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@AwalGarg it's a proxy, with a different case for windows and posix
I learned my lesson there. I need to interview any future employer before i take a job.
'path': '/drive/v2/files', how can i change this to be the current folders
if i go back to full time
@AwalGarg uses getenv in posix and GetEnvironmentVariableW in windows.
@FlorianMargaine An English cat and a French cat decide to have a race to see who can swim across the river faster. The English cat's name is "One Two Three" and the French cat's name is "Un Deux Trois". Which cat wins and why?
The English cat wins because Un Deux Trois cat sank.
@Luggage are you freelancing?
@rlemon doood, that's almost a dad joke
be careful :3
@bitten What do you get when you cross the Atlantic with the Titanic?
About half way...
I am, but I've had a stable long term client.
@rlemon daaang
time flies like an arrow
fruit flies like a banana
@bitten what's the difference between a piano, a tuna, and some glue
@rlemon you can tuna piano
you can tuna some tuna
but you can't.. tuna glue?
you can tuna piano but you can't piano a tuna
@Luggage ah nice. me too
@rlemon ..and what about the glue?
everyone gets stuck there
You fell right into the trap.
@bitten what did the sea say to the seashore?
i wanted to prefix it like "okay i have to ask"
@rlemon nothing, it just waved
throttle makes my wave animation lame
@bitten why can't you hear a pterodactyl in the bathroom?
because the P is silent
Hi guys, sorry to bother you, but I have a problem with DataTables, its possible to help me? :)
@AlainProfessional Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@bitten How Long is a Chinese name.
ahahah @BenjaminGruenbaum how does @Zirak make coffee?
Hebrews it.
its possible to help me here please :) stackoverflow.com/questions/40109016/…
@rlemon kek
@AlainProfessional Hmm.. nothing looks too wrong..
I'm getting better about putting code into functions, making my life a lot easier.
Have you tried to duplicate the problem in jsfiddle? You might discover the problem if you try
and if you don't, you are more likely to get help if other people have a convenient fiddle so it's easy to help.
that's weird , because for example I have this value 123456789
when I put 12, its work , but if I put 123, nothing will display ..
I love data tables, but their documentation sucks imo.
Jesus christ I have never experienced a more painful food poisoning in my entire life than I did last night/this morning.
@Waxi next you'll go through a period where you go crazy overthinking organization nd have too many functions, then settle onto a happy median.
@Waxi do you know where i can find a better documentations about dataTables?
@rlemon @Zirak likely doesn't drink coffee, he also doesn't really drink beer :/
@SterlingArcher what was it?
all he's addicted to are dank memes
@BenjaminGruenbaum you must be fun at parties.
The DataTables documentation page seems just fine. It looks complete.
@rlemon I drink :P
@Luggage chinese food. Threw up for hours, full body sweat (dripping sweat, worse than 2 hours at the gym) from the sharp pains, and passed out in the bathroom
@SterlingArcher oo, ouch
I woke up an hour ago on the floor just freaking drenched in sweat
did steph watch you be sick from both ends?
It is complete, just hard to read for some reason. For me, a lot of answers came from their forums because the docs didn't cover it. It's surprising how often the owner answers questions on there.
lol no, my phone was in my room and I couldn't get to it.. she was very worried
hey ppl
can some1 help me with this
passed out? that's not good. Were you also drinking, at least?
Q: Add folder to current path (google drive api)(javascript)

selim orucI have an html link in my google drive api like <li><a href="people 120">people 120</a></li> <li><a href="people 150">people 150</a></li> If i click on people 120 it will go to folder people subfolder 120 what i want to is , if the user doesnt exist he creates a folder in that root. Fo...

@Luggage nah man, not a single beer..
That's rough. I can't say I've ever experienced food poisoning that severe
I've only experienced a pain blackout once in my life before last night, and that was from a destroyed knee
Now i implemented this pen and it works
The problem is it does not work on my machine
33 mins ago, by S.Oruc
Guys can some1 help me with this problem

	 function createNewFolder() {
		var name = 'ThisIsATest';

    gapi.client.load('drive', 'v2', function() {

       var request = gapi.client.request({
        'path': '/drive/v2/files',
        'method': 'POST',
            "title" : name,
            "mimeType" : "application/vnd.google-apps.folder",


      request.execute(function(resp) { console.log(resp); });
2 mins ago, by selim oruc
Q: Add folder to current path (google drive api)(javascript)

selim orucI have an html link in my google drive api like <li><a href="people 120">people 120</a></li> <li><a href="people 150">people 150</a></li> If i click on people 120 it will go to folder people subfolder 120 what i want to is , if the user doesnt exist he creates a folder in that root. Fo...

