaraUchiha wat happened to your gravatar o_0?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Halloween.
@MadaraUchiha unencode them and then count?
Terrifying, isn't it?
Pretty terrifying
@BenjaminGruenbaum What about unicode characters that would get parsed as 2 characters?
(Older browser support is required)
@MadaraUchiha oh right, IE8 :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, that wouldn't be a problem soon :P
And no polyfills...
@MadaraUchiha Yup
I'd unencode them and count surrogate pairs as single characters manually, probably
var regexAstralSymbols = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g;

function countSymbols(string) {
	return string
		// Replace every surrogate pair with a BMP symbol.
		.replace(regexAstralSymbols, '_')
		// …and *then* get the length.
mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-unicode this is the canonical article, usually.
So unencode, run that and walla.
Of course, anything using Symbol.iterator would work, but no Symbol.iterator for you.
@ssube I have a hacky proof of concept of using React's component reconciler instead of my own. It more like ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticHtml() than the full updating lifecycle you need, but I am learning react internals a little: github.com/luggage66/react-xslfo
npm install && gulp build && node dist/test.js
when you go too deep into types
is that typescript 0.o
you didn't...
It is TypeScript, yes.
type inference in this thing has improved a lot. It is actually enjoyable
@AwalGarg OCaml is amazing
@littlepootis oh so you finally caught the train? ^_^
dumb question but if all my scripts execute on the window's load event, do i still need to use jquery doc ready?
ES6 → ES15 (short for ECMAScript 2015), ES7 → ES16, etc. Would that work? If not, why?
@Å imeVidas That will get confusing in 2024
Hey there! Do you need PouchDB-server in order to work with PouchDB in general?
@AwalGarg tbh, once you look beyond the surface level, either I misunderstood everything, or it's horrible
It looks like a lot of intermingled global scope, with weird and alienating syntax, forcing you into literate programming style (which actually isn't always good for modern software) and there's no explanation what makes it "approachable to humans" or whatever they called it
The more complex code examples they gave looks very imperative at times with "function calls" I couldn't necessarily follow (the commits)
@AwalGarg That's modern typescript?
Because I don't see any significant inference in that snippet
@MadaraUchiha If you're interested, there's the Overwatch World Cup right now (cc @Loktar)
@Zirak Link?
(and @copy apparently!, don't see a lot of dva mains)
check out this cool project I just finished. Read the desc for controls.

@Zirak Yeah, wanna play?
@copy In general yes, right now I'm watching the games
should I explain the thing I made before giving the link...?
spooky meme thomas avatar dank engine
@Zirak I have similarly mixed feelings about it. I don't think anyone can do serious development for real life projects with this. It is cool for what it is, though.
@AwalGarg Is it, though? It's different, but is it cool?
@MadaraUchiha It is obviously not as good as a good type system in actual programming languages. A bolted type system is a bolted type system. But what is not visible here is that with the type constraint on the generic function call, type parameters P and Q are actually reflected in parameters data and contract in each of the callbacks, thus the editor can provide statement completion for properties of the objects and such.
@Zirak The IDE looks pretty - that counts as cool IMO
@AwalGarg What was the IDE? Lighttable, or was it what they announced in the beginning, a flow-chart editor? Or is it what they showed now, the "regular" text editor?
@Zirak It is a regular rich text editor (something derived from medium's editor, if internet comments are to be believed) coupled with a webview wrapped in electron or something and a custom element inspector
@AwalGarg eh
When they first announced eve (about a year ago I believe?) they showed an interesting flow-chart editor
Ugh, flagged a meta comment 2 days ago, now it got declined.
@Zirak Ahh, the current scene looks different
@MadaraUchiha, could you have a look at the comments in this question? guest271314 is just throwing a load of links at me there... They're unconstructive "SO is out to make money from us" conspiracy crap...
Hey guys, I got a "no" to this question before, but I'm hoping maybe some new folks are here now who might be able to help: Can anyone help me get the content assist feature in Eclipse working?
@Cerbrus did you delete all your comments?
I did not
I only ever had 2 comments on there.
so he is replying all of that to one comment?!
or 2 rather, lol wow
Over the course of an goddamn hour.
So, I flagged those, with a request to remove'm. Which gets declined with no explanation whatsoever.
did Resig join the W3C committee or something? Why do they implement the whole jQuery syntax into the DOM API...
began with .remove, .closest, etc. now we have .after, .before and .replaceWith
on HTMLElement.prototype
Yea, why would they implement native support for convenient methods like that?
oh don't misunderstand, I like it a lot, but literally copying the whole lib seems kind of strange O_o
Would you rather have .delete, .nearest, etc?
(I don't really see the problem)
there is none, it's more like an accolade to J. Resig respectively jQuery now
Who got jQuery in my soup?
can you please run my test case here and check if I created "valid" comparisons. I think it's pretty interesting to know.
what sucks is Resig gets all the credit
but there were other authors on sizzle
any londoners here?
only memers here
poor baby, what happened to you?
I'm so sorry D:
who did 3 to you?
they won't do 3 to you again, I promise
I think you're exaggerating now
7 is the most random number.
if what you say is true, someone is in trouble
anyone, does anyone remember if there are londoners here?
remember, remember, the dank of november

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