@MadaraUchiha ^
@SterlingArcher holy shit
index state shows blank view
I had some very bad food poisoning but nothing close.
I had the flu for the first time in 10+ years and it got really bad. Kinda like that, but no passing out.
Right? The worst food poisoning I had before this was some stomach cramps and a quick throw up
@Luggage ugh, I've been fighting what feels like the flu for a few days
@BenjaminGruenbaum I see. I'll read the other article soon (tomorrow, hopefully after my exams end, not before :P)
yea thats my cousin
didn't know he posted here
to help me
@SomeGuy good luck.
your cousin, with the same name
@rlemon ?
@MadaraUchiha 99% same user
You and your 'cousin' like to use the same annoying "some1" :)
i have in my family 4 ppl with same name and same lastname
with fam i mean fam tree
@SterlingArcher I had two days of very painful stomach aches, vertigo and headaches in Nepal once. I ordered a pizza after I got to a big city, ate weird things during the track and was all OK but the city broke me.
An upscale place too.
the all got the same name as lastname
@selimoruc I bet the people have the same lastname.
my cousin :,)
Nice fam tree there aye
yea but same lastname and same firstname
my family tree produces fruit
surely all 4 of you can come together to work it out? :p
:33555547 not unlikely
Lol, just deleted his account
I thought it's a cirlce :P
My father and his brother have the same first and last names.
That was fast
@BenFortune dupe accounts are fine, but not if they vote for eachother. also I think mods reserve the rights to merge them?
The thing was.. my father's real name has 6 words, so he had to write his brother's name on official docs.
so likely there was some funky voting going on if one got axed
@rlemon Cheers
@MadaraUchiha o/
@BenFortune Aye, we have no problems with people with multiple accounts
But opening accounts to vote for yourself is both lame and unfair.
i.ytimg.com/vi/qolk_rDA9xU/maxresdefault.jpg Judged and executed in less than 30 seconds or it's free.
@rlemon Never said they weren't :P Just pointing out the fact he deleted it, which makes him look suspicious
@BenFortune did he? or was it.
@BenFortune He didn't delete it.
You merged?
I removed the sockpuppet.
Fair enough. What happens to that question now?
Mods don't have merging powers anymore because merging is a destructive operation that caused problems.
@BenFortune IIRC, it remains, just gets anonymized.
Ooo til
What problems did merging cause?
@rlemon Mostly, it was impossible, even for devs, to revert
I see. Yea that could be problematic
Unlike many actions we can perform and reverse, or perform and have the devs reverse, merging accounts (and posts too, by the way) can only be undone by hand
It's not a problem with a post, you just move a couple answers around and you're done
It's a problem with a complete account with rep history and posts and comments
Is JS eval() function the same as doing jQuery: $(element).html(htmlstring);? Does the JQuery version come with all the same dangers as eval does?
@Henders Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Henders not at all the same
@Henders unrelated, unless you have a <script> tag in that html
.html passes the string to .innerHTML
@Luggage it does that?
I think any time you add a script tag to the dom it executes it, no?
@Luggage that's my experience, yes. Which led me to believe it must be eval related in order that it executes the <script></script> before it gives it to innerHTML
Gave this payroll thingy to HR to be tested, hopefully it all checks out and I can get on with my life. Thanks again for all the help yall provided.
not when you pump it into innerHTML
ohh, ok.
@rlemon woooo that was nice
I didn't expect that one
@rlemon But specifically if you are using $(element).html(htmlstring) it does: jsfiddle.net/9ybUJ/2
@Zirak lol what is this?
-- Blank for advertising --
@KendallFrey boring name = easier to stay anonymous :P
crap didn't link context.
@Henders in that case, eval and putting in script tags has the same risk, if the code isn't under your control
Netflix had a nice jump in stock price. I knew I should have bought some.
@Luggage as I feared. Thanks guys! :)
but eval is almost always bad.
Yep, just thought i'd found a wizard solution... Back to the drawing board!
isn't it eval === evil or something?
delete window.eval;
(I don't expect that to work, btw)
i.sstatic.net/4tVYA.png argh someone beat me to it
I ran into a sass problem which bothers me quite a lot.
I really can't figure out why it complains 9.6rem / 1.5rem is not a number.
@ivarni golfed version: eval=null
@Luggage In Chrome 53 and later, it will work..
it isn't running eval, it breaks the nodes apart and appends them each
cc @Luggage
			if ( elem ) {
				this.empty().append( value );
toss a breakpoint in there and you see this is what is being run, not the innerHTML calls.
yea, I didn't mean it was using eval, specifically, just that it had the same risk, assuming the code is untrusted.
	globalEval: function( data ) {
		if ( data && core_rnotwhite.test( data ) ) {
			// We use execScript on Internet Explorer
			// We use an anonymous function so that context is window
			// rather than jQuery in Firefox
			( window.execScript || function( data ) {
				window[ "eval" ].call( window, data );
			} )( data );
shit, nvm. this is also called
Anyone familiar with sass?
That was what I was asking, really. Maybe I phrased it poorly.. :P
god damn jQuery and their 9 levels of misdirection

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